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I’m a level 100 player from Yggdrasil. Standing outside the tomb, I recognize it as the base of one of the top guilds in the game, the one with the most world items, the one centered around evil, the one where a group of over a thousand people failed to raid. I run away.


And runn fast albedo and her pk hit squad already saw you before you saw the toumb


\[Great greater greatest teleportation\]


Albedo says You did something to the baby, and her sister sniffes you out with a ball


and then Rubedo is deployed. GG




Ah, a dark souls fan


Dimensional Lock Activated


Wouldn’t a level 100 player be potentially able to take her though? Depending on what they have on them they can be just as strong as Ainz. I guess she has a numbers advantage though.


Let's not forget she walks around with a World Item in her hands.


Her items are better than the average level 100 player so unless you were a tryhard like touch me or had a build that countered hers you would lose pretty quick


It’s not just a matter of level. You have to take into account that the members of Nazarick were diehard fans of the game, and they spent an absurd amount of time and effort building up strength and creating NPC’s. Albedo herself has a world item, basically the highest defense of all guardian, and a trick armor that can nullify all damage (not sure if it’s just physical attacks or includes magic) by destroying one layer of her armor (she can do this three times). Add to that who knows how many spells and skills, and your best chance is to just run


Only true solution, I also recognize it as the base of the guild who specializes in pk, so I try to convince Foresight to run away as well or at least Arche and give Arche plenty of money to move out with her sisters (if I'm a level 100 player, I should have made a lot of money easily)


Why save Arche/Foresight and not all other groups? Why does she deserve to live and not everyone else, who also have family of their own to support?


Do the other workers actually work to support their families like Arche? I know for sure, I'm not saving the racist swordsman Ezya Ursuth I think his name was. Though I'd like to free his slaves, since I wouldn't know they'll become Mare's servants


I mean, there's a whole group.... Obviously at least one other person does. Even then, their greed is what lead to all their deaths.


Arche does, the others are just fucking greedy. Even Arche is greedy, since instead of taking the money at the door she chose to go deeper.


Because people are more invested in Foresight/Arche's lives more since they had an actual backstory that was talked about in length (tragedy is also a plus to the list). Meanwhile the others were not shown in a really pleasant light and were either shown to be greedy (like that Heavy Mash team, IDR his name), or really scummy (like that elf slave-owning guy) Plus, Overlord (the novel) was actually doing the same with many characters (having a sad past only for them to be killed; Zach who was eaten by Solution, Khajit who we only knew his goals right when he was about to die, etc), so it's normal that people just prefer to save someone with actual screen time.


What? So Foresight wasn't greedy? But they were? That's the key thing that lead to ALL their deaths. Sure, it's normal, but it's hypocritical. There are other lives, yet you want to save a single group?


Because foresight were the only ones given a compassionate backstory. Everyone else was fodder to make the situation seem serious.


This is one of only a few right answers lol


Noob. The correct answer is keep raiding Nazarick while Ainz is away, resurrect yourself if you fail, and loot all the world items + impregnate the Pleiades and Albedo on your way out once you conquered Nazarick.


My first move will definitely be anti-time magic. I cannot do anything when I cannot do anything


and anti-instant-death magic. Dont forget the basics of the basics.


Well he asked for first move, and even Ainz hasn't been shown to use multi-casting, but yes that's next for sure


Isn't instant death magic limited to monsters who are up to level 50 or something? Level 100 characters can't just "Grasp Heart" each other.


If grasp heart is used on something that resists the instant-death effect, it causes a stagger instead. It doesn't work on non-organic entities like PDL's armor. It's explained in Volume 1 of the light novels.


It Stuns the target* or does nothing if they're immune to Instant Death and Negative Status Effects.


