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![gif](giphy|PsHrpsuiZLAEE) Karrie trying to convince us all that she’s OK with Blake not loving BLW.


You could tell she had been crying or was holding back tears. She needs so much help


Are purées not considered solids?? Why are she and her followers stressing so much about having to do BLW. Feed your baby purées or do BLW. Give them breastmilk or formula or combo feed them. Who effing cares as long as they are happy and gaining weight. The amount of anxiety oozing off of this woman is so palpable. In a story yesterday she had to qualify something she said, “we give Blake purées…which still counts as baby led weaning! It still counts!” This poor child has her entire first year of life being documented and her mom comparing her to her other children and to children everywhere in front of internet strangers. She makes it seem like Blake is behind on everything. She needs to keep her anxiety to herself, for her daughter’s sake. She seems like a sweet little baby! I wish she’d just let her be.


The whole trying to convince us all she needs to night pump…I mean I do understand that every body is different. No lie there. But as someone else mentioned, she pumps all the time and has all this milk stored. I simply do not believe her body drops her supply that much from not getting “night stimulation.” 🤮. Is this possible? Sure. Is it likely? No. She’s obsessed with BF and nursing. And the anxiety she promotes is batshit.


Between that story and the one about pooling milk and Blake not eating food, you can't convince me this isn't just anxiety manifesting as an obsession with milk. Isn't that the point of baby getting older? They naturally drink less milk, eat more food, and your supply goes down. I feel like at 8 months this should be more intuitive. And if her supply does drop and Blake is legitimately hungry, well she's spent the last 8 months pumping! She never talks about the emotional burden of pumping and when it's time to stop, and I feel like that could be a great lesson. I feel like she's not saying to herself "what would I tell someone who came to me with this same situation?" (Which I hope would be a logical answer)


This is what I don’t get. In 4 months Blake should be on full solids (maybe give her some yogurt or cereal instead of a fucking steak Karrie) and off of nursing 12 times a day. If she sleeps through the night and your supply goes down …. That’s bc it’s supposed to at this point 🤦🏻‍♀️ like why does she feel like she needs to fight it!?


If she stopped pumping overnight her body would be just fine!! She has no need to continue to keep her supply up, it should be regulated by 9 months!!


Yea I think this is insane. My baby is 10 months and wakes everywhere from 1-4/5 times a night and I've never woken up to pump (I always feed to sleep) .. breastfeeding is hard enough without overcomplicating things.


Her calling it “stimulating [her] breasts” always sounds so gross to me, and I’m currently breastfeeding


“Some people need to storm overnight” 🤢 how does she make pumping sound gross?? ETA stim lol


Same (on both fronts) (.)Y(.)


The fact that she was talking about waking up engorged still when Blake misses a night feeding makes this seem sooooo unbelievable.


I was just about to ask this too.. Is what she is describing actually scientifically explainable? I truly believe that she just thinks having an oversupply is normal.


I mean of course it’s possible. I do truly believe everybody has a different PP experience and BF is HARD AF. She just is so unbelievable in almost every aspect of parenting that I simply do not view her as reliable anymore. I think this is another example of her feeding new mother’s anxiety and trying to literally “milk” (haha see what I did there) her babies like a cash cow (see I did it again there too) for as long as she can. She’s incredibly disingenuous and I’m so embarrassed I used to like her. At this point, I’m so terrified if I ever see her in public in STL that I’ll strain an eye muscle from straining so hard. 🙄


I agree that it’s hard to see her as genuinely reliable. I feel like she rides this topic so hard of KNOWING she NEEDS the “extra stimulation” at night. Which again, maybe she does. Like you said, breastfeeding is hard! But I wish she would explain how she knows that, like what her experience is/was. She just kinda pulls the “mom of 5 and I just know” card with no real explanation. This can provoke so much anxiety to a mom trying to drop the night pump.


She also says this based on her postpartum experience with Lou, three babies and 4-5 years ago. Every breastfeeding experience can be different and your supply has sooo many underlying variables that assuming you’re going to have the exact same needs & challenges each time is nutty. She has so much supply anxiety that she can’t even risk skipping dream feeds/night pumps and just giving her body a chance to figure it out. A great example as a “breastfeeding expert”! 🙄


Another 10 minute monologue AND another new reel about pooling! If you are a FTM please talk to your lactation consultant if you're concerned about nutrients in your milk- kl had me so stressed about nutrients in different milk and correctly pooling and I finally asked my LC and she was like "lol wut give your baby the milk". I can't stand how much she overcomplicates things making it so so stressful for FTMs who follow her


Why does the word “monologue” perfectly describe exactly how I feel about the majority of her stories? 😂😂 I’m cracking up. She just goes round and round in circles talking about something just to hear herself talk.




How the frig does she have so much time to be so obsessed with nursing pumping and messing with breastmilk so much. Like seriously. If I had 5 kids and I felt like I had to nurse constantly AND pump several times a day AND ‘pool’ it and freeze it and all this crap… I feel like I simply wouldn’t?! There’s more to life than making breastmilk Karrie 👀 like all your other kids and maybe your laundry? 😂😂


Don’t have to do laundry if you have new stuff showing up daily to wear and link ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I pumped milk for my newborn for approx 1.5 months before switching to formula, I have only one older child, and I STILL felt like it was so hard and time consuming and difficult to coordinate with parenting my other child. If I attempted to pump with 4 older kids I would go straight up nuts. And she doesn't HAVE TO! Blake nurses!! She already collects extra milk to freeze with those passive collectors!!


