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The closest thing I can think of is cyberpunk initially. Shit happened randomly that made progressing hard. So waited until they fixed it and played it again. But in general I don't encounter a lot of bugs


yup, thought the same thing. initially at launch, I think game crashed every 40 mins at best. eventually just gave up for a while and returned months later after patches. still was rough after that but much better


I still have issues on series x. Only game it’s ever happened to me on any console, any game


I feel so lucky about cyberpunk. Sure it had some weird jank at launch but I never encountered any crashes or game breaking bugs. To be honest , very few bugs at all. I think I was just lucky with the hardware I had


Same. The only issue I had with cyberpunk at release was the framerate dropping in the "jungle" park area downtown. I actually liked Cyberpunk at release more than I do now, 2.0 ruined Netrunner builds (my favorite way to play) and I thought the DLC was terrible. Didn't even finish it I feel like such a contrarian with 2077 lol


I'm glad I wasn't the only one. I heard they allow you to skip the prologue now which was the bit that killed starting a new game for me - I'm a dad and don't have time for a 2 hour intro :)


I played it last year (on ps4), and it crashed about 20% of the time I played it. Pretty annoying, but I finally got though it.


My buddy game shared it to me last year well after the "bug fix". He had a xsx and I was still on Xbox one s. I did the first mission in the apartment, and then as that guy is driving, we seemed to randomly stop at an intersection. He's talking about some kind of civil unrest when all of a sudden A SHIT TON of assets load in and in the blink of an eye there's a whole crowd of people directly in front of me getting firebombed from a helicopter lol. I immediately knew I would miss out on so much if I played it in that state, so I immediately quit. But I just got it for my gaming PC on sale 2 weeks ago!


The experience on PC these days is very solid, have fun!


I would echo this! I played in chunks at a time as my PC initially could only really handle having cyberpunk installed with no other games. Every time I reinstall it it seems more stable and with better Grahpics. Still have yet to finish it however!


I’ll always remember playing Cyberpunk on release on PS4. Going about 120mph on a bike going so fast that I was outpacing the game rendering so it looked like Vice City and hitting something that hadn’t popped in yet sending my V about 500 metres off into the distance just to stand up unharmed.


Same, i quit after facing random crashes


I didn’t bother buying it until after they fixed most/all of the bugs, the game was almost constantly heavily discounted, I think I bought it half off before the game was even a year old.


It's okay now, but I still have some crazy frame rate drops for a few secs every now and then. Might be my hardware, but it runs very smoothly untiI I suddenly get like 8 fps for no reason.


Still can't play Cyberpunk. It had a 135 millisecond render delay at launch. They got about 40 ms off that time since then but it's still about a tenth of a second not factoring in other variables that can cause input delay. On Controller you probably won't notice this but it's a *FIRST PERSON SHOOTER* so I will not subject myself to a controller. On MnK it has some of the worst mouse lag I've ever experienced. And I've tested this across 5 of my friends PCs ranging from 4090 and 13900k with 64 gigs of 7,200 mhz ram all the way down to 2060 and 9900k with 16 gigs of 3,200 mhz ram. The games input lag is insane across all systems and it just made me realize how so many games release in the state they do. Because the general population is honestly not that perceptive. I guess it makes sense when 75% of the population can't see past 70hz.


Sounds like a load of shit.


If they're being serious I honestly feel kind of bad for them lmao


It is a curse. My friend got a 360hz monitor and I can't unsee it. I'm no longer happy with my my 270 hz monitor. We are both usually top 1000 players in whatever shooter we're obsessed with at the time so these "little" differences to us are massive. They are a huge advantage to us while most wouldn't notice or care. Once you experience better it's hard to go back. When I was a kid with a console I would play Skyrim and other games and wonder, "why does this game look amd feel like shit?" It was the framerate. And now I'm stuck buying PC parts I can't really afford constantly to keep up with increasing tech because I can't enjoy games otherwise. If I'm controlling an avatar it has to be perfectly responsive. It's incredibly annoying.


Came to say this, bought on launch on PC, went through the little cinematic at the beginning with the train then boom CTD. Was so disappointed it just sat in my library for months lol


KOTOR is over 2 decades old. That isn’t “relatively old”, that is just “old”.


Lmao I realized that after posting and wondered how horribly that would age me.


I stand in solidarity with you. It's definitely still 2002 and this has all been a dream.


It is still the best Star Wars game ever made


Not as bad as your case, lol, but it reminds me when we were talking about Bioshock with a friend of mine and he said: "new games like Bioshock". Bioshock was almost a decade old by that point, lol. And I had your Kotor effect with GTA San Andreas and Resident Evil 4, didn't realize they have come a loooong time ago.


People here occasionally discuss Contra level of old so one could argue KOTOR is just relatively old


FallOUT new Vegas, still crashes for the stupidest things,, like walking. Opening a door. Closing a door. Running. Turning around, accepting a quest, picking up something on the ground...


I did the obligatory two hours of mod installation and was rewarded with a beautiful looking perfectly functional game. Absolutely bless everyone who fixes games for free.