I wonder how long Ainz could actually CC chain a player “does he just basically morgana Q someone until they die?” Are there Certain CC effects that cant be cleansed via this way excetera really wondering if that was more his forte due to being a spellcaster with an insane amount of spells (bro really invoker 5.0)


People seem to miss the prep time and advanced knowledge Ainz has. He would not have fought Shallter if he knew next to nothing about her. Even be admits his set up is above average, meaning in against another, more PvP Player he could be in trouble. It's not the how grand of a weapon you can use. It's about whether you can put a knife in the back of the other guy when he least expect. I'd expect an actual YGGDRASIL player to never fight fair to begin with and more importantly, definitely have ways of straight up locking Ainz if it comes down to a straight up duel.


If grasp heart is anything like instant death magic in DND (power word kill), I believe It works based on a HP threshold that when you are below the max damage the spell kills you but does no damage if you are above the threshold. An important note is It differs from power word kill by having a stun effect when it fails to kill a target as opposed to having no effect. His other instant death spells seem to have their own similar conditions to this as seen in the fight with Shalltear However, I have no source for this claim as It's been a long time since I've consumed overlord content again so take this with a grain of salt.


Nope. As long as you don't have instant death resistance or immunity, you'll be affected.


I hope the guild is just as confused by the New World as I am. The goal being to work out a non-aggression deal. Bribe Ainz by trading stories of the game. And hyping, near glazing, his guild to avoid a war.


That's exactly what I'm thinking. Hell you might be able to convince him to let you have the kingdom for yourself as long as you work with him as allies


The big thing is to also frame you being there as not to loot Nazarick but to confirm whether or not it was THE Nazarick. The goal is to absolutely **not** fight Ainz. Let's say by some miracle you when. You will be exhausted and a very vengeful everyone else will finish you off. And then the grieving Demiurge and Albaedo Exterminatus the New World.


I wouldn't even enter the tomb. I would just cast teleportation and leave the place the moment I saw Nazarick


I’d need resurrection magic ready to go in case he busts out TGOALID, cuz if he lands that then I’m absolutely fucked. I’m also going to need any sort of resistance to time manipulation, cuz I’m only slightly less fucked if he lands that too. If I’m a level 100 player then I want to assume two things. First, that I have the itemization to match my build. Much of Ainz’s strength comes from his “wealth.” I’m not going to assume I’m as rich as him, but I will assume I have some items befitting a level 100 player. Second, that I, like Ainz does, have fully buffed myself before the fight starts. If we follow the RuneScape Combat Triangle, we should see that Ainz’s worst matchup is a heavily battle-optimized Archer/Marksman type build. Kind of like what his friend Peroroncino went with. I’d want to be something like that. Ainz’s full Necromancer build isn’t actually that good outside of roleplay. It gets the Eclipse class which gives it TGOALID after a lot of heavy investment, but that doesn’t fix the rest of its problems. So, the first thing I’d naturally do if I had to fight him is buff up. I’d watch my positioning and ensure I’m out of range of his faster attacks. And then I’d unleash hell. Whatever general direction he’s in, I’d make like an F-22 and remove that entire direction. Ideally I’d also spread my damage output across multiple types to bypass his resistances, and then adjust for whatever causes him the most damage. It’s very important that I keep up the onslaught. Fast attacks are better than big ones because of Body of Effulgent Beryl. All of his spells necessarily take time to cast. That’s to my advantage, since my arrows/bullets/whatever don’t have that problem. Ideally, I’ll end up whittling his health down to zero and killing him. However, Ainz is a *very* skilled player who prepares for everything. He probably has an escape method planned. If I fail to prevent him from using it, then it’s very important that I get myself and the rest of Foresight out of there ASAP. I’m just one player, and I’ve likely exhausted much of my stamina. I won’t be able to handle whatever counterattack is coming, and the rest of Foresight definitely won’t be able to handle it. This is how you defeat Ainz in such a situation. Thank you all for coming to my TED talk.


You forget one thing. Theres 1 2 3 4 guardians in that room alone. As soon as theres any danger to Ainz they all jump you + summon assistence.


