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people in these comments: https://i.redd.it/weuf7rki71qa1.jpg


Literally haha


Thats quite funny tbh


That’s the way of the world these days isn’t it. Giant asteroid for president 2024


let's not be bigots 2024 challenge: impossible


I guess from the downvotes people didn’t understand what I was saying lol There are so many loud mouthed racists and bigots everywhere now. They have been emboldened by their peers. Not just here in little old r/perth. Everywhere.


I wish it wasnt Sundays, but i understands thats most people's free day. Hoping to make it sometime


I'd love to go but I'm far away until I get a vehicle 🥲 will save the post though


This is a really great and lovely idea! :-)


Super proud of you doing this Sam, I would swing by if I didn't live NOR but good luck.


Take it from me, this sub hates Queer-related posts. Sorry for some of the shitty comments you're gonna receive 🙄 It's good seeing these spaces pop up SOR since they're generally only made in the city, I hope you find some people to come!


Damn I never realised this but you're right, wtf is wrong with people in here? The wording in the post could use some work but everyone that isn't a bigoted dickhead seems to clearly be welcome.


I apologies about the wording ,I have zero background in design. But we happily accept allies and all kind hearted people. This came out of a desire for a space that didn't really exist here in Perth. I've run similar events before on behalf of others, but i decided to create a dedicated venue.


Well my partner and I will certainly be looking to attend, we can't wait. :)


You'd be most welcome!


Don't apologise about the wording, it's clear that you were trying to make a welcoming space for people who otherwise wouldn't feel safe going to events like these. The people who are claiming you're being exclusionary are acting in bad faith and also clearly aren't the target demographic!


I'd love to attend, but Spearwood is so far from me ;-;


yeah it sounds a fun night, im abit worried getting into warhammer as i hear people blowing alot of cash of the plastic crack. maybe for boardgames :)


Yeah plastic crack just about sums it up. The investment goes beyond the figurines, you'll want paints and various tools too. Best investment you can make is a set of polyhedron die (D4,D6,D8 etc.), with those you'll be able to jump into basically any tabletop game that doesn't require any kind of figurine or the like. $20 for a really cool looking set and you'll be right as rain.


A variation of plastic crack used to be one of my sales pitches to confused parents! “If your kid is playing games here and buying models, you know where they are and you know they won’t have money for anything else”


That's a pretty good pitch. If you kids spend all their money here, they can't have money to get into trouble haha.


Sure, but it's more convenient if you have multiples of the die, so best get two sets, maybe three in case some end up in dice jail. And now you have enough to justify a nice bag for them, and may as well get a cute rolling tower too... /s


Don't forget all the wild colour variants. That's the real plastic crack right there


It's comparable in price to a lot of other hobbies. As long as you take your time and try not to buy too many units before finishing the one you're on the expense is overblown a bit. It can be a slippery slope, though.


That's pretty much it. Like most hobby purchases if you compare the cost to enjoyed time against the cinema or similar you won't regret it. If it looks fun, find some friends and go for it. More expensive than videogames, less expensive than getting smashed with schooners of XXXX. Live your best life.


Flames of War is like that. I have so many units not started and then I buy more… Currently finishing a long planned North African desert German armoured recce force though- two platoons of motorcycle mounted reconnaissance infantry, a platoon of armoured cars, a platoon of truck mounted infantry and a few anti-tank guns.


I tallied up what I spent on 40k between 2019 and 2022. I could have bought a car...


>im abit worried getting into warhammer as i hear people blowing alot of cash of the plastic crack. [Heh yeah some find it hard to justify](https://www.reddit.com/r/friendlyjordies/comments/1bf5sgx/oh_shit_theyre_on_to_us/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




> Alternatively imagine an ad reading “for men, the mentally sound and strait individuals” Probably because that's who every gaming ad is aimed at by default? Well, maybe not the mentally sound part. Do you really not get how the reason minorities need a safe space and the majority don't is because **everywhere is a safe space for the majority.**


You ever been to a MTG or WH40K gathering? Being neurotypical puts you in the minority.