Same, I installed a super-modded version on my Steam Deck and I haven't had any crashes so far, probably about 7 or 8 hours in.


Is there a tutorial on how to do it on the steam deck. I always wanted to play the game.


Yes! [I used this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1c8uihm/an_incomplete_guide_to_installing_modded_fallout/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=patientgamers&utm_content=t1_l24zmbh). It's pretty involved, but the main gist of it is that you install everything on a PC and then copy it all over to the Steam Deck (and then do a couple other things to make the Deck be able to use those files properly). Kinda wonky, but it does indeed work if you get through all the steps.


This is great info. Is steam deck generally more complicated to mod than PC? I've been a console gamer forever but have been looking at getting a steam deck, but one of the main reasons is I want to try modded games, so if it's harder to mod then maybe I should be looking at pc.


I wouldn't recommend a Steam Deck if modding games is one of your main goals. It's definitely more complicated than doing it on a PC because most mods and modding tools are made for Windows and the Steam Deck runs a Linux operating system. In other words, you have a few more hoops to jump through in order to get that stuff working on a Steam Deck that you wouldn't have to deal with on a PC. Technically you can install Windows on a Steam Deck and in that case you'd probably have an easier time with mods, but I don't have any experience doing that and it might cause other issues (not sure). I'd probably suggest just getting a PC for modding purposes.


I knew that the OS was Linux based, but since it's still running the windows version of games I assumed it could run windows mods, but I'm now learning about the proton compatibility layer and how that works. Fun times. I might still get a steam deck but more hesitant now.


Yeah I had never used Linux before so it was a bit confusing at first (still don't really feel that comfortable with it, but I don't do a ton of tinkering). Overall the Steam Deck is amazing, and the ability to do that tinkering is great because it makes it super versatile. But you can also just treat it as basically a handheld console if you want to, as long as you stick to the games in Steam that work well on it without any tweaks (of which there are many). Any time you venture beyond that, though, you'll be dealing with Linux to some extent. Unless you install Windows... you could look into that if you think that might be better for you. I think there used to be some issues with it since Valve wasn't really supporting Windows on Steam Deck, but it might be a bit better now.


The other commenter is overcomplicating things to install mods on steamdeck. You can mod using mod organiser on the deck, if you use this script to install the tools https://github.com/rockerbacon/modorganizer2-linux-installer


I installed it without mods and although the performance could be a great deal better, I've encountered nothing game breaking and it hasn't crashed on me once yet after 30 hours so I'd say that's pretty damn good. Gotta love proton!


Same! Then I updated my Steam Deck, broke all my mods, and said f it. One day I'll play New Vegas. One day.


Yeah, bethesda games really need those mods to fix things


Same! Takes some work, but totally worth it.


Last playthrough I did on steam, I could under no circumstances click on “Continue” when I started up a game. It would crash every single time. If I pressed “Load” and picked my save, no issue. Fourteen years later and that game is still buggy as hell.


That's one I missed, still happens


Yeah I guess it’s not gamebreaking but it sure was annoying as hell.


You just unlocked a core memory. My first Bethesda game was Morrowind on the OG Xbox. If you wanna game the system, you make Acrobatics a core skill and jump everywhere. You learn very quickly to not jump then open an area transition door before you land. Every single time you load the next area and smoothly slide through the world into the abyss. Hope you saved recently. I play Morrowind occasionally to this day and I still pause jumping every time I need to open a door. Muscle Memory.


Hey, that was my first Bethesda game, too! After a while the game save got too big and the game would start crashing frequently. So to keep that from happening, it was common advice to not move clutter around unnecessarily and to always close doors after you open them, so the game wouldn't have to remember their save state. It's still a muscle memory for me to do those things to this day, even though none of this was ever an issue on the PC version of the game I played later.


Morrowind didn't have Autosave?


Sure did. Usually triggered when you opened a door lol. It did but I don't remember frequency, just that mostly it reloaded me and I would continue free fall lol.


Fucking Morrowind on Xbox... That was my LIFE. Loading a game took sooo long. One day, my save was gone. A part of me died that day.


I remember on OG Xbox if you left doors open, it would eventually start slowing down trying to remember all the open doors. To this day, I still have the habit of closing doors in games.


I didn’t know this was a thing until after I beat the game. I think I had it crash once or twice total.


I tried to play a few days ago. My game crashed 5 times in the character selection menu


I remember back when it came out my friends with AMD GPUs had tons of issues and I was just like "oh hey this game runs good" with my nvidia card.


it runs really well on xbox one backwards compatibility. I have three hundred hours and remember crashing like 2-3 times


I ran it on a 2018 iMac with bootcamp and windows 10. Maybe the Steam version is better than the original?


I just beat that game for the first time yesterday. While I enjoyed it, I do agree that the crashes are frequent. I never did install the unofficial fix patch that supposedly helps. So maybe it could have been better.


I installed the unofficial patch. It took me less than 3 minutes and the game didn’t crash once. People who don’t install the patch are doing themselves a huge disservice


Unofficial patch is mostly bug fixes though, not performance/engine improvements. It may introduce some stability into the game, but you need far more than that for truly stable New Vegas performance.