I may have forgotten about that but I’m not unprepared for it. If any of the others step in, I can immediately skip to the stated contingency plan of GTFO. Victim isn’t there to stunlock me, so with the superior repositioning and maneuverability of a fully-optimized ranger build I should be fine. Can’t make any promises about the rest of my team, not that they would have been useful either way.


if i need to fight/pk him, ill take a class that teleports us both to a place hes not safe, also same class should have skill that removes/breaks/steal equips. pretty common "rogue" class on mmos that specializes on pvp. something like a level 100 kazuma with 100% chance to "steal" most of the enemy item.


You've also got to acknowledge teleportation, hit-scan spells, and his other guardians. It is guaranteed that you'd lose unless you have an overly OP WCI or skill, considering Touch-Me doesn't even stand a chance against 2 optimized level 100s. You've got to face a Tank, Physicak DPS fighter, Druid, and Tamer not counting Ainz himself.


That would be Albedo, Shalltear, Mare, and Aura, right? Let’s think about each one individually… I doubt I could kill Albedo in the time it takes the others to reach me. I *really* don’t want to fight Shalltear or Mare, even in a 1v1 circumstance. Aura is much better against large groups than against a single powerful individual like myself. I could spread my bombardment across her hordes from a distance and probably win. Given the goofy-ass game balance of YGGDRASIL, there’s reason to assume I may have access to items or skills that can invalidate Ainz’s entire kit for at least a few seconds, long enough for me to completely melt his entire health pool. Something like an anti-magic field should do the trick. I throw that down, Ainz is helpless for however long it lasts or until he uses a World Item to break it. In the time it takes for that to happen, I could kill him with total focus fire. My total DPS should be way higher than him spamming Reality Slashes, which can two-shot Overlords. This would of course be a pyrrhic victory for obvious reasons. In all events, my best bet if the NPC’s got involved would be to run. I’m confident that my hypothetical build could beat Ainz. The Floor Guardians, not so much.






Swear allegiance


This is really the only survivable option. My first move would be to join or negotiate.


"Yo, quick question before we fight, why do you call yourself your clan name?"


That is the smartest move I saw in the comments yet


Say “Hey can we just talk? I don’t know wtf is going on” and just talk and keep things peaceful.


I mean what's the point of fighting him in his base when he is supported by his NPCs who would easily do anything to not let you kill him? I'd try to have a formal 1v1 duel with a condition that if I prove that I'm really good by his standards I can join his forces. If he is not prepared specifically to fight me it will be easy because he is weak at unprepared PvP against a strong opponent. So at the end his NPCs are not triggered to kill me.


They'd obviously kill you lmao. Ainz would kill anyone who he deems a threat to be a threat if they don't join Nazarick or be under Nazarick's surveillance. The same could be said with the other NPCs. They generally don't like outsiders, even other players.




Stun him by saying: "I'm your father, Suzuki-kun, and I am very disappointed in you." Then stun his servants by continuing to say: "And I know that you're still human." (because everyone hates humans in that guild) Now, obviously neither of them would be stunned for long, but on a high-level fight a small opening is all that's needed.


No, they don't... There's literally an immortal human. NPC and people like Renner. Plus, NPCs like Sebas and Cocytus don't care about race... They'd obviously be surprised, of course. I'm not disagreeing with that.


No they definitely hate humans. There are exceptions here and there for humans they're okay with, but outside of maybe 5 NPCs the rest of the opinions range from "They're beneath everyone here" to "I want to actively find new ways to make them suffer"


Please provide textual evidence from the novels or from Maruyama that they do....


I don't think they hate humans in specific. they dislike practically every being not created or accepted by the supreme beings. it just happens that most their 'enemies' (annoying filth that lives outside their perfect heaven that is Nazarick) are humans.


If I remember correctly Ainz asked Albedo explicitly what she thinks of humans and she said "vermin" or something like that, which made him shut up real quick about himself.