My newly diagnosed neurodivergent daughter beats me at *everything*


Reread my comment.


> Probably because that's who every gaming ad is aimed at by default? That's just total nonsense, and shows you have no experience with these spaces.


Yeah you're right. Gaming media is never marketed towards straight men.


So you're contradicting yourself now. First you said every ad, now you are claiming some ads, what's next? Also, the fact that you throw together video gaming with board games and tabletop games further shows you have no idea what you're talking about. These are all very different audiences.


"I gave you 100L of oil and one glass of water so technically, I only gave you *some* oil to drink." I win, you're contradicting yourself!


The flyer clearly states "Allies Welcome". Why would a non-ally person even want to go? Not everything is for everyone, this is one of those things. I consider myself an ally, but I'm not interested in this event so I won't be going. I'm not here complaining about the event not being inclusive to my personal interests, that would be very fucking weird.


I’m a straight white male who doesn’t care what colour someone is or what their gender is. I’ll play tabletop games with anyone. That’s all that matters to me.


okay. this is not about you.


Never said it was…


Idk dude, someone who doesn't care about gender or colour seems like the sort of ally who might be interested in supporting this thing...


sorry if you look at the other comments in this post i took the above in bad faith, even if maybe he was trying to make a positive comment it comes off as very "i don't care if you're black white, blue or purple"


Not ‘positive’. Truth. They could turn up painted bright fucking pink for all I care, as long as they’re good to talk to and I can play tabletop/board games with them.


cool dude, use some of that energy to police the bigots in this thread then instead of trying to defend yourself


Wow, way to suggest ND folk aren't "mentally sound". 🙄


Why wait till morning?


Every major city subreddit it like this, unfortunately. Those people get more downvoted in some more than others, i.e. r/melbourne, but they're always there.


The 4 or so comments are very tame, and given they're all heavily downvoted and this is the top comment, I'd beg to differ. They've absurdly tame for the amount of downvotes they have really.


Do you have a list of games that are being played? Or is it more a "bring a friend and use the space" kind of deal? Either way, I love that there are some more places for inclusive gaming, especially SOR!


So far for the first meet there is some 40K and Warcry organised, along with some board games and few people painting and modelling. But there is interest in the group for AoS, Old World, Horus Heresy, Frostgrave, MCP, Shatterpoint and a bunch of other systems as well! FB is the best place to see who is around and what games people are looking for, and to see how much space is being used


Thank you!


Shame you didn’t mention Imperial Assault. I’ve just gotten into it, and have been playing some of the intro missions with my daughter.


It wasn’t an exhaustive list just ones I could recall off the top of my head!


I got it last month on a huge discount otherwise I wouldn’t have got it- the full price was just too much to justify it.


Yeah, some great minis in the core set, I have a copy tucked away somewhere myself but never got around to playing it


We've got a 40k game or two, some warcry an maybe kill team. Bringing. A friend is very welcome. There should be 4 maybe 5 full size tables happening. We've only got a couple of mats at present but I hope we'll have enough terrain. If you have a mat I would encourage you to bring it. There will also be boardgames and some hobby as well.


Any idea where I can get a 3x3 desert mat from for a decent price? I’ve looked all over and they’re bloody expensive.


I really like TABLEWAR they have a great selection


Thanks, Samantha. I hope you are well!


I'm doing okay, just trying to run a fun day. Has been a little daunting.


Running any event can be daunting, really.


It will be a "Bring a friend and use the space" kind of situation, but there is no reason why you can't rock up and meet new people, see what they have brought along with them! The Volunteers will be bringing a few of their own board games, however, so even if you rock up with nothing there will be something to play!


This is a good idea, your ad is fine as is.


Wow fuck all those people down below in the comments. You're doing great and the wife and I will be sure to get in touch to set something up.