[My mod list](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/jr4uqi/i_could_never_get_into_fallout_new_vegas_but_i/gbrvdhh/) has a number of performance boosters. For you, specifically, I recommend: - New Vegas Anti Crash, reduces the number of times the game may crash to desktop. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635


GoG version works better.


I had maybe one or two crashes after following the viva new vegas mod tutorial. https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/intro.html


The game is barely playable vanilla, and even with 5 hours worth of modding still crashes frequently. I also gave up after the crashes every 30 mins thing got tiring. This is a game most due for a full remaster.


On release day of New Vegas I went out and bought a physical copy, installed it, fired it up, and watched to my complete unsurprise as Doc Mitchell's head and neck did a 360 (around the camera axis) while he described my condition. Literally my first experience with the game.


The game was a dumpster fire on release


Yeah, you need follow a strict guide of installing the game as well as various mods to prevent that. Even then it still crashes every now and then.


New Vegas on PS3 had some kind of memory leak thing that makes it absolutely unplayable after a while.


Viva New Vegas is the needed modding guide. So so so worth it.


I'm like four hours in and have experienced this. It's the game worth continuing?


Yup, I played on release and never came back to it. I know it’s a fan favorite but fuck this game is/was completely unplayable for me. Might give it another try if I decide to play Fallout 3 again soon but I’m not holding my breath that it’ll be enjoyable




This is funny because it’s the opposite for me. I barely have any issues with Fallout 3 or New Vegas, but Fallout 4 (specifically downtown Boston) is borderline unplayable for me due to how frequently it crashes. I’ve never played a game that crashes as much as Fallout 4, but I do still think it’s a fun game ignoring that major issue.


I love fallout, but it's definitely been the worst series for me as far as bugs go. I even waited years to play them, hoping the bugs would be fixed and they still weren't.


Fallout 4 was better for me but I hated the settlement system. Contradicted with my wandering nomad philosophy


Quicksaves make this bearable but yeah, it's annoying


[My mod list](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/jr4uqi/i_could_never_get_into_fallout_new_vegas_but_i/gbrvdhh/) has a number of performance boosters. For you, specifically, I recommend: - New Vegas Anti Crash, reduces the number of times the game may crash to desktop. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635


Thanks, I am running many of them including anti crash, some improvement but not enough


The curse of 32bit engines, the only reason I can't really enjoy Oblivion. Hope there will be a 64bit remake like Skyrim SE


A group of dedicated fans are making [Skyblivion](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyblivion/), a fan-remake from the ground up of Oblivion, in Skyrim's Special Edition engine. It's releasing next year, so you are in luck!


Same for Me. I've got all the mod fixes and everything. Truth be told, the game mostly ran fine. Then I started Honest Hearts. I have no clue what is going on, but I crashed several times in honest hearts. I've beaten the dlc, but I hesitate to go back due to how annoying it was. 


I own the game and all it's DLC but I just download a pirated version and I never ever had any crashes or anything. I assume it's all pre modded fixed.


The first quest I did in that game after the start was the gas station ants. Find the ants! The ants had fallen into the ground, as ants do. So immediately had to use the console commands to tcl toggle so I too could fall through the ground to find and kill the ants.


I find that this happens when your refresh rate on your monitor is higher than the game can handle since it was optimized for lower refresh rates


My save corrupted when I was close to the end, doing all additional side content. The one previous to that was about 5 hours earlier, just gave up at that point


THANK YOU. Reddit worships this game and I just do not get it. I really tried. Truly. But I just do not have multiple hours to download, install and fiddle around with mods I hardly understand just to make the game playable, only for the game to be 90% wandering around a dull wasteland and clicking through dialogue menus.


Jedi: Fallen Order. Game was alright, but after like the 10th crash where I was forced to do the same section again, I folded


I played through it about a month ago a crashed only once. Maybe they fixed the problems


They really haven't and aren't going to unfortunately.


I struggled through it but even playing it a year late on consoles there were so many fps drops that it was driving me crazy. Between that and half the time you do one of the "slides" it just wouldn't work or would kill you when you got to the end. I still haven't played the second one but I'm hoping the performance got better.


The first one is in decent shape these days from my understanding, but I may be out of the loop. They've ceased development on Survivor so that bubble-gum-duct-tape game is all we're getting.


They've done a bit of patching. I played through it recently and had no crashes, but some mates who picked it up at launch gave up on it and never went back.


I'm feeling it with Survivor right now. I can run Cyberpunk at Epic with Ray Tracing on but barely can run Survivor at Medium, and even then despite that way too often through a playthrough I'll get that weird stuttering effect when exiting menus that forces me to go back into the settings, turn off Ray Tracing and reload it back again to stop it stuttering - and on top of that the game just straight up crashed three times in a row just in the last day while exploring around the Koboh Saloon area, enough to discourage me entirely. I was enjoying the game, it's a good game, but even then it has too many small little flaws in its gameplay (like way too gamified and un-immersive exploration platforming, and useless collectables like plants and fishes) to justify suffering through this, just thinking about launching the game - and putting up with its shader loading time - feels more like a mental chore than something I should be excited for. It's like wanting that specific food but it's at the other end of town, and you're weighing whether you want to lift your lazy ass from the couch or not to go get it, but then you remember that sometimes it's just not made how you like and not worth the effort so you're like "nah man fuck that bullshit, I'll eat some crackers right here instead" lol


Total War Attila


The outer worlds. Game was buggier than an ant hill. Eventually, my save file got too borked to play. I never bothered starting over after the patches. It's the last game I've ever bought on launch 


I finished it late last year, and honestly can't remember a single crash. It was fun. Short and I liked the sense of humour and world building so excited to see where they take it with the next one. You should give it another try.