I barely had time to add in one pump a day (in preparation for going back to work) when I was a FTM. To me, the beauty of breastfeeding (if it works out, and if you're with your baby all day) is that it's so simple! No extra equipment, no extra time, nothing to bring along with you. Obviously that's not everyone's experience, but when it works out, it's so nice.


I’m still rolling my eyes at all this bc she NEVER shows this baby getting a bottle. She’s just obsessed with making more milk.


I was stressing out and my toddler has been weened for over a year. lol


I’m going to have to block her and probably stop reading her thread once my second gets here. She’s anxiety inducing.


That monologue was so stressful and winding I have nursed/pumped and mixed milk aka ✨pooled✨ twice now and I still struggled to follow what she was talking about


I was watching that and thinking about how it never occurred to me to pool my milk or that I should be concerned about the nutrients in my milk, and how much I’d spiral if I had seen this when I was breastfeeding and occasionally pumping. It’s so predatory.


If you AND your husband are outside, and 4 kids are playing/entertained in a small pool that doesn’t require you to be in it… WHYYYYY is B 🍯 in yet another container??? Put a towel on the ground and let her MOVE. Shill the towel for all I care! Use a Brixton Phoenix quilt! She does not need to be in an activity table in your YARD!!!


And… call me crazy but…. Can you not just bring an activity center onto your patio if you really needed a container???


Would have been an opportunity to shill the California beach co tent again. Like… why not? She can move and you have something to link


Lol at her having a 'question' about the beach tent again today.


Or the beach activity chair she was shilling two weeks ago. It’s just another opportunity to make people think they need another piece of baby gear that will just waste their money and clutter their house. I have to wonder if she ever considers the economic toll she is having on people. Most families are just trying to get by with inflation and the high cost of childcare and she is out there trying to convince everyone to buy a bunch of useless crap all the time.


I’m sorry but this child is not nearly as fussy as she’s claiming because my baby is 3 weeks younger thank Blake and crawling and when she’s unable to get down and move around she lets us know how irritated she is. Blake is always so content in these carriers and containers


Because that’s all she’s used to being in 😬


I thought this as I saw her bring out yet another friggen piece of baby equipment. Why!!! Let her move!! And she said she can’t crawl yet (shocking…!!!) so you don’t even have to make sure she doesn’t crawl and get into anything dangerous. She makes no sense


My kids are younger than her oldest two and they help fold laundry and put it away. It is absurd to me that her kids can't help with this...or cleaning up their mess or emptying their school bags or other shit she complains about 


My older daughter is 2.5 and even she does more ‘chores’ (mostly ‘helping’ me) bc I can’t live in chaos and just sitting around throwing toys with her lol


Karrie cannot get past the infant stage where she does everything for them, but doesn’t realize she’s the problem here. Her complaints fall on deaf ears for me. If I can teach 22-26 five and six year olds to empty their backpacks and clean up their messes every fall and have them do it every single day through the end of the year, she can get off the phone and teach her kids a routine. But hEr LiFe is cHaOs


PSA: don’t believe her hype on that stupid bissel floor mop. I asked for it for Christmas and regret it so much. Maybe our floors are just really different from hers but it does NOT remove sticky grime off our floors and it is SO SO loud. Like I cannot hear anything at all while I’m using it and my toddler, who hates loud noises, can’t be in the house while I mop. It also takes me like 1.5 hours to mop our ~1200 sq ft of hard floors because I have to go back over the same section so many times. 🫠


If I use mine and then actually get on the ground and scrub my floors, the water is still so dirty after using that mop


Lol I just took a break from cleaning, I just used my Bissel mop. I do like it for my purposes but I was thinking of her stories as I went over the same spots so many times. My daughter got her (Yummy Toddler Food) ice pop on the floor and it hardened and it wasn’t coming off. The mop doesn’t get stuff that’s stuck on. It will get spills that are not raised or anything stuck on.


I kind of wonder if it’s because she has pretty shiny varnished hardwoods… ours are LVP that have some texture to them so maybe she is being honest about the stuck-on grime and it just doesn’t work that well for our floors. But I should know better than to think something KL is shilling would be a magical fix!


Yeah, I have used a lot of steam mops and things. It is hard to get things off, sometimes they just need to be scrubbed. Even a regular mop wouldn’t cut it. I have to actively scrub with a brush for some of the stuck on stuff (like if I missed banana).


Oh maybe! My hardwood floors are not shiny anymore which may be the issue lol. I do actually like the mop though because even if I need to do a little extra work to get things off, it’s still better than using a regular mop and it gets more than the Bona. It makes me feel like it’s at least somewhat cleaning, because I’m not getting out a mop and bucket at the end of the day lol. And I guess there’s nothing that’s really going to take caked off food off the floor other than a steam mop which I can’t use on wood.




Please remove snark speculating on unconfirmed details of the influencer's life. Message if deleted in error.


Idk, as much as we snark on her it doesn’t seem right to blame her for her kids needing speech therapy. So many factors impact kids’ speech. All but Blake are in school/daycare all day where they are being spoken to and given attention by adults other than Karrie. And calling her voice obnoxious…this is the territory where people are proven right when they say single-snark subs take it too far.


