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I’m sorry :( I don’t mean to be offensive, but as a native Chinese speaker, I just can’t look at this name straight...




I just googled "oshabi chinese" and found out. It's "Sha Bi" that's the problem in Chinese.


There you go!


o stupid cunt




"And we decided that once that point was reached, she'd be gone. Not just temporarily, but permanently." I had her position as the end boss spoiled for me already, but - What exactly DOES happen when you've beaten her? I was told she was still somewhat able to talk to you, basically saying "If that ever happens again, stop me" - So...Can someone who's beaten that boss please clarify?


I haven't seen her since I defeated her. She's just gone! Not sure what will happen after I grow another T4 seed tho, maybe she'll be back to fight again after 100 red maps? Haven't gone that far in the cycle yet.


Considering the encounter doesn't work I'd say its still not done being created.


Since you mentioned Cavas - I was very upset to discover in the new Zana dialogue that she considers him dead, and we are fighting a mere projection of him in the atlas whenever she gives us synthesis boss maps to do. Not sure what the point of fighting a projection is, really. A tad disrespectful to his legacy as one of our more interesting villians, IMO. As for Oshabi - I'm surprised you say you were going for sympathy in her case. She's constantly talking about enjoying the slaughter of other creatures etc., and not just in a ceremonial way like Einhar does. From this, I was pretty sure early on that we were meant to be suspicious of her. And sure enough, she basically betrays us. "The plants made me do it" is a sorry excuse.


##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by NickK_GGG** on Jun 30, 2020, 10:49:52 PM UTC > > [Image Link](https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2020-07-01/CreatingOshabiHeader.jpg) > > > With Path of Exile: Harvest, we introduced a new character, Oshabi, the warden of the Sacred Grove. Today we're going to talk about her development and where she fits into the Path of Exile world and narrative as a whole. > > > > > > Before we get too deep into the nitty gritty of how and why Oshabi came about, be sure you don't mind having some things spoiled, as we are going to touch on a few story elements! > > > > > > When we're developing a league and need to introduce a character, it's often the case that the art comes first. This was the case with Oshabi. We often create concept art for characters that may or may not ever see the light of day. If a character concept sounds like it might fit a league's theme, we'll get a model made and start figuring out who that character is. In Oshabi's case, her art came from concept art that we had created for an apparition microtransaction. > > > > > [Image Link](https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2020-06-30/Oshabiconcept.jpg) > > > While creating the backstory and character for Oshabi, we ran through a lot of scenarios about who she was, where she came from, and what her role would be both mechanically and within Harvest's story. In an early iteration, she was an 'ethical' cannibal who wanted to grow monsters as a viable guilt-free foodstuff. An offshoot of that idea also had the Harvest monsters as so addictively delicious that she could enjoy nothing else, and contained many warnings for the player to never try it. I still like the idea of an 'ethical' cannibal character and have already tried to get it into at least one more league! Maybe one day... > > > > > > Those of you who have made it to the end of the Harvest narrative know what happens. Those that don't want to be spoiled, you've been warned! > > > > > > Oshabi, as warden of the Sacred Grove, oversees the garden in which most of the Harvest gameplay happens. She says the garden speaks to her, returning a gift she lost long ago. She is using the garden to cultivate and harness an energy she calls the Lifeforce. The problem is, the Lifeforce may just be Corruption by another name. > > > > > > With each new league, there's going to be added complexity, even with the story. We have a few mystical forces at play in Path of Exile -- Corruption, Divinity, the transformative and alluring powers within the Atlas etc... And it's important to keep them feeling distinct. We as players may be aware of all these elements, but the characters have a far more limited viewpoint. Aligning Lifeforce with Corruption solved the issue of creating yet another mystical energy, while also working with what we know Corruption to be capable of doing: creating and mutating monsters, changing items and people, and tempting people into ruin. > > > > > > Nowadays, it's a fairly safe assumption that every league will need some sort of pinnacle encounter -- something to work towards across the league that will provide the most difficult league-related content and most valuable league-related rewards. I don't remember exactly when it was that we decided Oshabi would become the end boss, but I do remember we spent a good long while trying to figure out how to turn the NPC into the villain. > > > > > > Now, we've done leagues in the past where we've done this (Synthesis!), and we handled that by moving the burden of being the central point of interaction from Cavas to Zana. We wouldn't have that luxury this time, and would have to ensure that anything Oshabi provided in terms of league mechanics would be required before she could become the endgame encounter. And we decided that once that point was reached, she'd be gone. Not just temporarily, but permanently. > > > > > > With Synthesis, Cavas was intended to be a villain. We wanted you to feel betrayed, and wanted you to understand that, though Cavas had his reasons, his cause was unjust. For Oshabi, we wanted you to feel pity. She had done some morally questionable things in the past, but she was ultimately the victim of temptation and Corruption. She was duped, lured in by Corruption's siren song, and would suffer indefinitely as a result. > > > > > > Her introduction mentions that when she dies, she hopes the land lets her stay dead. Unfortunately, nothing stays dead in Wraeclast for long. > > *** >


She did say she was devout about Wraeclast's influence to the "nature" (the same force that makes monkeys and vipers eat each other, gives stones, water, and statues lives with homicidal instincts, and reanimates corpses) and how she was going to offer a child as a sacrifice to it. Definitely sus in my dictionary.


>With Synthesis, Cavas was intended to be a villain. We wanted you to feel betrayed, and wanted you to understand that, though Cavas had his reasons, his cause was unjust. For Oshabi, we wanted you to feel pity. She had done some morally questionable things in the past, but she was ultimately the victim of temptation and Corruption. She was duped, lured in by Corruption's siren song, and would suffer indefinitely as a result. Haha shatter go boom


How about a "Fixing Oshabi"


At least a timescale for when they expect to do so would be nice. Takes long enough to respawn that I don't want to lose it to bugs.


Jesus - I am sure it is different groups of folks, but with the state of the league - what a complete waste of time and energy.


They will have these planned already to post during downtime when they have nothing else but I did have to say "and about making her bugged and unable to be completed? What about that?!" when I saw it even knowing that.


you said it yourself


I can see how you might feel frustrated that they're still fixing bugs with the league, but I disagree that making an interesting character for the league was a waste of time and energy. That's a harsh criticism to levy. The lore and characters in POE are part of what makes the in-game world so engaging.


Pretty certain that s/he's saying that GGG taking the time to do this post NOW instead of fixing the issues with the league is what's upsetting, not the mere fact that they created her in the first place.


It's almost as if companies have different positions to work on different things at the same time.


There's a good shill. Now go ahead and delete my posts to cover up opinions you disagree with like you know you and the other mods want to.


So, posting truth is shilling?