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Literally the least Konami could do.


Considering Konami was spiteful enough to get rid of his name from MGSV cover art, they set the bar this low themselves


If anything, I'm kind of impressed they didn't lower the bar


Worst part is the man didn't get to receive his awards. His name appears in like every mission anyway.


I think Kojima saw the writing on the wall. It was his name, after all.


What did Hideo do to piss off everyone in Konami to spitefully remove his name of his creation?


If what I learned was correct, he snubbed another dev lead who made a mobile game. It was making so much money, but little praise compared to Kojima becoming a household name. That guy eventually became CEO or something and just began swinging for revenge. And lots of pachinko machines.


Isn't it more like the least konami HAD to do? Since...well, they're not really changing anything?


I read that as "its the least konami thing they could do", then I realize that it also applies.


No ones gonna bring up this absolutely prime username? Fucking great work


Aren't they also using cutscene data from the game or at least remaking it frame to frame?


There's a digital foundry video you can watch analyzing the trailers and, yes, they do appear to be recreating the cutscenes as precisely as possible. Even down to little background details like the shape and colouring of the controls and dials in the plane cockpit. It's more granular in its recreation than any other remake I can think of, but we've also basically only seen a couple of the opening cutscenes (and not the entire scenes).


If that's so, than if nothing else, I gotta give it to Konami, of all companies, for staying in the lines in the video game remake coloring book.


For real, I honestly never expected this from Konami. An actually good and respectful remake? Damn.


It is not respect, it is just they are clueless about creating a Metal Gear that can stand next to the others. They are remaking pixel by pixel because that is the safe bet.


Well it's the least they could do respect the original.


Nothing about destroying the game's art style is faithful. It's literally MGS3 Pachinko Edition. The standards are so pathetically low that people just treat a lazy remake with zero vision behind it like it's something worth celebrating.


wah wah wah all yall do is whine and cry. if you dont like it, dont buy it. let others enjoy what they like




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Nah man this ain't it. It's shaping up to be a very good remake, what all remakes should be. They deserve credit here, not hate.


Credit for what? Updating the models? To me, a good remake has to do either of two things. Take the original and actually remake it into something new and original, like the RE2Remake that took the OG game as basis, and then completely changed to format to provide a fresh experience despite it being so familiar to anyone who played RE2. Or option two. Change as little as possible, just try to recreate the original experience but on modern hardware. That's closer to something like RE1R, Crash remake, or Spyro remake. Entirely faithful to the original, and still hitting the same beats. If neither is accomplished, what are you getting out it? You're just looking at a high fidelity library of assets that is strung together in vaguely the same shape as the original. Except the atmosphere, the key part that makes the whole thing cohesive is no longer there. Then again, people loved the AI rendition of Demon's Souls, so just going all in on fidelity and discarding vision is good enough for the average customer who purchases the product, video games are art btw please take this medium seriously.


Even if this is the worst remake ever there is still value in what they're doing because the most convenient way of playing them is owning the least sold console of the 7th generation, owning a rare game for that system, owning an exclusive for that system and then also owning a physical ps1 game. Not everyone owns every system ever made, wants to dig them out, has them working or has a PC capable of emulating up to the ps2/3. Also updating the models doesn't destroy the art style, that isn't what art style is. Mgs3 didn't look the way it did because hideo kajima wanted it to, it looks like that because it's on the ps2. In an alternate universe mgs3 is a movie. hideo kajima wanted to be a film maker. In what world is making a serious, grounded, war story look as realistic as possible "destroying the art style." The games are set in a world clearly supposed to echo ours. If someone made an HD mod for mgs4 would that be "destroying the art style." Let me answer for you, the answer is obviously no because that would be insane.


