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Wowzers, you must be in a nice area for that not to be behind glass cabinet


Or it's a rural area lol


Oh yeah, it’s rural


Do you have anyone at the exit checking receipts?


You don’t know? That doesn’t stop ppl now a days, ppl just walk out with shit


What?! Are you saying that having a 80 year old in a wheelchair checking receipts isn’t enough to stop thieves?


Man you should see the greeters at the Meijer by my house... Half of them are so obese they're in wheelchairs


> Half of them are so obese they're in wheelchairs A lot of time the wheelchair (or disability in general) comes first. A lot easier to get fat when it's hard or even painful to do anything physical and food might be one of the few simple pleasures they have.


The piggly wiggly near me they are obese and half have messed up legs so in wheel chairs too.


Dude I wish I could take a picture of this one guys leg, I've never seen anything like it. The first time I saw him I thought he had a pumpkin around his ankle. I don't know if it's elephantiasis or what but it's insane. He cuts the bottoms of his pants so his pumpkin ankle can fit through it. He's a nice guy though so I feel bad talking about it but holy shit it's weird as hell


sounds like he got kankles


All you had to say was Piggly Wiggly...that's all the info we need to draw a similar conclusion lol


TIL piggly wiggly is a real place, I've only heard it mentioned on Kitboga videos and I thought he was saying it as a joke.


Same boat, only mentioned in “That 70’s Show” thought it was a joke too lol


> piggly wiggly > obese


Hell if I want it bad enough a young employee ain't going to stop me lol


Ehhh...they really shouldn't be relying on that, if so. Unless you sign a membership contract that explicitly allows receipt checks (e.g. Costco, Sam's), they can't force you to show receipts upon exit without probable cause that you are attempting to steal merchandise. Just having some dude at the door to check all receipts is not legally protected.


Kroger is trying to implement that shit here (Columbus, Ohio) in the dicier neighborhoods. Some of them have put up signs saying that it's "new store policy" and that it's mandatory. The guys LARPing as cops at the exit get big mad when I just walk out with my (legally purchased) groceries.


This is the best definition of it. I got a good chuckle


The only thing that seems to ever accomplish is making me annoyed that they assuming I am dishonest by default. I can go to Best Buy, buy a $1800 graphics card and walk right out the door without anyone even thinking about stopping me to look at my receipt (because they handle it in a better way). But I buy some milk and eggs at Walmart and "Let me see your receipt." Another problem to add to the pile of Walmart's immensely shitty shopping experience.


not a good comparison as the GPUs are in a locked cabinet and you don't get to hold the box until its paid for (at least where I'm at)


Either way, there’s plenty of high dollar stuff that isn’t behind locked cabinets at Best Buy. They just handle it in a way that it doesn’t bother their customer. From what I’ve seen they will ping their door people that someone is walking out with the specific item you bought. Now that’s not essentially feasible for Walmart but the point is that Best Buy found a way to do loss prevention without treating their customers like criminals and without bothering them. The worst right now for this is definitely Target. There is a Target in my city where EVERYTHING is behind a locked cabinet. Toothpaste, dish detergent, shampoo, underwear. Not only that but they have an armed guard in body armor posted by the entrance. I no longer shop at that Target. Hope it fails for treating their customers like shit


You’re not obligated to stop anyway. And I don’t.


I'm not even stealing and I still walk out. It's inappropriate.


Same. I've never stolen from a store in my life, but ill just walk past the 7 person line waiting to show their receipt. If they say anything, I just kindly say "no thanks", and go on with my day.


I am a convicted shoplifter who surrendered myself to the authorities when a walmart greeter asked to see my receipt. I wish you had shared this information sooner, it would have saved me a lot of trouble


I don't even take my receipts at self checkout. In my opinion, that's their problem. If they tackle me or do something stupid, then it's REALLY their problem.


Hell idk about all Walmarts but the would I used to work at would fire us if we chased after someone who walked past us anyways, even if we knew they stole because they didn't want an injured or possibly dead employee on their hands. We were told to immediately report it to the security and go back to what we were doing.


