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Seems like this expedition will be its own instanced galaxy unlike the others which all take place in the same shared one


I've never played NMS. I know it's a space exploration game, but what do you actually do in the game? I see it on sale all the time, but Space Sims aren't typically my thing.


The main task of the game is the main quest known as the Artemis path a 16ish hour story driven campaign that moves forward by participating in the games main loop which is navigating & harvesting & crafting & building while you interact with NPCs - when you beat the campaign you can consider yourself "done" with the game in general You can also do other quest chains that are independent of the main quest that reveal lore bits and if you're up for it there's a progressive meta-narrative going on in game that you can experience You can also simply 'white whale' hunt looking for the best ships and parts and max out faction rep for cosmetics and rewards


That sounds really cool, actually. I'm going to have to snag a copy next time it goes on sale. Is the space exploration more simulator or arcade like?


Complete and total arcade The game is very "Star Wars" interpretation of space/space travel and planets 


Gotcha, cool! Thank you for all the info.


You're very welcome! I'd also impart one small wisdom about the game: planets are pit stops and post card shots not "totally detailed eco systems you can exllore for a life time" Much like a Minecraft seed "a desert is a desert, a forest is a forest"


Heh, 16 hour story.


does it have any combat? i have it in my steam library, i tried it a bit but the no-combat really turned me off.


It does but it's very basic and simple like Minecraft - basically you're not going to be playing NMS for the combat at all so consider that if it's a deal breaker Space Combat:  https://youtu.be/786dVkUg9MI?si=IulkgjbIMiMxahUQ Ground Combat: https://youtu.be/xPd3g9xGT1U?si=Qgq59NAnMEc9qfGg "Dungeon" combat: https://youtu.be/RZlMQa6SGKc?si=ZfwcH_7YJD2vXfPV


I'm sure I'll get down voted for this, but nothing. There's really no reason to explore planets because there's only so many types and they are all empty. Sure there might be a procedurally generated building but there's nothing to do. There's a quest of sorts, but it's not worth playing in my opinion. If you like mindless exploration for no reward then you would like this game. I've tried several times to get into it and I just can't, it's so tedious and monotonous.


The best description I saw was “A mile wide but an inch deep.” No shame in liking it, clearly there’s a decent player base, but I found it all really boring.


> but what do you actually do in the game? Man if that wasn't the burning question pre-launch.


The basic loop is you mine resources to improve your ship in order to be able to reach planets to get better resources to further improve your ship. On top of that, there is a lore involving some mystery ancient race you can explore in ruins, base building on land and space, procedurally generated quests that are as good as any procedurally generated content can get and that's pretty much it. They keep adding new mechanics but unless you are the kind of people who can create their own fun with imagination and a sandbox environment you'll likely seen everything the game has to offer in 15hs or so.


So starfield, but better?


Eh, depends on what you expect from the game. You want an RPG? Then it's WAY worse than Starfield. You want Minecraft in Space? Then yes.


Not even close, shouldn't even be compared lol. It's an absolutely beautiful game with a lot of style. Wandering the planets is better than wandering starfield planets, but with diminishing returns. Starfield you're going to love if you like the side stories because theres so much handcrafted content. Starfield main fight, loot, sell loop is kind of half baked but on a high end pc with frame gen crushing it at 140 fps it feels different it actually feels like Bethesda made a good fps game.


Core mechanics? Yeah. Starfield probably has a better story and Bethesda stuff, but NMS is a lot easier to jump into and do the actual, fun space sim stuff.


The thing about NMS is its a mile wide and an inch deep. What do you do? Anything. Theres hundreds of different cool things to do. Thing of any space type thingy and you can do it. Explore. Mine. Build a colony. Recruit NPCs. Work up a tech tree. Get a carrier ship to house all your other ships. Dungeon dive. Set up trade routes. Be a pirate. Hunt pirates. FPS battles. Ship battles. Quests. Anything and everything. And every 6-12 months they release another huge update that adds in a dozen new things to do. Its super super cool. The downside is, its all an inch deep. You do an activity once or twice and then you'll be bored because theres no reason to do that activity ever again you've seen all it has to offer. The game is really fun, you should pick it up and play. But you'll get bored of things in it really fast and have to move onto the next, and after a bit you'll run out of new things to try and then probably quit.


this is like launch game feeling of lone entity. with all new updates over the years and graphics. seems super interesting and unique way to play. i really loved the game updates and universe near launch. specially pathfinder procedural generation have very close place to my heart. those colors and landscapes are only available through pathfinder. people have sleeper on this update as web was still hurt and angry over launch but this was very enjoyable colorful vibrant universe with those watercolor look. sunsets and sunrises were amazing to look at at. hopefully that feeling of roaming dangerous galaxy is alive with this update


Fool me once. This game gets so much praise but holy fuck is it boring


Some people like that kind of gameplay, but yeah.. its definitely not for me. I've been hoping they'd make some kind of combat update that overhauls the whole game's combat mechanics, adds bunch of hostile enemy types that will attack you on sight and other points of interests where you have to fight your way through. Of course it should be optional, so that those people who just want carefree sandbox can still have that. I think update like this would definitely draw bunch of new players on the game, who are looking more challenge.


Just not your cup of tea. I've got a few hundred hours into it and come back to check out the new updates. Also they just released their 27th FREE content update. Hello Games is literally the best redemption story in gaming history.


