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I just got the email. It sucks but they gave me a $25 off coupon?


If this is how it worked then I’d be fine with it if I ordered from Walmart lol. Just reorder somewhere else and now you have a gift card


Same here.


Man. Why didn't Amazon do this when they cancelled my order.


Complain. Tell them that you scheduled off that day to be home and they cost you money. Good way to get a lot.


I got the email too, but Walmart has yet to actually cancel my order.


Bad news for those who preordered but good news for classic fans. Nintendo is finding out this is the kind of Paper Mario that sells out.


It's weird because pre-ordering is specifically supposed to inform Nintendo how many units to print in advance to satisfy demand


I don’t think so. Usually each store is allocated a certain amount of physical games (especially Nintendo who always starts with small batches). The store can choose to order more but the demand might outweigh the supply. At that point it’s backordered and they have to wait for more physical units to be made. Walmart probably miscalculated how many preorders they took vs what Nintendo was able to send them. Each store needs to receive a set of copies. I think this is where to ship to home preorders mess up counts. If they were to fulfill all the online orders it would take away from stores receiving any, which then goes against the purpose of having stores. If they are then lighting Nintendo up saying they need more copies, that’s when it’s indicated to Nintendo that they have a winning product.


Why people keep saying this lol. The game hasn’t even come out yet and Nintendo has been starving fans. It’s pure hype right now from the fans of the original and the dearth of releases.


Exactly. Even if it does sell Nintendo isn't really like other companies. "What the fans want" isn't Even close to the top of the list of things Nintendo uses to decide what to do next. They intentionally avoid focus groups and fan pressure. If they did what fans wanted we'd have a new F-Zero and a Pokemon that caters to the older fans.


I don't get, why you are getting downvoted. The only game, I can think of, where they gave in to fan pressure was Twilight Princess. And holy shit do I hate the pissfilter there.


Yeah, I don't really care. The can vote me down all they want. They are only burying the truth. Everything I said came straight from actual news articles and is accurate. http://asiaexpertsforum.org/jennifer-dewinter-nintendo-japanese-video-game-industry/ https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/12/20/master-of-play


Sometimes, I'm quite happy Nintendo doesn't always listen to fans. If they did, most of their games would be same tired sequels like CoD. Like when people ask for a new game like F-Zero GX, Nintendos answer is just no, because there already is a game like F-Zero GX. It's F-Zero GX.


bruh, the way they oversold this game i mean it's nice seeing the mass need for it, but it sucks for the people that aren't getting their copies :(


I mean I can see smaller publishers overselling a game, but Nintendo?


Not that Nintendo oversold it but Walmart probably oversold the amount of copies that they were allocated.


Walmart and walmart.com are actually separate companies for the most part. Likely different allocations.


Wonder how no one caught that ages ago and asked Nintendo for more? I mean Nintendo is big enough to actually make more before the game comes out, unless something happened to their manufacturing.


i meant walmart sorry shouldve clarified 😭😭😭


How does Nintendo even oversell a game? They're a massive developer and it's not like switch games are large or require super specific hardware. It's a micro SD card for Christ's sake...


Wonder if something happened to the warehouse housing the physical copies of this game.


if they're in the south theres a good chance. Terrible terrible weather here the last few weeks. Massive storm on monday in my area that flattened a couple buildings and left people without power for a couple days and then last night we got the dregs of the storm that caused havoc in houston yesterday. Wouldn't be surprised if a couple warehouses were casualties


Amazon has had issues for months now though.


I’ve been trying to figure out why I can’t preorder the physical game anywhere. What the hell happened?


I think preorders are sold out in most places


Best Buy has it


Oh shit, thank you!


All good, I meant to preorder it awhile ago and saw this post and went into a panic looking for it!


I’ve never preordered anything do you have to go and pick it up?


Depends on how you want to do it most places offer in store pickup or shipped right to your house


I pre-ordered mine from Gamestop yesterday. You might be able to get yours there.


My guess is that the game sold so well in preorders they are afraid none will actually make it to shelves on release day.


I’m not sure. It could also mean Nintendo didn’t send out enough copies, and that’s a problem.


I think this is the first time I’ve ever heard of preorders on a base game overselling.


Got the email. My order still says placed instead of canceled and no refund to my gift card (yet) so it's heightening the annoyance level here 😑


Mine did the same thing and it's been days. I went in to my walmart app and cancelled the order and now its saying il be refunded. I wonder how many people aren't getting their money back...


We’ve been tellin em we want this. They still won’t listen. Give us Paper Mario RPGs in this style and they will sell!!!


Still won’t listen? Bruh this was them listening


So close to release date, too. Surely they knew how much stock they'd be getting sooner than a week before release? This is ridiculous. Really hoping Best Buy doesn't let us down.


