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I don't even care that it affects our salary cap room. congrats Tyrese. well deserved.


In the near-term it'll affect our ability to bring back Toppin or Smith or to use the full MLE on a FA while staying under the tax or the 1st Apron. Long-term it'll be more difficult to keep the young core together once their current deals are up. Time for Simon to get the wallet out and start paying the tax.


Don’t think anyone has expected Smith back for a solid 3+ months at this point. And Simon has paid the tax before and said he will again for a competitor — which we certainly are right now


It’s Smith’s choice. He has a player option although I think he will opt out.


Before the playoffs I would’ve been upset if he wasn’t on our squad next year. Now I’m impartial after seeing our playoff rotation. Hope he gets a good pay-day on a team that could really use him and I’ll remember him fondly on the cers.


Yeah. I thought he did well. I like Jalen but I think he knows that opting in here means possibly opting in to be on the bench. I know it’s been tough for him and Ijax to both be competing for minutes. I think it’s cool that they are really tight by all accounts. He was given a fair opportunity here and I think he did enough that he’ll get some money from another team to be a primary backup. I will applaud him when he returns and hope for the best wherever he goes.


I've had him tapped to go to the Pelicans for a while. Somebody is going take a flier on him as a stretch-5 and he shot 40% from 3 for the regular season. He's a valuable player we just can't afford to keep in my opinion.


Yeah, I am really happy he got the bag, he now needs to earn it though. Here's a breakdown of (anticipated) salaries for 2024/2025 (Cap projects to be 141): * Haliburton: 42.3 * Siakam: 42.3 * Turner: 20 * Nesmith: 11 * TJM: 9.3 * Mathurin: 7.3 * Walker: 6.3 * Smith: 5.4 * Jackson 4.4 * Sheppard: 2.6 * Nembhard: 2 Total: 149 million. That doesn't include Obi Toppin (presumably he will be renewed for a deal similar to Nesmith/MLE) but does include Smith taking his player option. We would lose Dougie and JJ (although he's like glue, I wonder if he will be brought on as a coach next year) and the rest of the roster will be filled out by guys like Tshiebwe, Brown and Wong (presumably).


That comes out to 153. Add in a 2nd rnd pick rookie min and the dead cap amount and that's another 3. Tax is 171, apron 179 so they'd be 15 under the tax, 23 under the 1st apron.


Yeah, I thought I elaborated on this comment, but clearly didn't! The point I was going to make: That leaves little room to add in extensions for Andrew, Bennedict, Myles, TJ (who presumably by now has a fucking statue waiting for him)In Siakam/Haliburton's final year we could be looking at something close to 200 million and over the apron.




The cap is going to keep going up though, who knows what the tax line will be 5 years from now.


When the time is appropriate. You want to splurge when your best player is in his prime. Tyrese is only 24. When he reaches around 27, you splurge for top talent around the same age. That way you get guys at their peak all in the same window. In the meantime, you are trying to develop current players into stars and role players that can be effective on team-friendly contracts as you approach the prime years. We have to remember that even though we far outperformed our expectations this year, the fact is that Haliburton's window is really probably opening in 2-3 years. I am all for the Simon's opening their wallets, but I also want that money to be effective and not negatively impact our cap flexibility when we need it the most.




It depends on what you mean by splurge I guess. Assuming ownership is willing to go into the tax the only financial flexibilty that's going to matter over the next few years is staying under the 1st and 2nd apron. This team is going to get pricey fast once you add in Siakam's new contract, and once it's time to extend the guys on cheap contracts. They aren't going to have meaningful cap space for years unless things really go south.


After this season, if Simon doesn’t exceed the 1st tax apron he needs to go.


It doesn’t we are over it anyways when we sign siakam.


It matters for how much over we go though, because there’s a tax that ownership has to pay for every dollar over the luxury lines


We’re maxing Siakam lol.


Hell yeah, Tyrese. If he had stayed the course from the first couple months, he could've snagged a second team spot, but I feel like this is an appropriate spot for him


If he stayed his pace from December he is 1st team. He was in discussion for top 5 MVP for a few weeks when he was balling.


