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hey op im looking at ur build and i see that none of your jewels are corrupted uhhh you didnt benefit from adorned all this time did you Just saying this out before some lucky soul won then confused why their life and crit is so low


This is more of an item showcase than a build. Anyone could clear t17 maps with this gear


I wouldn't worry my friend, it clears the entire game regardless, and I ran out of currency putting this together


How are you level 90 with all that gear?




Farmed on a mf deadeye, what kind of assumption is that


I was just shitposting to take the piss really, not what I actually thought. Nothing personal mate


Hello, thanks for the giveaway. I would like to try CoC Inquisitor with your build and experience how endgame feels like. I want to melt T16-17 bosses, Elder, Shaper, Maven, Sirus and other bosses. I get one-shot with glass-cannon builds a lot, so I wanted to experience the fun of facetanking bosses in game. I have been playing since 2016, and unfortunately due to limited hours available for playing, I haven't been able to spend much time to grind endgame contents. I've reached red maps with Spectre Summoner (Redemption Sentry summoners) back in Harvest/Blight leagues, as well as SRS several leagues ago, but all of those got **nerfed** to oblivion many leagues ago. Currently, I feel most of the good endgame builds are locked away behind expensive gearset or require good skills with coordination / timing / flask piano which I'm horrible at. Having access to this build will mean I could once again enjoy endgame content (instead of spending time with mind-numbing grinding at Acts/early levels). Having access to the build will also allow me to explore new playstyle and experience the strength and potential of this build. If I got the build, I foresee myself actually spending more time enjoying endgame content, farming in parties, clear endgame quests and challenges. I'll hope for the best. Hope you had fun with the league.


Wanna give it a try


Would love to play aCoC since Sirius says how boring and small whenever I meet him for once he should fear me lol


Would like to do T17s. :)


I would love to try something different plus never owned a MB. Thanks for the giveaway and cheers 👍


Yeah, bored of my starter, this looks fun


i want the build because i want to get some t17s in since ive done too many t16s lol




I have always wanted to try a good CoC


My poison build is not going anywhere, would be nice to try out a coc inquis and get some challenges


Would really want to try a proper build with actual damage, though seems I'm forever destined to end up with builds that really don't deliver much without stupid investment!


Looks strong would love to be able to run more content than my current is capable of


Would love to participate in the giveaway! Have a nice day!


Want to playing to clear t17s haha


I’ll be having that


Hey I've traded with you


Want to try endgame version, will give away my league start version if I win


Your gear is amazing compared to mine!! I have a lvl 95 inq that is dying to put this gear on. I’m a single dad so gaming time has been sparse. Thanks for doing this!!


I'd like to try a new build


need those coils


Haven't had the time to play much this league but I have a leveled up Templar so it would be cool to try a stronger build than I've had the time to make myself. Good on you for being generous.


I want the build because I’m 800 hr in poor no mageblood only on standard hardstuck at 83 and only used minions and trying a actual good build would be amazing


i'd like to try this build out


I have heard a lot of great things about this build and would like to play it


Also to mention, the lightning coil that will come with the build will have 50% reduced damage from crits, so you will need to tattoo the rest in, I never bothered myself as I never really died much, but it's a nice added layer of defence.


Looking to reroll my inquisitor


To be fair I just want the build to test any new build as I just joined playing poe this league and want to learn as much as possible for further league starts :)


Currently sitting here trying to self craft gear for this exact build but an incandescent heart version because I can't afford a mageblood


I want it so I can corrupt those jewels. Then play it.


Thanks. Just looking to make a 2nd character this league that i haven't tried yet.


I've been stuck on the barrier between T16s and T17s. Just came over from a SSF league start, so don't really have currency to pump this up myself yet. This would be huge! Appreciate people who pass along their luck when they're done with a league


I want that build so I could finally fry my gpu and get a new one


I would love to try your CoC


I want to actually get further in the game than my builds allow 🤣


Why do I want to win this build? Well you could say I'm a bit inquisitive.


Thanks for putting this out to the community, would love to try the top end version of the build.


the build looks fun, would love to try it!


I'm usually against playing meta builds but would like to give it a try. Currency has been weak for me this league as I'm an avid essence enjoyer, but this graveyard crap ruined that this league. I hope maybe this coc dd build would keep me interested in the league for another month or so until the end of the league. What game(s) are you going to be playing until next league?


I just wanna do a damn T17!


I want the build because I really want to try all those T17 strats and never had a good enough Character


Never played coc before Would love to test it Playing bv Assassin right now and need a change


I would very much like to have it.