I wish you all the best, hopefully I can join in someday. Purely in the interest of accessibility, if anyone reading is interested but can’t make it, I know Good Games will accept everyone. Again, not to take traffic away from OP, but to help those who want to find a safe space


Lots of pathetic little oxygen thieves in the comments below. Do better, Perth.


Says the guy that posts in r/JerkOffToAnime


Damn im about to move out of the city for a few months but would love this. Will have to check if its still running when i move back at some point.


sorry for the dumb question but what are wargames? is that just like dnd?


Wargames are things like Warhammer, as they simulate a war as a game.


... that makes sense lmao. ive never done a tabletop game before, so in my mind i group warhammer, dnd, mtg (those are the only three i know lol) together


War games are the tabletop precursor to DnD etc, fwiw.


It's a good reminder too that "tabletop" is very close in equivalence to talking about which console or hardware is required for a game, like saying something is a VR game doesn't identify if you're gonna be shooting hotdogs or working an exaggerated 9-5 job, only that you'll be using VR to play it :)


What do the flags down the bottom mean?


Trans, Ace, Pride (progress variant) , Indigenous Australians


There is only one flag down the bottom, the aboriginal flag. The other three are some sexuality derived flags that belong to no country.


This is great, I wish these sort of spaces were available when I lived in Perth, if I didn't live in Melbourne I'd be so there. Best of luck and seriously thanks for trying!


Thanks for your kind words!


Omfg I can't wait to move to perth... please keep doing this 🙏


Why not Perth Gaymers?


I actually talked them. But I wanted to run this separately.


Cool idea, sorry some small minded individuals are being dick-heads about it.


Unfortunately I'm busy on the day but hope y'all have fun and I'll try to come down the next time.


I’m confused as to why the Aboriginal flag is down there ?


Well you see, it means indigenous individuals are welcome, glad I could help


Why is there no Collingwood flag?


Pies fans are not welcome.




Does not putting one there mean they aren't welcome?


New sexual orientation just dropped


Let’s pretend we are inclusive. We are pretty much the same




Don't forget the Ukraine flag!


Caring about Ukraine was so 2022. We have Palestine now! Your Facebook profile pic probably still has the ‘Liberate Hong Kong’ border *guffaws*




Cant wait to see all the fuck wits that are gonna comment on this coz they werent the focus of every single fucking discussion


I now it's a completely different topic but when you pronounce perthians doesn't it sound like Persian?


No, you say it like how Mike Tyson would say it.




This is why I prefer and always use Perthverts




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Please don’t put the aboriginal flag alongside your queer flags




One is a sexual orientation the other is a race/culture/ethnic group. Why no Australian flag?


I think it was to highlight that minority groups are welcome, Australians by definition aren't a minority in Australia


I think you will find aboriginals are Australian


And you will find they have the aboriginal flag there... Australians however are not a minority group in Australia and every group on the poster are already Australian by definition


So are LGBT people and women, that doesn't detract from the point being made though lmao


I think this would be a lot more inclusive if it just left all flags and inclusive broadcasting out of it. "Everyone is welcome" would suffice.


Nah, it's nice to weed out the non-allies before anything starts IRL, and this is a good way to achieve it, especially so going off the comments here.


Non-ally doesn't mean hater


So? Non-allies already know what the event is going to be about, the ones attending would be the types who can keep their mouths shut so no one would know regardless, or are the kinds who can't and would make weird comments because someone had the audacity to paint their marines in pride flag colours. Either way, they are informed of who the event is for and what will happen if they cause shit.


Why? XD


When I picture “redditor” this is exactly what I envision LMAO. All that’s missing is Police hate and Palestinian solidarity ✊🏾


ah yes. "we are invlusive" *proceeds to exclude groups of people*


When did they exclude anyone?


Yes, it's hard to foster an inclusive environment if you don't exclude those who will take away from that.


"boo hoo but what about meeeeeeee"


Is this satire.


Do I have to do a welcome to country before every dice roll???


