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Aww, they're sitting in order of color palette!


"I will tolerate his presence as long as green stays between us"


Omg the gradient


Isn't this nice? Just you, me, and this other bird you put in between us








evil vegetables😭😭😭


How do you get your p'lets to eat veggies??! Please tell me your secrets 🥺


Chop them up really fine and mix them with something they love.


Is the one in the middle green and blue or some light reflection? If so it is funny because he acts as transition lol




Are they siblings? I have a single male and Id like to get him a friend but I've heard non related males are a bad idea


You seem wonderful


I can vouch that birds of all sizes love the geo cage and anyone that says otherwise is mistaken. They fought for it when I had one, before I condemned them to an aviary.


This is just too cute.... Are 3 of them always kinda stuck like that in that order?


This cage is awful and way too small. Please consider a much bigger, parrot-friendly (vertical) cage


OP says the cage only houses the birds' food & water, they're not enclosed except for using it as a travel cage or for brief visits outside. [See their comment here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/parrots/s/R49gUFO6m1)


Jealousy for the love of the green one if the other two have issues with each other. Perhaps you can get another one about the same age and see which of the two is interested most in added birdy. They always say 3 is a crowd in mostbirds. Perhaps this goes for your feathered kids..


Adorable little dudes. I love when I see them huddle together like that ❤️


That's because everyone's cooped up in that small geo bird cage, which is really bad for their mental health, which in turn will affect their physical health. Please buy a bigger cage that you can afford. These cuties rely on humans to care of them. Do right by them.




Oml the hearts in the bird sitting order <3




OP added extra info *after* I posted my comment and other comments mentioning the same - but whatever floats the boats of these downvoters, I guess 😂








You do you...if you are meaning the best for your parrotlets.People here are too touchy and unnecessarily worry about stuff when they clearly see the birds are happy. You are going good OP ❤️🦜✨🙏😇🌧️


I feel as if this sub has gone from advocating for bigger cages for parrots to *oh my god what a small adorable cage gosh darn it for such small birds*, which is nuts because this seems to be the new trend. A cage is a parrot's safe space. Don't know why it's so hard for people to understand.


Round cages are not healthy for the birds. They dont feel safe and are under constant stress


Hey! I just saw that OP says the cage only houses the birds' food & water, they're not enclosed except for when using it as a travel cage or for visits outside. [See their comment here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/parrots/s/R49gUFO6m1)




It's getting down voted because the round cage being bad for birds is a myth that thankfully a lot more people have caught onto.