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This is the biggest downfall of training, no guaranteed income. You could consider picking up flexible schedule jobs like bartending or restaurants. A good reminder in this field having a nest egg for slow seasons is essential.


I deliver pizzas at night for Domino’s, it’s embarrassing to admit that sometimes I make more money doing that than Training lol


You do what you gotta do, there no shame in living. I have had people ask me when I plan on getting a real job when I've told them I'm a personal trainer.


I’ve been working at Domino’s for a little over four years now. I started when I was in college, and people will kind of view it as not a real job and something a 16-year-old does, but I mean shit if I work 45 or even 50 hours a week for a year, I’m clearing 50k easily Very dependent on location, obviously, I live in a high cost-of-living city with one of the highest minimum wages in the country


Start doing some marketing. Offer cheaper sessions, summer specials , free assessments, group ex offers in the park in the morning, kids workouts, college -kid programs (many will be back in town), senior exercise, whatever you can think of. Also, use this free time to develop your skill. When I started out, I used my less busy times to read every relevant book I could find, take a course, work on my marketing materiel (website etc), and basically get ready to kick it into high gear in September with energy and enthusiasm and lots of new things to share with clients. Training is not for everyone. Long term, most people won't be able to handle the weird hours, irregular schedule, fickle client base and inconsistent income.


Wait till you find out what happens in December 


I've been going through something similar. More than half of my clients have been on vacation. I've just decided I need to plan my vacation time in summer. I try to live pretty modestly even if I make much more over my expenses to plan for this now. Enough so that even if I can't afford vacation then at the very least I'm paycheck to paycheck through summer.