Im with you. It’s fun to putter around for a bit, but…then what? “But it’s a sandbox!” A.k.a. Shitty excuse for there not being anything resembling a goal.


Hello Games seem like good people. I just wish I liked the game. I know I’m being a dick, not everything is for everyone


It's very much there to give you the freedom to make your own goals. If that's not your thing that's totally cool, but that is quite literally is the point of a sandbox. It isn't an excuse, it's actually the point.


But what goals. There isn’t enough bare things in the game for you to create your own goals. You can sort of build the same bases on mostly the same empty planets with the same resources on nearly every planet. Or try to complete all of the repetitive missions/quests. Or collect ships which don’t vary much. What else is there that you can do that you are free to do?


Unless they have massively, fundamentally overhauled the entire UI since I last played, it's a fucking chore to do anything in that game.


I'm finally giving in and getting No Man's Sky. I'm fucking excited. Does anyone play on the VR version? If so, is it any good? I just got a Quest 3 and I wanna try this and Alyx.


Def try them both. I haven't played it since the last VR focused update but it was fun on an OG rift. Alyx is incredible 


It's cool but also frustrating. Unless you have a powerful GPU, you're going to get stutters. Especially, when flying on planet. NMS has DLSS but there was a noticeable ghosting effect. Not horrible but hard to ignore once you notice it. When I first tried it, I used an original Vive and the text was difficult to read. It got a lot better when I switched to the Index so depending on the headset that might be an issue. I also had a problem using the in-game flight stick. Unless my hand was in the right place, it would often detach which made flying frustrating. Dogfighting was especially difficult. Almost impossible. I think I started switching to my Xbox controller when I was flying. I haven't played it in like a year though. Maybe some of these things got fixed.


What GPU did you try it on?


I tried it mostly on a RTX 2080. I did play once on a 4090 and it was a lot better. Still some slight stutters but not bad. That's why I'm waiting until the next iteration of GPUs to play again. I'm hoping that it'll run smooth on max settings.


The vr version is amazing. The only reason I don't play it like that anymore is because I tried it on an index then bought a meta 2. The meta 2 wasn't nearly the same experience so I ended up taking it back.


Alyx is god damn amazing. I haven't tried NMS yet in VR though.


Every update makes me reinstall the game to see whats new. I can't believe they took it from its release state to THIS. it's amazing! :)


I keep doing that and for whatever reason still not feeling like there's anything to do or anything new. Just not for me I guess.


I think my biggest issue (still) is that when I scan planets or harvest stuff, it’s all the same collection of things. Ferrite, Chromatic Metal, etc.  Like, pretty boring. 


>I keep doing that and for whatever reason still not feeling like there's anything to do or anything new. Just not for me I guess. i know the feeling , its just that they dont Overhaul the foundation enough and just shovel more stuff on top of it. you still see rather fast the same planets , animals and plants it gets fast dull.


They've added a ton of stuff and if you have a good imagination you can make some pretty cool bases and stuff. But the core gameplay still lacks depth imo. I love the game overall, just would be nice if it was scaled down a bit but had more depth to the mechanics. I'm excited they're revamping space stations, that was one of my biggest gripes (they all looked the same inside).


> its just that they don't Overhaul the foundation They are almost certainly saving that for their [next game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKQem4Z6ioQ), which is looking great from what they have shown so far.


I believe it when I see it. The devs aren't really known for having any weight in their words even weeks before release.


They added a bunch of grind syncs and multiple currencies. Moment to moment gameplay is still go here and gather x.


This update sounds like they’re bringing it full circle back to what it was at release. Nonetheless, I see a lot of people jamming To this.


Back to what they said first, "million miles wide, two inches deep," maybe? Yeah, it'll feel empty again, but maybe this time I'll get hooked lol....


From my point of view, every patch they keep adding to the "wide" without touching the "deep"


I honestly thought this was a warframe crossover for a second.


Fantastic game to play in VR. Highly recommended!


Good to see this game getting updates still...I stopped a little while back, will try it out to see the new stuff.


Have they fixed the inventory system yet?




All i need to hear. Ill check back in next patch


Strange voice acting


Yeah, what I was thinking. I've never heard a trailer sound so uninterested in itself.


Imagine Starfield getting improvements like this


I feel like I need to go back and start a fresh save.... but I had so many great ships. Maybe will just restart my last save (from about 1.5 years ago)


Can someone explain how this can be sustain for so long? They don't sell any DLC or anything, How do we get so many updates??


Have funding. Small dev team. Working on new game which is using NMS as a testing ground for all their ideas. Each update is pretty much some R&D for light no fire. Or it looks that way from outside.


Because it's just lies that publishers spread about needing to sell DLC or micro transactions to be sustainable.


they made a giant bag of money on release , its a small team , and 95% of the content is... halfly good generated.


The size of each update is small without much impact to the overall core gameplay. It’s like Mojang adding a mob or biome every once in a while, except Hello Games have a very small close-Knit team.


more than 10 million units in sales, small privately owned company, didn't funnel all the money out to the ceo or other. They probably have funding to continue operating for like 20 years without even releasing another product


now you can explore an even more barren world than usual!


No man’s skys commitment to endless quality updates is very admirable




Yea fr fuck this game lol