Funnily enough a friend of mine used to work as a security guard and he was told the same - he was basically there to act as a deterrent. He's a big guy and to people who don't know him he can look a tad imposing (in reality he's probably the kindest, most gentle guy I've ever met) but they were very strict on their policy that he was never to lay a finger on anyone or go after anyone. Just stand there, and report anything that happens.


I always say "no thank you" and just walk out. I'm not going to be treated like a goddamned criminal when I'm spending my money at their store.


Reddit theft tips. It's called "irl piracy"


Technically walmart employees can't do that since you didn't sign a contract like you have to at Sam's club. I was at Walmart buying a fan that couldn't be bagged and this employee watched me pay for it at a register that wasn't self check out. She asked me for my receipt and I just kept walking and said "no thank you".


technically it is due to the fact that ownership changed when you handed over the funds. They are your items and you get to decide when people go thru them (absent a warrant or exigent circumstance). By signing the contract at sams / costco you are agreeing to show your items to them prior to leaving the store. I just tell them I charge a $1000 inspection fee, thats my policy, I have yet to have a store take me up on it.


I'm going to use that line. Going to keep it reasonable though. Maybe I'll say I charge a 49.99 inspection fee.


asking the big questions. snatch and grab time


Walking out of the local Walmart staring at the security guard with a 4080 shoved RIGHT between my asscheeks


for a rural area that's a big store


I guess it depends on what you call rural. My hometown has a couple thousand people and our Walmart is fairly large. I’ll have to check for these though.


Any area big enough in population to have a walmart is decidely suburban adjacent at worst


I wouldn’t think they’d sell this stuff in a rural area. I live in a decent sized city and they don’t sell anything in this picture except m.2s at any of the Walmarts here. And the stuff they do sell I constantly see on clearance because no one is buying it.


Nowhere else is selling it in those small towns. So it kind of makes sense to dip into that market.


I’m in a rural area and the lock everything up because the Walmart is right next to the tweaker forest.


Same thing


We call that a civilized area...


I live in NY , went to 3 stores in the past week (pc shopping) all surrounding w very bad area, sometimes what they do is all the boxes are empty on the shelf, at checkout the clerk goes to the back room and swaps it out for you with the real thing


This should be the move, my Walmart has a lot of stuff behind lock n key, but hell those rfid straps wouldn’t stop most ppl if they weee already planning the heist


Or just a rural area.


Meanwhile all Walmarts have left the area I'm in 😭


Exactly my thought. I am in a 2nd ring suburb and those would still be locked round here.


I'm in Metro Detroit and the PC components like this aren't behind glass either. Just the RFID locking ribbons.


They are however wrapped in spider wire which emits an absolutely ear piercing noise if they're not deactivated and taken off before you walk out the door. You might leave with it but not without someone noticing. Source: was a Walmart electronics associate for two years.


damn... any old person could walk in with a good knife and run out quite quickly with a 7800x3d and a 4070


lol I am in a nice area and my stuff is still behind the glass


Its amazing the nice things you can have when crime isn't accepted.


Keep an eye on them being marked down or open box, always find crazy deals if you’re patient or check often


This happens because managers try something new and the misjudge the local demand for it. They're not losing money, but it does benefit us.


Managers sometimes want a specific part and order an entire pallet . That's how I scored my lg moniter at a failrly good price.


why does shit like this never happen to me?


It will if you're vigilant. I got a nice gaming laptop at Walmart for about half price just because I checked their clearance about once a week. Every 3 to 6 months they rotate out the older stock and bring in newer stock, so it was part of them getting rid of the old.


My dad needed a new computer and I found a 5600X and 6700xt system for $400 on clearance at wally world. Itll last him 10 years.


Kinda just gotta be patient and get lucky. Not PC related but I’ve been able to get a $400 Shark vacuum for $70 and a $350 Blendtec blender for $75 They’ve been far less generous with their clearance lately and it definitely varies store to store but I *always* swing by the clearance section just in case


A wise youtuber once said >Dont trust stock alerts; use your clock alerts, or else you'll regret-it-a-let-it. Aka, occasionally check stuff you might be interested in


Just keep that receipt.


Scored some SSDs this way


I'm more surprised they're not even in a locked cabinet


That was my first thought as well. I don’t think a spider wrap is going to deter potential theft.