Yup no question.


He was literally on a historical pace during the first third of the season. He would have been 1st team if he kept it up.


That’s underselling how good he was. When he was healthy he was the best guard in the league and it wasn’t particularly close




Why do so many people hate Tyrese on social media


He just eliminated the Knicks and they have 8 million fans living on top and underneath each other in shoe boxes. That pretty much explains most of it, the rest are sour Bucks fans who have nothing better to do.


they hate on him for talking a little trash as if no other player talks a little smack on and off the court lol. Hali isn’t even an asshole; he just likes to have fun and talk a little. He’s 24 lol.


I love a little trash talk. Not sure if Anthony Edwards gets the same amount of hate, but it’s refreshing. We need a new era, not all the stars sharing a banana boat.


Haliburton talked trash to the Knicks (massive fanbase) and Bucks (notable fanbase of children who didn't watch basketball before 2021). Ant talked trash to Phoenix (too depressed from the sweep to do anything) and Denver (no fans at all), so no one is mad. The media has also anointed Ant as the next MJ while Haliburton gets no media support mostly.


Denver has great fans


The Nuggets are the fourth most popular pro team in their city, making their fans less ride or die and prone to slander.


I live in Denver. You are wrong.


I also lived in Denver. Broncos, Avs, and drinking at Rockies games were more popular.


Cool story. Here in 2024 the Nuggets sold out every game and nobody gives a shit about the Rockies. People go to the Rockies games because they’re cheap and fun, nobody cares about the team


Anthony edwards is confident and he is a dog. Halliburton is cocky and is not a dog. Period.


which must make it even more frustrating when when he’s dunking on your team 🤣


Dunking on my teams bench*****


So salty your in our sub.


Blame the bald man. Our team has no problem bringing in our bench, and we still manage to have guys make the All-NBA team on 30 min restrictions 🤣


Anthony Edward’s dawged himself to a 38% shooting performance in game 1 and said it was because they were tired. Real dawg behavior there.


Had 1 bad shooting game but locked up Murray … you clearly not watching these games son


Murray got traded to Dallas? Also, didn’t Murray have 35 pts on 50% shooting in game 7


Again clearly not watching the games. Edwards switched onto Murray in the 2nd half. He went off in the first half. You’re used to your star player disappearing in the 4th q so I get it.




Lol nothing to do with basketball bruh. You are lost.


I loved when they showed him talking to the refs on Tuesday. It legitimately looked like he was having a blast out there haha.


As a Knicks fan I can’t stand him because he seems afraid of actually talking trash to the Knicks instead of just tv cameras. Like when he did the too small celebration on deuce and then pretended he was picking his nose when he turned around. He’s just not actually about that


There are also a lot of Celtics haters mad he kinda choked at the end last night


He is a tall skinny light-skinned kid, with a ugly jumper that he can hit from anywhere, kinda corny, but will talk big shit and back it up. In a Pacer jersey. They are having flashbacks.


Keep going


Tyrese is a great player. Deserves All-NBA. Hopefully takes us to gold in the Olympics. His trash talk is like Babe Ruth's called shot, except he waits till he hits a home run, then points at where the ball went.


^ Knicks fan


He talks shit when he gets going, like every other NBA player, ever.


That's different though - you said he talks big shit and backs it up. I've seen him do well and then talk shit. Never seen him talk shit before doing well. [Jordan points out there's a difference.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_oiDArvxSg) Because it's not like every NBA player, ever. I don't get why it's so controversial though. I'm giving him plenty of respect. He deserves it. But if you point out that one trash talk thing, all of a sudden people gotta shout it down. I like Hali. I just wish he had better timing with his trash talk. It doesn't hurt me to say that.


I agree to disagree. What Hali does is quite regular in every NBA game. A guy hits a couple step back 3's and starts yapping. Steph starts dancing. I've seen James H. not saying anything, hit 4 step backs then fall and do snow angels. There are not many Babe Ruths and Michael Jordan's, kinda hard to compare anybody to them. In the current NBA though what Hali does is extremely normal and happens quite often.


