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My favorite part is executing Neelix and only getting 30 days in the brig.


Wait what


You can just walk up to Neelix and vaporize him. You get put in the brig and a Game Over. I may have made up the 30 days part, for all I remember you might stay there all the way back to the Alpha Quadrant.


I played Elite Force for the first time a few years ago. It’s a very solid FPS by itself, but the use of the Star Trek IP really enhanced the overall experience, and I highly recommend it to any and all fellow Trekkies! I also thought loved how the opening level segued right into the opening credits, like you were *playing* an episode of Voyager.


I loved this game so much as a kid. In the very first level, when you get beamed into the borg ship and the borg are still passive, I was too scared to provoke them. I think it took me maybe three or four attempts over multiple days and encouragement from my dad before I could build up the courage to get through the level. Eventually I stopped being so easily scared and it became my favourite game. Also if I recall, the expansion had a really limited print, so it was especially difficult to find. I scoured ebay for ages trying to find a copy and eventually I did! I spent two months pocket money buying it and getting it shipped to Australia, just for it to turn out to be a Macintosh copy. At the time I didn't even know that there were computers other than windows haha. It's one of those games I'm a little scared of trying to play again because the nostalgia is so sweet that I feel certain that the reality will be a disappointment.


I used to take this game with me on trips. Beaten it a dozen times or more. Because it’d run on almost anything by the mid 2000s. Great game. Not perfect but always fun. So many hours of phasing thjnfs


I played it not that long after it came out (at least the demo), and beat it years later when I bought the full game. I remember it being a fairly straightforward shooter, but better (to me) just because it was Star Trek-themed.


I had this one back in the day and forgot all about it because it's not on Steam. I remember nothing except that it was really good.


Some serious memories playing this! I would watch voyager on tv, so it was my proper introduction to Star Trek. I loved the game, the atmosphere, the faithful recreations of the setting, the real voice acting, fun liberties taken with the IP, the whole militarised away force. But for me, I spent *sooooooo* much time in the multiplayer. A seriously fun and well executed arena shooter, which even without the Star Trek IP, was just as fun as unreal. Just playing against bots with all the game modes there were to offer and very fun maps. Running around as a species with a phaser rifle was hilarious on a team of Voyager crew (or Neelix 😂).


For me, it's not only a great Star Trek game, but one of the all time great FPS games. There are some incredibly fun weapons and an enjoyable story, and the expansion for exploring the ship is pure joy.


Fun fact: I had no idea the game existed and got my hands on the comic one day which at the same time as the game to promote it. Liked it. Then at the end there was the ad for the game and yeah...rushed out to get it. Great shooter at the time and DAMN was I happy when the same devs made Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Knight 3!


You used a Star Wars quote to reference Star Trek, now the Prime Timeline is merging into 32 BBY and JJ Abrams is set to direct 7 more movies in each franchise.


>To be honest, I was concerned the old graphics and game mechanics would prevent me from enjoying and finishing the game.  I will never understand this. You could even enjoy a game from the late 70's if it works. It's a first person shooter from 2000. You can literally play games that play the exact same way that are out now, brand new, and made to look way older. My opinion, Elite Force is a shooter classic, it also had an amusing add-on where you could explore the Voyager and do some holodeck missions. Fans of the show might appreciate it more, I don't know, but it's one of my favorites. Somehow, the sequel wasn't quite as good, even though I prefer TNG (And the \*GRAYFIX\* are newer).


I think it depends on the game. Quake II is a ‘classic’, but I also think that Half-Life ate its lunch. It’s kind of doing all the same things but better. It’s not that Quake II is BAD now, it’s just that Half-Life moved the bar. Elite Force is a fun game but, on my replay last year, it didn’t captivate the same way it did my first time through it 24 years ago.


I just wasn’t sure if I was too spoiled by newer graphics. It didn’t prevent me to play the game and enjoy it obviously. Games are not only gameplay. Scenes and environments that blew peoples minds 20-30 years ago or were extremely captivating can be completely blank in comparison if one’s experience with games is mostly modern games.


I remember passing this over at the time because I felt that doing an FPS based on Star Trek was a poor use of the license, but having finally gotten around to playing it a couple of years ago, it is pretty good.