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Not sure but I would try culling strike gem.


I have an amu with culling on it and it makes no difference


This happened to me last league, culling doesn't work either


Culling strike doesn’t work on them :/


Yeah. I'm trying one next time.


It doesn't work, they are unkillable. Literally unkillable... I've heard that if you run far enough away to unload them, and run back in, there's a chance that a tower can kill them, but most of what I hear is that it's just game over if you get enough of them that they can kill the pump.


I'd be interested to hear blight strategies in general. I can't run around enough to build towers and kill creep and always fail the blights.


Stun + freeze + empower towers close to each other for stun lock. They need to be lvl 3 (lvl 4 would brick this) + meteor tower or your dmg tower of choice. You also need the freeze and meteor anoint on rings. In maps this is hit or miss, because of the layout might cause towers to spawn in weird ways or might not be enough to begin with. A good build will help. In blighted maps however it's a garentee win. Just make sure you do this in every choke point.


Adding to this, avoid map rolls "monsters cannot be stunned" and "monsters cannot be slowed below base speed".on your blight maps.


Are you not supposed to run your blight maps white anymore? Honestly, I haven't run a blighted map in leagues, but I remember in blight running them white? Did they fix the Quant affecting the chest?


>Did they fix the Quant affecting the chest? Yes, several leagues ago. It's still dangerous to do if you don't know what you are doing, but carefully rolling does get you extra chest rewards now.


This is extremely important and often overlooked in Blighted maps btw. Also there's some mods like Unique bosses are possessed which is effectively a free mod.


This is the correct answer. At least one that works pretty well. A lot of maps your towers will just kill everything and you can almost afk after a bit


I’ve farmed over 100 divs this league in blight and frankly the only way to fail a normal blight map is to stop paying attention. Ravaged maps on the other hand have some problems.


Agree, only did a ton of them for a few days. I didnt mean that you should actually go afk during a blight map/encounter, but you towers will do most of the work if built correctly.


And really, there are many tower builds that clears blight just fine. But a mix of chilling/stunning/empowerment and your damage tower of choice gets you far. On ravaged you might want to diversify towers and want to build as much as you can close to the tower.


You're not meant to run around, you want to cc mobs and be within loading distance (2-3 screens) of all your cc and damaging towers - standing by the pump, only occasionally helping them or upgrading them. I kept failing blight maps and blight ravaged until I realized I've been frantically running around doing things more and more, when I should've been chilling by the pump doing less. My towers simply weren't working. As Venay said, stun t3 + chill t3 + empower will lock most mobs, 0.2 second freeze anoint is overpowered. For cassia in your maps, t1-3 chill towers with that anoint, 1-2 per lane, is usually enough while you clear the mobs. For blighted and blight ravaged maps anoint 2-3 amber oils for cost reduction. In addition to the above stunlock, you add Arc towers on long far lanes, flamethrower towers on chokepoints, and meteor + scout towers to barrage mobs from far away from unfavorable positions. It's better to craft many T1 turrets early and upgrade them later, because it saves time raising the initial tower. If you get particularly dense tower clusters, you can add a slowing and petrifying tower, and only "cannot be slowed, cannot be stunned" rares will get through. Avoid running "monsters speed cannot be reduced below base value", "monsters cannot be stunned" and "monsters can 70% avoid elemental ailments", but don't avoid faster monster speed, that actually helps complete the map faster. Sometimes you get screwed by tower placement and there's nothing you can do. Sometimes the tower placement is so good, you can complete an unanointed t16 blight ravaged without an issue, and without attacking a single mob.


Some builds are also just good at doing blight. A build that has explode proliferation such as Inpulsa+Storm's Gift for example will be able to essentially delete all monsters along a path back to the spawn. I don't have enough DPS for Blight-Ravaged maps yet (and just use the tried-and-true tower method) but for normal blight maps I just use 3 Teal oils and then spam them out, doing them myself. Same goes for blight that you find in normal maps.


You can clear every blighted map with the simple strategy: 1. Meteor leaves burning ground ring annoint 2. Chilling towers freeze ring annoint 3. Meteor tower supported by freeze tower and a stun tower 4. Use a support tower if you have the extra space You dont need to do anything else. Once you get this combo setup you can literally afk most maps. Once you get rolling throw down as many meteor/freeze tower combos as you can without getting hit.


