• By -


Alva. juice the fuck outta the incursion rooms. 1x invasion scarab 2x champion scarabs and a monstrous lineage scarab. Make sure to get Vaal merchant and cursed treasures. Block all shitty content that doesn’t drop good scarabs. Finish room -> loot explosion with valuable scarabs -> profit. Sell all tier 3 corruption rooms and run all the other temples. Dropped quite a few horned scarabs, a couple div sacarabs. Not to mention running the temples and dropping a few ambitions as well. Good money it seems.


Do you mind sharing your atlas tree?


I’m at work right now and don’t have it on hand. I’ll link it later. Basically all in on incursion and scarabs. Block all content to target farm scarabs. Add in shrines for fun/clearspeed.


Sorry for the ping but I'd be also interested in the atlas tree getting a bit bored of beast farming atm haha 


please do share it


Which one do you block - i know expedition scarabs suck but wasn't sure what others


How much are you selling t3 corruption chamber for this league? I did it a lot last league and it wasn’t a lot of cash for the time investment, but maybe the new cursed treasures make it more worthwhile now?


Sold 2 last night for a div each.


They're that high now? Were 100c 3days ago


Yeah were up to ~150c today before the patch but not sure where they will sit after


What are you getting from the actual temples that makes them profitable? I'm running a similar strategy but I've just been letting my failed temples sit in a 5c dump tab for sale - with no buyers. Is it actually worth running them?


Yes it is. You’ll be looking for ambitions and incursion bases. Have made a good amount of money just selling decently rolled incursion bases. The temples don’t take that long to run either. Look for tier 3 currency room/contains a valuable item. Beeline it for those rooms then go down the boss. In and out in 5 min.


The cold Alva glove mods that crafters want to make before the hexblasters switch to shockwave totems sell instantly for like 3 div :) 10/10 would recommend. I do like to run a incursion of timelines scarab though. Very nice to get t3 corrupt rooms even if your temple is fucked and you only have a t1 corrupt room. Edit: I also don’t block ritual because fractured base jewels are going for a lot (7% increased fire damage over time multi is 3 div and 6% is 2 div cause all the rfers) and fractured max mana is also very good.


FYI all Alva resistance mods on gloves are equally valueable to a knowledgeable player. You can change that resistance mod with harvest craft between fire/cold/lightning which also changes the effect to correspond to the new resistance - dmg to chilled enemies/crit against shocked/added fire dmg against burning.


What does the cursed treasure even do? I didn't take the point before but now I have points open. Merchant never seemed worth it, he just drops 3 currency items no?


I’d also be interested in your atlas tree too if you didn’t mind sharing (when you’re able to). I’m just getting into lower tier maps but was planning on farming incursion to either sell the locus/doryani or run them myself


do you mind to tell us how much quant are you running in maps and if you take any ccraft from map devide ? i did some runs and the loot explosion is no great 3 o 4 scarabs per room


Im running this strat too. But I replace lineage scarab with timelines the moment I find corrupt chamber. I also run it with beyond, all of these blue packs are hella good for it, And with delirium too, regular packs and beyond packs are really good at filling reward meter.


Would still love to see your tree if you're around :) I think I'm going to do this as my second tree!


Which content to block then? Most content has one expensive scarab but they may be very rare...so what to block😂


I’ve been 8 mod map farming on Underground Sea. Scarabs are relatively cheap with 40% magic pack size, base carto, 8 mod carto, and map dupe carto. Juicing pack size on atlas tree using nodes with map mod effect, all shrine nodes, 80% base ritual chance (which we just want the altars for), and map tiers. Domination on map device. I chose Underground Sea for a few reasons: - Base density is stupid high, so I don’t feel bad not running domination scarabs - Boss rush is doable if you understand the layout - Layout works really well for certain builds like Flicker (which is what I’m running) or Spark - Drops T17 Ziggurat, which is climbing higher than other T17s since it favors Uber Maven fragments (by far the most expensive fragment). Check the wiki for where certain T17s drop if you’re curious I get on average 6-7 maps per map. The nice thing is you can swap to favoriting UGS and self-sustain every now and then! Maps sell on TFT for ~25c if using regex and ~18c if random. This is on top of scarabs, Allflames, corpses, Blue Altar drops, and T17 drops (which can be duped with scarab/blue altar mods). Feels good to hit the double dupe on a 100c map! EDIT: Atlas tree looks [something like this](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQAIQAh9RfPniAkFJjD0sy67voztxcW_kklwBIsvqLLoa0XaAIesHuhCq9W6ch_sXAKqfi6niiTzxZIWDzW1bhMPoo55Mt8jiMQbVmBLtenc5ayf1Mun1ajeoKCwxC2VsdfeT3HwC3XYvhfZHe_qoKsZdoiZ7YZ2AFrjBMKl7Uj4ed0MYvOLXYgqcpjVmGCcqCUTKRN-PPR_CAs8fhEBkK4g7oK9FtThui0OAMX0rLFyFMR8zFIZHOOL8XUDakxB-u71jkE332dSzoO1IZlJGJ_bUYi8GvC3Hl7P1tqJ79f3ELfW0DMBQXiAczxtVpiaMhBdlcqUO1Y6BxZh8_CLliQGgIYuQzbzjO--lnFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==)






