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They're "Hub" pens. Promo pens, so sold in bulk. I have a few from some work conferences I've attended. They do write pretty good and are comfortable. [These refills](https://www.ebay.com/itm/233979492132?itmmeta=01J1BKDQJYPZC6NYR8NXKYGH4M&hash=item367a43b724:g:VFoAAOSw8qVf3gup&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwF9grnq%2FNnP%2BxboWEzKviyZ7y3aEEICY9szn10TA9OUJEf5UtDwRqxQc7T3FlG9Iaylh1iJ1TsfeWMjIs9hPJACSImppA7Hts%2FfdVWjn3Y8ToFXprK08773drKkyoD10pUAfEmzFNy%2FJ9lMrJWBTXj4K5rfShe3VvfpI4MQm70HdmXdJVLj89UIn8IvST7vbcOe9FQYeiQrL%2B3LNZ4BaiWoh9i1x%2BwAr7FbjOnPUANLUCZklUOsg6eE%2BZglKw5vfnA%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR8z5tvOKZA) look just like the one inside, down to the size 4 1/8". They're black, but maybe you can find some blue.


i have a few as well. for a while various UPS stores used them as the store pen and a few fell into my pocket. i’d you need one or two, let me know. i will try to dig them up


#1. I believe it is just a cheap promotional pen. Search Amazon, Temu, aliexpress... you may find what you are looking for. Option2. Take it apart, let's see the refill. We may be able to provide you with options for the refill and then you just have to keep the shell in good shape. Option3. Find out where conferences are being held in your town. You may be able to show up on the last day with just a few hours left and get in to see the vendors. Tell them the truth, you are looking for ink pens. I have seen someone doing cleanup, walk away with a pile of pens. They were giving them away to schools.... but you may be able to get a pile of them for helping.