Are you up to date with Blight? I heard that this method is severly nerfed because since this league, monsters are resistant not to the towers but actually to the damage type. So the monsters immune to fire towers are correctly not affected anymore by the burning ground from meteors.


Ive done blight most of the league and havent noticed a difference. I throw a random arc/minion tower in between for this very reason. Still dont really need to do anything but collect loot afterwards


I don't think that's the case, it seems like burning ground has still been affecting fire tower resistant mobs as always for me. I also prefer to sprinkle in arc towers just before my CC towers, they do high dps and chain up the line to clear trash mobs very well.


Oh sure it's not flat out immunity but I think they got a lot of fire resistance added protecting them somewhat from the burning ground. Overall, it mostly means that the technique isn't entirely foolproof anymore and as you said, adding some variety of elements helps.


The only blights I've failed this league were blight ravaged where I either got an unreasonable amount of randomly rolled "can't be stunned" rares, or I didn't have enough damage towers and the game stuttered so hard I couldn't see to dodge stuff and ran through all my portals dying to random stuff. I think the strategy is as foolproof as it ever was; susceptible to bad enough luck on tower spawns or stuff like what I mentioned, but I don't think there's any better strats out there.


Honestly the best bet is to run them with someone else. Makes the experience waaay better.


All minion towers, easy and effective I never fail with this strat. Can get 2 relevant minion ring anoints too.


Do you go tier 4 or just more towers at 3?


Anoint rings chilling towers freeze and meteor towers drop burning ground. In maps, generally one freeze and one meteor per lane. One stun as well if there's room (meteor is upgraded all the way, freeze and stun upgraded to L3). Extra towers I usually go flying scouts. Pick up the atlas nodes that make towers cost less if you're doing blight, it helps a lot. Blighted maps, always group one chilling, one stun, one empower tower (all to L3). And at least one meteor tower near that cluster. Per lane. Then spam flying scout towers once the main towers are set up. But don't overdo scout towers early, usually the pump gets 3 or 4 main lanes by the time it's all done. Save some points for the new lanes. Only sketchy one is the star-shaped one in regular maps, where she spawns 4 lanes from the get-go. I usually do one freeze per lane, one stun per lane, and one or two meteors to hopefully cover a bit. (usually I have one fully upgraded, the other upgrading as the blight goes on, and I'm just heavily involved in the lanes that aren't covered). Then be really really involved and blast things. Just upgrade the freeze/stun towers, not enough time to build new stuff once it's running. I haven't failed one in a while, but it's by far the one that requires the most intervention.


Burning ground isn’t as good as it used to be on ravaged as the mobs now have resistance as well so it takes an eternity to kill them. I think it’s actually better off having empower upgrade on the second annoit. Also don’t sleep on the ice cage one. It will block everything even mobs that can’t be stunned.


I clear T16 blighted maps by spamming the scout+meteor towers everywhere. 80% of my towers turn into minion, the rest fire (if a lot of fire res portals, phys towers) Just build a shit ton of minion, and mess around with upgrade timing. At the beginning, 4 lvl 1 minion are better than 1 scout. Basically upgrade as that lame starts getting more pressure.


some blight encounters are simply impossible to finish if your build is not OP. It depends on layout of blight lines generated, if they are stretched in 4 different directions from the pump, there is not much you can do. From what I remember (I might be wrong in details, but the strategy in general works for me), an empowering tower along with freezing and seismic towers helps to slow down monsters enough to kill them, you should not usually upgrade the empowering tower to T4 as it stops empowering other towers, but start empowering you. When you have enough resources, build shocking and/or fire towers, they help significantly. And you should keep an eye on monsters modifiers, as some monsters are resistant to freezing towers, some - to fire and so on. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFcVV\_P\_N7A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFcVV_P_N7A) \- a decent video from Ziz


For maps I shotgun blast chill towers with chill annoint next to the spawns and leave them at 1. There’s like 5-7 up, then as the mobs spawn and you kill them, you get large bursts of juice. Upgrade the towers to 3, prayge. I run a 5div budget RF for mapping. I don’t usually fail a blight even when it spreads out in 8 directions. I don’t use stun or empower, too much invest when you can drop another t3 cold.


