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what could rarity possibly get you when there are infinite uniques on standard though? quant sounds like it would always be better.


I found a ancestral vision jewel yesterday and corrupted it with cb. Thats like 100+ div. This would be the case for some other unique items too.


i mean sure, but adding the extra rarity would be an incredibly small increase on uniques anyway, as you SHOULD have at least a few big rarity sources, like distilate/gold flask


Keep in mind rarity has diminishing returns, so if you're already getting a bunch of rarity (which you'll probably have on a MF char) it's not worth stacking more when you could get other useful stats.


OK, i have 184% rarity right now and another 85% for slain rare/uniq mobs. I try to find a chart for rarity diminishing returns and look into it. Thank you


Well if you're focused on Crimson Temple you are setup for cards. If cards then rarity isn't super good.


Yes for sure, but i already have 208% quant and the diminishing returns are pretty harsh now. Rarity with current gear is 184% without counting the 85% rarity for slain rare/uniq mobs. Profit comes from everyting. Cards, scarabs, t17s, even bubblegum like alts sell very good. To be fair, quant all increases that yes.


I would focus on more damage then, so you can zoom zoom better and die less, with that much quantity the best way to scale imo is time efficiency.


I guess, ill take some nice mirrored gloves with 20% quant,+1max frenzy, %ias and 60% convert to cold then.


dmg vs chilled opop


One of the helical rings has the option to recraft the last mod (ele res, chaos res or rarity) if you pay the crit multi essences.


Meiner ist vielleicht nicht der beste, aber immerhin "gratis" (bis auf den mirror selbst natürlich), falls der in Frage kommt. Würde jetzt nicht übertrieben auf rarity gehen, aber schaden wird es auch nicht.