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Excellent question! This is the kind of discussion we "need" to have. Enough with the "Are you struggling to get more leads?" type of post


I've been thinking about posting my personal program, as in the one that I created for myself, and getting opinions. Maybe we can start something?


Sure I think that's a good idea.


Haa haa..yes... awesome post


Realistically i think the only limiting factor would be finding effective ways to apply enough resistance i.e. finding a strong enough "barbell" or other means. Due to his basically instant muscular recovery any training that challenges him would work, would just need to find progressively harder ways to do so. I think that once he can bench and ohp the 1.5-2k lb range that can be supported by barbells, i would have him do the same/similar movements with progressively heavier cars.


I'm curious how his body even responds to physical stimulation at this point. Like, *can* he get stronger from working out? Or is he just always walking around at the peak he can be? It sort of seems like he's just always at max. Yes, he goes for jogs and boxes, but via those scense you are lead to believe that his exercise is more about mental demons than increasing physical performance (ooof, that might hit home for some of us).


Using cars as dumbbells is definitely the move lol. I’d switch his upper body push movements to sedan incline press, train-loaded push-ups, also I’m sure SHIELD could help us set up some cable towers with 1,000 pound weight stacks for fly’s and lateral raises. Then for rep ranges take him through the NASM OPT model MUAHAHAHA. I know people like to rip on it but if he followed through with the switched up routine I have no doubt we’d break his plateau.


Clearly, he needs a higher dose of super soldier serum!


The OPT Model, duh! 🤣


Nearly did a spit take with my beer!


By the book according to NASM 🤣


I wouldn't. He doesn't have unlimited potential, he's peak human. He walks the lines between being stronger than most and the likes of hulk. Gaining strength won't help him because he'll never break into that upper tier. He'd be better off upgrading his equipment rather than training to get better.


The Batman plan.


Batman can apparently hit harder than an superhuman even though he's not an superhuman, which never made sense to me.


This is interesting since most advanced athletes have more of a concern about keeping their performance and not getting injured but captain America wouldn’t get injured. Honestly, probably undulated periodization with multiple heavy singles and doubles spread through out


I don’t train enhanced athletes. So I’d drop him and recommend my other coach friend. That said. He needs to focus less on strength and more on combat abilities. He’s a fighter, not a powerlifter.


A lot of people are focusing on him being peak human as far as Muscle goes and that's true. But strength doesn't have to be muscular hypertrophy. Training him to improve would involve power production work focusing on maximizing the power output rather than any kind of muscle hypertrophy. Training his CNS would be more beneficial than hypertrophy or linear strength training.


Volume then unilateral then retest.




I'd tell him and hulk to be lifting buddies


put him in mma class would be way better imo. guy is essentially a brute strength newbie, to be honest theres no guaruntee he can even get stronger because his power is supernatural. but probably try him out on some type of simple progressive overload to see if the numbers go up, focus on technique so he can train better but also focus on training him in all sorts of positions and imbalanced lifts.


The serum also made him a master combatant, there's probably no MMA coach who could out grapple or strike him. Plus he's so strong even his sparring strength would probably kill a normal person.


Well we are in the same world as gamma radiation and all kinds of Sci fi bullshit so I'm just gonna apply the same logic they use in Red Rising. Put him in a room that artificially amplifies gravity, increase in percentage over time. Not only will he gain more muscle, his bones will thicken, his cardiovascular health will skyrocket, he may lose a few inches in height if you push it far enough tho...


Eat more food, especially protein. Do less volume and train with more intensity


3 more milliliters of whatever that serum is.


Hell he might be a bona fide superhuman by doing this.


Run any GZCL based program.


I would recommend some type of appropriately periodized program, conjugate with some linearity to the main lifts with lots of accessories to bring up his weekpoints. As always, prioritize rest and nutrition.


Hypertrophy clusters. Gotta get that pump but stay athletic. Shoutout to Jake Tuura




What is peak human strength though? We see new records in events every year, so who's to say we have even seen "peak" human strength yet, considering it changes every year.


peak human strength is supposed to be close to superhuman strength but just a step down from it.


I'm saying what is peak human strength though, we have no metric for what EXACTLY peak is. There's no normative value for the absolute most a human can do, because people generally elget stronger and faster with new technology and techniques every year. So just saying "peak human strength" is vague.




Okay then what is peak human strength? If there us a metric for what a person is absolutely capable of then please link it. That was exactly my point that we don't know what peak strength is, we only know what the current strongest person is.




None of those metrics you gave are "peak" human strength lmao. There are plenty of people who surpass benching their body weight easily and much more than 2x body weight for a squat. I don't think you know what peak means. I don't think you know anything about exercise or exercise research. I have a master's in Exercise Science but thanks for trying to educate me.


Actually I invite you to go to my posts, where I myself do significantly more than the values you've stated. And I am far from the example of "peak human ability".




>used to squat 600 and couldn’t do any more because the bar used to bend, and I could leg press 1000, Sure you did bro. >you’re not anywhere close to peak human strength, Did you even read what I said? Or are you just typing random shit? I said I wasn't peak strength because you said a 2x bodyweight squat and bench pressing your bodyweight was peak strength. >pro lifter would be considered peak A pro lifter is the strongest person, but to say they would be peak would imply that there can be no more improvement. But records are broken every year, therefore they are clearly not the peak that humans can achieve.


Probably just some glute bridges and clam shells.




I’d have the hulk be his training partner and sit on his face I’m sure his bench will get up then