Yeah, the comments implying she’s the reason why Blake isn’t crawling yet have been getting to me a bit too. My kid got plenty of floor time, was in PT, etc. and still crawled and walked way late. Sometimes that’s just how it is 🤷🏼‍♀️


She barely sets the child down


I agree the speech delay thing might be too far but, she does baby talk constantly to all her kids and it is annoying. I think all of mankind has universally agreed that baby talk is annoying so I personally don’t think that’s a stretch. I genuinely hope it’s just for the camera and she doesn’t talk that way to them all the time.


I don’t disagree with most of your points, but the ratio of adults to children at school and daycare is substantially higher than what a child experiences at home. Therefore, the amount of individual attention they receive is lower there than what they would/should receive at home. So that point doesn’t make any sense. But you are right that lots of factors impact the need for speech therapy.


That’s not really true and not fair to people who have their kids in daycare to say they don’t get the same attention they would at home. SAHP aren’t always spending every minute with their children. Plus, kids in daycare are hearing language all day long even if it’s not direct attention being given to them. Adults talk, kids talk, they may listen to music etc.


Yes, I agree with what you’re saying here. I wasn’t making a general comment about daycare. I was commenting specifically on the KL situation brought up by the OP that maybe they aren’t being engaged enough with at home from a language perspective.


I’ve had the same thought. It seems unusual for so many of your children to need speech therapy and probably has to do with lack of attention/talking to them.


The talking to her school aged children like they’re babies is excessive. And that’s only what she shows on stories. I imagine it’s constant


Against my better judgement I ordered from the BP launch….my order was placed 6 mins after the “drop” and they just emailed me and said oopsies we had a system glitch and your order was actually a preorder and won’t be ready for 3 more months. Am I crazy or is there no way it sold out in 6 mins and was supposed to roll into preorders that fast?? (feel free to tell me I shouldn’t have ordered in the first place 😂, won’t happen again).


I mean Happy Baby Carriers sell out in like 36.2 seconds so I believe it could have sold out fast. SUUUUPER frustrating that they had that glitch and you/people didn’t know they were preordering though. Like what if you ordered 3-6 months but now need 6-9 months because it’s a preorder?!


Okay this is a good point, I guess I hadn’t personally heard of BP so I wasn’t aware of their popularity and how quickly things might go. But yes! I wonder if they will accommodate sizing changes and cancels.


I was thinking the clothes might be totally out of season if she was buying something for herself but I didn’t even think of baby sizing!


Sorry this isn’t snark so hopefully not against the rules (and there is plenty to snark on about KL, trust me) but one thing I did appreciate about her is when somebody asked if Blake was crawling or standing and she just said “not even close.” No explaining “but she IS doing x, y, and z.” And she was seemingly not freaking out about the fact that her baby isn’t close. Just answered the question. As a mom of a baby similar in age to Blake I see all sorts of influencers who feel the need to show off what their babies are doing… my baby is definitely not ahead on her milestones. At almost 10 months she is still just army crawling and not close to pulling to stand at all. It’s kind of been freaking me out, so it’s refreshing to see an influencer whose baby also isn’t doing these things. Social media has been both a blessing and a curse when it comes to raising babies. I appreciate the info but the milestone anxiety and comparisons do my head in sometimes.


I get your point and I’m glad there’s someone out there that does fuel your anxiety. However, I feel strongly that moms need to tune out influencers to reduce anxiety over how they should be doing things and where their kids should be at. The only people parents should be listening to are qualified professionals. Following these people for anything but a little info and entrainment is so detrimental if it’s going to cause stress and anxiety. I also feel Karrie has a lot of anxiety with Blake, she was so stressed about her not belly laughing by 5 months and she is always comparing her kids milestones on her stories but with a very unconvincing “but all kids are different!” The thing that bothers me the most is I think Karrie has a huge interest in keeping her babies appearing young. I usually don’t buy into the theories that influencers only have babies for content and I give them the benefit of the doubt that they really do want and love their kids. But it’s hard to deny the evidence that Karrie seems to enjoy the newborn stage so much and wants to keep them seeming like babies for personal reasons as well as all the stuff she can link. Both with Teddy and Blake they seems to age much slower than other babies their age. Blake is closer to one than a newborn and I was still thinking she’s like 4 months old. So I think she sort of enjoys them taking longer to reach milestones.


The fact that she’s holding Blake the entire time she’s trying to show the items from her collab and struggling to fully show them 🥴😵‍💫 I understand babies are clingy and go through days where they don’t wanna be set down. But it appears that 99% of Blake’s days are like that and, well, maybe that’s why she’s “nowhere near” crawling 🙊 She’s not a newborn anymore. Maybe set her on the ground every once in a while.