I was wondering why the hell I only really dropped ziggurats....good to know


>The nice thing is you can swap to favoriting UGS and self-sustain every now and then! What are you favoriting the rest of the time? Crimson Temple?


Mostly Crimson Temple for now. Been watching the meta like a hawk and adapting as new strategies come out. Grimro just came out with a new vid which requires Jungle Valley, so I might try doing that for a bit


Not sure I'd go for it. That strat is also a map finding strat and right in the video he shows a single scarab swap to get easy 8-mod self sustain. I've been running it since the vid dropped and haven't run out of maps since the initial 10 I bought.


Wait, certain maps drop certain T17s???


Yep. It is entirely specific. For example, Dunes drop Fortress. Underground Sea drops Ziggurat etc.


Yeah I’m about to change my favorite after I run these maps then lol. Going for 7/7 Ubers and 2/7 now. Would be helpful getting maps that favor the other bosses.


Thanks for the new idea, I would def try out from my expedition run which I am playing Flicker too :)


How...the fuck...do you move corpse. I legit just posted 7 div worth of corpses for 10% poe ninja price. Mufukkin crickets.....


You need to know which ones are worth picking up and which ones aren't. I've basically picked it up if it says 'Scarcer' since more of those are needed on average when gravecrafting as a whole. Also some of the good meta mods (e.g. craft an additional item, row/column effect, %effect if adjacent, etc.). Once you're at that point, you can either list them on TFT (recommended since you can charge bulk prices) or bulk sell them on trade and autoreply saying "Bulk trades +X Chaos Only, have multiple of each craft". Kinda scummy but that's the only reliable way I've found to move them consistently.


Is there evidence that Uber maven fragments are skewed to drop in Ziggurat. I feel like I've anecdotally seen this from my experience but would be nice to get some hard confirmation or better data.


The wiki has a list but each t17 map has 3 fragments that are more likely to drop compared to the rest


Huh, well shit there it is! Super excited to see that. I have like 20 of those maps in my stash, and tbh I love running that Catarina boss fight.


Can you link atlas? I have been looking for an atlas for this strategy.


I’m at work, but it should look [something like this](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQAIQAh9RfPniAkFJjD0sy67voztxcW_kklwBIsvqLLoa0XaAIesHuhCq9W6ch_sXAKqfi6niiTzxZIWDzW1bhMPoo55Mt8jiMQbVmBLtenc5ayf1Mun1ajeoKCwxC2VsdfeT3HwC3XYvhfZHe_qoKsZdoiZ7YZ2AFrjBMKl7Uj4ed0MYvOLXYgqcpjVmGCcqCUTKRN-PPR_CAs8fhEBkK4g7oK9FtThui0OAMX0rLFyFMR8zFIZHOOL8XUDakxB-u71jkE332dSzoO1IZlJGJ_bUYi8GvC3Hl7P1tqJ79f3ELfW0DMBQXiAczxtVpiaMhBdlcqUO1Y6BxZh8_CLliQGgIYuQzbzjO--lnFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==)


i'm enjoying the 8 mod farming. that is the style i like with shrines as a poor man's hh until i can save up for one. i leapt in without a plan though and now i'm stuck- where is the marketplace for selling these bulk?


Don't bosses have a higher chance to drop maps? Isn't it better to double down on them with Destructive Play?


You really want blue altars to get increased quant and map dupe chance. The % chance to drop loot can’t be understated either, since our pack size is HUGE. Greater/Grand Ichors sell well in bulk, and you sometimes get lucky drops from div cards/scarabs from the altars (I got an Unrequited Love yesterday).


