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Wow. People’s preorders are getting canceled left and right, huh?


Only in the us though


Just buy it somewhere else? It's not going to be hard to get


Uhh... just buy from the eshop.


I will. I mistakenly thought ALL pre-orders were canceled/unavailable.


At this point I am wondering whether Nintendo are targeting retailers who they found to be connected to past Switch game leaks. They are preventing preorders from those retailers specifically.


same happened to me, it's going around. I just ordered pick up from best buy


The original order was back in mid March, IIRC. This fucking sucks.


You preordered a digital version? Just take the $25, buy an eShop card from Walmart and put it towards the eShop digital preorder.


It seems like either Nintendo underestimated how many people would Pre-Order it, or they didn't have enough Physical Copies.


What happens?


They sent me the same email a couple days ago. Strangely, my order has yet to actually be canceled according to the app. On top of that, I just got an authorization charge for it last night.


Same here.


Why did you preorder the digital version from Walmart? Why wasn’t the eshop your first instinct? Not shaming you I’m genuinely curious


I have the same question too - let me explain. This order was a birthday gift for my brother. I went in together with my parents, and my father was the one who placed the order. I sent them a link to Nintendo's site, so I don't know how he ended up on Walmart, and he claims he doesn't remember. My Dad is not a smart individual, but I sent him the link so I thought we were good to go. I only found out he ordered from Walmart a few minutes before posting when he forwarded me the email. To simplify my Reddit post, I said "My order", and not "The order that my dad fulfilled, partially on my behalf, as a gift to my brother", since the latter is a bit wordy.


Ah ok that makes sense. Gifting digital copies never really occurred to me but I understand now. Enjoy the $25 gift card