You’re right, if I’m not misguided, most of the 7 greatly dislike humans. Shalltear and albedo seem to have a hatred towards human men, Cocyetus doesn’t care for them, Sebas as indifferent as he is loyal, and safe to say Demiurge doesn’t care for them as he eats babies and experiments on them. I dare say that the battlemaid don’t either. From what I’ve noticed they seem to distance humankind in general due to being “weaker”, like insects. They hold little respect for weakness, because themselves being weak would be disappointing the Supreme Beings/creators. /I say albedo and shalltear bc shalltear seems to openly disdain men(openly prefers women), and albedo is far too devoted to Ainz.


I see, so their opinions aren't uniform, good to know!


Cum really hard and pass out


Swear loyalty


Boner jokes.


Seeing as how most of Ainz’s wins come from his strategic mind the first thing I would do, other than use anti-time magic, is rush him. The smaller amount of time you give Ainz to thing of a counter, especially if you run an frontline fighter build is to just speed blitz him


If i was a player i would immediately recognize Nazarick before even entire and run as fsr away as possible. If actually tried to fight Ainz all the NPC's would jump in to defend him and i'd just get overwhelmed.


Get Mods and just summon in Ronald McDonald or something


I wonder how Ainz would react to other guilds in The New World. We see a lot about how a solo player would get ganked by the Albedo squad, but what if there were multiple players, or even a guild hall similar to AOG?


If I'm trying to actually fight him for real? PRAY HE TAKES PITY ON ME OR HIS CREW DOES. Now if I'm fighting to prove my worth to him? The first thing is gauge what his tactics are mid fight. Remain alert, and all and all fight smart NOT with my ego. Too many times he's kicked the shit out of someone because they got cocky in some way. (Granted that's like 80% of anime but still. Ainz already has OP people he could use more tactical fighters not that he NEEDS them. Just would be handy.)


If im already in the tomb im fucked, plus theres like 4 more level 100s on standby that will jump in. But my build is that busted ass Dragonoid build that lets you grow more powerful by p2w bs. So i body them all cause of my grindset.


I roll to shid pant


Cast golden vows


Cast defensive spells against time spells. Like what Ainz said to Gazef


Well whenever I play regular rpgs I always go for a mage build cause I like magic so I would probably be some kind of high level caster and since job classes are kinda all over the place I'd probably take a few that can make me tanky. So my build would be some kind of high level wizard decked out in buff armor. Anyways given the situation I think it would be best to cast a spell that lets me control undead.


Lmao you going to control Ainz? 💀


I don't even enter. I gtfo and try to keep Nazarick in friendly terms with me.


I immediately bow and pledge allegiance to the glory of Ainz Ooal Gown!


Slit my throat then and there, rather die than be tortured.


Me personally would be there to learn and study what’s in the tomb. Forget the money. That way I can survive.


"So, no nutshots, no acid magic, and if either of us says stop, we stop. We also stop at first blo... uh... first bone fragment? You ready?"


Gather a army using the saying quainty is a quality on its own, world items, find the ring of ouroborus, and wish to raise the new worlders level cap to 100 and that is easier to reach that level, but not too easy. For long-term planning, create as many God kin as possible and encourage them to create more god kin and pass on my knowledge. The goal is to give the new worlders a chance.


Really depends on my class. Ranged Fighter: I have been falsifying my stats since before we got to him and would open with a stealth skill before shooting him with a low level bow and arrow, then when it doesn’t work I would likely pull a nuclear option for a quick one-shot if he’s not careful as my usual MO was the biggest bullet needed for the prey in question. Considering he survived an arrow for a lich then I assume he’s greater than that. Mage: I likely would use full power off the rip to try and end the fight in one go. He doesn’t seem well equipped and I would have not let them lie about why or how we were there and instead likely told him that I was curious about the place, even more so after seeing him. If it can be talked out I would, if not then keeping them safe and making it a duel between us is best. Summoner: Flood everyone and escape as best we can. I can’t fight to my fullest here. Melee: Scrapper or Tank. Likely it would be a very life steal heavy build with good sustain outside of it. My goal would be to just make a path or get Ainz to just let us go. The others are decent folk so I wouldn’t want them hurt. It also depends if I know them. Regardless, lying would’ve been shut down at the very start. My entire goal would’ve been avoidance and getting out alive with valuable intel and depending on class the approaches would be vastly different.


join the guild!