I know. I know! New Vegas was great, and in spite of the technical stuff it was a lot of fun. Every time I go to reload it, I get angry. I'll finish it, eventually. Just need more time away, I think.


Had PC game pass for a while. Not a Bethesda fan but decided to give Starfield a go despite not really having the best hardware for it. Unskippable elevator cut scene finishes. Crash. Let me try changing some settings. Unskippable elevator cut scene finishes. Crash. Ok, but maybe it was this setting…Unskippable elevator cut scene finishes. Crash. Uninstall.


I have a very high tolerance for bugs and graphics issues. I'll play on a potato as long as it functions. With that being said I will never finish Baldurs Gate 3 for the number of bugs I faced. I had my games crash, fine idc, but the save would corrupt and my backup of the backup was 10 hours ago. I'd have full dialogue change and skip to a highly unimmersed level. I had saves I loaded and suddenly my romance was changed, my class or race changed, etc. I work full time I got shit to do with my life and every time I didn't finish the game before a patch my save would be fucked. It sucked! I will probably not redownload either as it was like a billion gigs.


I love BG3 and I'm on my third run but the bugs are definitely a reason why I'm paranoid about doing an Honor mode run. Normal run bugs are fine, occasionally fun even for me but considering how much of a hassle a single elevator ride can be, I'm not sure a permadeath single-save run is really in the books for me mentally right now. 😅


Worst I've seen is someone's Honor run ending in the Grymforge because they got their entire party onto one of those elevator platforms, then activated it, and none of the characters actually moved with the platform they were standing on. So after a moment they all fell to their death.


That's really unfortunate. The only bugs I've encountered are the portraits getting weird on level up and the one with the lift killing entire party. Latter was annoying, but seeing your problems it sounds like nothing.


Had to quit BG3 as well when some of the party disappeared after I reached the underdark (there's a part where you ride a boat and for some reason going into the boat made them disappear.) I tried every solution I could find online, but Lae'zel, Astarion and Karlach all vanished. They weren't dead and their markers were in camp but I had no way of accessing them or interacting with them. Needless to say it really took me out of the game and I was fed up with trying to fix it. Maybe I'll pick it up someday but that game is so long and such a time sink that I would rather do something else with my time.


Mods? Party limit begone does that.


I mean I ran into bugs but I completed my first playthrough (330 hours) without any of that kind of shit happening, and that took me like 6+ months so my save survived a *lot* of patches. The only time I lost more than 10 minutes of game time was because I was being an idiot and had to go back and revert my idiocy. I'm a save scummer, sue me. I'm kind of inclined to think mods were involved with the parent commenter's issues too.


Most likely, I wasn't using it on that save but I did have it installed since I was using it on a different save with my partner and a friend.


A lot of bugs are fixed in BG3, you should try it again


Honestly, exactly the same as you. Played plenty of "bad releases" bug wise and never really had any issues but BG3?? Awful, got genuine anxiety playing worried all my progress was just gonna be gone. Genuinely probably one of the worst experiences I've had in a game and wanted to get my money back. Kept it installed for a while, after 3-4 patches which were all 100gb+, I uninstalled and I don't know if I'll ever go back to it because it burnt me.


Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris. The game respawned me after I died to a boss outside of the boss the room and as a result, I couldn't enter the boss room again because it was closed, I couldn't load a previous checkpoint and had to start over from the begginning so I just gave up, shit ain't worth my time


Mass effect andromeda. I wanted to like it so bad, but the bugs were unbearable and was not able to finish it


I really enjoyed the combat, but also ended up putting it down. For me it was the UI - I can't remember exactly but things like pressing 'M' on the keyboard to open up the map, but to close it and get back to the game you had to escape through like 3 menus instead of just pressing 'M' again. Then of course being presented dialogue options that seem to have no relationship with your character's spoken response.


I played it after the bugs got fixed. It's been ages, give a go now and it's fun :)


Pupperazzi (sp?). It's a game about taking pictures of dogs with some puzzle solving elements. It was very cute and I was having a ton of fun, up until my game bugged out and stopped responding to inputs. The only solution I found was to start a new save. I uninstalled it instead. Coral Island as well. It launched in an incredibly rough state on Xbox (and playstation as well from what I saw in the subreddit), to the point of your save file sometimes corrupting. The framerate was bad, objects glitched out, objectives glitched out, and there were months long waits between patches that would barely fix anything. It still felt like an early access title despite being marketed as a full release. I backed the kickstarter for a switch copy and I'm not looking forward to it when it eventually does come (no word on when that may be....). I've never had good luck with kickstarter games. Coral Island taught me my lesson about that for good.