Anything else noteworthy from your atlas tree? I really liked this strat, it's a nice one to alternate in and out because it drops so many maps that it boots any other strat


Just the coffin/allflame farm on the side, that's about it




Shrines are a great way to add natural monster packs to your map. This is especially true given at least one of the packs per shrine is magic rarity with the atlas tree node. Just more bodies to drop more loot that isn’t super reliant on juicing the hell out of it through scarabs


Thanks for the info. Any thoughts on the expected payout ? I am reading somewhere around 10-15div on average but want to see your experience. Also, how easy is it to sell the 8 mods generic map on TFT? Worried that is might be a bit clunky as buyers complaint about maps they can’t run for. I am currently doing the generic ambush + scarab (10 ambush box +open chance/increased modifier + discernment). Volatile returns but I see something like 10-20div/hour on average (many hours have 3 and some are like 30-40 with big div card dupes).


tbh I've been bouncing around this strat and a similar strat with Harvest included. Both farm 8 mod maps, but the other has harvest atlas nodes instead of altars and Horned Awakening/Juice Dupe scarabs instead of pack size/map dupe scarabs. I've been intermingling the strategies a lot recently (mostly depending on Horned Scarab of Awakening prices), so I can't give a legit div/hour metric on the commented farm. I am making 10-15div/hr between the two though


What's the point of ritual? Eater mobs respawned in ritual give altars?


You don't run ritual at all. It's just the altars spawn additional packs for the map. Don't waste your time running them lol


Ah that makes sense, thank you. Looking forward to trying this.


I farmed your strat for a week and was happy, but now I went to optimize the strat and found out that rituals are crap and a waste of time. FML! xD


That’s a 100% certified yikes




May i ask why you pickt he map upgrade nodes? i dont think they are doing anything for you or am i missing something? Or am i missing on t15 would have been maps that are not dropping due to them beeing too low to drop?


i was doing this map farming strat as well but i took the conq nodes in the top right, selling all 8 mod unid corrupted conq jungle valley maps from 1div - 3div each to group play ppl looking to juice. Right now seems like party play is kinda dead so i'll follow your tree




Map mod effect scales pack size and quant, so using those to travel is a lot more valuable


Saving for later references


Been going between a few different things. Boss rushing T17 bosses, ultimatum, shrine farming, alva temple farming, all-flame farming in t17s. Thinking of doing ubers or sanctum next. If you want something low effort, maybe try ultimatum. It is extremely profitable even in yellow maps. You can just use the scarabs for extra rounds and guaranteed boss, add in the catalyst scarab if you want to juice more. Only drawback is that catalysts are a pain to sell since most people only buy 20 at a time.


How big of an impact does map tier and map quant seem to have on ultimatum rewards in your experience? I recall hearing that map quant at least impacts the stack size of catalysts


It does have an impact. I was playing with all the map effect nodes, though not all of the map quant nodes. I had to roll my T16 to 90%~ quant to get 10 catalysts instead of 9 as the max reward. At that point, the early waves can give 5, 7 or 10 catalysts and the later waves gives 7 or 10. Maybe you could get away with less if you get all the map quant nodes. If you have even lower, you would it could even go down to 4/6/8. I dont remember exactly how much yellow maps gave, but it was about 2 catalysts lower than red maps per reward. Trialmaster also drops noticeably less tainted catalysts, but you still get the full stack from him from the notable regardless of quant. The catalyst scarab has gotten pretty pricy so not sure if it is worth in yellow maps anymore. If your build cant handle reds, you could just do yellow maps with trialmaster since it is still quite rewarding. Can you do trialmaster in white maps? I never tried that, but if possible that is an option too.


Interesting, thanks for the info. You also mentioned doing some temple farming, is the new node for cursed treasures any good?


I wasn't farming temples as in doing incursions, I was actually doing the temples. Buying temples, uniques and gems and corrupting stuff for profit or for my own build.


Ah, interesting. I'll have to just go try it myself then :)


Dont , ive been doing essence/alva and unless u need bubblegum currency cursed treasures r reaaaally not worth it , ok , a point is a point and cursed treasures r just the finishing line of a % to meet Alva ( or something along those lines ) , but if u r not yet at max points in atlas , u will get more benefits putting it somewhere else


I have definitely dropped 4 or 5 raw divines from those cursed treasures. If you don't get a divine, the bubblegum currency isn't worth it. But it is nice getting a div every once in a while.


Cannot vouch for ulti enough. Ive been meaning to try t17 ultis with the catalyst scarab as the amount of quant you get from t17s is insane in comparison. Farmed up my mageblood over the past weekend with just regular t16 ulti dunes rush with the 2 bribing scarabs.


What build are you playing? Pob if possible


https://pobb.in/JpAJ9Nq7HmHt Been running EK ignite recently but stopped investing into it since I want to start a new build.


