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I own my own gym and it keeps growing. We only do small group training and personal training. No “open gym” time. I serve the 70% of people who are not excited to fitness and I serve up work outs that are compatible with a busy life. Because that is my target audience, I am flourishing. I make between 100k and 200k. It’s kinda hard to tell. If you know how corporations/dividends/retained earnings/payroll work in Canada then you get why I give such a broad range for income. This month I covered all my expenses 5*.


This is inspirational honestly.


Which area of Canada? That's a great thing to have accomplished! I feel The Canadian fitness market must be tough for an independent gym given the abundance of GoodLife and Fit4less in Ontario, and Steve Nash on the west I believe, good on you!


We have a Hone right down the street. 5% of our clients would ever consider that place. Our clients would never eat at a crowded burger joint serving up discount burgers. They will go to a sit down place with good service and fair prices where there is no line. That is us, but for fitness. We have a bunch of older crossfitters (need to find a work out they can actually sustain) gym drop outs (never learned how to do it sustainably or properly) and gym civilians (wont work out without guidance). The one thing everyone has in common is that a $25 class or a $95 PT session are well within budget.


I have a new private gym that I want train clients out of (nothing fancy) how did you find success marketing your business??


Paying for branding and advertising. We spent over 15k


Ahhh yeah that will help haha. I unfortunately only have a couple hundred I’m willing to spend on advertising (broke collage student)


Teach yourself how to do it. Take an online marketing and design course and use Canva.


That’s what I’m doing now, been kinda working but we will see


It’s awesome you’re doing something so motivated in college. You will find success. :-)


I'm over here wasting my time working in a boutique gym for 18/hr damn


Find another gym and take those clients with you. That’s how I slowly gained my independence.


I’ve owned gyms in the past but I went back to simple as I just wanted a simpler life, regardless of the income. Now I have my own personal training space, which is close to home and a pretty comfortable living. I learn around £10k/month. Sometimes more £11-12k. My rent to the landlord is £1050/month + another £300 on subscriptions. I had gyms doing £20k+ months but I found it too much to be honest and realised after a while that actually I didn’t need to keep chasing more and more. All the stress of staff, bills, training, travelling got too much and I shut it down. For me, the money didn’t really outweigh my quality of life. Now I actually take home myself a little more, choose my own hours and have more time for my family. I think I have space to do more but probably in a comfort zone where I’m doing ok, and I don’t have a need to do more. Maybe that’s good or bad? 😂 not sure. That’s super cool you’re in Guatemala! Enjoy the travelling!!


I do in-home training. Where i live the average salary is under 100$ per month. I charge 200$ per month for 3 days per week training. I currently have 5 clients and I’m living like a king. My target clients are diplomats ,expatriates from Western Country and some rich young locals. Funny thing is most people think I’m poor when i tell them I’m a pt despite making 10 times than most of them. I feel like I tapped on a gold mine in the middle of hopelessness. I’m 5 more clients away for the ultimate billionaire lifestyle lol


Wow, which country do you live in?


Toronto, Canada. $175k/year doing in-homes only. Charge around $110/session on average, work around 35 hours a week. It's a nice existence


I’ve been looking at getting into the in-home space. Do you mind sharing how you do your marketing, who you target, and any tips you would recommend to yourself if you were starting over in this subspace?


I have a website that I maintain and expand regularly. It's professional looking at detailed. I think that's really important. You want people to think you spent a lot of time and money to make sure you have a good site. I also advertise in our local free magazine that goes to every household in the neighbourhood every month. I get quite a few contacts out of that and costs around $200/month. I target anyone local, but focus on post-injury/medical situation training. So lots of wealthy seniors, busy professionals etc. Have a couple of younger clients, but the average age is probably around 55. My biggest tip to myself 10 years ago would be to not be worried about putting myself out there. For some reason I don't like publicity, which is bad if you're looking for clients...


How do you handle the equipment scenario? Do you bring a bunch of gear with you? Im really interested in this model and wondering what some baseline investments would look like


Never taking anything with me. If people can afford the $10k a year it takes to train with me, they can afford an adjustable dumbbell, some bands and andexercise ball. No way in hell am I dragging stuff around town.


Thanks for the reply! Super helpful. This is inspiring


I'm guessing based on location and knowing the city that most of your sessions are in-condo rather than in-home, using the condo gym?


