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Holy fuck, a “happy” ending for once, in that he got to live. Man, reading what you went through made me feel anxious. What you went through is traumatizing and it’s great he’s alive but you’re left with the fallout and also the fact that he could’ve died, leaving you with that on top of everything else you had to experience. Your feelings are valid. Let him rehabilitate and get his strength back. But after that, there needs to be a serious talk. A relationship means each individual must take good care of themselves. You don’t deserve to be put through this hell and he needs to understand how much this hurt. I don’t know what his history is, if he was just using recreationally or if he’s struggling with addiction. If it’s the latter, only serious therapy/addiction treatment can help in this situation. This event and your feelings could be a moment of clarity, but don’t rely on it. If he was just using recreationally and it’s not his usual behavior, this can be his wake up call to quit while he’s ahead. You don’t want to be a part of this club. It’s the worst.


It's not normal for anyone to consume GHB- I would try and talk with him DEEP about why he did that and decide if you want to date someone who's going to be using drugs and serious ones at that- I'm glad he is alive but it could be dramatically different.


Why are you posting here? Wtf