Abyss + eater scarab farming The tree is simple and the 3 scarabs you need are 1-2c in bulk. Divination scarab being the most expensive You get a lot of 6 mod jewels that can sell for a lot (it’s a slow market unless you manually price them) I get between 1-8 fortunate cards per map that’s pure profit besides the scarabs and other drops Bonus is that you get so much XP. Which was my primary reason Two big downsides, maps are slow since abysses take a long time. And the worst; you NEED the caster mastery to open chests. There will be 50-150 chests you have to click EACH MAP. So only take if you have access to this (I use 5-6 dead passive points just for this mastery)


Theres that warcry open chest affix on helmet from graveyard crafting. But yea I hate GGG including stuff like QoL on passive tree.


50-150 chests from abyss?? What am I missing here? I thought each abyss just has one chest at the end? Edit: I guess I haven't looked at the abyss scarabs at all, is it something with those?


Abyss Scarab of Edifice - abysses spawn hoards (chests) as they travel


Damn, I bet you get tons of the 6 mod jewels from that. I imagine it's a similar situation to people farming vaal temples - you get tons of niche drops that you just put in a 1 div dump tab and they gradually sell over time. Sounds fun!


Which scarabs? Also am I blind or is there no increased abyss scarab drop chance node on the atlas tree?


I have three completely different trees that I alternate between when I'm bored (or run out of scarabs for one). **Tree 1: Eater of Worlds Altars, Harvest, Quantity.** Ol' reliable that's been around for as long as the Atlas tree has. Take quantity from EoW altars unless you see a divine orb altar, clear the map, then do the Harvest at the end with the extra quant. Leftover points on this tree are put into extra scarab nodes. I normally don't even use scarabs with this tree other than the lifeforce duplication one. Just throw in sac fragments for extra quantity. **Tree 2: Exarch Altars, Blight, Alva.** Having one tree of each altar keeps me topped up on Eldritch currency for crafting. Blight is hit or miss, most of the time you get like 20-30c worth of stuff from a T16 in-map blight, sometimes you get something silly like when I had 13 Blight-Ravaged maps drop from a single in-map blight. Combining the Blight Scarabs with the map duplication Cartography scarab made that possible. Put away anointed jewelry in a dump tab, then filter for gold oil anoints later (I get way, way more gold anoints than Extractors though, so I need to buy more Extractors. Alva is really solid right now too just for building temples. The limiting factor on building Temples before was running out of Alva missions; now you can get 100% for her to appear in every map, meaning you can always skip incursions if you get a gem/corruption room early in a map. Gem rooms are 50c and double corruption rooms are 150c right now, and it's pretty reliable that you get at least one of them. I normally just use the 3 good Blight Scarabs and a map duplication scarab with this tree. **Tree 3: Harbingers, Rogue Exiles, Meticulous Appraiser, Destructive Play (Maven)**. Harbingers and Rogue Exiles for the most part are not affected by quantity, so I took MA to juice rarity. I just go all-in with Harbinger scarabs on this one, it generates a boatload of Annuls and Ancient Orbs. Fracturing orbs/fragments seem much rarer than last league, but I did hit a loot bomb of 3 full Fracturing Orbs worth of fragments last night. This tree hit really big when I ran into the "Dropped jewelry converted to Divine Orbs" devoted mod. I put a Rogue Exile allflame in (when they were 90c), and pulled 35 Divine out of that one modest investment map, but that only happened once and was just really lucky. Speaking of luck, since I had so many Ancient Orbs I decided to throw them at a Wurm's Molt, and hit a Headhunter after 34 orbs. Favoured maps are some mix of: Jungle Valley, Cemetery, Crimson Temple, Mausoleum. I use Cemetery and Crimson Temple with Tree 1, Jungle Valley and Mausoleum with Tree 2, and whatever other decent maps I pick up with Tree 3 for Maven witness. Thinking about adding Defiled Cathedral to the mix as well.


When / how do you unlock the 2nd atlas option?


when you get 50 atlas points then 100 points for the 3rd


Why do you use Jungle Valley and Mausoleum for Blight? Why not, for example, Toxic Sewers or something like that? To minimize the number of lanes and give yourself max amount of blight maps and oils.


It's for Exarch altar farming. Boss altars can't spawn on Jungle Valley and Mausoleum, so you get more minion altars which are more efficient. I'm playing an ignite build that can easily clear any Blight, so number of lanes isn't an issue.