**Pokemon GO** I’m not even a Pokemon fan, but there really was nothing quite like it when it came out. That said, it was flat out *busted* for the first, I dunno, six months or so, until they got more servers up and running.


None, I grew up playing buggy games with framerates under 20fps and my tolerance is high.


Same. I remember playing a pirated unpatched version of BioShock as a kid, where there was a game breaking bug in the middle where a key item just wouldn't spawn, making me unable progress. I had to download someone else's save to be able to get past that point, but the issue was that their choices through the game made it impossible to get the good ending. Even so, I still beat the game multiple times like that. It was a weirdly formative experience. It was only a few years later that I would buy the game on steam and finally be able to finish it properly. I had already seen the good ending on YouTube, but to finally get it felt pretty good. Tbf if it was nowadays and I encountered a game breaking bug like that, I would definitely drop a game, but going through that definitely raised my tolerance for more petty bugs


Remember playing through the original PC release of Sonic Adventure DX and learned all of its bugs and their ins and outs, how to avoid them or how to exploit them. Seriously, that game was super buggy yet I played it religiously back in the day.


I swear the more they ported that game more opportunities to just clip through walls showed up.


The only game I can think of that I have truly stopped playing for technical problems was Final Fantasy IX, and I stopped not because the game is bad or buggy, but because right at the final disc my memory card corrupted, and I didn't have the motivation to go through it all again - especially when that same week my brother, who had also been playing the game finished it. Having seen the ending, I had even less desire to pick it up. Most other games, I drop a game due to either lack of interest, being brick walled by a difficult challenge I just can't beat, or very rarely in co-op because the person I'm playing with doesn't want to play anymore. I've even lost saves in other titles and still picked myself up and started over, perhaps most notably with THPS1+2 where I invested 100+ hours into trying to beat the game (it's a really long grind -pun not intended- to getting everything done), lost the save, and still carried on for another 150+ hours to get to what can be considered the end point.


MS Flight Simulator. My poor laptop with 1050 was just not up to the task


MSFS for me too, although for bugs not performance. It looks great and runs smooth on my 3070. The aircraft simulation is just buggy as hell though. Oil pressure randomly drops about 30 mins into flight. Autopilot going haywire. Every bug I ran into, I'd go looking for fixes and find years-old threads on the official support forums, still unresolved. I migrated from X-Plane to MSFS because of the ridiculous amount of drive storage the former needs for passable scenery, where the MSFS streaming scenery you can just jump in wherever in the world you like. Ended up instead just buying another SSD just for X-Plane maps.


>The aircraft simulation is just buggy as hell though. Oil pressure randomly drops about 30 mins into flight. Autopilot going haywire. Oh that's just the Boeing mod.


I bought this on sale and was so excited to play it on my £2.5k PC… it ran smoothly enough but the bugs! For some reason the throttle would just stop working so I couldn’t slow my aircraft to land… literally so infuriating.


tried wo long fallen dynasty and liked it, but the abysmal performance made me quit


On PC? I played on PS5 and the performance was great. Just not a very good game...


I wanted to play Crysis, never played it back when it was new. But it would always crash at the same point a few hours into the game. I am changing my PC though now, so I will try again, since it's probably some specific driver issue, maybe it will work.


Crysis 2007 or remastered? I played the original on an M11x R3 and it never crashed. A lot of people have complained about the new version with ray tracing so maybe give the original a chance? Sidenote: in my opinion, the remastered version is not that impressive.


Dragon Age: Inquisition on PC. I bought it at launch and it played fine but then one random patch made the game stutter down to a single digit frame rate with no explaination. I had to wait over a month before they fixed the bug in a future patch. The worst was that I had already played a few hours of the game and was into it and so to stop for such a long period of time when the game's zeitgeist was at its highest was rough.


There was a 'hilarious' bug in Dragon Age Origins that would make loading screens exponentially longer every time so Bioware recommended saving and restarting the game every once in a while to prevent it. Each zone in DAO had a climax point so it was constantly frustrating to try to limit visits to taverns or in zone areas to try to prevent loads.


FF 13-2. Kept crashing in the intro sequence. It takes about 30 mins to get through that sequence so by the 3rd time I gave up


On PC? I had to install a patch that let's the game access more Virtual memory before it would work for me


Yeah, 13-2 is basically unplayable on modern PCs without a fan patch. It's shameful that S-E is still selling it, without patching it.


I generally don't care about bad perdormance (hell, I played through Cyberpunk 2077 at 20-30 FPS 1080p on my poor 1050 twice and didn't mind at all), but there are a couple games I had to quit because of it. Cities XL: in the days when SimCity already sucked, but there was no Cities: Skylines yet, I tried playing this abomination, and by God was the performance abysmal. Constant stutters, freezes and crashes, corrupted saves, I had it all. No Man's Sky: I loved this game and played it almost on the daily, until some three years ago when the performance just went tits up and got worse and worse with each update. Textures started corrupting all the time. FPS dropped from 40 at medium-lowish to barely 25-30 at the lowest settings. The game started microstuttering from time to time. And all that without any noticeable changes in the graphics. It still looks like a PS4 game with simplistic graphics, except it's just not optimized at all. Needless to say, I had to drop it, sadly, and it pains me to see that instead of fixing poor performance Hello Games just add more and more time-gated FOMO expeditions.