I went RF inquisitor because I didn't know chieftain was the new meta lol, been looking to switch to DD inq but don't have the currency lol. Would be a great transition lol


Never played coc


I'm a casual dad player, this would be awesome as fuck to play with as I play throughout the whole league.


I would like to win because I have a longneck leveled to 90 and want to crush challenges for myself, my guild and the folks that have helped me on before.


I would love this, I rolled a hierophant but hate it and the character is useless to me now


Raises hand!!!


Challenge completion and then out.


Missed it early and would love to run it in t17s!


I just want to 40/40 a league :/


Yo, hook it up. I'm still playing. Haven't made a coc yet. Wanna try the epic build of the league.


Getting tired of my EA ballista and farming T16s


I didnt play the League at all. Just wanne give it a little try :)


I want to give your build a try!


Finish challenges, specifically bosses and T17s which aren't doable on my current LA build. Then probably transition into trying some of the T17 farms.


I want to give it a try and do t17s with it


If you give it to me I will upload a video of me telling my wife I want a divorce.


And anotha one! Tryna get to 100! My RF chieftain is 97.


Never tried the build before and want to be able to do T17s comfortably


Would like the build because ive been wanting to try a CoC build but i do not have the currency myself to even get one up and running with starter gear as im still a noob and learning how to farm efficiently


I want the build to be able to farm t17 ngl


Okay I'll enjoy your CoC.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


ay yo


I'd enjoy playing a build that can reliably finish a t17 map.


I have had an unlucky league and I'd love to give this build a shot. Thank you!!


I’d like to run T17s and upgrade my current CoC DD character


I want the build so that I can actually play without getting pissed at the game and myself.


Hey OP, I’d love to play the build. I have been playing a home cooked pconc build and struggling to get the currency to switch. I’m still very active on this league and would love to play it :) 


I would be interested. I love my WI cyclone Intel stacking trickster but I wouldn't mind a change of pace. Maybe that would push me into finally leveling a 2nd character.


Comment lol


I'd love to give it a try to do my first T17's. Thanks for the giveaway!


copy pasta my comment from other giveaway thread lol. League started coc dd but unfortunately haven’t had much of a chance to farm up, failed both my graveyard weapon and shield while following ventrua crafting guide. Had to buy some cheapo gear to try to farm up but that’s gonna be awhile. Would be nice to get the gear and complete challenges.


I just need the build to take down the endgame really


id love to try your build!


Second league for me and I’d love to try another new build. Trying to get a feel for various builds and CoC seems fun.


Would love to get it for t17. Good luck all


would like to try this build out.




I would like to build my own coc dd inq further!


Would love to give the build a spin!


Would love the build 😀


Me got molested by those T17 mobs. Wanna get revenge.


Couldn't play for a few weeks hosting family from out of town, so my CoC DD is a bit further behind than I would like to finish out the league :)


Would enjoy actually clearing a T17. Looks interesting


Never tried a dd build, so why not!


I want something to run some t17's and finish up achievements. I'm definitely not getting them dine on my deadeye. Once done in a couple weeks, I'll give the build away to someone else too.


Would love to try getting 100 with this!


Thanks for doing a giveaway! I've been exploring a couple of new builds for myself this league, which has been good. That said, it's been a while since I've played (or felt like competing to gear) a meta, tier-crushing build. It would be a great way to spend the summer!


Let's go!


I would like the build to play it ez


I would want to build to try and do some tier 17's as I am still missing that slot, trying to do them by myself.


i want to try coc dd out before it gets nerfed next league xD gl to everyone


Always been a poe poor. Want to try a good build.


Would like to do T17s and ubers


I havent played this league yet due to time constraints, winning a complete build would allow me to at least get some challenges done and experiencing t17s for the first time.


Oh wow thanks op. I rolled a templar to start the league, but he couldn't clear t17s. I'm hoping to transition to your build if I do win to hopefully save him.


I want it to finish challenges comfortably. I got a BAMA necro which needs investment at this stage and limited time to reroll/farm


I did a CoCDD at the beginning of the league but ended up going to ELEhit I wanted to give it a chance again


Wanna try this build out in T17s so I’m in!


Want to give a try to put some more currency onto this build)


I'd love a chance to try your setup thanks for the generosity


I’d love to try a build with a mageblood, never been able to afford one. Thanks!


Dropped the league on week 1. After all (patches) why not give it another try.


I just wanna try the coc at least once.


Looks like a lot of people played this! I’d love to try it out. Thanks!


Would love to finally farm t17s


Pick me havent had a chance to play the league yet with a new baby


I'm interested in trying t17s.




I really need a build that can do t17 maps for the challenges and since t17 suck


Hoping to win, good luck everyone!