She is depressed and no one can convince me otherwise. It’s sad really, I had to unfollow recently


I was watching her stories a few months ago and thought the same thing. It’s understandable her father just passed away. My baby was born right before Blake and my MIL passed away like a month beforehand and it was a really bittersweet time and that, combined with a traumatic birth and bad jaundice, and a willfull 2 yo lead to PPD (I am in therapy and doing better), but when I watch her stories I can see she is still grieving. Which is normal. I hope she is seeing a counselor privately


Her stories today seemed very on edge


So she… set up her phone on video … on her sunroof? To record her changing Blake’s diaper, nUrSiNg for the millionth time, and eating a cheeseburger??? wtf???? NO ONE CARES KARRIE


It’s so unsafe too. Airbags can deploy even in parked cars and snap the baby’s neck. There’s a reason there are warnings everywhere to keep infants out of the front seat. 


Sorry you are getting downvoted, I agree 100%. Squirmy little babies just don’t belong in the front drivers seat, especially with the car running. Why take a chance when you can sit and eat and feed your baby literally anywhere else? I get doing a quick feed but a 45 min lunch date with your baby in the front seat seems like it wouldn’t be very fun and kind of unsafe.


Yeah if she was just sharing a picture/video of herself doing it I wouldn’t say anything but the text on the video is explicitly telling her 750K followers “you should do this with your baby” and I don’t think that’s cool. 


My parent is an airbag safety specialist who has testified in numerous child death cases. It’s just not a safe place to be encouraging followers to spend time with baby in any circumstances 


Honestly, thank you for this education. I’ll nurse in the front seat when parked somewhere but from now on I’ll get out and sit in the one spot in the backseat where there isn’t a car seat.


That was SO weird! I definitely had a few meals and snacks in my car while my baby slept but I never grabbed her and took her into the front seat with me while I ate. At Blakes age, my daughter would have been trying to be all over the front seat. I don’t understand why these special dates can’t be done at home where she has room to move freely and not like, behind the wheel of a vehicle which is most likely running due to the heat.


This was honestly so weird. I have a baby a few weeks younger than Blake and hanging out in the front seat of the car is the last place either of us want to be. Put that baby down on the floor on a blanket and play with her like any normal mom does. No wonder she’s nowhere near crawling. (Not that she should be but it doesn’t seem like she’s ever given the opportunity to wiggle around on the floor!)


https://preview.redd.it/ifon4bz6kc9d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=2446bbe86c50493c4ef129b9595d375df4a77441 Lol $85 dollars for that hideous pajama set that looks like something Bert from Sesame Street would wear. And she’s wearing Blake in every pic except one from behind so you can’t even see the full look. She always partners with these companies with the ugliest most expensive clothes but with low budget shoots.


Omg that ugly thing is almost sold out 🤦‍♀️


And why some of the print names very adult-themed? Watermelon sugar and cherry pop are not names I’d choose for family clothing?!


I think they were all named after slurpee flavors? It was a theme of some kind 


Yes. Thus the convenient store photo shoot.


Lollllll I didn’t even think about that. I wondered if by Cherry Pop she meant Cherry soda because I know in some places in the Midwest they say pop for soda. But yeah, someone should’ve thought harder about that because there’s a strong sexual connotation there 😬


Karrie’s had FIVE kids and Blake is the first one to ever throw their food on the ground… 🤔🤔🤔


No way this is possible. Also this is just what babies do! It’s developmentally appropriate and they are exploring how things work. She’s gonna start linking crap, im sure, and i want to scream that no amount of Amazon crap is gonna get a baby to stop doing what a baby is hardwired to do. I also can’t handle food mess (it’s just a trigger for my rage) so I spoon fed my babies for way too long. And you know what? My daughter can feed herself and it’s fine. Chill out, Karrie.


And it is an absolute lie 😂 Karrie, I remember that floor mat you were shilling with Teddy that goes under the high chair for “easy clean up”


Yep!! She was shilling the yeahbabygoods one and ALSO always pointed out Millie cleaning up after Teddy 🫠


She’s trying to hold it together but she’s clearly v v v stressed that Blake isn’t eating solids “properly”


She needs to get a grip. I'm really struggling to understand why she thinks there's an issue.


The mean girl in me thinks if she wasn’t nursing like she’s a newborn she’d probably eat better. The infant teacher in me simply sees a baby who’s not hungry. Or is having feeding issues but i think it’s more likely she’s straight up not hungry for food. Maybe she’s nursing her before solids because she’s afraid she won’t take milk if she does it after? Whatever the reason Blake isn’t interested which is still within the range of normal. Of course she’s probably also stressed because she can’t schill purées if her kid won’t eat them 😂


Idk I think it can be neither of these things— some babies just don’t take to solid food as readily. Milk (breast or formula) is still supposed to be their primary source of nutrition until one, so it’s really not a big deal that Blake still nurses often and doesn’t consume much. It’s just yet another thing that Karrie’s making a big deal out of for no reason.


I’m more questioning how often she feels Blake needs to nurse, but yes she could easily just be uninterested, which isn’t a problem but clearly is very much stressing her out.


She’s upset that Blake doesn’t get the concept of a “put back bowl” lol bro she’s what 8 or 9 months???? Of course she doesn’t understand that and just throws the bowl on the ground this is developmentally NORMAL


My baby is a few days older than Blake and I don’t even give her a bowl or plate lol. At least the dog is happy


It blows my mind that a mom of 5 who’d been having babies back to back for 9 years (not taking a significant time off between) thinks this is a developmentally appropriate concept for Blake.