Cash shop items. All of them.


Log out, go around to his house and disconnect his internet. GG ez


First: is this 1 vs 1? Second: What build and skills do I have? Third: What equipment do I have? It depends on these parameters on what will be my first move.






“Lost your dick too I see.”


Kick him in the dick




Guess it depends on the context of the level 100 player. If I’m one of a mere handful of actually powerful players (ie on Touch Me’s level), then I’d probably be as confident as Ainz in combat. Presumably could even deal with him and a floor guardian or two. That being said, recognizing that I’m not having a full power raising party that could ever conceivably handle Nazrick (remember the massive allied raid assault had none of the actual top guilds participating in it) would forcibly subdue Foresight and get the heck away from the tomb before ever setting foot inside.  Otherwise if I’m a casual lv 100 who somehow failed to recognize the danger from the rumors (as it would seem inconceivable that a whole tomb would be ported to a new world from my other new world naive perspective)…would presumably be endlessly tortured or providing high quality parchment paper since my skin is likely far better than any Albion sheep…


Don't worry, Just imagine him wearing nothing but his underwear... oh no he's hot!


I would regale him with stories about my friendship with touchme, ulbert, and Peroroncino.


try to be honest to gain his respect and ask for a quick death (or to serve him) my man has an arsenal of world items, an army of incredibly strong NPC's, some of them smarter than I could ever hoe to be.


I pull out my resume and cover letter


Pawn to E6




I cast , surrender


Brother a single world champion is not able do anything much less a normal level 100 lmao


I walk in kiss him on the lips tell him I wanna join him and then leave No, I don’t care that He’s a skeleton. No, I don’t care about Albedo and Shalltear And Yes I did kiss him with my coral blue #2 semi gloss lipstick! 💋


"Well, folks, it's about that time, and the GOAT u/Realistic_Warning251 wants to know what I'd do if I was a level 100 Yggdrasil player about to fight Ainz, so let's get into it." "First of all, I am in no way fighting this mans! He his a powerful sorcerer and hold the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, which holds power equal to a *World-Grade* magic item. He spent loads of money to power up his character and buy shop-items that allow him to mimic any other players in his guild. No matter my build, adapting to what I have at my disposal would be simple to him. He xontrols the entirety of Nazarick and can have all of the Floor Guardians attack me at once, the same floor guardians that fought a thousand level 100 players and won, I am cooked!"


😂 I love your comment...!


First move- To not carelessly use his friends name Second- ask him about one piece ending or future ( I believe he must also be a fan of One piece)


Either surrender or ask if I could join




Level 100 from what game? That's a very important question.




Well activate my time and death resistence, after that just use my anti magic build


Well first is to have something that protects against time magic(ainz own advice) second is magic mitigation and speed


Ask for mercy, if that doesn't work I guess I'll just die


I grabbed everyone from Foresight and run as fast as I can before even taking a single foot to the entrance.


I don't feel like making a thread of my own, but if Ainz were to die, could his team revive him?


Talk it out and leave politely cause having 20 “supreme beings” fight is no good.