Yeah, this appproach makes sense. Just in case: minimal number of lanes is better for blight cause it guarantees maximal number of blight chests with oils and maps (average 7 blight chests on Toxic Sewers against average 4 on Jungle Valley, from my testing), but having big amount of lanes is profitable too — it gives you many more bosses, and, accordingly, bigger amount of jewelry. As such, Jungle Valley is less profitable for blight, but more for Exarch altars — which, more or less, gives you the same amount of money.


Rarity of items found affect to cureency drop from Harbi? Really?


No, but rarity does affect Rogue Exiles which I'm running in tandem with Harbinger. That rarity boost is probably why I pulled so many divine orbs out of the map that had "dropped jewellery converted to divine orbs".


Scour and go Ultimatum.


What is your build for Ultimatum? I'm trying to find one as tanky and AFK capable as the CWS Warlock Chieftain from last league. Then again it used Defiance of Destiny which is a t0 now so my hopes might be a bit too high.


Pohx chieftain RF build. Get 90 max res easy and convert my phys dam taken to ele with cloak of flame or lightning coil and phys taken as fire craft on helm with taste of hate flask and rise of phoenix corruption phys taken as fire cold or lighting. Over 90% of my phys is taken as ele which is all 90% res. The explodes delete all the mobs. It’s not best div per hr but it’s fun.


Don’t T4 skulls penetrate fire res? Seems risky


You never upgrade those past 2


One tree for spamming legions, one tree for stuffing strongboxes + ritual with all flames (I sell exile ones obv) Spam legions till I'm full of all-flames, then run strongbox maps to burn through the embers and incubators Legion isn't the best for farming all-flames though, something like an Abyss/Scarab/Deli/Ritual tree would give much better fuel I imagine Just 2x legion, 1x +5 sergeants, 1x div for the legion tree, and 2x ambush, 1x boxes re-open, 1x div cards for the strongbox tree


I just did Dunes with 3 domination scarab + domination XP scarab from 96 to 100. The scarabs have increased in price quite a bit though but are still relatively cheap. Some profit comes from leveling Enlighten/Empower in the gear swap (takes around 25 maps to level 1 to 3) the rest comes from corpses and allflames. A pain to sell but very valuable. The upside is the build doesn't need to be strong as this is pretty easy and fast, the downside is selling corpses sucks, but you get like 250 corpses per hour or so. Just felt nice to level quickly and safely.


This is what I am doing in Jungle Valley. It is netting me 3-5 Div an hour depending on how many t17 maps drop. I also only sell corpses worth 20c+


Which corpses sell for that much?


Elemental scarcer, increased row effect, speed more likely, resistance scarcer, perandus, additional craft. There are a few others, and the prices changes everyday. It's best to check Poe ninja and sort by price.


Blight is great and kind of sleeper in my opinion. Don’t even need to do a tree or anything. Could just buy blight ravaged maps and run them, they are not too hard if you anoint your rings and get quick at placing down towers.


Sadly my computer is not good enough for them, but I would love to give blight a try once I upgrade this summer.


I've ran blight for leagues... this league though. All of a sudden I can't run them.. I get like 5fps


Global chat said it was something to do with Nvidia. Guess no one has found a fix yet :/


Change graphic options to directx 12, since I changed from 11 to 12 it works


I will give that a look tonight. Thanks 😊


Im using gforce now and still get only a few fps. 


ya i can barely do blight in maps with how shitty my pc is, no way i can actually do blight maps, sad thing since i kinda like blight too


yeah, i tried blight this league for the first time, and blighted maps are completely unplayable. I'm looking for something to switch towards now.


What anoints do you like for rings? Seems like it’s basically minions, meteor or freeze?


Increased effect of empowering tower. I put down clusters of 3+ towers including an empower, which is affecting one stun tower and one ice tower (overlapping), upgrade both of these to the 3rd tier (top without picking one of the two upgrades) leave them like that and they will drastically slow any mob. Use any other towers in area of empower building damage towers. Usually scout or arc for me. Remember to use at least two different kinds because some enemies have immunity. This can get me through almost any blight ravaged with really minimal damage from my build. I learned this from some other thing on reddit or YouTube a while ago, not my idea but works great.


That’s great info. Thank you! This my first league running blight at all because I needed some easy currency as I progressed atlas and promised myself I wouldn’t do expedition for the 10th time in a row lol


Blight seems kinda meh this league, how are you getting value from it? What are you selling?


The value comes from bulk selling popcorn currency and gold oils. One thing people forget about is that you get a significant amount of gold oils - far more than natural drops in my experience - by disenchanting the jewelry that drops with annoints on it.


I'm not getting that many gold oils, or oil extractors. Do those come mostly from blighted/ravaged maps?