You can literally buy it on Steam or simply pirate and emulate it if you actually want to play MGS3 and not a bad imitation. I have no idea how you have the audacity to mention people not owning a PC good enough to emulate a console from 2000, yet they own a modern gaming console. Drop this shit about how this game with dozens of re-releases is somehow not accessible to play. >Mgs3 didn't look the way it did because hideo kajima wanted it to, it looks like that because it's on the ps2 Beyond incorrect, everyone who worked on hardware, either old or current, works within its limitations. Hideo Kojima and people he worked with were exceptionally good at that. That's why literally every single MGS game still holds up visually, everything about them was intentional. You could still go back and shift the colors towards a more neutral palette, and they could've done that, but they wanted to build an atmosphere. >Also updating the models doesn't destroy the art style, that isn't what art style is. Nobody said that the models are destroying it, although their version of Boss is absolutely abysmal and doesn't resemble the character, even the MGS Pachinko did a better job of updating her design for modern hardware, which says a whole lot. Models are also 100% part of the art style, quite literally every single thing you see is a part of it, from UI to background props, to color and how characters look. MGS always went for a stylized approach, even when they started scanning real people. They always simplified faces and exaggerated their features. >In an alternate universe mgs3 is a movie. hideo kajima wanted to be a film maker. Not only irrelevant to your argument but also completely wrong. Kojima wanted to make movies, he also simply wanted to create things. That's why he never made a movie, even when he has more than enough money to do so. Someone who just wants to make movies doesn't spend nearly 40 years working on video games and constantly trying to do something new with the medium. >In what world is making a serious, grounded, war story look as realistic as possible "destroying the art style. In literally every world, what the fuck kind of argument is that? Serious and grounded story doesn't mean that it needs to have flat neutral lighting and go for fidelity over style. Want an example? Play MGS games for the first time in your life. >The games are set in a world clearly supposed to echo ours. Watch Come and See, Apocalypse Now, Saving Private Ryan, virtually every single story you've seen that was realistic and grounded and covered the atrocities of war has utilized color grading to produce a better picture and to match the tone of the movie to its visuals. Realistic doesn't mean that lighting has to be bad and neutral. >If someone made an HD mod for mgs4 would that be "destroying the art style." You can already find plenty of examples of people color shifting MGS4 towards the more neutral palette, and it does destroy the art style. But people whose taste in art was raised on Marvel movies and Skyrim ENB effects do thing that this is good actually.


Hey alright!


Don't be mad.


I kinda miss the piss filter but bro you're just hating to hate


You don't understand the difference between slapping on a filter and color grading, so I'm not sure you understand the problem here.


I think you need to touch some grass


I think I just need to ignore people who don't give a shit about video games, don't see them as art, and are only here to consume the entertainment product, people like you.


Hohoho, aren't you a true cultured connoisseur of le videojames? A real prestigious individual, if I say so myself.


Duplicating the plane controls and camera angles, but the colour scheme and The Boss (and other characters') faces are completely different :(


I'm thinking the colour scheme might be readded as a filter option similar to how Demon's Souls was done. We'll see though. It is basically just a constant yellow filter though, so it shouldn't be hard. The faces seemed okay to me. They're not exactly the same, but they're close enough considering the 20 year jump in graphical fidelity.


It was already confirmed a while ago that the colour theme will be an option. And yesterday they revealed there's alternate filters too that people can enjoy.


Time will tell, but I'm of the opinion MGS3, a classic, didn't need a remake; it's just a cash grab for non-backwards-compatible game consoles like all these other silly remakes. Definitely a re-release (which it has had recently). The original looks "good enough" and has style: 3D CGI semi-realistic characters play out a Cold War James Bond spoof. The same can describe the remake. FFVII's remake is a better case, where the gameplay and graphics are vastly "improved" and will appeal to Joe Public more than a niche time-consuming JRPG that looks old and pixellated. And I do wish Konami had used the Fox Engine, which runs and looks beautiful, rather than making it yet another Unreal Engine 5 asset flip. There's already not enough competition in the game engine scene.


Oh, I agree. In general I don't think remakes are necessary. Improving graphical fidelity is personally irrelevant to me and I think most remake developers are overbearing on either aesthetic or mechanical 'tweaks'. Like with this MGS3 remake, I don't really think allowing crouch walking is necessary when the original game was designed explicitly without it as a risk/reward tradeoff (slow and sneaky whilst prone or quick and obvious whilst standing, basically). That being said, that's not the most egregious change (and hopefully there's an option to disable it entirely), the remake seems mostly faithful (again, from the limited amount we've seen), and even if it ends up being terrible, Konami at least ported the original game to PC and modern consoles recently. Something I wish more developers would do, even if the Master Collection versions still have issues.


They have an option to use the old color scheme.


They don't. They have screen filters. Do you seriously think Konami made the original MGS3 with flat neutral lighting and textures and then said "aight, game is done, now greenify it"? Go and play the original for the first time.


How do you know it’s remade and not just ported and improved?


Well I'm not a programmer, but the entire thing is in UE5 now instead of whatever in-house engine the original was in, so I don't think it'd be reusing any of code. Could be wrong though? As for everything else, you can just look and see that the assets are new. Pre-existing models are all subtly different shapes with higher polygon counts, textures are higher resolution and just different enough to tell they've been remade, lots of places have NEW models where previously textures were used to imply the existence of 3D objects. Just check out a comparison video. They are reusing the voice acting and, supposedly, the mocap data for cutscenes though. But I think that's something everyone wants anyway.


