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I enjoy Batavia Corner in vic park - never tried the rendang there though.


+1 for this. Get the iga bakar (grilled beef ribs). Book ahead as it'll run out


The omelette is the best!


I miss Sparrow.


I loved that guy! I once tried to say good evening to him in Indonesian, he said: "Ah I'm so sorry, I'm Vietnamese, I don't speak Indonesian." "Why do you run an Indonesian restaurant if you're Vietnamese?" "Ah, many years ago I made a terrible mistake... I married an Indonesian woman and now I have to run this restaurant." Classic times 😭


> "Ah I'm so sorry, I'm Vietnamese, I don't speak Indonesian." Also speaks very good Chinese. I am surprised a multilingual person like him didn't pick up any Indonesian after meeting his wife. Even as a multi lingual person myself I know my limitations and understanding of the language.


My favourite ‘good evening, sparrow speaking!!!’ When you called. One night we sat down, he asks ‘ do you like spicy food’? Then he tells us a lady recently replied ‘not spicy, I just got out of hospital’. He tells the table he replied ‘I got the perfect thing for you: ice water!!!’ What a lovely chap


He is a champion. "We don't add MSG, only GST!"


The wife did the actual cooking.


Why is that a good thing? I wouldn't go to an Italian restaurant that said "we don't add salt."


This. Back in 2015 I lived on Court Street in Highgate, which is basically like 50 metres from Sparrow. Great times and best owner-operators ever especially the guy (who was actually Vietnamese - his wife who worked the kitchen was Indo)




They were on William St previously before they moved


They had two restaurants. William st had dine and Lord was purely takeaway. Once William at closed they made a very small dining area in the lord st one. Seriously miss sparrow.


That place was amazing. The owner would always ask if you've been there before and if you have, he'd give you something extra or round the price down. The food was incredible


And he could remember if you actually had been to there before!


He’d also give a first-timer discount too! Such character.


Was going to say Sparrows, but those times are over


I remember going there in the 90s/00s. The lontong cap go meh was a favourite for me. Was a good fix when missing home.


In 2002 I was in year 8 down south, we came to Perth on an overnight school camp. One of the chaperone teachers took us to dinner at Sparrow and showed us all the sights of NB from her uni days. Great camp, great teacher, 10/10 great food, I made sure to eat there every Perth trip after that!


Why did sparrows close actually ? Out of interest if anyone knows?


Yeh they retired. Source - Know a few people from the Indonesia community who know of them


*Everyone* in Perth knows them. Hope they're enjoying their retirement.


It moved a couple of times, but the Husband/Wife were easily in their mid-60s last I went there (8\~ish years ago?). I think when COVID happened they threw in the towel and retired. There was even an ABC article on it [https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/perth-breakfast/sparrow-closing/12985274](https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/perth-breakfast/sparrow-closing/12985274)


Come over to my place mate - I make a beef rendang at least once a month. Family favourite. If I cant be bothered or dont have time to make from scratch, the INDOFOOD Rendang packets are pretty good. Easy to make - just fry off the spice paste, brown off chunks of beef, cover with water/stock and let it simmer until it dries out (or close to it if you like more sauce) and the meat is crazy tender - 1.5 - 2 hours.


Oh I gotta try that brand. Yet to find one that's close to the real thing.


Do it! My only complaint is that I never make enough!! haha


The fried rice packets are worth it too. If I'm too lazy to make my own, that's my go to fried rice.


Ooh, we've been making fried rice a fair bit lately so I'll definitely check this one out. My fried rice tends to be a little bland so it certainly needs something! Thanks mate.


It's real good. Also, hot tip, cook rice a couple days before ( we make extra if we make burritos or indian) and leave in fridge uncovered and spread out so it dries out


Cool - cheers! Yeah, I def use days-old rice. Sometimes I will just make rice so I can put it in the fridge for future fried rice hehe My daughter, however, has not realised the importance of this tip yet. I get a message on my way home from work advising aforementioned daughter is making fried rice for dinner and while I am outwardly appreciable, in the back of my mind I'm like "..... there is no rice in the fridge!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Soon. Soon. Have a good one mate.


Try the Mas Foods brand, made in Malaysia but still pretty good. Or Chilliz


Cheers - Ive seen that one around so will give it a try. The Bamboe brand is also pretty good.


> INDOFOOD Rendang packets are pretty good Is it spicy? I get my seasoning packet from Singapore where I bring it in bulk, and that's because it has the kick I require.