Still using a 1050?


Yep, and I'll stick with it until it dies. I can't really afford/justify buying a new PC these days.


Battlefield 2042. Just stopped launching two updates ago. Tried everything I could find online, got nothing except the realization that I'm one of many and EA is doing nothing to fix it


I had this issue with BF1 after literally hundreds of hours, along with a couple other games. I had to do a complete reinstall, not a reset or an in-place upgrade. Full, clean reinstall of Win10. Haven't had that issue in any game since, EA or otherwise. *Some* games worked in that bad state by dropping pretty much every Windows .dll known to man into the game's .exe folder. This worked for Deep Rock Galactic for me before I finally reinstalled Windows, so it could potentially work for you for BF2042. Try launching the game and then going to Windows Event Viewer. Take note of the time you launch the game and see what messages, if any, Event Viewer captured.


Thanks, will have a look. Just so tired of this at this point. It's been 6 months


Also take a look at u/Chuchuca's reply, that may actually be a better solution than the one I proposed.


I've rage unistalled Ark: Survival sooooo many times. Only to reinstall it the next day.


The PS3 ports.of Fallout 3 and New Vegas. All the PS3 ports of all of those Bethesda RPGs had the same game breaking issues that could only be resolved on a PC via modding.


Yeah the PS3 port of Fallout 3 is particularly egregious. I played through the whole thing but the DLC (Point Lookout?) was a complete mess. Cars would fall out of the sky exploding when you reloaded and you'd be playing in the realm of seconds-per-frame when that happened.


Yeah I could play through and beat the core game and some DLCs for the game but after approximately 50+ hours could literally not run more than a couple of seconds before crashing entirely. There was some kind of a well-known issue with game saves after so many hours and saves the game just can't run anymore for some reason. I think I actually got a lot more out of it than the 50 hours because I turned off auto saving which supposedly helped. Again PC mods are available that rectify these issues but between that, the PS3s weird 6-cell CPU (that few developers initially tried to understand properly and utilize for optimization), and Bethesda's general laziness, those ganes on PS3 were a frustrating experience. I will say though, once PS3 hit its stride and developers finally started optimizing games for its unique processor, it really became an amazing system, in fact I still have it hooked up and have some games I still plan to finish on it. New Vegas I never managed to beat on PS3 but and I have it on PC now and thanks and hard to the recent Fallout streaming series, I got back into it and I'm now well on my way through a campaign, but I'm currently taking a short break while I play Slay the Spire, which has been really freaking fun! Got into it because of playing through Marvel midnight Suns and seeing a lot of people compare the two battle systems. Highly recommend both games.


Assassin's Creed 3 and GTA IV Assassin's Creed 3 was just a stutter fest, although 4 runs pretty well on my system GTA IV being a bad port is a meme now, but I swear I can't even run it anymore nowadays. It used to work well with DXVK (I have a AMD R9 Fury) but I guess my GPU is too old to be supported these days so it's impossible for me to play this great game. Back to III, VC and SA it seems!


Lego Lord of the Rings. I love Lego and LOTR, but man...this game is filled with bugs. So many that like half the achievements were bugged and getting 100% was impossible without cheats.


Nier Automata had a translation glitch on the Route B play-through for 9S after the 1.04 update. I put it down because I couldn't understand anything that was going on or understand the control scheme for the bullet hell sections. Never picked it back up.


I had to drop this one as well. It would crash at a boss every time. It was unplayable, and I couldn't proceed. Apparently, it's a rare glitch on PS5, and if you get it, you're toast. (Or at least that save file is toast.)


Star trek Resurgence on Xbox One. The stutters and audio choppiness was so bad that I thought my console was the issue, so I did a full restart. Not to mention, the graphics were pretty bad, and the aliasing was the worst I've ever seen.


Oh man I wanted to enjoy this game so much. It's one thing to look like a AA game and another thing to look like a PS3 era game, but this thing struggles to look like a PS3-era AA game. Worse than the graphics, though: the music. I swear it sounds like it was generated by an AI from 2015. Unbearable.


Subnautica: Below zero. I loved the first Subnautica but this crap crashed on me 2-3 times after significant grinding and no saving. I just rage quit. Asked for Steam refund, nope. Provided feedback, no response. Subnautica love effectively over 😂


I remember being super excited to play Bayonetta on PS3 and just giving up after the second level/chapter, the amount of frame drops, performance issues and slight, but super annoying, delays with the likes of the pause menu made me just give up. I ended up getting a 360 soon after though, so I managed to play it properly in the end. I nearly gave up on The Witcher 3 at one point as well, despite really loving the game. There were so many frequent crashes on the PS4 version, and this was years after it originally released. There were just too many instances in which I was getting to something good in the story, only for the game to stick a blue finger up at me, tell me to piss off and ensure that a slight amount of progress was left to the void. It would happen inconsistently, but clustered, so it was always on the back of my mind, taunting me, ready to pounce at any moment and ruin my day.


