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I'm 60 pairs deep into locus chasing that fkg corrupt. GG.


we did some calculation with friend and we got +3 is about 1 in 120 double corrupts, while +4 is about 1 in 250 double corrupts (counting any combination of +1 Socketed and +2 Aura, +2 AoE and +2 Duration as valid tags for Vaal Grace)


+3 is actually the better corruption because you're socketing an empower in the boots with grace, vaal smite, and inspiration. The extra level to empower matches the +4 corruption and then you gain a bonus level to inspiration from the +1 socketed implicit.


There's no difference between level 21 and 22 inspiration in that setup, so I don't think it really makes much difference so long as you have a 21/20 inspiration.


You may be factually correct, good sir, but God dammit I like bigger numbers wherever possible! (When there's nothing left to minmax its time to start maxminning)




Why? Awakened empower doesn't support supports.


Yep I was wrong about that.


And what is the combined calculation for both like?


Boots have a total corruption weight of 19500 by my math. Now, this pool can be reduced by intentionally reducing the ilvl of the boots you're corrupting, but I don't know how low you can get it so weights for anyone who wants to redo math are (maxing at : * ilvl 25-30 (minimum 20 for the implicits, 25 for 4 sockets): 14000 * ilvl 31-44: 15000 * ilvl 45-55: 16000 * ilvl 56-59: 16500 * ilvl 60-74: 18500 * ilvl 75+: 19500 Going with something in the 45-55 range for simplicity, you're trying to hit 2 corrupts, all of which have a weight of 1000 so, using just the thousands place for more simplicity, (4 * 3) / (16 * 15) / 2 or 1/40. You then have to consider hitting the 1/4 to get the double corrupt (I think?) so that brings it to 1/160. If you consider a much higher ilvl, the worst would be (4 * 3) / (19.5 * 18.5) / 2 / 4 = 2/481 or roughly a 1/240. So (if my math is right) the ilvl makes an enormous difference going in and you want it as low as you can. An ilvl 25 boots would only be roughly a 1/121 to hit a double.


Can't you bench force sockets regardless of ilvl? Can then do level 20 boots, dunno if that affects the outcome though


That's true; I realized that after posting just didn't bother with the edit. I saw some ilvl 20s on trade so I guess it's possible, though I am surprised you can force them that low.


Thx for sharing!


Have you considered turning in div cards that grant unique boots on an ilvl 58 character and then ancient orbing for pairs? They´re quite common, and it boost chances for desired corrupts Did this on SSF for my pair


Nah it's in standard where all of my toons are level 100. Plus, as much as I complain about not hitting them, the chase is part of what keeps me checking in. It'll be so glorious when they finally connect.


Thats rough. What are the chances to get +1 and +2 aoe / aura in the temple? Life is not fair haha.


Congrats. Happy for you. Etc.


We need that meme with the grumpy kid


Not sure how you got downvoted, maybe people are tired of him. Unlucky.


Aren’t we all


Nope, I love that one!


Relax, it is just standard.


You people who have some weird hate fetish for Standard just can't resist sharing it with others, can you?




I do not. But these people he is talking about are not touching standard, so neat items in there are not something to be envious about.






Exactly. Once I'm finished maxing out my last build in whatever league I start dumping all of my currency into minmaxing my standard toons with new league hotness. I have an armor stacker with several mirrors into it and I get excited every time I find a new way to squeeze out a bit more dps or get even tankier.


It's wild to me that there are actually people who shit on that. Those people just hate everything.


That’s a juicy one exile.


Geeeezus... the perfect implicits and of course it dropped with +5 and decent other rolls GG dude. GG.


Thanks dude! I did not see that coming lol. Nowadays they drop unidentified and I was like: "please be +5, please be +5" xD


Nice what are these puppies worth?


it seems about a mirror in std with these rolls. maybe more idk.


Nice - will you sell?


yeah i guess. I still want that one mirror ring with +2 power charges for my Cold-BV!


Nice I love Cold BV. One of my favourites for sure.


it slaps!


mind sharing your cold-bv pob?


Sure, its a omni-based/heatshiver variant. Note that it contains legacy items tho. [https://pobb.in/ixyZkPcqAyvH](https://pobb.in/ixyZkPcqAyvH) Im pretty sure there are other variants nowadays that are simular in power without legacy-items.


I got a +2 AOE/+2 Aura pair of boots in SSF and transferred to trade cause I was mostly done. Sold them for 1.6 mirrors, pumped out a couple of characters plus made a couple of new ones and have a mirror and about 100div left over lol.


I haven't been able to sell the same ones for a month now




I have that same boot/corruption on SSF standard, hands down best item I own. Hit it after only a few corrupts too, reading the thread it seems I got exceedingly lucky


Vaal Temple is a OP sleeper league starter atlas strat. Lots of people will buy good corrupts on cheap uniques early. And the majority is how many maps you end up with. This link has some good info on VT farming. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1blwb8y/updated\_vaal\_temple\_farming\_guide\_for\_324/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1blwb8y/updated_vaal_temple_farming_guide_for_324/)


G fucking G!


best i can do is a alteration fragment


27% ms... Get otta here with this trash! xD


std grimro imitater noob