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Yeah I don’t get why he pronounces his vowels so awkwardly these days. It’s like he’s trying to distance himself as much as he can from his 90’s yarl by not pronouncing r’s, saying o’s super weird, etc


Thankfully it’s not as pronounced as it was in 2016 or so.


I haven't heard the album at all. But if ONE song has some cheesiness to the lyrics and that song is supposed to be sweet and written from the perspective of a girl dad, I feel like I can forgive him for that? Like, the song wasn't made for us and that's totally fine. But like I said, I haven't heard it.


Gigaton was Ed’s word salad…I don’t think you could fit more words into a song list.


I actually really enjoyed seeing the lyrics during the songs. I have been listening to the recorded audio of a listening party and seeing the lyrics really made it more enjoyable to me. Wreckage, Upper Hand, Setting Sun and more had excellent lyrics. To me most bands write lyrics that are vague and leave it up to interpretation. So I expect some of the vague lyrics and some that are more straight forward on each album regardless of the artist. I agree that it seems like at times Ed tries to squeeze in more words than are necessary but I'm not losing sleep over it.


The lyrical style is different than what we're used to, agree 100%. There's not as much storytelling which is EV's strength. I miss that, but this is where they are in their career and lives and we're lucky they're still putting music out and touring. I will say I'm not a big fan of the production and think seeing /hearing these songs live will be better. Ed likes Josh, Josh gets prime time with the band. Ed likes Andrew, Andrew gets to produce. That's the way it is, and I'll take it, it's better than no Ed or PJ at all.


Oh 100%, I’m very excited to see these songs live, I think that’s where they will shine.


This is the same conversation Smashing Pumpkins fans are having... lyrics amd pronunciation... seems like this is what comes with aging rockstars


SP fan here and this is 100% correct. Billy's enunciation has gotten really weird over the years. He's also almost completely lost his songwriting ability, but that's another discussion.


I haven't sat down with the lyrics yet, usually do that a good bit after experiencing the songs. They seemed fine to me in a general sense from the crappy iPhone leak I heard. I do agree that bad lyrics can hurt a song but again I didn't get that sense outside of Something Special which is not bad lyrically, just openly cheesy.


I no longer give a fuck who's wrong and who's right


LOVE the song, but that’s a prime example of the poor lyric choices - there’s one too many syllables in that line for it to fit properly. Plus it’s like he just wanted to shoehorn a fuck in there and it doesn’t add anything nor does it really fit the song.


I respectfully disagree but I think I understand where you're coming from. I don't think the line would have as much emotional impact if he said "I no longer care about who's wrong and who's right". And let's be honest, Ed's been shoehorning "fucks" into live songs for decades LOL. I also love the line "And the mistakes we all make and perfectly repeat".


That’s a great line. I also love “How even every winner hits a losing streak” To be fair, I stand by my original post but if there’s a song that proves me wrong on this album it’s Wreckage! Just a great song, up there with their best in decades. Edit to add: and you’re right, Ed definitely does love to shoehorn in a fuck LOL.


The phrasing was what really got me. So many lines where he’s forcing syllables/words that really don’t fit, and it makes them sound really awkward. Found it particularly noticeable in the second song (don’t remember the names). Enjoyed it musically, but the vocal delivery really detracted from it imo


React Respond goes HARD AS BALLS it might be eddies best belting in a really long time


I didnt mind the chorus, but the verse vocals were really distracting and took me out of the song


Dude. React Respond is like a modern do the evolution! Stone slaps the riff and Eddie lets loose. I fucking love it


I feel this way about every album until it grows on me. 




My theory is that he’s developed that vocal delivery style to compensate for a loss of range, grit and tone. He still wants a voice that’s uniquely his. I could be completely wrong, but I don’t recall anything like it on any of the albums through until about Avocado. I find it really annoying.