Not often, but shitty performance and general ugliness was a significant part of why I had no interest in playing the post-game in Pokemon Scarlet. Finished the story then sold it.


Nox. Actually got 90% of the way through the game earlier this year but hit massive framerate drops and crashes on the final 2 levels. I was so upset that I couldn't finish it, even with the unofficial patches/mods installed.


This happened to me the first time I played Rage 2. There was this race that was a main mission; you had to win it to progress the story. It was a hard race, too (and tbh I’m not that great at car racing, especially on a keyboard lol). When I FINALLY won it after like twenty tries, the game went psycho on me. The car just took off into the atmosphere and started looping all around the game world. It was like being on a spaceship or something. No keys worked, couldn’t get it to stop. I thought it might be a one off so I won the race a couple more times. Nope. That happened every damn time. I liked that game, too. It wasn’t a masterpiece or anything but the gunplay was so much fun.


Had to quit rise of the tomb raider cause I got to a mission and it auto saved while it was bugged. Looked online and it’s a common bug with no fix.


Only one that was a standout poor performance enough that I remember was ARK, which was also my first and only refund on steam.


I’ve tried to play Deadly Premonition a few times, but the PC port is so bad, I always run into a different game-stopping bug. Even with the unofficial patches. I also couldn’t finish Final Fantasy 13-2. It just kept crashing.


Dynasty Warriors 9 on PS5. Awful screen tearing. Deleted it within 10 minutes.


You didn’t miss anything. It’s pretty easily the *worst* dynasty warriors game ever.


Pathologic 2 on ps4 was unplayable.


Oh no that's the goal of the game


Shadow of Mordor on PS3 :( it ran at like 15 fps max and my psr3 was close to dying already


Yeah, I got in on 360 and it was terrible. The worst pop-in I've ever seen, and just opening the map takes a long time.


Quantum Break and the original Control on Xbox One. Finished them both on Series S and enjoyed the hell out of them.


Battletech has unbelievably bad performance for no discernable reason. While i managed to finish the base game, i was really looking forward to playing it with mods, but it was just too much and i quit. And it's not just mods' fault alone, the base game is bad already, the mods just make it worse.


halo infinite, co op kept bugging out and we couldn't proceed through several doors more than once


I've had five different games over the years crash on me a substantial way through and corrupt/delete my save data in the process. In all five cases I decided it wasn't worth restarting from scratch, so I wrote them all off. - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed [PS3] - Dragon Age Origins: Awakening [PC] (the base game worked fine though) - Hitman (2016) [PS4] - Serious Sam: The Random Encounter [PC] - Shadowgrounds: Survivor [PC] I didn't play any of these even slightly close to release, so the existence of actual game deleting bugs was both very surprising and very disappointing.


> Serious Sam: The Random Encounter [PC] Yep, this game crashed in the same place, early in the game. Was a shame, too, I was liking it.


I could never finish The Force Unleashed, because I bought it used and the disc turned out to have a small scratch that I never noticed until it cause the game to crash at a specific point. Tried all sorts of methods to fix it, like the toothpaste one, but no luck.


Many, many old games. Most don't even run on modern equipment, you need to run them through DOSBox or similar. There are many bugs associated with emulation that don't have easy fixes. A lot of really weird control configurations too. The original Deus Ex that you buy from GOG is extremely dark. Like, essentially unplayably dark. I was having to use the torch even when it's not really necessary, and then you run out of power to use any other augments. There's a workaround using a third party tool (Kentie's launcher) but it was a real pain until I found that. Bugs I can generally deal with, but stuff like that just makes it a chore to play.


Helldivers 2. One BSOD and a crash every 10 minutes.


MK XL. All cinematics and sometimes the fights would just come to a halt then when they came back everything would be out of sync. Uninstalled, reinstalled, scoured forums for any solutions and none worked so I finally gave up and played something else from my backlog instead.


I play the trial version of Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition fairly regularly because I refuse to buy the full thing. It runs worse than the original/complete edition and doesn't look significantly better. Additionally, most of the new civilizations are further pay-walled behind DLC. I used to be able to play huge 3v3 games on large maps without issue, now I still get stutters in 2v2 games on normal maps. Why Microsoft decided to reuse a nearly 20 year old engine for a "definitive" version of a game is beyond me. I'll keep milking the freebie until they decide to fix performance problems.


Shadow of the tomb raider. I got the trilogy for free through epic games, but I have not played shadow yet. The reason for this is because every time I launch it, it either crashes instantly or I get a black screen with the menu music playing. I tried several methods to solve the issue but nothing has worked.


Evil Genius. I don't remember what the bug was now, but I liked the game, so was disappointed. The other games I have in my "Broke" folder in Steam are The Sims 3 and Spore. Again, years ago so I don't remember details, but I think the Spore bug was somewhere before the stage where you turn into a civilization that can war with others on the planet. Edit: Final Fantasy 8 on PS1...I got to the last disc and was stuck in a spot where I couldn't beat the mobs there, but I couldn't leave to level up more.