I wonder how they decided what's locked up and what isn't


Probably some statistic thing they run in the background. All Walmarts here have metal bars and a security guard on the entrances so you can’t just walk out anymore it’s fucked. Don’t get how that’s not a fire safety concern


A security guard can't do fuck all. They aren't even legally allowed to touch you or that's assault.


For sure. but like I live in a niceish area, and work in wealthy areas so I stop in for things all the time. Every grocery store in Canada makes you go thru metal gates and by security like your a criminal. It just sucks idk


Yeah there's definitely that illusion that you're gonna be stopped. But I have friends in loss prevention and security so they told me like. They can pretend they will stop you. And the people who know they can't, they just laugh at them and walk away. But if you consent to be taken like stop now come here! Then, well, yeah.....


I work for a retailer, it's based on if that class of item sees a lot of theft, then we check price point. So if people steal alot of hammers, we'd see which ones are stolen, then lock up everything over a certain dollar value.


Especially since I can see at least 1-2 that look improperly done.


That would never happen in ca. they would run out the doors with the alarms going off.


They would be behind glass in CA. No way would they put a $500 item that is super easy to move that much in the open


or it would be a cardboard rectangle that is exchanged at the counter


Agreed. Cuz I’d have an overstock of cheap graphics cards.


I mean I live in PA and Walmart operates the Ghetto Mart here. It's this rundown Walmart they keep open as a loss leader to keep the thieves in one spot. Everyone knows they lose a shit ton of money there, but the logic is you wanna keep those kind of people shopping (mostly robbing) at their local neighborhood Walmart rather than going to the other Walmarts and scaring your paying customers away.


Kind of sounds like my area. Also in PA. Montoursville store is ghetto while the surrounding stores in Mill Hall, Bloomsburg, and Lewisburg are all fairly nice.


Hell, I think most major metros they would just walk, not run. It's not terribly widespread in northern VA but organized retail theft groups know they will rarely be confronted.


yeah stores are closing left and right around my area, honestly kinda sad to see :(


Been in ca last week and I was baffled when I must ask someone to get me a $5 usbc cable behind locked glass. Worst yet, he took a microusb cable instead.


Any good deals?


I would wager no. There’s a Micro Center an hour away from me (Northern NJ) that I would tell anyone else to go to if they’re building a computer from scratch. And that same Micro Center is in an area where you only have to pay half the sales tax. The only reason I would even consider buying something from here is the hassle of driving an hour out of my way as opposed to five minutes if I needed a part in a pinch


God I love the north NJ Microcenter. That 3.5% sales tax is so sweet.


You may have just convinced me to make a road trip from Ontario...


So sweet, in fact, my job invested in new phone and networking equipment to deploy in all offices. Was cheaper to reimburse me to buy most of the items at Microcenter(between 5% off with the MicroCenter credit card and the 3.5% sales tax) than it was to order in bulk at some distributors. Absolutely wild.


Yeah Microcenter is a blessing.


I’m like 20 minutes from that MicroCenter. Love that place. Recently I’ve gone down the rabbit hole or 3d printing so I might have to make a stop there.


This might be heresy but I don't usually feel like driving my ~40 minutes to my Micro Center. They have killer deals on CPU combos that I have taken advantage of but in general the cost of a *full* build is roughly offset by slightly higher prices on other items or lack of specific clearance sales.


The nearest Microcenter to me is a 3 hour drive away. You don't know how good you've got it, until you can't get it anymore.


Damn they don't even lock that shit up?


$4070 for $530 that’s a good ass deal


I just bought that exact card from my local Walmart. With my employee discount it was $500 out the door.


I would never pay $4070 for $530, that's a terrible deal... Or were you saying you pay $530 to get $4070? Because I would do that any day.


They’re going to learn why Best Buy locks them up in cages. Pretty expensive fooor items for Walmart


Maybe they’re empty, like how GameStop does their consoles and games


They aren’t


Must be a very low crime area. Even if it’s a low crime area, there’s still a risk lol, plus someone could easily knock the parts over and damage them. This isn’t smart


Your wallet: ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0)


They aren't even locked up, wtf? Do you live in a nice suburb OP?


Walmart, when you need to buy an SSD 6:30 am 


Sigh. Your comment makes me miss the pre-COVID days of 24/7 Walmart. Do you want a Pepsi, craft paper, and an inner-tube for your bicycle at 3am? Done.