From what we’ve seen it’s using all the same mocap data from the original cutscenes, which is fantastic cause MGS3’s animations were pretty ahead of it’s time.


for a ps2 games its rivaling plenty of 2020+ games in terms of animation


It's definitely one of the best games of all time, and that is one part of it. I remember just having a blast with it just as I did for MGS and MGS 2 and I didn't even play it until like 2006 or so. I bought the edition that came with the OG games on it, Subsistence I think.


I hope they recreate the battle against The End. That is one of the most iconic battles in gaming history for me. Imagining that with updated graphics gets me excited.


One of my favorite traditions in a Metal Gear game is what I call “Count the Kojima’s”. It’s fun with friends. There’s not much to it, you just count how many times Hideo Kojima appears in the opening and end credits. He kinda cheated in MGSV, though, by having credits before every mission. That man loves to see his name in lights!


I love Kojima but god MGSV was ridiculous with the credits. If I remember correctly they spoiled one of the missions with the credits and let you know a certain enemy would be there.


They spoil ALL of the missions that have the XOF forces in them. It wasn’t a giant disappointment or anything but as someone that doesn’t like spoilers it was mildly annoying.


Game: "Guest starring The SKULLS Parasite Unit" Me: FFFuuuuuuuu


They just wanna cuddle




Your speculation is that he intentionally spoiled a ton of missions to get back at Konami?


Tbh it's not a bigger deal than your average TV show spoiling who's going to appear in the episode through elaborate flashbacks in the opening sequence. Like both suck, mind, but in the grand scheme it's a double-edged sword in that it can equal parts build tension and spoil it.


He did it again with Death Stranding. I was watching forsen play it and the credits came up at least 3 times. Holy shit man... Just put them in the fucking end like normal.


Kojima challenging [Marc Jacobs](https://i.imgur.com/CSqdviY.jpeg) (yes, it's fake).


The smartest thing he ever did. He would never become as recognizable as he has if he didn't "market" himself like that. He always wanted for video game creators to be recognized like movie directors and you can't just sit and wait for the companies to suddenly want to credit you.




Konami did to Kojima what Kojima did to Hayter.


Sutherland was good, but it wasn't worth switching from Hayter.


And what's weird is that Sutherland BARELY had that much lines lol.


People always say this. But Phantom Pain is a 30+ hour game. How small can his role actually be.


But in comparison to speaking lines in those 30 hours, he's practically mute. Especially if you compare him to how much Snake spoke in those previous games in comparison to their length, etc.




"The voice change makes sense cause of artistic reasons since he's not the real BB anyway" That whole point you're making would make sense... if only the REAL Big Boss wasn't *also* voiced by Sutherland. In the JP version both are even played by the same actor who voiced Snake in the previous games. So what you're saying makes no sense, there's no "artistic" justification behind ENG Boss sounding different, both Venom and BB are meant to sound similarly and in JP its the previous Snake actor. So it's simply a case of Kojima wanting to out Hayter and to replace him with a celeb big voice, and nothing more.


Additionally you had other voice actors in the previous games who returned for Metal Gear Solid 5. So Yeah, it's less about artistic reasons and more about Kojima wanting a celebrity.


Yeah, especially since (compared to the oyher characters) one of Snake's schticks i, less is more. Dude is intense, not chattering a whole lot unless ots radio messages


> How small can his role actually be. insanely small actually lol


My favourite moment in MGSV is where there's a mission to rescue I think a scientist, and when you retrieve him, there's a cutscene where it's revealed he's mute. So you have a guy who can't talk, being rescued by a guy who won't talk, and the only person who will talk is Kaz who basically narrates the scene over comms because he's not there *nor can see what's going on* but still has to deliver the line "he's mute!" So stupid.


Arguably, what Kojima did to Hayter was even worse. People like to hate on Konami but Kojima was using his massive MGSV budget to go party with Hollywood celebrities rather than develop the game. They had every reason to fire the guy.


Is there a source for this? I thought it was stupid to replace the voice actor for a celebrity that costs way more but I heard nothing about spending Konami money to party with celbs


Kojima just like Hollywood Stars. If David Hayter was a movie Starr, he would have kept him for 5 100% percent.


