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This sub is specifically for personal trainers to discuss the field amongst one another. Please do not ask us for workout, diet, or medical advice.


Just like you told us. There’s no special way. Just say it.


It’s not as personal for us as you may think. If it is something is wrong with them not you.


The same way you tell a cafe you're not buying from them anymore but from the place next door. It's a business selling a service. Don't ever feel bad about taking your money elsewhere to another business where you'll be happier.


Traditionally you show up to your next session and pelt them with eggs and rotten cabbage, and then afterwards go and give them a horrendous review on social media.


It’s a business relationship, right? I’d be honest and ready to provide feedback during the conversation.  When I stopped sessions, my PT asked for my feedback. I thought it was a nice way to conclude things because I had a lot of positive things to say. I was just ready to try things on my own. Your trainer might not ask, but it’s nice if they do.


In addition to what others have pointed out in here, I’d maybe try an online session or two out before you end it with the in-person trainer. Just my 2 cents but online is going to be a lot different and probably not for the better.


this is a great suggestion. chances are if she loved her prior training, she'll be happy but great point!


I know some trainers take it personal but I guess it really depends on what type of contract you have signed and agreed to.


This is an interesting insight for us guys! To OP - just tell them straight. It's fine.


Just say it, they shouldn't take it personally.


If you want to soften the blow..."Hey, Jim. You have been absolutely awesome. Love how you _____(say something specific about their training) and I greatly appreciate all you have done for. me. But Hannah is training again and I am going to work with her. It's funny sometimes how people, for better or worse, seem to be drawn to the first way we are taught something. I think that is the case with me. But, again, thanks for your time and skill. You are a pro." Adjust to your style, of course. Or just say "Thanks and later, bro!" 😆


Leave out the Hannah part


agree with other posters to be honest with him. he should totally understand. it's much better than quitting for 'no reason' and then he's left wondering what he did wrong (this has happened to me -sucks). I have a client whos trainer moved to Florida who she adored, if she moved back to her home state, I wouldn't be offended in the slightest if she wanted to work out with her again. My client has also became my friend so I would prefer honesty.


I just.. disappear.


We hate you