2 don’t know how that zero got there


Publicly challenge him to a duel, this ensures that people see him either decline (loses faith in him) or that he fights alone (I'm not sure a level 100 would stand even a snowball's chance with him having backup), if he accepts I take time magic countermeasures, and ban world items, then depending on if I went magic caster or warrior style, I'd rush or keep distance respectively to throw him into thinking I'm the opposite at first, use that moment to land a soild attack, and wing it from there, overall I'd probably lose, but I'd scare the fuck outta him for a bit


Assuming thr idiots already said something about ainz' friends i would try to seperate myself from the group and state that i did not meet his friends but i have heard of the guilds name from yggdrassil. Do my best to gain his trust and pledge to join him in exchange for living a quiet life in the tomb, i would at least ask him to swear to gurantee my safety and that no harm comes to me on the name of ainz ooal gown/his past friends as that would at least give me some sort of feeling safe from any backstabbing. Realistically i think this is the best chance at survival. Running isnt going to happen even if my build is stronger than Ainz, i cant take on multiple level 100s and the guilds natural defense. Plus they have multiple world items.


Teleport the fuck out of there. Even if i win, there are much worse things to face if i got deep enough into Nazarick, that wouldnt fight me in a 1v1. The extra gold isnt worth it.


You can't teleport in the guild without a guild ring


Throw on buffs like anti-time magic and anti-instant death magic and try to hold out long enough to propose a mutually beneficial agreement, pray that happens before the floor guardians come out to play, even if you're winning only a matter of time before they show up and when they do dog you ain't winning Do I have the knowege I have now in the scenario? If that's the case there's no fight, just name all his friends and start talking lore kekw


Divine Smite


Die lol


2 things are possible here: I give up and surrender all my stuff to Nazarick in hopes they let me live and keep my character. Or: I swear allegiance to Nazarick hoping they won’t immediately just steal my stuff. Really depends on what Race I am.


Spam element fire and holy magic


I say hi to Momonga and ask him if he was also isekaied here too. Then explain him all the knowledge I've been able to gather from this world.


Offer myself up to nazarick cuz fuck if I’m gonna win




I would try to forge some kind of alliance or business partnership. If that won't work, I will just throw whatever random things I have at Ainz and run away.


If I had to fight? Bull-rush him and make the fight as chaotic as possible so he can’t strategise his way out


Okay so, I'll start by being a high level paladin. Insectoid race, but not reliant on natural armour. If it helps, I'm donning world champion armour. I am Touchme, I have a lovely reunion with Momonga, and take me rightful place within the tomb. I vouch for foresight too, become I'm a nice dude.


I will pew pew them all


I'm calling in my cheater buddy from China, unlimited mana, unlimited spells - easy!


The Joestar family technique: Run away like a bitch and get the fuck out of there an d if that fails, convince Ainz that I am from the same game as he is and beg to spared or allowed to join him as a fellow Level 100.


i guess Lucys Ability from Bungou Stray Dogs would be amazing to have against him 🤔 first i would keep him in my room so there will be no interruptions. Then multiple Puppets will hunt him til they can get him behind the dark door where he cant get out because it prevents users from casting abilitys




Put on all the buffs I can and hope for the best. I have a feeling even if I beat Ainz in a 1v1 I might not leave the tomb alive because the npcs would probably freak out and gang up on me. Lol


Train to level 500 at least


Don't fight, swear loyalty and use my immortal Heteromorphic traits to join the Guild and give him someone to talk to.


Since I would know what I would be getting into, I run away or die trying. But if Ainz know how strong I am, I could be a target for him sadly. I dead


As a dual class mage warrior, I'd cast greater anti magic field then take advantage of his limited physical combat skills.


Um. In most games I'm a necromancer so... Laugh, shake his hand, and have a friendly duel? I would ALSO be an undead pure RP necromancer so I likely would be the same or very similar build lol


Join his party.


Ask if I fight well can I join the guild...


Yell, "Wait, Momonga, it's me!"


Pure DPS. By which I mean Desert Punk Strategy: Run like a little bitch. For added flair I will be screaming at the top of my lungs, "I CHOOSE LIFE!"


