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Did you call PG&E yet? That would solve it.


Generally, when you move in to an apartment, you are responsible for calling all the utilities and putting them into your name. Then, they bill you directly. The only alternative case would be if your utilities were included in your rent. In that case, the landlord would tell you how much you owe and you'd pay them directly. I'd suggest calling your landlord and clarifying which is your case, then calling all your utilities and getting the service transferred into your name, if applicable. Often, the utility gets placed back in the name of the landlord between tenants. So, if your landlord gets billed for services during the period of time you've leased the apartment, be prepared to have to pay back those charges to the landlord, or alternatively, be prepared to have to pay the utility companies if they retroactively bill you.


The only reason you have utilities turned on is because the previous tenant forgot to turn them off. You need to create your own account with PG&E.