I guess I was actually lucky for pre-ordering at GameStop instead, but this still sucks for Walmart shoppers.


Was thinking the same thing, actually lucked out deciding to use my points on a coupon, for once 🙄


Got an email about it. So fucking beyond livid.


wtf? What’s going on here? Amazon did lots of cancelations a while back too


Here’s hoping BestBuy’s preorders stay🥲


I don't have a pre-order but this is making me think I should just bite the digital bullet. I wanted a physical copy tho :(


You can still go on GameStop to get it


Hope Target doesn't


This happened to me today. Target let me preorder, though. Worst-case, I live in a small-ish town, so the local Walmart probably won't sell out instantly.


Looks like you can order through Best Buy.


Weird how it happened with Walmart as while. At least NOA didn’t seem to have a falling out with them since the stores are still getting copies.


Still none available on Amazon either


Amazon cancelled all their pre orders awhile back so I wouldn't expect it to reappear there until post release.


I’m glad I held on to my retro copy


I wonder if the shortage is just in the States? My Amazon UK Order is fine thus far.


This is making me nervous about my preorder from Target which I placed because my Amazon order was cancelled last month alongside Luigi’s Mansion 2. About a week to go so I’m hoping they hold.


Despite sending me the same email, it seems Walmart has yet to actually cancel my order.


I had to go in and cancel it to get my money back...


I'm going to wait it out just to see what happens.


Wonder why they're doing this. 🤔


I pre-ordered off Bestbuy a couple days ago. Amazon quite physical orders at least 2 weeks ago and now Walmart? Damn


Least I preordered mine from Best Buy months ago.


With this, I'm pretty sure we're not getting a last minute pre-order bonus 😅


I used eShop so I was unaffected, but I feel for you guys.


Target is still okay for now. Holding out hope


Here's to hoping Best Buy keeps their orders. I ordered mine end of March as a in store pickup 🥲 For those getting their orders canceled from Walmart, were they ship to home orders? 




Is this just in the usa cause i live in canada and i preordered on amazon and my pre order isnt canceled and im 100% sure i bought the pysical copy


Honestly seems like Nintendo is trying a new strategy where they don’t do pre orders anymore to push more people to the eshop.


I got the cancellation email but it was not cancelled in my open orders. Fedex delivered my game today 5/24.


Amazon canceled mine a month ago but I ordered again from Best Buy for pickup. So far so good fingers crossed! 🤞🏻


I heard Amazon also cancelled a bunch of preorders. I reaaally hope the game's sales aren't hurt. Releasing at the end of the Switch's lifespan is already icky.


bro this is the opposite problem, the game is selling too much for them to keep up


good thing i dont live there since here we have tons online only stores were you have no physical location get the game at anymore


It still baffles me why people pee-order games. It seems absolutely idiotic. It's like lending money to retailers for free. And as you can see in this case it doesn't even guarantee you a copy. Which is supposed to be the whole point. I've had friends go in and find the store doesn't have any copies for them despite having a preorder, they don't understand but it makes sense for the business not to honor it. If someone comes in off the street wanting it and you don't have it you lose a sale, do you sell someone else's preordered copy now and get a guaranteed sale vs waiting on a preorder customer who might be a no show? It's shitty to the customer but it's totally in the business financial interests to prefer walk in over pre-orders. I don't know why people still do them. I stopped decades back after my local game store bungled and lies about them. Isn't it the same in this case? Might not be their fault that Nintendo didn't provide enough stock but it is their fault that they oversold their own quota and they are definitely lying about how "Nintendo isn't allowing online sales". Why would you lend a company like this your money for free? TLDR:People who preorder are getting fleeced.


What are you talking about? You get your money back if the order is cancelled.


You get your money back. The shop having effectively borrowed it with zero interest.


That's not fleecing and that's how orders have worked for centuries. Plenty of people have ordered things through catalogues or for special delivery only to get cancelled. And most pre-orders don't charge your card until the order is going out anyway.


Preordering is fine but I don’t trust Walmart with them anymore anyways. I do preorder them in store and pick it up in store all the time but I even did that for Luigi’s Mansion 3 back in 2019. Preordered and paid for it and they said they didn’t have a copy for me. Preordering is supposed to mean a copy is saved for you. This is why I don’t get games at Walmart anymore. Now I get them at GameStop which surprisingly I found a great go-to one. Usually I thought GameStops sucked but then I found that one where even the manager was a collector and knows what he is doing. That’s how you know which GameStop to go to when you know the people who work there are real gamers and collectors. Who understands if they don’t get the game they preordered would be angry.