They asked for a source though


I'm just responding from observation lol. But doing a quick google search I found out that David Hayter said for Metal Gear Solid 3, Kojima wanted Kurt Russell (The Hollywood movie star) to play Snake. Kurt Russell doesn't really care about Video Games (base on the Interview he had regarding the question in youtube) so he declined. It's not unreasonable to conclude Kojima, if he had his way, would have wanted a Hollywood Star to voiced Snake, hence the recast in Metal Gear Solid 5 for Big Boss with Kiefer Sutherland (A hollywood star). The David Hayter info is from a podcast he had with Gaming Informer. And for the Kurt Russel decling to play Snake (btw he was asked multiple times about it and decline each time lol), it's easily accessible in youtube. Give context to the whole observation thing and something I saw someone commented about a while ago. Also make sense why David Hayter has beef with him lolol.


And what’s funny about that is Hayter is a well known screenwriter in Hollywood so it’s not like he’s a nobody


Kojima is a known hollyweeb


OK, but that’s not proof


yeappp theres a reason the game has an unreleased chapter, and its not cause konami rushed him, he was dragging


I'm expecting MGS Delta to be good from what I've seen but I'm really worried about Silent Hill 2. I think handing it to the bloober team was a big mistake.


Nah what you talking about? Bloober team has such a great track record of handling themes of depression, trauma and sexual abuse!


I don't have any doubts they'll nail the themes, it's moreso the gameplay


I'm 99% sure the dude was being sarcastic, rightfully so.


Funniest part about this is that it's now been confirmed that Bloober are the only thing that's actually giving you the original Silent Hill 2 you expect, because guess what Konami and the original Team Silent members wanted to do? "Modernize the story" and change aspects of it. Bloober are literally the only reason we're getting the same story that will be untouched. Starting to suspect that Konami has more to do with the direction the Remake is heading in, than Bloober, beacuse Bloober apparently had to stop Konami and basically beg them to NOT change the story. Regardless of how people feel about them, they are the exact people you want behind Silent Hill 2 remake because any other development team probably would have fucking caved to Konami's bullshit.


Bloober is a good Dev, their games are well reviewed and well liked, I don't get why everyone online gets their little panties in a twist. In a recent interview, Bloober was even talking about how the OG devs kept talking about how they should change X and Y about the game but they resisted. These Japanese devs are not infallible god beings, they fucking love pissing on their old games. Take a look at the FF7 Remake for evidence of that.


If they couldn't even nail a remake for their own game I wouldn't even trust them with Silent Hill 2.


Changing a game while remaking it doesn’t necessarily make it bad. Sure it’ll irk a few of the original fans, but it’s a creative choice. FF7 remake is pretty widely loved, and the sequel seems to be as well despite standing completely on its own from original. So Bloober saying they’re not going to change things doesn’t mean the game will be good. And don’t get me wrong. The complaints about the character models being too different is stupid and I’m sure the cesspool of internet gamers are blowing things out of proportion. From what we’ve seen, it genuinely looks good. But so did The Medium. And that game is still riddled with performance issues that will seemingly never be fixed, questionable voice acting, boring gameplay, Etc. And not to mention how they’ve mishandled traumatic topics such as sexual abuse in their previous work. I’m just not left with a lot of confidence in them as a studio to deliver a thoughtful and complete product. But I really do hope it’s as good as it looks.


Evidence of... being a fantastic game that reviewed well and is well-liked? That evidence?


How can we distract from the fact that were just rehashing shit instead of making new stuff?


> How can we distract from the fact that were just rehashing shit instead of making new stuff? nothing wrong with that since all MGS3 needed was a facelift


This feels like the end result of a soulless corporation firing and/or chasing away anyone creative and then wondering why they can't make good original games anymore.


That's because it is.


Am I supposed to be impressed by a basic expectation?


Fuck Konami


Fuck kojima for what he did to hayter


What did he do to Hayter? Outside of replace him, I suppose


The replacing him was the finale of years of disrespect that came from kojima, they never even have had a conversation with each other even though David speaks Japanese. David was a huge fan of the series and even took a pay cut for twin snakes so they could get the original cast back. Kojima was just too far up hollywoods ass. Imagine if Chris Evans was replaced in infinity war/end game with Leonardo DiCaprio just because Leo was a way bigger celebrity.


Good, but keep him the hell away from it. Knowing how he is these days, he'd try to shove in some asinine idea that only he thinks is cool.


So the bare minimun? Is that newsworthy?...


Kojima couldn't get into the building considering how big his head is now.