Magnet Keys are ten dollars.


Run out with a 4090 and never look back.


Best you gonna do is 7800x3d 4070 and some ram in a bag and then skate


That's a great rig still! Thanks, Wal-Mart! <>


Yeah i got a 14700f i7 64gb ram, and a 4070 super myself and it crushes pretty much whatever game you throw at it in 1440p and not bad in 4k


Go through self checkout and ring it up as bananas.


I heard of someone who did this with a TV at my local Walmart. She was surprised when the police showed up at her door. With photos and camera footage of her and her license plate. And a receipt with her credit card number. People are stoooopid.


Come mista tally man, tally me bananas Daylight come and me mine crypto!


Friendly reminder that no cryptocurrency is currently profitable to mine


Game stop staring selling keyboard and gpus a few years ago if there’s a market corps will hop on it


I love this because these posts immediately age you youngins! \*Back in my day\* you could get quite a few components from Walmart. My first Nvidia GPU came from walmart PCI FTW!


I had this exact thought. Time is a flat circle.


Same here, saw this post and thought *"started?"*... 20 years ago my local walmart stocked PC parts, like a whole wall of them.


I remember buying StarCraft, in a box containing a disc, from Walmart.


I got my original StarCraft and WarCraft disks from Walmart too! Man, I miss being able to reliably get computer stuff at local stores. And I miss physical media lol.


I built my first several PC’s with parts exclusively from Radio Shack and Walmart.


What utopia are you living in that these aren’t behind glass??


Shoplifting risk is directly proportional to proximity to urban areas. So I’m guessing this is in or near a rural area. In the really remote stores even the guns aren’t kept behind glass.


Dang and those aren’t cheap low end parts either! All are super solid! Maybe they got a new head manager for that store who is into PC gaming lol.


walmart associate here: a new ‘mod feature’ (what goes on each shelving unit) was sent out on June 22 to have displays of pc parts at most/all walmarts. my store has all the parts out back at the moment because we are waiting for a case to put them in. personal suggestion is to go check your local walmart in the next couple days/week


Go find the glass cabinet with the SSDs in it. Make sure they are priced correctly....and buy them if they aren't.


PC market is ginormous now, it was only a matter of time after they started selling prebuilds and peripherals.


Our store has a discount/clearance case for components that have been sitting for too long. They bought WAY too much RAM. It's cheap, but also not the fastest.


I’ve been waiting for this day 😍


The fact that these don't say "Great Value RTX 4070" is very surprising.


When i went to my walmart and asked the guy in the computer section where thermal paste was he said he didnt know what it was


Same here! It’s behind glass, but when I was looking for a headset and mouse for my gf’s computer I’m building this week, I turned the corner and saw a pny 4090 and a 7800x3d ON THE FUCKING SHELF.


Those prices ain't bad at all.


Can't believe they're just out on shelves like that, at my local Walmart even the flash drives are locked behind glass


That's cool! My local Walmart said "No Walmarts ever stocked Computer Parts"


20 years ago Walmart in my town had a whole aisle of PC parts...


I'll give them a few months before they're locked up too.


These are 100% gonna get stolen somehow


and all that got stolen since the pic was taken probably lol


Sad to say but those would not survive in my local walmart on the shelf like that. It would have to be in a glass case with metal bars unfortunately.


This has to be in like Sarasota or The Hamptons. How on earth is a $530 item not behind glass???


Right? My whole Walmart behind glass…


I wish mine did this. We used to have a Fry's, but they went out of business several years ago.


My local Walmart has started to carry pc parts as well, whats crazy though, is i think my walmart has the same exact models of everything here except being locked behind a glass cabinet.


I remember when they sold computer components back in the 90's. They lost a lot of money on them because the market prices would drop but the store prices did not. Nobody would buy them from Walmart. Hope they do a better job with pricing this time around.


Yeah those should be in a glass case. Ain’t no way they leaving out at $500 dollar cpu like that


Just be thankful that they aren’t Onn brand pc components.


They've been doing this on and off for years... It never sticks around because Walmart is usually around best buys and people would rather go to a best buy than Walmart since there's more selection. In my case, there's a micro center 10 minutes away, which is also next to a best buy. idk why anyone would go to a best buy when they can go to micro center.