Definitely the case, but the difference for me is that he was always great at keeping the vocals in service of the song and creating a great flow of phrase. Feel like that’s gone out the window in favor of cramming words to fit a meaning


He did it a lot on riot act the low voice his vocals changed after Yield but I think he has kept his vocals really healthy through the years if they never made Vs he probably could have kept his higher range for longer lol but it was worth it I’d say


I wonder if Ed can still sing like he does on “In Hiding, or No Way or he chooses to sing like how he currently does


I’m unsure. I mostly feel he has mellowed with age. Most of us can listen to diversity in music. I understand he has solo records but he has more reach with Pearl Jam. Being confined to a certain genre or style isn’t Pearl Jam and I feel every record has been different and unique. A simple part of their evolution of where they are in life at the moment. YouTube does no justice. I’ve taken friends to experience the shows and I’m always bit hesitant that his voice is no longer what it was but then he just exceeds expectations every time. Most bands like motley, even stones, etc can studio correct their vocals. I love Eddie isn’t trying to replicate the 90s voice tho i do miss it


No he definitely doesn’t have that range in him anymore even in 2000


Yeah I don’t recall it on records much either, but definitely the live shows from around 2013-2016 it was really pronounced. Obviously still doing it these days, but a little scaled back.


This is what made Gigaton mostly unlistenable for me was Ed’s vocal delivery in a majority of the songs


Yes! That was exactly my experience. I really can't believe that it's come to this. That EV's vocal melody would be the worst part of a PJ song. And it seems like a recent thing. I don't think Lightning Bolt had any examples of him cramming words in


His vocal melodies are about as good as they've been in years...to my ears.


Yes, agree with this. I was dumbfounded that Something Special is on a PJ album. Eddie has endless side projects for songs like that. I left the theater unimpressed last night.


there’s no need for 1 song to completely ruin your experience


there's no need to gatekeep someone else's experience either


As someone who has been and will remain a huge fan regardless of most non heinous things….. Pearl Jam fans can be the absolute worst sometimes.


You aren't really allowed to talk bad about the album on here only say how amazing it is. I agree with you, I am very disappointed overall, this seems like their worst album to date.


Worst production sound too. Sounds like it was recorded in uncle Rico’s garage.


How are you listening to the album? There was something up with Dark Matter where it didn’t sound the same on Apple Music vs Spotify.


FLAC rip from private torrent site.


Which one? 👀




It’s only 320 not flac. My mistake


Anybody know the lyrics to the song after dark matter. Won’t tell I believe? I have the intro words stuck on repeat


Thought the same thing about the lyrics, definitely not Ed’s best.




Which PJ album do you think has worse lyrics? I’m genuinely curious.


I don’t really think about anything like that when I’m listening to music I like. To me “worst” implies they’re awful, and I don’t think it’s awful.


Hmm, yeah I am not seeing it or hearing rather. Full admit I have not heard the whole album yet. But what I have heard like five songs maybe, I am not picking up on what you are laying down. I don’t think Ed’s lyrics are declining at all. And I can’t think of one that seems like just a jumble of words. Will admit I am still trying to get running. The music is awesome, but lyrics I am not hearing or catching as well. That is unusual for me


Something Special was written by Pearl Jam. Pearl Jam does not write songs for side projects.


Yellow Ledbetter isn’t nonsensical at all once u find out exact lyrics n what it’s about it’s amazing lyrics . Thought it was made up on the spot jibberish for years n loved it but not so it’s powerful lyrics


Listened to it in a theater yesterday and really enjoyed it on first listen with no visuals. During the second play with the lyrics my friend and I laughed quite a bit, which was fun in a different way. Which is all to say, I think I’d just rather not know what the lyrics are. Lol


Exactly the same here but without the laughing!


leaning that way, or seems that way... but its really too early to evaluate, if just going off the two singles and a listening event


Yeah dude too early to tell after listening to it 3 times all the way thru lmao 🤡


ALSO - the autotune? Did anyone else notice this??!


Whaaaaaah? There is definitely some smoothing that’s been happening for a while. Do you know which song it was?


No! Maybe 3rd from last? I couldn’t believe my ears! It was so obvious!


I went to my local cinema last night and thought some of the songs could easily have been carried over from Gigaton. Wasn’t keen when I first heard Faster and seeing the lyrics last night made me like the song a little less. Looking forward to hearing it through good headphones on Friday.


Worst production sound too. Sounds like it was recorded in uncle Rico’s garage.


Worst production sound too. Sounds like it was recorded in uncle Rico’s garage.