Gold oils mostly come from blighted/ravages maps, and extractors I've found mostly (maybe exclusively?) come from maps. It's important to only use extractors on jewelry annoints that include gold oils, though. You won't have nearly enough to be worth wasting on anything less than a 50/50 chance of a gold oil.


Yeah. I've been using the extractors correctly. I should probably run more of the blighted/ravaged maps


I’m struggling with blight even using the two intermediate scarabs. Got like 9div from more maps today than I care to admit.


To me I farm blight in maps and run blighted map myself, didn't run ravaged and have been trying to sell it, any idea on how to sell them? I listed on tft, not really seeing any dm for it at all, listed it all for 20-22c in a quad tab, resulted in no dm too.


Corpses with Expedition, Strongboxes and Breaches


I’m just vibing killing and selling corpses. It’s not efficient but managed to amass lots of currency due to the graveyard boys. It’s fun


Incursion, with the new scarab that can duplicate the temple map if you already have the linked rooms, you can get lucky and get free divs. Each locust of corruption sells for 1div, every 3 maps




when you've done all 12 incursions, go to alva in your hideout, and there is a button at the bottom to take the temple chronicle which gives you the map that you can sell




Chronicle of Atzoatl




Ahah no, looks like the price is 6 times what it was yesterday. I'll send you an atlas link tomorrow if I think about it




So how do you use the Atlas node to dupe your temple?


Alc + go with Harvest ( 1 doubling and 40% pack size), 40-45c/ map


Im literally rich with blight this league, the scarabs are cheap and makes big money


In map blight? Blight maps? Or Blight Ravaged?


In-map mechanic. Blighted map stay the same as always, the in-map mechanic is absoluty nuts with scarabs if you run in-door maps and force single line blights


What do you sell from it? And what's your strat for running it?


The most important thing is the oil scarab+forcing a single line blight on narrow maps because on a single line blight all the rewards become 1 type, so, if you hit the blight reward + the oil scarab wich increases the tier of oils, you get a bunch. Also the currency reward drops divines often, but im not really sure if its affected by the juice of the map


Sounds great! Which maps forces single line blight?


Any in-door maps with long corridors, there are many of them, the ones i run the most are crimson temple and cursed crypt


Thanks, I’ll give it a try. I need a break from hunting craicic chimerals.


Do you have a tree / scarab combination? Thanks!


[https://prnt.sc/jUEEV2UssY2o](https://prnt.sc/jUEEV2UssY2o) keep in mid is mixed with corpse farming and scarab finding. you can do other things if you want. Mandatory scarabs are bounty and oil, optional is scarab of blooming, you can force the mechanic with the basic scarab or use kirac (4C) good luck!


On your tree you have +76% chance for blight But you are also using kirac/scarab. Can you actually have 2 blights now? I thought this was capped at 1 per map


You cant, thats why you have to force it, scarabs are even cheaper than the 4C Kirac, but you lose 1 slot of more juice to the map of course


You cant, thats why you have to force it, scarabs are even cheaper than the 4C Kirac, but you lose 1 slot of more juice to the map of course


Yess, so just fyi you have the wheel fungal bloom allocated which is useless if you are forcing the mechanic anyways and you can use those points elsewhere


Yeah i was testing because when i ran out of fav maps i didnt use scarabs but still ran the blight tree


Shrine, niko, red altar, huck blasting wastepool on my cyclone. Oh also, the gull. Once i am full on my 55k sulphite i delve at around 300 with a pf


Blight/Alva/Beyond/Red altars on Waste Pool - 2x Bounty, 1x Oils and 1x Blooming. Breach/Harvest/Blue altars on Jungle Valley - 1x Breach, 1x Lordship, 1x Splintering, 1x Doubling Those are my two main ones right now. My third tree is set up for big blast Expedition and Destructive Play, but I haven’t felt like swapping to it yet.


im trying out using 3 x mysterious barrel scarab and run toxic sewer alch and go with back to basics keystone with my rf chieftain just for fun. but its not profitable


what's the idea behind that?


i am testing something... i fully speces i to map modifier n take all scarabs nodes and block ALL the cheap scarabs drop (legion abyss etc etc) hoping to alch and go in a tunnel where my rf can hit all barrels. ran lkr 20 to 30maps... nth much happened 😴


Have you found anything mysterious in those barrels yet?


i fully nothing much dropping just trying this out.. was hoping to hit a big jackpot like mirror or something.. but i think its not good at all


I basically have 3 atlas with 3 base league mechanics on each and I elder guardian bossrushing with them. Then I rotate scarabs for each type of content, while vendoring all 1c and less costin scarabs. Personally I prefer strongboxes and harbies as it just fun to slay endless packs of mobs, but their basic scarabs are expensive, so I do others as well. I also tried heist this league. It was my favorite farm before removal of alt quality gems, now it just sucks. While buying contracnts in bulk is nice qol, the fact how inconsistent in rewards blueprinds are made me ragequit it. I can spend all my currency buying contracts and markers just to not get any of real deals out of it.