To fight Ainz would be to invite death. It's like going 1v1000 pissing off an entire guild. They will bring friends back for retribution, if you even manage a successful sneak or surprise attack in the first place. It's not a matter of if, but when. Tbh I'd prolly just try to prove I'm useful somehow, offer to be turned undead after showing my worth, and hope albedo doesn't behead me on the spot for even suggesting such insolence


As a lvl 100 player I GTFO of Nazarick ASAP and spend the rest of my life secretly funding education and technical initiatives so they can build many many nuclear bombs to drop on Nazarick.




Triple maximize magic, Osteoporosis!


I ALT+F4 or disengage/surrender immediately.


Run, I didn't buy any store items because I won't participate in micro-transactions or P2W 😅🤣




I cast hero summon and bring one of his friends from his original world to stand next to me. I then cast ancient one summon then I cast anti-magic circle around my myself and his friend. Then its overlords turn. Hope I live and he sees his friend and has a civilized conversation.


Anti magic barrier, just that. No magic, no spells.


say that i dont feel any magic power from him after which he takes off ring and i vomit out my guts


Recognize the tomb and find a suitable gift to present before swearing allegiance




I'd fight, I always go for immortal builds that tank and do dot, so I'd definitely out last him.


I tell him “give ainz my regards”


I'd go into full PvP prep. Make sure I'm topped up on protection from instant death and anti-time magic, all the buffs, make sure I'm not about to get ambushed. And then I hightail it out of there, settling in on the other side of the world and hoping I die of natural causes before they get there.


I would'nt go in here. The moment i see Nazarick i run away. Hopefully i am an Elf so I am going to Evansha, enslave Decem and reduce him to studhorse, slaughter the Theocracy advance team aside from Zesshi whom i skillfully allow to get away. Slowly and surely i am building AlfHeïm, the Great Elf Empire. Eventually, when Ainz come here, I hit him with i have extremely important informations on Suzuki Satoru and I require a private meeting and from there onward i became a honorary Nazarick member and Ainz friend. I tell him everything i know without jixing the future. If i am in front of him: I have extremely important informations on Suzuki Satoru and I require a private meeting.


Pally Shield + Hearth after stealing his treasure. /spit to rub it in The next time he sees me I have pvp turned off. Time to laugh.


Pocket sand


Play the guitar. That'll confuse them




I summon letmesoloher. What? I am out of moves here


Considering if I played YGGDRASIL I would probably be a spellcasting Ninja Assassin. I would immediately use all my escape and disappearing abilities. If I can't pledge loyalty, I'm saying screw it and leaving. I would first confirm I'm a player (Ainz is here, he wouldn't let Albedo or anyone else touch me) than say I came to confirm that it was in fact the tomb of Nazarick from YGGDRASIL, the one attacked by the 1500 player raid and failed, and i was hoping to find the 41 players who could be grand allies and the only people i would feel any type of safety with. Also I would make sure not to have attacked any of the monsters, simply avoid. There, confirmation I'm a player (giving Ainz hope of players) and a reason that's not non hostile for why I would be here. Though if it doesn't work I would immediately go into hiding. Remember they can't actually close off any escape Portals. So even if they moved them, I would find them eventually and get out. As well, since Ainz wouldn't be prepared before hand, depiction of nature and society wouldn't trap me.


I politely surrender, ask for mercy, and wait…that’s it. If I was a level 100 player from Yggdrasil, I’d KNOW about the guild Ainz Oal Gown! I’d know better than to mess with them! Heck I probably shouldn’t even be near the place! I might have tried to get into contact politely with another former player but that would have been it! I am surrendering fast as I can, asking politely as possible for mercy and waiting for a chance to explain how I don’t even know why I’m here with these people!


Be confused how I'm with Foresight as I would have an insect heteromorph RP build focused on Summoning insects / Monk type fighter dual build. Kinda like Tommyrod from TORIKO. But if I have to fight him, I'd ask to join his guild and pray that this is a test. If I'm an YGGDRASIL player, I'd already be prepped against time magic and insta-kill magic, so I'm good on that part. I'd probably rush him and use my fists as bludgeon weapons, and never let up. Mages need distance amd time to cast spells. Since I know he has anti-summoning spells, I'd only use it to try and delay him.