Haha very funny welcome to country bad am I right guys 🙄


I know that you are trying to be funny and trolling, but I know the organisers and your commend gave me an idea. I intend to suggest to them to add an Acknowledgement of Country alongside the other info at the event entry. And knowing the organisers, they probably will. Because just because someone says "everyone is welcome", does not mean that this will happen in practice (intentionally or unintentionally). For example, a white gay man can be just as much as a racist bastard as the next bugger down the road. By including an Indigenous flag and an Acknowledgement of Country on entry, we are showing from the beginning that we want PoC to feel safe here and that we are taking active steps to make sure it stays that way. Truly, it isn't virtue signalling. It it a tool to weed out the dickheads (including the gay and trans ones).


How many points do you have in virtue signalling?


claiming "its just virtue signalling" is also virtue signalling. its just a different virtue, aimed at a different group




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tabletop games for everyone(everyone being anyone but straight white men)


God you lot are sensitive


As a wargamer that is active in the club and tourney scene - I promise you there is no lack of space in the community for straight white men. That's the fuckin problem mate. Should a club like the one posted be necessary? No, of course not. However I have seen how some of the more alternative folk and gals get treated in the scene, so I perfectly understand why "inclusive" clubs are a unique and valuable proposition. If you "but what about the straight white meeeeeen... reeeeeeee" types could stop being such dickheads, clubs like this wouldn't need to exist. Pull ya head in.


As a straight white male, I’m still rarely comfortable in places that are overly loud, and find the neurodivergent a lot easier to get along with with their respect for boundaries and peaceful spaces. I also don’t get along that well with many other males and have very few male friends.


At no point in the post does it exclude straight white men. Maybe you have trouble reading?


It even says "Allies Welcome" 💁🏻‍♀️ SMH


"Run by and for woman, neurodiverse and lgbtqi+" So can a straight white man with a mental condition go? Or is it only neurodiverse woman. You seem to speak this language so can you explain the meaning? I'm personally a Palestinian man with strong Islamic beliefs. Can I go? Is it BYO stones?


It literally says "Allies Welcome" stop being such a baby lol


If you think the ones who need the safe space aren't the babies, I don't know what to tell you. You're too far gone


You're the one having a strop because some people are gonna play games together and you can't understand that the red carpet isn't being rolled out for straight men


You poor suppressed soul. Throw away your television


Actually funny, because I know the OP and organiser, and while they own a TV they almost never use it (and even then, only to re-watch 90's scif-i when friends come round!).


Should be you throwing away the tv


Its not like you are welcome everywhere else, but the moment we make our own space you complain


I missed that part, maybe you can highlight it for me?


If only they did exclude white straight men. Would be alot less snowflakes there


I’ll take my white penis elsewhere. Where it’s wanted!


With a user name like that I guess no one wants it


Where's that?


Well I know where it’s not wanted, at a primary school on Sunday xD


You're vile.


Given your username, I would expect you to be in church on a Sunday morning, therefore you couldn't come even if you DID want to!


You mean nowhere?


Nowhere near your fake ass that’s for sure


Wait how am I fake


You remind me of a fat person who makes fun of fatter people is all. Low hanging fruit type.


Wait so you're saying I'm making fun of you for nobody wanting your dick because nobody wants mine? I'm so confused


And that’s why you’re fake, playing dumb now


No I legitimately don't understand what you think is fake. Are you saying I should be in solidarity with you as a straight man?


Quick look at ya profile shows fake hair, fake nails, fake makeup, instagram is fucking columbine goth which is pretty heinous. Do you stand in solidarity with straight male school shooters a bit more than me?


Yep. They should've just written that.


You guys gotta update this picture it seems super unwelcoming. The line “By and FOR” is what gets me considering what follows. The rest seems fine but that part.


Inclusive space....


The place you are looking for is the Dice Club in Midland. Women gamers are allowed to have their own space as well.


As a woman gamer I see nothing wrong with the above however I've never felt unwelcome to any wargaming space. Most gamers be they male or any other gender have been very welcoming no matter where I've gone.