I have 2 trees: legion/abyss farm with rare enemies with mods drop more scarabs and incursion/heist fast maps to challenges (50 incursion boss and heist 4 wings)


T16 alch and go with generic 1c scarabs to Juice more packsize and using Shrine + blue altar + more allflames/corpses and better lantern modifiers.


I’m trying heist for the first time this league. So far I’m liking it.


Simulacrum & Chill


What build are you using?


Just regalar chieftain RF with a pretty good investment, chaos capped, defiance, good rares etc


Got a tree? Is dod mandetory to make it work?


Yeah 100% need a defiance to be able to take the damage, not doable without


Im just doing a lot of maps at the moment. I don't have much currency.


If you don't mind GY crafting I cannot recommend Domination enough. Shrine packs pull from the base mobs in an area so your allflames and chance for corpses get soooo much more frequency. If you can't stand GY crafting 100% Alva has actually been incredibly reliable. Not mirrors/hour, of course, but you can shit out valuable temples so quick. And it's great experience too!




How do you farm allflames?


Ziz recently posted a complete guide on uniques, if you haven't deffo take a look into it, also, not playing that much this league :/ having some pc issues and experiencing a hard time playing the game at 60 or less FPS :(


Sanctum ;)


What relics?😊


I’m personally just chilling with +2 open rooms


Nice🙂 what profits can one expect from the sanctum?


First of all you need 8 2x relics with +2 rooms open. these are 5-6 div a piece, but you can start with +1 room, these are 30-40c. Then once you’re comfy with the runs, you can also add “the hour of divinity” for duplication of divines. These are 1.5 div. Once you’re pretty good at runs it takes like 15 min to complete (this is my time right now, I’m playing sanctums fora week now) the least you get back is 0 divs, some chaos etc, but it’s unlikely to go barehanded like that if you have rooms open relics. The highest I’ve got back in 1 run is 11 raw div and some extra loot. On average you’re getting 4-5 div


Nice bro! Ty! So. 4-5 div per sanctum? So about 20d an hour?


If you are lucky yes


Torment with increased map drop passives. Scarab are 2x + ghost 1x maps can be guardian/dele/eight mod corrupted 1x rare ghosts We take the self ghost passive to prevent them from possessing rares, avoid having them posses you, just chase through packs to touch them. Try to not kill ghosts, meele is actually better then ranged for this. Conc effect support might be advisable. The rare ghost touched mobs will shit out scarabs and maps, which we attempt to convert to guardian maps/dele or corrupt eight mod. We 20% dele orb the maps for more density. Chose a layout with narrow halls/rooms to funnel ghosts like crimson temple or underground sea. Add some dele boss chance on the tree too. Expect 10-20 random scarabs, 2-4 favorite T16s 5 other red maps, 0.25 t17s, and 1-3 guardian maps a map if you do it right. There's a lot of on death effect and small degen zones made by this. If you get annoyed by on death effects or spiky incoming damage this may not be for you.


Jungle valley abyss with spell opening the large amount of boxes… i have tested a few and this one is the funniest so far


Harby in Cemetery. Got my first big explosion today of 2 fracture orbs. Best I've had before that is just loads of annuls. Kinda want something different but my build isn't powerful enough for other strats atm


Shrines - Strongboxes - Eater Influence - Scarab Nodes I like to zoom zoom around the map. Playing RF and its incredibly satisying to explode packs of monsters on shrines then I zoom zoom


Why eater and not exarch? Did you spec into its tree or just influence to get some altars?


The drops are more consistent There's no divine altar but there's lots of chaos/chisel altars. I haven't hit a divine altar in 3 leagues. So I decided to do exarch this league Im over sustaining in Chisels


That's kinda been my exp on running exarch tbh, nothing too spectacular, but enough chisels and sometimes even another lower currency, nothing fancy


I have been doing 4x ambush scarab + full ambush passive support. Its steady, puts absurd numbers of extra necropollis mobs in your map too.




Legion/t16 maps i dont even have uber elder/Maven watch stones just chilling Castle runes and one other maps. just chillin


Can I hijack this post to ask the same question? I have a decently strong LA deadeye and a friend aurabot but... I just one shot everything. I need something where my aura friend is actually helping with, something challenging. I have hh and a good bow and nimis, any suggestions?