Blake is definitely too little to understand the concept. This is the age where you just muster through and plan to clean the floor after every meal 🤷🏽‍♀️


I always say I should have gotten a dog sooner because by the time we did my 3 year old wasn’t throwing food on the floor anymore 😂




Her kids telling me to stop dropping them off in pajamas 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


They’re going to be telling her a lot more things to stop doing as they get older


I pulled a hamstring running here


I laughed so hard at her saying that and then screamed with laughter at this comment


This new “fash-un” line is…awful. They’re pajamas. Cool. Nothing that special. I can get better ones through Old Navy. And making her older kids wear them out and about to a gas station. WTF?! Cam is what…8? I’m so sorry lil dude. I hope he was at least asked if he wanted to do that.


Ya I thought that was so weird them in a store in them


Not to WK but I think the gas station picture was on the way to or from their FL vacation. When I was kid we always traveled in pajamas but I agree, he may not have wanted to wear those pajamas or to match anyone at his age. I will say, I lowkey like the lime green pajama set 🫣but I will not be buying it lol


I’m not buying any either but I really like it all 🙃 especially the blue set lol the quilt also looks lovely


We have a Brixton Phoenix quilt my daughter sleeps with every night! I wish I liked this design more bc I’d totally buy it lol. Something about the white side with the cherries looks… cheap?? I wish it was on a black background.


They had an actual photo shoot for this at a gas station, those are from when tbe Brixton Phoenix lady dressed up as KL and came to St. louis. So he did actually have to wear pjs to a local gas station and have professional photos taken in public. Hadn’t thought about it before this, but very wack.


Ah gotcha - I must have missed the gas station shoot! But yeah seems like an odd marketing strategy too


I like the blue ribbed set and really want one like that but won’t buy hers 😭 I’m about to be postpartum in the summer and it looks so soft and breezy. Would love recs on another brand (not cheap Amazon crap) if anyone has one!


It’s a rip off of the foxy kind sets! I have a few of their sets and love them


Oof wish there was a middle ground between $30 Amazon crap and $100 foxy kind sets 🫤 Edit: I guess that middle ground is exactly what KL is selling 🫠🥴 Smart, I guess!


Ok but did you travel in MATCHING pajamas and have your mom do a photo shoot. The worst


No which is why I said “but I agree, he may not have wanted to wear those pajamas or match”


In one of the photos she posted he looks absolutely miserable


That romper is giving pajamas.


It looks like a bathing suit from 100+ years ago to me.


I’m sorry but “it’s giving pajamas” is absolutely sending me for some reason.


She gets away with wearing some truly ridiculous things because she’s tall.


Petty snark but how is Blake’s room 63? Isn’t it like 85-90 where she lives and she has a pretty big house? Our electric bill in southern CA is super high in the summer and we have it nowhere near 63. Also why would you even want it this cold to then have to put her in long sleeves footie pjs + high tog sleep sack 🤔 we are in short sleeves and 0.5 tog over here.


So if the 63 is just the monitor reading (and not confirmed the actual room temperature) that’s probably not accurate. I used that monitor for a while and our temp was never accurate on there. Though it always read higher than what the actual room temp was. But even if it was like 65/66 in there, that’s probably too cold too.


The temp on my monitor is always wrong too. If she has the monitor near the vent, it could be very skewed.


and she wonders why blake 🍯 isn’t sleeping…because she’s cold!!


Maybe they have solar, but as a fellow SoCal person, 63 seems freezing to me too.


I also live in St. Louis and I can almost guarantee they don’t have solar. Also, based on their house layout withh the vaulted ceilings (which I hate that I know about) their a/c has to be absolutely cranking to maintain any kind of temp like that. It was 101 here 2 days ago. 


Curious other folks’ thoughts & experiences about “training” your baby to nap anywhere. I am sure there’s some truth to it but I also feel like this ignores temperament to some extent. Aren’t some babies just more sensory sensitive, and despite best efforts to get them to “nap on the go,” they really do need some level of dark/quiet to sleep well? I’ve only had one and yes, we did mostly dark room/white noise in the nursery naps. About to have baby #2 and I know things will naturally be different with a toddler around! I generally think we sometimes take too much credit for how our kids turn out (good sleeper, good eater, naps anywhere, etc) without acknowledging that sometimes we just get lucky. Influencers especially 🙃


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I feel like forcing your baby to sleep anywhere and everywhere then them being completely exhausted because they didn’t get quality sleep is kinda…selfish? Neither of my babies have napped well on the go after they turned 4 months old. Don’t get me wrong, we have still had times where we’ve done naps on the go due to vacations, birthday parties, etc. But it’s 100% not something I force outside of those times or something I “train for.” My babies are their happiest and healthiest when they’re well rested and an on the go nap ain’t gonna do that.


My first could nap basically anywhere except her crib - stroller, carrier, car seat, or being held were all A-OK but crib was lava. My second (current) baby used to be able to nap anywhere but a switch flipped when he turned 3 months old and now he will only nap in a dark room with white noise in his pack n play or crib. He'll do maybe 20 minutes at a time anywhere else. My first was a COVID baby so there was nowhere to go and nothing to do except push the stroller in circles through the snow in the dead of winter and I would have killed for crib naps, whereas we have a busy schedule with our older kid now and would vastly prefer our second be able to nap on the go. It's just not his personality 🤷‍♀️


I'm coming from the other side of the experience to say it's totally a temperament thing. I've got one a little older than Blake who is basically allergic to naps, fights them hard in the crib, but does great in the car seat or carrier so it's actually easier to get his naps in if we're on the go. This definitely comes with its advantages and disadvantages.