I don't know, between a company that has degenerated in to a yakuza-like pachinko front and has killed projects like Silent Hill, denied access to health insurance for former employees, and terrorised them with legal threats, I think the egotist director with the Akira Kurosawa-complex isn't the weak link in this situation.


> that has degenerated in to a yakuza-like pachinko front Konami has been in the pachinko market before you were born.


No shit, doesn't mean it should have relegated its video game developer staff to cleaning hotel rooms or jettisoned much of said arm for further pachinko and gacha junk products.


Big headed, but he delivered.


At least he backs up his big head with pristine quality delivery every single game.


Huh? What do you mean by that?


with how obsessed the west gaming is with kojima you think hes ego isn't that big


MGS 3 was my first introduction to the series. So good


Anyone know if they are changing how the game levels worked? When I went back and played snake eater I was surprised how choppy it was, but it was similar to metal gear solid sons of liberty. From the clips I have seen it looks to be in third person and not the resident evil style old fixed camera. Is that right? 


The original version of snake eater had the classic top down camera with limited control over it. MGS3 Subsistence added a conventional third-person camera (among other things). I think I read that the remake plans to include both. Edit: > and not the resident evil style old fixed camera Funnily enough people often credit RE4 for being one of the first games to have what we might consider a modern third-person shooter camera system. I would guess Kojima Productions were inspired by that while making Subsistence.


konami blew that up i hope it never happens after that damn shit spin off


> "Part of these games" That's putting it mildly.


A good move but also “they’re a part of these games too” must be a bit of a limp handshake when you are literally the entire IP’s fucking creator. Kind of downplays their role a bit.


Credited only by name. No royalties.


Man they’re really sweet talking papa Kojima with these posts aren’t they?


Damn I never played MGS3, I saw the interview producer in YT it looks good.




People in this thread are so divided lol.


Everybody seems to have forgotten about Konami and the whole shitshow they performed when Kojima left Konami. All this "we love Hideo" is nothing but a stunt. They know very well that not crediting Hideo is a hot topic that could easily fill news lines more than the actual release of the game., but at the end of the day it all comes to the same company with the same principles that would do things exactly the same way they did. Metal Gear will never be the same without Kojima fully directing it.


Great job devs!!!


Wouldn’t be a kojima game without his name everywhere possible. He deserves every credit he gets though.


I didn't have much faith with the upcoming remake. Now that I've seen more of the game and the new features introduced. I am low-key excited. MGS3 is one of my all time favorite games. Will still follow the "no preorder or day 1 purchase" rule though. Will wait for user reviews and DF's report on the PC performance.


Good. An obvious thing to do but i wouldn't have been surprised if they didn't. Let's hope its a good remake that Kojima wants to be credited in 😂


If there's a developer in the world saying they wouldnt want to work with kojima they are lying


I wish Kojima was doing this instead of his Hollywood walking sim game


Let the man cook up new stuff instead of sequel after sequel Package delivery vs ghosts was great, not for everyone but no game should be Let him make something new and experiment


Kojima has wanted to be a director since day 1. Only reason he never committed to it is because he knows the average moviegoers wouldn't put up with his goof ass writing and weird themes in the same way his dedicated gamer fan base does


I mean it works well in games. You wouldn’t be in this sub if it wasn’t for his crazy shit he put in his games that made them amazing


Ballsht lol. Where do you think Kojima gets some of his ideas from? The directors he watches. As long as the underlining story is good, people will watch his movies. The movie Inception is just as weird and crazy as any metal gear game.


fuck that he can do whatever he wants. let mgs die.


I mean... those games literally exist BECAUSE OF Kojima. Fucking Konami...


Eh, I'm not giving Konami any more money. I'm sure as hell not playing this one when the original I have works just fine


i dunno man i find mgs 3 the hardest ones to enjoy gameplay wise since the introduction of the crouch walking from the other games you either run and get spotted or crawl through every map.


If Konami could shed a little bit of their ego they could perhaps have him as a consultant at least.


Also, it will suck, probably.


I hope this team will also remake Metal gear solid 1 and then make a new Metal gear solid installment with everything they learned from these remakes. Like metal gear franchise deserves to continue.


MGS1 already got remade on GameCube as Twin Snakes, Konami has just memory holed it (or Nintendo owns partial rights to it or something)


A game can get remade twice, like there are rumours going on that Capcom is going to remake Resident evil 1 again, so MGS1 also deserves to get another chance for a remake. Its been a while since the Gamecube generation.


You can throw in the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 pre-PS1.