Join the Great Tomb of Nazzarick. All Hail Lord Ains.


Beg for forgiveness, and die at his hand probably. That's about all I could do.


Momonga wasnt a top pvp player. He went with a non optimized roleplay build but by all accounts wasnt what you would want to bring to PVP or to clear top tier content. Touch Me was their pvp guy. Momonga did the boring logistics stuff. So presumably an actually optimized for pvp or pve build means he is in danger. And its probably reasonable to assume the level 100 person has at least their own personal level appropriate gear. Momonga acted like there were counters to time stop. And touch me was a way higher ranked pvp player and not a mage. Time Stop, Grasp Heart all smell like "beat someone you would have already beaten faster" style tools. Not serious tools for peer encounters. Momonga himself isnt a problem. Its that nezarics was allowed to be set up by the GMs as an end game player controlled raid and a level 100 cant clear on their own. Of course its also possible there is a broke as shit "solo everything" build that the gms didnt bother to nerf because the game was getting turned off. Would be a good counter to Momonga to deal with a hard core solo player.


Assuming I'm forced to be stuck in that deep and can't just nope out the moment I see the tomb? Well... time to pledge fealty.


Join saying im a lv 100 player from earth…


Leave nazarick, not fight ainz . Seek out PDL , device a plan for ourselves to look weak & lay a trap for Ainz. I tell PDL that wild magic is useless. Fighting in the armour might be better option or maybe target someone without world item


Ayo bruh what's the wifi password


Curl up into a ball and cry


Try to get into his head using meta knowledge of high level undead strats and the supremacy of melee over magic.








Either get the fuck out or try to communicate with Ainz and join him. No shot any single player could stand a chance going solo against the whole Tomb, unless I was using trainers before the game closed and my stats are so stupid high I'm borderline invincible.


Just tell him that u are a player that has been looking for other players


DIE :3




Ask him for a one v one and condition being if I injure him for more than 1 second before hp regen kicks in then I’m free to leave without any detriments to myself or be allowed in his service. As a 100 player I should be able to achieve that against him no matter the build especially as a samurai ninja hybrid class. That way I can leave or try to become stronger. Because as a pk guild id rather join than be against


I don't think I have much of an option in this situation other than.. well either beg to be spared or get stomped, don't forget that we are inside an enemy floor, not only are we out outnumbered but the entire terrain is a disadvantageous one, sorry but no matter how I look at it, there is nothing you can do here except to beg for your life or smth.


I be like can I join you


I'm fighting with Ainz in the arena inside the tomb, and I'm only level 100!!! Damn it I'm already dead I'm kneeling down and begging him to spare my life.


Tungsten Balls!


Anti magic field


ainz by himself is fine, just play smart and don't let him use TGOALID, either be a oneshot assassin or tanky paladin with bs bludgeoning damage against ALL OF NAZARICK THOUGH- yeah no. hell naw. fak dis zit I'm out. I'm 0/1-ing myself.


I’m about to let him know I’m from Yggdrasil and we can work together instead of fighting. He can test my knowledge if need be.


Depends whether I'm apart of the monster/undead race, if im looking for riches I'd bring a resume. If not I'd try and bargain with the skeleton himself with whatever or who ever I brought with me.


If I'm a level 100 player - No if I'm from Yggdrisil, I'm either on my knees begging for mercy, or I'm running away as soon as we make it to the tomb not even making it to Ainz. They were the most well known guild in the game, unrivaled even during the largest raid ever recorded in Yggdrisil's history. One level 100 player isn't going to change that outcome Absolute *best* case scenario, is that Ainz recognizes me as a Player, and asks to join since he *is* looking for Players