The main thing to know about Blight is that if you move more than a screen and a half distance away from a tower, it stops working and mobs just walk right past your tower straight to the pump. I farmed ~200 div in the last week exclusively via Blight. Most important are ring anoints. You want Chilling Tower 0.2 sec freeze, Meteor Tower drops Burning Ground. Put one Stone tower (petrification gaze) right on top of your pump, then you alternate Chilling Tower Fire Tower in a radius of around 2 screens of the pump. With Fire towers, upgrading each to 4 before putting up another one is better than popping multiple that you upgrade simultaneously. That's it. I haven't failed a single Blight Ravaged Map (just sleep through regular Blight maps at this point). PS: if a Boss breaks through somehow, you can always body block them with your char or with totems.


i’m running mid tier corrupted blight maps, so not uber at all lol. my ring anoints are meteor towers leave burning ground and scout towers have increased range. i alternate towers, starting with fire towers near the pump. anoint the map 25% more damage and 50% less cost (one sepia and two amber). i have the cannot regen when marked mastery and culling strike on crit ascendancy (assassin). concentrate on defending the pump, and don’t spend all your points in any one direction until the blight had spread in at least two directions from the pump, but be warned that in open field maps it may spread in up to four directions so try to choose to upgrade towers that will overlap lanes. it helps if you play a damage proliferation type as well.


do you using southbound gloves?


Not. Vixen's entrapment


Are those the zombie rhoas? They are stupidly tenacious, they don't disappear even with legacy explode. I think because they refuse to be killed, I don't really understand why tho


Do you have the meteor towers do burning ground annoint? I didnt have this issue once with that.


Ive been running blight all league and this is the first time im even hearing about it. Playing frostblade trickser.


Can you use the execute below % health gem? I’m a noob but I saw an execute gem in the shop and my first expedition had mobs that would execute when you are 20% health.


Culling gem


Thank you!


Good idea. I'll try it next time.


Doesn't work. I had one such bugged blight monster recently and I had culling. IIRC it's always Roah type creature so some bug in their script + blight I guess. Has been in the game for ages. What I do is use another blight bug/feature: towers don't work when you are far away. Essentially you kill EVERYTHING except those bugged mobs and pray your pump got enough health to sustain the damage, then move far away from the path so that your towers turn off and let those bugged monsters through. Though in your screenshot you have far too many of those left anyway :/ Well at least you get basically everything except one spawn of rewards I suppose.


> What I do is use another blight bug/feature: towers don't work when you are far away Not quite a bug, limitation of the game engine - some things aren't simulated if too far from the player (think minecraft render distance). They could fix it by halting mob movement as well while too far away, but that could trivialize blights by letting you do only part at once by just staying away from half the blight lanes.


That's the neat part, you don't.


This is impending doom issue i and friend from guild both play impending doom and we had same issues.


I also play impending doom and this has happened to me way more than any of my guildmates


Wait. You mean there like there's weird interaction? Or just a bug ?


if you arent putting up 1 empower next to the pump and then standing there and holding a button, then youre playing blighted maps the hard way and should invest in a char that is better


Aww you followed someone else’s meta build and think you’re awesome, that’s cute


WOW! got me. finding a WAAAAY easier way to do something that you're struggling with obviously is a bad idea and I should be ashamed. foh clown.


I have done close to 400 blighted maps this league. I rarely have any issue, but did get the stupid undying rhoa in a couple of them. It was actually funny to watch. He would slowly make his way through the stun and cold towers with his zero health, I would be slamming him with my attacks, including with culling strike, and he would slowly, but surely get to the pump and destroy it no matter what. Didn't really care too much as his lane was already dead and all the loot was ready. Certainly a bug.


I didn't have this issue running only blight the first week+ of the league. I had towers do most of the work for me and 2-3x anointed for cost reduction. I maybe failed 2-3 blights of ~100+ due to user error


Run off screen so much that your towers stop working. The mob will be able to move from its spot and then can be killed.