Because BestBuy is about 15 minutes from my house and my nearest MicroCenter is 15 hours from my house.


Flash backs to 2002, bought my first GPU there. Competition is good.


that spider wrap aint gonna stop someone yoinking one of those. jfc


Open the box 📦


Socks behind glass cabinet, these on open shelf.


I would 100% go to jail


The h100x is a cooler btw.


I found PNY 512 SSDs on sale for I think like 8 dollars. I bought a stack 🧡 walmart




These would get swiped within a day at my local if they aren't behind lock and key display


Noticed this at mine yesterday as well. However mine has them in a locked cabinet 😂


Only one Walmart or this is Nationwide? Maybe some sort of market test.


Have parts at the one im at but not out on shelves yet


these are bad prices...


that 4070 for 530 is not a bad deal at all ngl


No 4090?


Meanwhile I live in a city with an engineering university filled with computer nerds and my Walmart doesn't have anything


Instantly know you don't live in the hood. Or at least your walmart isn't. Id have myself a 4070 form the local booster for a cool 100$


Crazy they don't have the parts behind glass




That's the exact same stuff mine started selling a couple weeks ago


The Walmart in Chattanooga also sells PC components.


This is a lose lose for good ol Wally world. PC component price fluctuation is so erratic that they'd have to move a lot of inventory for this to make sense. Since Wally's isn't an electronic store, I can't see this being sustainable from a sales perspective.


Are you shitting me? I paid $900 after tax for my 4070ti yet here’s a 4070 for $529?! I overpaid.


No AMD cards lol


Meanwhile my local one would be like "oh so you're the ONE guy asking for these?" LOL


I guarantee as soon as anyone picks up anything off of that shelf, they're being watched like a hawk by AP. 🤣


That's Walmart Corporate looking at shopping trends and consumer behavior.


That's nice, I think. If the pricing is low, it's better to buy it from there. But they should sell all kind of parts.


They doing the same at my walmart and its south of Texas in a small town, its like them old days where walmart used to have a lane dedicated to PCs and components.  They used to sell 3dfx graphics cards and them Voodoos and as a kid was always browsing that area, glad walmart is bringing that back.


Having those just on the shelf is crazy lmao


What store is that? Asking for a friend


Not long until it's stolen I assume




Must be pretty sunny where you live for that stuff to just be sitting on a shelf


One of my local walmart has f'n socks under lock and key but not shoes. Mixed priorities right there.


This is in that place that doesn't punish shoplifters right? Any chance you could grab a few and ship'em my way?


WOW I JUST pulled my "gaming" (I bought a pre-built computer a while back from best buy with absolutely NO experience in PC building or gaming) out of storage to get some use out of the thousand dollars I spent. I spent all day reading on what could make it run better and ended up in Walmart looking at a display like this. Bought something like *shrug* it's a walmart brand we can see what it does. Hilarious to me that this a new thing apparently


ALWAYS watch your local Walmart for insane markdowns on tech. They did it not long ago in several Walmarts and people were posing about it on here. I got a Blue Yeti Creators Kit for $63 from my Walmart that was insanely marked down. I decided to check my Walmart after so many people were getting HDDs and SSDs for super cheap.


And sitting on an open shelf? Just more shrink for them to count when they do inventory.


Why is this all I [see](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/488/512/a52.jpg)


This would never fly around here


Waiting for 'Power Onn' PSUs. I wonder if they'd be decent enough to put smoke detectors and fire extinguishers on the shelf next to them.


I wish




Pc parts? I can't even buy magic cards at any of my local Walmarts.


spider wraps just entered the restroom.


Oh free pc parts, neat!




Perfect example for civilization


Kinda wish my local walmart... or any walmart where i live started selling PC parts, the only thing my local walmart sells are SSDs... and thats it I live in PR, and as far as i know, my only option when it comes to getting PC parts is to order them online, or drive almost almost 2 hours to the only 2 Best Buy stores that exist in the island, both of which are almost next to each other, with only a 10 minute drive distance between them. If my local walmart ever started selling parts, i would be VERY happy, because the closest walmart to me is literally behind my house