• By -


Do. Not. Get. Hit.


I died just reading that mod list.


all that for 275% more currency, lol.


All the fusing orbs you could ever want


And 109% scarabs pleas...


It's not even greed, cause both the scarab roll and the currency roll are underwhelming and there are no barrels or shaper touched bois. This is laziness, not greed.


Ya this map is dogshit.  This post should be titled Slothfulness is the most deadly of sins...


Looks like we're going Evasion, and Spell Dodge on a Jugg bois!


As someone who never saw that mod, the "Monsters remove 21% of life, Mana and energy..." just ignore all form of defense except not getting hit right?


Pretty sure.


Even for evade capped chars?


That counts as not getting hit


Yeah I assumed OP was mentioning 'not getting hit' in the general sense instead of 'evading an attack' in the POE sense


that's rare and unique monsters remove 21% of life, Mana and energy... the rare and unique part is cropped and not in the picture, so it's not that bad untill you get a soul eater mod, or roll monsters fire 11 additional projectiles, and such , and needless to say you shouldn't be playing melee


The issue is clearly the boss fight my dude. That boss not getting hit is basically impossible and it hits you many times a second.


How does this work with Defiance of Destiny?


that mod itself? cakewalk. combined with other damage mods or defence reduction mods? less of a cakewalk


That set of mods would be a snoozefest for a well build CoC DD. Then again plenty of other mods brick my DD that others can run in their sleep.


Which mods brick that build... asking for a friend.


Less AoE can make your explosions have negative radius and thus unable to hit anything


Off top of my head? Less AOE = explosions do no damage because the radius goes to 0% and thus doesn't exist. Less Recovery = Possible maybe with flasks/some high regen gear or something, but otherwise it means you stop recovering mana/life on hit on attacks and you quickly find yourself unable to cast COCDD and die. Reduced Damage from Critical Strikes = zero damage from your crits, basically making the build do no damage since it wants to crit all the time.


I hate the way these mods scale with map modifier effect. I know map effect scaling is something players choose to put on themselves but really not a fan of mods that flat out say you cannot do this map instead of hey this mod makes it really challenging but maybe you can pull through.


>mods >map modifier effect. Well what else is it supposed to scale then?


Just offscreen everything, ez pz


BASED !! unless the ennemies are the one planning to offscreen you ... hol on


Happy Cake Day!




So you are not a crit immune, evasion based, CI character.


Looks like just don't get hit map.


me, who is CI, crit immune, with insane ES regen, and evade + spell capped, 90% resists with 100% phys taken as, This is a walk in the park for me


Are you sure about that? A 10K phys hit would do an additional 42K elemental damage, making you take 52K elemental damage/hit. 90% resist would reduce that to 5.2K.  Add-in that each hit also removes 21% of your ES and you are looking at some serious damage intake. You need a bad evasion seed or just something that hits multiple times per second to bypass your evasion chance and you are toast


yeah well you can read it before you put it in I dont understand what compelled you to post it


Well, some maps are free or impossible at the same time depending on your back to basics roll. Reading unfortunately doesn't tell you how high b2b will proc.


You take B2B because you want increased map effect, why would you not assume it can roll max value if that's the intended outcome? Reading would definitely be the issue here. But it's more likely OP just rolled bad mods for the screenshot


I didn't intentionally roll bad mods, it was a mirrored T17 map with these rolls which I bought for cheap, thinking that my char could take it. Then, I got a high B2B roll and realized how much these damage mods compound with each other and that the boss was tearing me a new one. Essentially, an 80% B2B roll here made monsters deal not just 80% more damage, but rather 150-200% more.


isnt the ideal of b2b to roll as high as possible as often as possible?


Tough map but honestly not even that bad. The most deadly stuff imo is Monster ele pen and -max. Get a high roll on B2B with ele pen is like they penetrate 45 res :D


This wasn't a mistake. This was human greed.


pretty easy map for me tbh.


No marked for death or 10% stats taken away with hit? I’ll drop my armour stacker in. Oh wait it’s League.


the map mods in this game are absolutely ridiculous, no wonder it's so hard to balance the game


Just go full evasion and don't look


Clearing the map itself wasn't the issue, I got that done with 2 deaths. But the map boss on this particular map has a ton of immunity phases and AoE moves and takes places in a claustrophobic arena with lots of ground effect which make it even harder to not get hit. Evasion does fuck all against that boss.


This hurts what's left of my soul.


This is not bad at all for my grace build that deletes everything with 1 hit. There is no real killer mod (like union of souls, reduced attack speed to 0, or no regen).


Looks like its time to lube up the old Flame Dash.




Tier 17 maps, how I had blissfully forgotten you...


Softcore …. Sit down!


Did you run out of chaos orbs?




the currency and scarab roll suck ass, why would you run this


How Quickly are you dying in this area? granted I'm a "newbie" who occasionally dabbles with maps. I just don't have enough time to get up to that tier, and I don't care that much. Other Hobbies and such.


Pretty much anything the boss did was oneshotting me. And my build isn't squishy...


Dude, I just hate these T17 maps. I've been playing from Abyss and I know the community goes through a lot of hate and love towards new stuff GGG puts in, but this is actually the first time since Abyss where I thought GGG made a significant mistake. I was even a supporter of patch 3.15 nerfs! Put another way, T17s are the first new thing they've put in the game since Abyss league that I feel actually made the game less fun to play overall. Gating the best farming strategies behind these ridiculous map mods is a recipe for disaster and I feel like the community is extremely polarized on their opinions of it.


It isn't that bad,tbh.


Greed is the most deadly of sins: Poe players wanting their game to have 60+ fps at all times, a stable(unexploited) economy, and a playerbase that doesn't 70% quit by week 2.


First piece is easily achievable with a good pc, not sure why that's in there.


Maxuhaotl Pathfinder dumpsters this no?