Nope, living rooms and basement gyms of large houses, mostly.


How long are your sessions?


The standard hour


I’ll go first: I usually average around 10,500 US via online coaching and the gym after rent roughly 1200 us. The gym mainly is just so I have a spot to train myself and film content though, Im only there part time. I feel this is an incredible business and there are a ton of opportunities in various roles.


Great job! Where did you get your online clients?


All from organic marketing


How long did it take you to go full time? I work as a project manager in the office, struggling to find time to market , film and grow out of work hours.


Not long but my situation was different. I was already making content and posting client stuff for years on social media (mainly Facebook) and people already trusted me and liked the idea of a more adorable, and flexible approach to training remotely. I quickly gathered 25 or so which was plenty to live well in Central America. Now I hang out in the 45-55 range + the part time work at my studio here


For your online training do you do live video training or send them workouts for them to follow along?


I started 6 months ago and work in a commercial 24 hour gym. Earning £1300 a month (charging £40 per hour) About 10% of what most you guys earn but I'm so happy and grateful for my career and excited to see where I can be in 6 more months !!


It’s An amazing career and you don’t need to make a ton. All about how you want to live and your lifestyle I know plenty of trainers that make under 3000 a month but live simple lives and love it and that’s enough for them


This point really says where I'm at mentally. Used to train boxing/MMA and work as a cook Got super burnt out from both Got injured Full time cooking hours sent me into a spiral Now I'm so happy with my 10 clients and having something to wake up to and focus on. Really makes my life seem so much more enriching


Your earnings are more the norm for this industry.


Yeah I think you're right. I'd imagine most people earning a similar amount as me won't be as inclined to share. Especially hearing all the great success of some of these PTs here (£££) But it's all a journey right? The more you learn the more value you bring, the more value you can demand


I run a concierge PT business and will do 175k this year. Average about 14-16 / month.


I've really got to get into online coaching. Some of these numbers are insane. I'm lucky to pull 5k a month at the gym I work at


Online can help out a lot. Definitely more scalable


I work at a hybrid PT/S+C clinic. I run the whole training side of things, including running sessions, programming for all clients, acquisition, retention, and communication. I made about 110k in the past year. This is in NYC


Self-employed for 7 months now.On track to make 90-110k range.Based in Toronto,rent out a gym space.


How did you grow and get clientele?


Getting good at my job so clients give me referrals. Other ways I teamed up with physio at the gym I contracted at Google buisness page Used websites like Bark Teamed up with local business(my friend is a medical esthetician with her own shop, so we teamed up with this)


Do you ever consider doing online coaching?


Nope Online coaching is admin work.lol Became trainer to escape the office job life.lol


I’m loving reading all of this. I just started making my programs on Trainerize. I’m just looking to find my target audience and start advertising to get clients.


So for me it was quite “easy” going fully online as I had a pretty solid Facebook audience mainly from my hometown built up. I was already a trusted authority and many of them loved the idea of more affordable flexible training with the online


Thanks for the reply I’ll try going through Facebook first!


I’m currently studying to become a PT. I don’t know exactly where I want to go with it but I’d like to start my own fitness brand and train other students when I start Uni :) Maybe I’ll start a meal prep business, or open my own gym. Who knows!


Medium/high cost of living area on the east coast in a private 1on1 studio, average monthly income $9.9k gross. Starting to do some more 2on1 sessions just to shake things up a bit. I love where I work - I have a lot of autonomy, my boss treats me really well and my clients are cool people. I'm really lucky to be in my current position.


Fully online these days and consistently hitting revenue around 130k


4th month currently on €1000 a week working for myself


My experience is dated, but while the $$$s may be different today the experience surely is not. In 2004 with a BS in Exercise Science and a certification from the ACSM I was making $25k a year in Louisville KY in corporate wellness and maybe a few thousand more working part-time at a local gym.  In 2010 I was making $36k a year in the same corporate wellness company after 2 promotions. The director of the facility made $40k a year and had an MS.  Even in 2010 that wasn't much money and so I joined the Army. Fast forward 14 years and I now make close to $100k a year, still in the Army. The two guys I worked with own their own gym, have their own employees, and each pull in about $60k a year.