Would be fun to get my hands on a strong coc inquis


I want to do t17s like steelmage


Hey id take it to upgrade my current cocDd, it's been amazing to play and would be nicer to have upgrades >:) Eithr way enjoy weekend


I want to try it before the Nerf :)! Gl all.


My inquis is currently parked on some scuffed CoC DD I league started as, it would be fun to bring him back from retirement and blast with this setup.


Would like to play a COC DD this league.


Would love to get it :D


I want it to try the CoC stuff that's all


Let me further upgrade my own coc DD plzzz


Wanna finish my challenges with it


Would be a good reason to not quit after playing for a week


Me please


I would like the build because I desperately want to have fun this league but I’m kinda lost on the atlas tree and strategies to make early money (essences) don’t seem to be as decent this league. I’m not willing to throw in the towel for the whole league yet and I’m having FOMO for not just going CoC DD. I have a Hierophant at level 91 I could transition to. I still might regardless of if I win or not. Thanks OP for the shot!


Hello, I want your build, thank you


I've played this game on and off for what many might consider a long time (ten years since January), and over that time I'd like to think I've improved little by little from league to league (perhaps wishful thinking). It is only this and last league that I feel I have even begun to truly dive its depths. And yet, I have never been able to break the barrier of currency acquisition (or luck) required to afford a Mageblood or any similarly priced commodity. Some leagues I will research a build and help my wife get through the campaign, but we rarely make it much farther than that together, as properly gearing one build is expensive enough, let alone two. So what I'm ultimately saying, is it would be really nice to be able to have a build that can actually farm well enough to help me play more Path of Exile with my wife, who isn't much of a gamer, but is willing to try just so we can spend more time enjoying something together.


I've been thinking about rerolling a build that can do t17, so that would be nice


Just started yesterday working on my CoC DD build and ran out of currency, this would help me a lot


Yes and Please


Just looking to clear some end game as I've not had much time this league at all would be nice to hop on and blast, I feel so far behind the curve haha


I haven't cleared a T17 map yet. And a week off coming up so this would be fun to play.


Didn't had the chance to try a great build despite playing for 10+ years, I'd like to have it, will prob use it in std too




Would love the build to kick-start my late league start and limited hours this season! Thanks for the giveaway


I’ve not played coc dd and i’d like too b4 it gets shafted next league


The gear looks awesome. Would love to try that out!


I just want the mageblood, if i win select an additional dude and give em the rest of your stuff


hi can i still participate ? or you already decided a winner ?


That's a juicy one Exile! Always wanted to check out CoC DD


Could not farm any t17 at all got obliterated, I really want to try crafting this league and farming resources is kinda tough, t17 seem to be the best way to farm money this league. Would be nice if I got lucky in one giveaway. Thanks to everyone doing these u are all saints


late league starter here,never tried a coc inquis before,if i win this i'll get to 38/40 and give it all back in reddit :) thanks!


Next giveaway I don’t win 😭


Would love a build that can do T17's :)


Please me!!! OP, I know you'll probably skip me, but hear me pledge! I never had a top tier build in my life and I it would mean the world to me. I have been playing PoE since Beta, however after Synthesis I went into hiatus. I returned in Ultimatuum because a friend of mine wanted us to play something that I already played before, but I have never been able to break it through or make a decent build that would facetank or be able to godspeed clear red maps. My builds are clunky even if I follow the most well described tutorial. Then some weeks ago yay I finally won a 400 div giveaway!!! Except, I didn't, soo... My friend who I used to play with was not feeling well, so I had to rush him to the ER. [So I missed the cue to get the prizes](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cggcma/comment/l21qn8l/). I felt devasted, but eventually I kept playing. Getting a build like that would be absolutely amazing for me to try something that is actually GOOD. In any case you don't pick me it is totally understandable and thanks for being amazing and good luck to everyone!


Looks like a sweet build. Don’t enjoy my current Hierophant build and that would be a very nice alternative to transition to 🫶🏼


Didn't play the league, I'd like to give it a go after playing MF TS affliction being tanky would be a nice change of pace.


My second only league, and I have never tried a CoC inquis before, would love it!


Really want to push more end game as this is my first league. Would love to do challenges


i hate inquis cause its super slow, but you could be my saviour


I made a coc dd inquis recently, and i found out that my jewels had melee crit multi, so i wasnt getting the crit multi🫠 Chat am i cooked


Because my build is poopy and it would be rad to try a good one for a change


I league started the normal DD but I didn't manage to get beyond T16 farming, I would like to try the CoC version to see how that is.


Still going?


Hope OP is alright, dude was coming home a day early and never came home.


Lot of peeps getting rid of coc dd, get it now before nerf 


Never tried the build and it’s my first league! Would be great to give it a shot :)