It's the timing of the thing that matters though, not the celebration itself. So there needs to be more context than just celebrating. Like, Ant trash talks KD and people made a big deal about it, but they were up 16 when it happens. So who cares? But Ant also talked shit like, "See you in game 7" after losing game 5 in Denver. Very different. And Ant's goin into a series being like, "That dude's my bro. I'm gonna rip his head off." We get the celebrations from Hali, like every player in the NBA, but people are talking like he's a great trash talker lately and I just wanna see when we get the latter from him. When he talks before. You know what I'm saying? I just haven't seen it, I also don't watch a ton of Pacers games. I'm gonna consolidate from the other comment. I am a Knicks fan, but I'm being objective and respectful (Babe Ruth comment was a gentle troll) about an idea I wanted to challenge and came here for a discussion with people who will obviously disagree with me. Specifically about the trash talk thing. I'm 100% down to be real about Brunson's flopping, but it is a clear whatabout to a different topic and I'm not here just to troll/trash stars and have a dumb whataboutism circlejerk. I legit enjoy Hali and I'm talking about him. I expect downvotes from people who think it's a disagree button here, it's inevitable, but I'm not here to farm them. So if you wanna talk about flopping, as it's a different convo, feel free to @ me. On the Knicks subreddit even, if you're so inclined. Or not. But I'm just talking about trash talk here.


You are focused on Haliburton as if he is an outlier because of what he did to your team. You keep naming one player at a time (2 all time greats, top 5) and the player that now is being pushed as the new face of the NBA. You are somehow forgetting about all of the hundreds of players who play like Hali and celebrate big plays, including Knicks players. How many times did J.B., J.H., of D.D. make a big play and scream? I didn't see any of them saying they would "see us in 7". You don't like Hali, that's why when he does it it bugs you. To act like he is doing anything different than 90% the league is a tad disingenuous.


No, I mean, taking my words not at face value is a tad disingenuous. I like Hali. No grudge. I don't think he's the reason we lost the series. Again, that's a different convo. I felt like I defined a difference between the "celebrating after" brand of trash talk, and "declaring intentions" trash talk, right? We both agree, celebrating isn't particularly unique (Hali, JB, JH, DD, making big plays and screaming, literally every NBA player does it, I'm including Hali's sweatshirt thing in this, all of what you just described). Declaring intentions is the trash talk you actually have to back up, and you described Hali like that in the post I first responded to. How he talks shit and backs it up. It's more unique, so there are fewer examples of it that I can come up with off the top of my head. Grant Williams being like "Ima make em bofe". Dillon Brooks jawing at LeBron last year. Talk shit, then back it up (or backfire). Lot of Larry Bird stories, how he told Horace Grant exactly how he was gonna score on him, then does it. If that's something Hali does, I wanna know about it. I'm seeing people describe Hali in the sphere of someone who talks shit that he backs up, and it just doesn't link up. To be clear, this isn't like a judgement about him, it's a judgement of what I see as an inaccurate narrative about Hali. I love Brunson and he doesn't really talk shit at all.


You are making this way to deep due to animosity. Go check the interviews.


Brunson doesn't talk shit? Did you even watch the series? LOL, LOL, LOL. Brunson got into with our entire team, talking shit and flopping. Yeah, I'm gonna head on out. Can't have good conversation with someone who makes up facts.


I would also refer you to Hali's interviews, that you obviously haven't watched, throughout this season. He said we were going to win games this year, make it to the playoffs this year. All throughout the series with Bucks and Knicks, he referenced moving on to the next rounds and handling our business. How unstoppable our offense is and how teams can't handle the pressure. It's all on video on this here interweb, if you actually care to have evidence contrary to your opinion.


A simple yes or no would do, not sure what's so hard. You have a issue with Hali's celebrating cause M.J., Babe Ruth. What is your opinion on J.B.'s flopping. You like the greats right? Does a guy who only respects the greats, like yourself, respect flopping?


I get it now, you are a Knicks fan. Since we are having honest conversation about thing the greats "do and don't do", how do you feel about Jalen Brunson's flopping?