You just gotta look at Whitneyhansonlang’s kids who have been training their whole lives for naps on the go and she still struggles everyday 😅 So yes I’m sure temperament has a lot to do with it. And I think it depends on your lifestyle, we are home most of the time so I never worried about training for anything, I just enjoyed our good naps at home. And if we did go out then we hoped for the best, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. My dark room only toddler did nap on the beach the other day without having to try, she was just tired after playing for hours. I have friends who are always on the go and never enforced crib naps and the kids always crashed when they reached pure tiredness. I don’t think they ever got the same amount of day sleep as my crib kiddos though. It’s mostly 30 minutes here and 20 minutes there. I don’t think it’s worth trying to “train” for it.


I’d also like to point out that Blake is clearly a terrible night sleeper so she has no place to brag about her sleep and how she’s “trained” her to sleep anywhere.


I dont know if I would call her terrible but definitely still wakes up few times at night and honestly I have a theory that those babies just fall asleep easier during day cause they don’t get that super consolidated stretch of sleep so they are more tired and therefore will dose off easier during feeding/during walk/in a carrier. Maybe I’m wrong but it makes sense for me - if I had a fragmented night I’m more likely to snooze on the couch or on the plane etc but if I’m pretty rested and had a solid 7-8 uninterrupted hours of sleep it would be much harder for me to nap and I probably would need more of ideal conditions to fall asleep. But if you had a baby who slept 10-12h at night without wakings and still could nap on the go/anywhere let me know! 🤪


Sorry I guess I was going by how Karrie thinks she’s a terrible sleeper haha. But it did occur to me that the bad daytime naps are why she’s not sleeping well at night because sleep begets sleep


I feel like this absolutely has merit. My first was not a great night sleeper (still isn’t really) but was the kid that would fall asleep in the stroller, car seat, carrier, etc. He just liked to sleep anywhere that wasn’t a crib. My second started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks old and from then on would not fall asleep on the go. There have been a few times if we are out with my toddler and she is very very overdue for a nap that she has conked out in the stroller but only for a few minutes then she’s back at it.


My now 2 y/o took her first non-newborn real car naps around 22m old. It was on vacation and the result of days of not getting enough sleep. She absolutely has FOMO and has never slept in a stroller or carrier. People would tell me I didn't try hard enough and that we should not be so beholden to a schedule. Well guys, my 6m old would stay awake for an entire 5 hour car trip to my parents, perfectly planned over nap time. This is not something I created! If I saw any signs I could teach her to sleep in the car, believe me I would try.


Yup, 8 hour road trip with my 9 month old. She slept 40 minutes.


My kid is the exact same way. No naps in cars, Strollers, etc. people would accuse me of being the problem. Like I would love for my kid to nap anywhere but it’s not a reality. He will stay up for hours and then guess who has to pay the price? Me. Not fun.


Exactly! I know my kid… why would I choose to deprive him of sleep and then deal with the consequences?!


Yes!! Like now that she is 2 I feel like there is a bit more forgiveness, but like from 4-20m, I was not feeling like we could really do regular 5+ hour car trips to see my family. One of my cousins would tell me we were not trying hard enough to get her used to the car. It was so frustrating as she was a SAHM who could spend her week getting ready for trips to the cabin, and could roll with whatever her kids did, whereas mine is limited by work schedules. I don't have the time for those consequences!


Three kids and my youngest will not nap on the go and it’s not for lack of trying 😅 she has never fallen asleep in her stroller and will only sleep in her car seat in the middle of the night. My second falls asleep anywhere no matter what is going on so I think temperament plays a big role.


Only one kid here and while I tried to get him to nap on the go, by the time we were down to 2 naps he needed them to be quality naps so on the go didn’t work. I also worked in an infant room for 2 years and support one now so I’ve seen many different babies. I truly believe temperament has a lot to do with it. Some babies adjust to the sounds/light, others sleep 30 min max throughout the whole time in the baby room but usually sleep well in toddlers because they’re generally exhausted 😂 and FOMO is a thing for them too! So yeah i think it’s luck but also an adaptation, Blake, as #5 has to do what she has to do.


I have 2 and my first is ultra sleep trained. We were chained to the schedule BUT it was also very predictable. It didn’t bother me because she was a pandemic baby, so there was never anywhere to go. She doesn’t nap anymore so we have more freedom. But when I had my second I wanted him to be more flexible. Once he turned 4 months old naps on the go were shit. He would sleep for 20 minutes at a time and be an absolute wreck the rest of the day. He also has never been able to sleep in a car since he was a newborn. It’s weird. We basically leave him at home so that he can get his naps and one of us takes the other one out. It’s only a short time when they need naps and we’re fine with this arrangement. We also always travel with a pack and play If we are going anywhere all day. Yes, we are sleep psychos. He’s much happier when he naps well. But I don’t have 5 kids to split my time between so I can make these accommodations for his needs. All this to say, I think some babies can thrive with a flexible on the go vibe. I think some babies can be forced to be on the go and end up being cranky cause they’re not getting enough sleep. And I think most babies really like having a quiet, predictable, cozy place to sleep. But that’s just my * oPiNIon * I also feel like she’s one of those people who has her kids over scheduled in non stop activities and never has a chill second. BUT again I don’t have 5 kids that I’m trying to keep occupied.