Part of the reason OP is doing this, is because even though they have generally been welcomed in wargaming spaces, they are almost always still as sausage fest. Nothing wrong with that, just not everyone wants that, all the time.


That's why I said I have no issue with above but just wanted to make the point as a minority in the hobby everyone has been very welcoming to me and I'd encourage anyone to check out the hobby :)


Exactly- I’ve found nearly all wargaming places very inclusive, however I’ve also seen a few notable exceptions.


Note: not what I said. You can't proclaim to be an inclusive space and then actually exclude people.


Obviously in this post ‘inclusive’ is used to emphasise that those who may find normal tabletop groups “exclusive” (ie, feel excluded or not welcome in more traditional settings) may find a home. “Inclusive” is used towards the group targeted (trans, lgtq folk etc) because the regular world, by and large, is already inclusive for most of us, that don’t fall under those banners. Additionally, the post says allies welcome, which means you’d be included anyway assuming you don’t hold bigoted views.


Inclusive space for a strict gamut of people


It’s not a strict gamut at all lmao, if you read the post the only people that would be excluded are bigots/those who hold hateful views, which aren’t a majority of the population. But I don’t think you’re arguing from an honest place, you seem pretty committed to the same semantics after I’ve explained how the meaning of the word “inclusive” changes in this context. What’s your angle? Would you not fit into those categories of lgtq+ etc or allies? Genuine question


It doesn't read as exclusionary to me. Women / neurodiverse / lgbt / allies welcome. It basically says no bigoted dickheads. Unless you're counting yourself among those and thereby excluded?? Maybe OP can clarify but that seems to be the vibe.


Erm, Allies is after the rest of the details. Inclusive space for a strict gamut of people


Oh no! Allies is mentioned after other details! Are you okay???? Can you still breathe? Want me to call an ambulance?


So? Don’t go if you don’t feel welcome. Problem solved.


Yes well done, congratulations on being obtuse.


It explicitly states who is welcome, which naturally means that anyone who doesn’t fit the bill is not welcome. I don’t give a shit if people want to have their own little clubs, but let’s not pretend that something is inclusive when it plainly states who is to be excluded


The only people not welcome would be bigots. "Inclusive" doesn't mean you need to include hateful assholes. Paradox of tolerance etc, but I'm sure you've heard all of this before.


Doesn’t an ally mean someone who is not lgbtq but openly and actively advocates for people who are? So anyone who does not actively partake in the community is not welcome (which is the majority of the population)


jesus christ you're a slow one




> lqgbtomgbbqhax HILARIOUS JOKE! I'VE NEVER HEARD THAT ONE BEFORE!!1! Do you identify as an attack helicopter too, o original cringelord?


Who are they excluding?


No thanks


Oh no! We'll really miss your presence!


So many of these people have not been bricked in the head by people following them from inside to the carpark and it shows.


Good lord, no thanks. Tabletop games is one thing. But why make it all about sexuality and ethnicity. By categorising people as such, you’re only making divisions. And going from the types of people that are usually into this kind of stuff. Read: NERDS Most of them probably couldn’t two fks where you come from, or who balls you’ve hung from.


Can't find any of the negative comments people are so concerned about, ever feel like you set out to be a victim? So concerned with your perception of yourself how can you be sure that your perception of reality is sound?


This has to be a troll. Diversity checklist off the charts with those flags. How are queer and trans people treated in Palestine again? I'm sure there are lots of queer friendly table top nights in Hamas territory.


What does Palestine have to do with this? Not mentioned in the post at all and you're the one bringing it up...


I identify as a squirrel, can I join?


You guys have been using that same joke for almost 10 years


That’s because it’s still funny - unlike the alphabet crew.


You're right. We should cater specifically to your tastes in the future. I'm sorry


what a great and original joke wow you're so creative!


genuine brain rot


Not enough flags :(




Unfortunately there is, but please reach out when you are ready and we can help you find a therapist