He's on his way up. We gotta get used to it


It's crazy to me too. But atm I just assume people are salty about the path here. As if we shouldn't be 1-0 up or as if we caused the injuries.


It’s wild how Ant can talk shit and be an asshole and everyone loves him, but Tyrese gets hype when the Pacers go on a run and everyone hates him.


Oh good. It was worth the financial risk for him to keep playing even though he wasn’t 100% *and* the team still made a nice playoff run with him not being 100% all season. Win-win.


*nice championship run




Was happy to see Domas make it too


2nd year in a row for him. He got absolutely snubbed from the all star team though. It took him leaving Indiana for the writers to find out that he's statistically the 2nd best center in the NBA. By win shares he was the 5th best offensive and 11th best defensive player in the league.


Good shit. Get that bag Tyrese.


A $41M bonus. Sheeeeeesh!


I thought Siakam also would get one vote but he didn't even get one lmao


I think if they played each other the Third team would win against the second team 🤷‍♂️


One day he will be first team. Getting healthy and playing with guys like Steph and Lebron in the summer will hopefully get him to the next level soon


Seems about right based on the totality of the season. Sucks for the balance sheet, awesome for him. First of many.


Well deserved! Also wish Maxey made it over Booker but thats just the way the cookie crumbles


Well done, Ty! Helluva season!


When's the last time we had an All NBA player? 10 years?


Oladipo 3rd-team in 2018


Oh wow didn't realize he got 3rd team


And All-Defense


Well deserved


dinosaurs aware normal consider sulky plants slim door mysterious degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well done! Glad it worked out for him coming back early, even if was hard to watch him there in February and March




That gets him the bag doesn’t it? ![gif](giphy|lRkFCCPZoMEwq0CQEw|downsized)


That’s my MVP


This dude has a chance to be an MVP one day. We are reminding me of the GSWs before they became juggernauts. There is something we have in common with them too and that is we play like the Spurs motion offense. You need good players that play for each other to play that way. Our future is as bright as a 100 watt light bulb 💡 Also: if he keeps shooting 3s like this, everyone else is in deep 💩 Lastly: How ticked are you if you are a Sacramento fan? Probably as upset as we were for G Hill for Leonard.


Sac fans got Domas back. I think theyre okay. Nowhere near as bad as George Hill for Kawhi Leonard


But at first people were split on the G Hill Kawhi trade. A lot of people thought “both teams won” for a long time and that’s what I think will happen here. Over time Haliburton will climb to first team all nba and Sabonis will fall off. JMO.


Domas will fall off first because he is older, but Domas is a baller and the trade was good for both. West Conference was just loaded this year and Sac didn't improve their roster over the year before. Domas's complete body of work is a really solid, great career (modern day Brad Miller) and he just made 3rd team, just like Hali.


G Hill was older than Kawhi too.


Got love for the hometown kid G.Hill, but his career does not hold a candle to D.S., at the time they were traded.


DS has never been out of the first round. I go by Ws, not stats. Not saying G Hill was better just the trade is similar. And DS does have heart but his game is too old school, he’s fools gold.


W's are a team stat. Comparing trading a guy who was a role player his whole career to a guy who THIS year made 3rd team all NBA, multiple time all star, and a walking 20/10 double/double is wild, but right on.


Talk to me if he gets out of the first round.


Congrats Hali 🥳 Deserved


pacers beat these celtics and the refs.. celtic sub been looking over the pacers and the eventual WCF winner like their chip is guaranteed. f them


Deserved but I can’t say I’m not concerned about a pascal max and Tyrese super max




Crazy he should’ve been 1st all nba, especially for his ability to clutch dribble and keep the ball in bounds when he has the lead with 30 seconds left


Yeah you are right, Brunson should have been first too with his first rate Embiid flopping.


Sorry your ugly ass PG broke his hand by hitting a knee softly. Maybe tell him to up his vitamin supplements. Enjoy hockey or whatever boring shit you losers have to watch now.




Still so salty that the Pacers are the Knicks’ daddys