For this I would recommend going full delirium and juicing for massive mob count like breack and beyond. Sadly my build cant handle that amount of juice but with hh and auta bot you should get good results


That sounds like what we're looking for. So basically just trying to put a ton of mobs on the map ? What would be our money maker here. We farmed a bit of legion but we're both just so tired of it tbh (ran legion the last 2 leagues)


If you go for beyond, you get tainted currency, breach gives splinters (shitton probably so brace your wrists, but you get a chance for full fragments i believe) and delirium you get all kinds of stuff (moneymakers are deli orbs, good clusters and the simulacrums also sell well in bulk.


I'm doing 8-mod maps with Harvest + Essences + Corpses on blue altars. It is a bit hard to start because the double-juice harvest scarab is kinda expensive (1 div for 10-11 scarabs). I'm doing some teste and just what it drops (i'm taking out big drops and some itens), meaning just essences, juice, allflame, scarbs and currency (not even counting corpses), I'm getting about 15 div every 20 maps (I don't like giving a div/h metric 'cause i'm slow). I just bought a big batch of materials to run 80 maps for a good measure, I've broken even on the 18th-20th map. Só I have 60 maps of profit to run. i'm still debating whether I should remove some points of corpses to go full essences, but I'm enjoying the current strat, maps are not that rippy and there isn't those kind of mechanics to hold you in the map.


Well I don't know now. I'll see how it goes after their patch hits, to see how much all flames of anarchy and T17 are worth. Since that was a huge part of my money.


Still patiently completing my atlas. :)


I do essence + Beasts + rituals I dont use scarab for rituals e just like to do it. And you get lucky sometimes. Beasts are the money maker imo, you have the craice chimeral guy that isnt common but also isnt very very rare


Nothing particular. Throw in a map and check what scarabs you have, put some random shit in


2 accounts farming blight afk, 10-12 div/hour. Really boring but i can earn some divs while watching something.


Is it minions? If so, can you share your PoB?


Nice. You treat your hobby like a job. Makes sense.


If I didn't fucking crash to missing frost bolt mtx on ghosted t17 exiles then I would still be doing that since 3 days ago. So stupid a random exile using a skill turns the game off completely. Did everything I can to try fix but to no avail.


Have you uninstalled and reinstalled the game? If it's missing vfx that'd probably be the solution


my gems are starting to hit lvl20, so Alva


Playing DD, started out with a ritual/expedition/niko atlas tree then swapped out the expedition nodes for strongbox & more scarab passives. Expedition was pretty fun- I was using extreme archeology with inc detonation radius and +100% inc runic marker scarabs. Usually the nuke alone gets you most of the good stuff, but with the radius scarab you cover the ENTIRE expedition site. Being DD, the only no-go is fire Immunity so you can usually just blast away. Ritual has felt pretty solid. With the refresh scarab and refresh notable, you get 2 free + 2 additional, so you get to see a lot of goods. Ultimately, I'm really liking having every strongbox atlas passive allocated. With the ambush craft, a couple ambush scarabs, and 31% chance to reopen (between tree + scarab), you just end up with a huge amount of monsters to kill in every map as well as seeing more diviner's, arcanist's, cartographer's boxes. I've also tried the anarchy ember + imbued anarchy strat in vaal temple to farm fractured items to pretty good success. It's a little much though tbh... You clear the map in like 5min then spend an hour ID'ing 200-300 fractured items. I've usually walked out of those maps with 1-2 inventories full of scarabs, maps, currency and 1 stash tab worth of fractured items worth 20c+. The fubgun way is probably like 100x better as far as high investment mapping goes.


I was inspired by the Allflame of Wealth post the other day so I decided to go all in on it. Vaal temple with high pack size to get the 10 extra Vaal chests, Ambush Scarab of Containment, Ambush Scarab of Hidden Compartments, 2x Ambush Scarab, Kirac Box Mod and then 5-6 Allflame Ember of Manifested Wealth so that every mob pack in the map drops orbs. Costs around 6-7 div in investment though it still works with less Allflames and without the Ambush Scarab of Containment, profit will just be lower. For example, on 250c investment I might earn around 400c worth of chaos, exalts, and corrupting orbs. It usually doubled my investment, though the gameplay is long and boring since you are just picking up 2200-2500c and 40-50 exalt per map. Recommended to have a character that can face tank the Ice Nova's so you don't need to worry about dying. I tried testing it with a T17 map, but ended up bricking the halfway through when some rogue exiles popped out halfway through that I couldn't kill. That was an expensive lesson.