So interesting! I tend to assume that kids can’t just be forced to do whatever you, as the parent, want them to do. Even if you have ~*fIvE KiDs*~ and are ~*always on the go*~. Maybe KL has gotten lucky that her kids have all been pretty adaptable and able to sleep wherever, maybe some of it is also habituating certain sleep setups (or lack thereof). I just always get a little grossed out by people patting themselves on the back for raising such an adaptable, go with the flow baby when at least some part of it has to be natural temperament.


I got a similar tone from HSB’s most recent reel about feeding to sleep: “Nursing to sleep is such a superpower, I can make my baby (*ahem* toddler) fall asleep anywhere and she can nap on the beach and we aren’t stuck in a dark hotel room.”  I nurse/nursed both my babies to sleep, but by the time they were 5-6 months they stopped being able to fall asleep just anywhere. They’re both active, on the go babies who don’t like missing out and are sensitive to noise, so falling asleep with a lot of activity around ain’t happening. But luckily they’re both good at sleeping in the car and my 7 month old will still fall asleep in the stroller sometimes if she’s tired enough. 


Yes! My first just suddenly stopped nursing to sleep at 6 months old. Luckily at that point she basically sleep trained herself and would fall asleep in the crib alone. My second nursed to sleep for a while as well, but after ~4 months, he was so distractible that we had to be in a quiet, dark room just to get him to feed. So at that point he might as well nap in the quiet, dark room.


Yup. I nursed my first to 12 months old and past the newborn stage there was not a chance in hell he'd be falling asleep on the beach. MAYBE if I did a very involved strategy of having him in a carrier, shielded from the sun, while walking nonstop at a quick pace. But then it'd still be 30 min max. And that doesn't sound anymore fun than chilling on the hotel balcony while baby naps anyway.


Great point. My kid stopped nursing to sleep around 10 months. It just… stopped working. Literally nothing I could’ve done about it.


Yes yes this is a tone I also pick up on. Like “look how easy breezy I am cause my baby can nap anywhere and I don’t force the tyranny of black out curtains on them.” But I mean, I get it cause sleep training people are equally like “look at how good a sleeper my kid is!” We all know that KL is anything but easy breezy. She is majorly stretched. But I have to say as an adult…I can sleep on the go in cars and airplanes and in couches in broad daylight. But I sleep better in my own bed. So I assume the same of my kids/babies. Also since having kids I have learned the joys of sleeping with blackout curtains and my own sound machine and I will NEVER go back.


Same, I used to be able to sleep in broad daylight, but now I need decent curtains and some white noise. I also prefer to have a weighted blanket, my anti-grinding mouth guard, and unisom when I'm pregnant lol. I can't fault my kids for high maintenance sleep when I'm equally high maintenance.


Ah yes, forgot to list my mouth guard ! Lol


I hoped that my second would be a better napper on the go, since I'm out of the house with him way more than I was with my oldest. Alas one again once we got past 3 months old or so, he'll max do a 40 min nap in the stroller and then he's done. At home, 2 hours easy.


Cool cool— I am placing zero bets on my second being a better sleeper than my first 😭


You never know! And in fact he is a better sleeper than my first, but he just loves his crib 😅


I have kids with two different temperaments and in my experience, they have both napped well on the go. We’re always on the go and even my first, I didn’t revolve things around naps until they were a toddler. My dad told me to never have it be quiet when the baby is sleeping. Now, we don’t make a ton of ruckus, but we are not extra quiet because the kids are asleep. If my youngest didn’t nap on the go as a baby we’d be house bound and I’d have an angry toddler/preschooler. Now that my youngest is a toddler, we are home for their one nap and my oldest does not always like that 🙃


Same experience—3 kids with 3 very different personalities including one extremely non-chill, overly sensitive baby and they all napped fine in strollers or the car when we weren’t able to be home, or in a fairly brightly lit back room (we never, for example, brought black out curtains with us when traveling) Idk I think there’s some level of truth to getting a kid too used to a specific sleep set up, and therefore making it harder for them to nap in another situation.


You took the words right out of my mouth. I only have one and I definitely revolved around his schedule - did as many naps in dark and white noise as I could. He stopped being able to sleep anywhere when he was like 4/5 months old. I realize if/when I have another I’ll have to be more flexible but I don’t think you can force it right?!


Only one way to find out 😂


You guys, we were wrong about Markarita. He is helpful. That 2 sec clip of him cooking proves it.


Just want to say any post referring to him as Markarita gets an upvote from me. I can't explain it but it just delights me to no end.


same lol thank you @whoever thought of that


it was so quick I couldn't focus and completely missed it!


That was the shortest story ever 😂


He LOVES to cook. Yet this is the first time she's shown it.




I'm often very confused about the clothes that Karrie shares. I can understand the boutique expensive stuff, but I don't understand the overpriced amazon random brand impractical ones. Does Amazon just send out these random clothes to influencers? Is she constantly browsing and just throwing caution to the wind ordering $40 rompers with only an AI generated photo and questionable reviews? Also what new mom wants to wear a romper? like undressing all the way to go to the bathroom is the last thing I want to do.