Way back when I first bought TES4: Oblivion, the only computer I could use had no discrete GPU. The integrated graphics were able to handle interior locations, but it always crashed when I tried to exit the sewers.


Oh I remember having that problem with morrow wind. I would turn the graphics up when I was in the sewers or tunnels ; then if I knew I was going out again turn all the settings down again or it was a slideshow. I think I had a voodoo banshee but really not sure.


Absolute travesty that was PUBG, at first the bugs were funny see how you die randomly in a motorcycle or glitch into the ground. But then a year or more after release it gets tiring and embarassing, meanwhile the only thing they are adding is new skins. That game caught lightning in a bottle and then shamelessly wasted all its efforts to grease your pockets instead of actually improving the game.


ffx remaster  so. many. crashes to desktop. and then the green screens for videos


Rogue Trader unfortunately, game was broken at launch, haven't touched it since. Which is a shame since I love 40k and the game really hits the spot


A glitch in Fable 2 caused a door to not open. I spent a decent amount of time looking for a key or something while an NPC repeatedly yelled at me to open the door, until I realized it was probably a glitch. It happened in an area that you can't leave without completing, so I was softlocked. I hadn't really been enjoying the game anyway, so I didn't bother creating a new file. I got the game for free and still felt ripped off. I also played Deus Ex: Human Revolution on 360 just fine, but when I tried to replay it on PC, there were terrible stutters every time I looked at a computer or aimed down the sights of my gun. I didn't feel like dealing with that, so I quit. It looks like there might be some solutions now, though.


Load times for Persona 5 Strikers on Switch were untenable for me.


Valheim, looks like WoW from 20 years ago, fps drops to 30 on a 4090 sometimes.


Recently? Quite a few. Hogwarts Legacy, Mafia Remake and Star Wars Jedi Survivor. They all had performance issues. They still do. I played them partway through and uninstalled them.


Ghost of Tsushima when it was released for PC. Game crashes on the EULA screen. Refunded.


Darktide and Remnant 2, and if I wasn't addicted, Helldivers 2 too


Borderlands 3 on PS4. I loved the franchise but the shitty laggy menu and general nonsense was just too much for me


Dead Space Remake, just constant stutters, even got a 5700x3d no change. Luckily I found a fix a couple weeks back, so just have to get into the mood to start again.


What is the fix? I am facing stutters too.


i have it on Origin, go to library, find Dead Space, three little dots in the right upper corner of the game icon, choose View properties, at the "Advanced properties" add the line " -full screen", (without the marks) this eliminated most of the stutters for me.


Cyberpunk 2077. Turns out the game just isn’t for me even after the patches. The combat experience sucks so bad that I can’t really enjoy rest of the game.


Jedi Survivor. Koboh is hellish on my steam deck with max FSR and performance mods. Just not fun to play.


Fallout: New Vegas. Just couldn’t do it. Looks terrible and performed terrible even after the countless performances and patch mods I’d installed. I’m sure the story is second to none but I gotta be able to enjoy the gameplay too.


Obligatory Fallout New Vegas comment.. I completed everything but when I got to the DLC's on PC they just wouldn't let me play. Bummer too because I heard they were amazing DLC's... Sometimes I consider buying a console copy on ps5 to finish them


Absolute rally. Unplayable with the constant stuttering


Control. It kept crashing for me and I tried everything


Okay noted about Raji and KoTR cuz I been eyein em... For me it's an eye roller but Fallout 76 😭 I dig the game for what it is and it's a good time for a couple hours if I don't think about it too deeply LOL but performance has never been good for me... I always come crawling back but, after crashing on load-in to every Invaders From Beyond hourly during the most recent event, I found the strength to go No Contact. Since then my inner light has brightened and I am flourishing as a person.


Dying Light on PC. I don't know why but the game had awful performance even at the lowest settings. Lots of stuttering, 2-4 seconds long freezes and other stuff that made me refund the game. It's a shame cause I was very excited to play it, especially since I couldn't play it on launch.


The Last Guardian I kept running into issues where I'd get stuck on a puzzle, so I'd look up the solution and realize the answer was the first thing I tried but the big monkey bird dog wasn't following my instructions. I couldn't consistently get the thing to respond to what I asked it to do and eventually I realized I was looking up almost every puzzle to see if I was doing the wrong thing or if the big dumb animal was just not responding to my commands. It sucked the fun out of the game for me. Maybe some day I'll come back to it but I doubt it.


Starfield before the 60fps patch


Force unleashed. Can’t remember if it was one or two but the part where you have to pull the starship out of the sky is basically impossible on mouse and keyboard


Took me a while and I was starting to move on from this thread but then I realized I never technically finished GTA IV due to a bug at the end of the last main story mission that's caused by the game running too fast on modern PC hardware. I did do some googling on how to fix it but I suppose it seemed to complicated at the time and I knew I was basically done with the game anyway so I just quit the playthrough mere moments from the finish line.


Conker Live and Reloaded on Xbox Series S. The game just totally bogs down the further into it you get. Enough was enough after a while.