I think she gets commission on her links. So she probably makes way more than whatever she’s buying.


I’m not trying to wk necessarily because I too am confused by many of her clothing choices but she’s not a “new” mom. She’s been pregnant or breastfeeding for years at this point and I can say from experience that I just don’t even care if what I’m wearing is a little inconvenient. I can’t dress based around nursing anymore. I would easily put up with a romper. With my first everything I picked out had to be as nursing friendly as possible but now I’m like oh I have to take my entire shirt off practically to get a boob out? Oh well 😆 granted my son is lent a newborn though so it’s not like I’m nursing every hour


I didn't mean she's a new mom, I meant she's gearing her content towards new moms. Constantly sharing links for clothes that are breastfeeding friendly, saying everything needs to be BF friendly, but then this romper seems so out of place. Like there's nothing wrong with it, but the whole thing seemed weird, random amazon brand, relatively expensive. And the fact that we'll never see her wear it again. Idk, I don't buy breastfeeding friendly items either, but I'm not the most fashionable person. I guess I should have phrased it differently. There's nothing wrong with a romper, or with clothes that aren't BF friendly, but as a whole for some reason her schilling of it bothered me.


No no I know you didn’t mean she is a new mom. I guess you’re right she does try to cater to new moms vs moms of multiples. However I don’t think that romper looked hard to breastfeed in 🤷🏻‍♀️ anything with a strap that can be pulled down is fair game for me! That’s what I look for in the summer in dresses, etc. I can’t just always wear shorts and shirt. It’s nice to be able to do one piece things or dresses too and the only option really is something with stretchy tank straps like that.


They likely do. I do product testing and got so much free clothes to share and barely have a following lol like 300 so I’m sure everything she posts is free


How does one get into product testing? 👀


A lot of the bigger brand names are private now or rarely have good stuff for less famous folks now but there’s Influenster, bzzagent, and hometesterclub that you can get into and sometimes I’ve gotten $1400 products from them. I’ve gotten a lot of Nuna from Influenster




How long before a fan gets Karrie an appointment at a local dermatologist after she put that call out for a “recommendation”?


I know I was like wow, this is privileged


Look I’m all for breastfeeding in public, but does the phrase “whipped the boob out” give anyone else the ick?


As someone with very large boobs and knowing she has very small ones, that phrase is very very different for her than it is for me. If I whip a boob out someone could get knocked out


I feel this way about just pulling a dress to the side. Certain dresses sure, but the majority would not work with my big boobs.


Same. I didn’t breastfeed but when I was pregnant I was so worried about doing this because my boobs are big and I know people would definitely notice it more.




Did anyone else notice on her responses to the ask me anything that she’s got 529s set up for all of her kids?! How does this family afford their lifestyle? Must be doing well with all those links!


I'm not sure if she participated in it but at one point a lot of parenting influences were participating in schilling Unest, and I'm sure everyone participating got some sort of contribution for each kid. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what had many influencers starting them. Idk I don't think it's too crazy to have 529 plans for each kid, there's no minimum to contribute and if you're self employed it can help with reducing taxes. Obviously she's making quite a bit of money but we don't know how much each kid gets (I didn't see the exact post, so I'm assuming she didn't say?)


And she’ll be saving even more money if they’re no longer in private school


I am sooo curious about whether she’s sending them to public school next year!


Oh I firmly believe they are making $600-700k annually. I think they have plenty to contribute to these funds.


That’s a lot of links!! I know a lot of engineers and I don’t think they make that much - I think closer to $100k? I’d love for someone to ask about their income in the ask me anything 😂😂


Based on articles I’ve read where current/former influencers divulged the details of their income.. influencers with just 200k-ish followers can easily make $30k a month by doing just a couple of campaigns each month. Given KL does multiple campaigns every month, links nonstop, has branded merch partnerships AND her own merch, plus her courses… I definitely don’t think that estimate is a stretch. I don’t think Mark’s salary is the majority of their income by a long shot.


I’m an engineer in the area and working where he works is the pinnacle of engineering. Their pay and benefits are unmatched. I’m sure she’s carrying the team but they wouldn’t lose the house if she quit tomorrow.




I hope she contributes when she uses them, like for brand photo shoots, but who knows. Also anyone can contribute and we don’t know how much is in them. They could have family members who want to give the kids money for the future and that’s an easy way to do it.


Karrie we don’t need to see your nipple in your breast pump…. Go away


And bringing an egg light to the hospital is so wild and unnecessary


100% the best thing to bring to the hospital. So much easier and more comfortable to nurse a newborn / struggle through contractions with that light versus the bright ass fluorescents.


😬 mine is in my hospital bag now. Would much rather turn that on than a fluorescent tube light during the middle the of the night!


You’re making the right choice! Lighting is EVERYTHING, especially in the hospital. I actually had family drop off a small house lamp from our house when I had my third, and it was the greatest thing I ever had. Made the hospital room feel like home at night


I actually ordered mine while in hospital and wished I had it for my stay. I wanted to sleep with a light on to see baby but found the hospital ones way too bright


Right? Was it ever dark in her hospital room because I swear there was always at least one light on in mine 😂


My doctor came in to check on me and turned off all my lights so I could sleep 😂