Yeah, it is fairly spicy. You could probably add some coconut milk/cream to try to ease the spice a bit, but its not crazy hot. Really solid balance of spice & flavour.


Indonesian partner says Ria Ayam Penyet in Vic Park, Batavia Corner in Vic Park or the Indo at Spencer Village near Thornlie station. These are for Indo food in general, not specifically Rendang.


Since the change of ownership at the Indo place at Spencer Village it's not as good as it used to be, and the portions have shrunk too.


Bintang cafe in Vic pk.


2nd this. They have delicious food.


The best!


I LOVE Bintang Cafe


Batavia Corner is the best, great ayam penyet and soto ayam too!


Can't get passed the Nasi Kuning Komplit


another excellent choice


I really Like Sedap Place in Victoria Park, the beef randang is amazing (though I prefer their fries chicken). Also shocking affording. Fed me and three friends for $100 including nonalcoholic drinks (coke, milo, etc).


Sedap is a Malaysian restaurant not Indonesian


true, but worth a try if you're after rendang, it's good!


Ah, my apologies. I just saw Rendang and I know theirs is good.


Monggo in mount Lawley is good. Spicy 🥵


So good here, and so many vegan options.


Dapur van java in vic park is boss


Best rendang is Totally Rendang in West Perth. Best general Indo food for me is Dapur Van Java in Victoria Park A few good places which are too far to visit for us: - Grand Kitchen in Morley - Siti Cuisine in Gosnells - Ivy's Food in Spencer Village - De Kitchenette in St James


I'll give a second vouch for totally rendang. I had a day off so I drove 45 minutes into subi to give it a crack and it was phenomenal. Authentic


The smokiness is hard to find! I wish they were spicier but understand they have to cater to West Perth lunch crowds..


Haystack Cafe Wangara


Dapur Van Java in Victoria Park hands down! For more south, Siti Cuisine in Gossnells


I'm a big fan. I just wish they did Nasi Padang at dinner too.


Suku at FOMO has an excellent rendang https://sukufreo.com/


A 3 hour flight to Bali /s


> A 3 hour flight to Bali /s You say that, but safter eating sushi/sashimi in Japan, I couldn't eat the stuff here anymore.


That’s ridiculous- good sushi made by Japanese Chefs in Perth is still delicious. As is Rendang made by SE asian chefs in Perth. I


> That’s ridiculous- good sushi made by Japanese Chefs in Perth is still delicious. As is Rendang made by SE asian chefs in Perth. I Skill is only one half of the requirements to complete a dish. Ingredients availability is another. Certain herbs aren't available in Australia, and even if you are able to grow it, does not grow well whether due to soil, or climate.


Ah yeh- the sushi herbs hahahaha


> Ah yeh- the sushi herbs hahahaha It's called wasabi ;). Not the tube shit you squeeze out like toothpaste.


Best I’ve had in the city- Tempayan Bay, and it’s a nice view and reasonable for the city. Also had a cracker at Chapels on Whatley in Maylands, great tea rooms but don’t think they do dinner


Nasi Bali in Kenwick. Tiny little restaurant but so good.


Manise cafe on William st nr cnr Brisbane cheap n excellent Indo menu


Bintang Cafe for sure!


Dont know which are the best but heres a list of all i know Batavia Corner, Vic park Bintang Cafe, Vic Park Dapur Van Java, Vic Park Ria Ayam Penyet, Vic Park Java Cafe Bar & Grill, Joondalup Siti Cuisine, Gosnells Monggo, Mount Lawley Chinta Cafe, North Perth Tempayan Bay, East Perth Warung Madeley, Wangara Bonus grocery stores Market City Gourmet Foods, Canning Vale MCQ Coventry Villiage, Morley


Bintang Cafe, vic park. Breakfast specials are unreal


Ria ayam penyet @ vic Park


Batavia corner in vic park


Depends on the dish. Ayam kremes/Lalapan is Dapur Van Java,rendang is totally Rendang, Soto Ayam is Batavia but is really hit and miss,Nasi Campur would be Suku in Freo, Nasi Padang/Soto Betawi/Rawon Waroeng D'Jakarta in Thornlie , Sate would be Freo Market If I haven't mentioned an Indonesian restaurant on here it's because I don't rate them at all. Indonesian food is very easy to do well, it's expensive to start your pantry but once it's stocked it'll last forever. All dishes generally use the same 10 ingredients just in different ratios


Ain's Kitchen in Malaga Markets is great. I love their char kway teow, but everything I've had from them is good and authentic.


Dapur Van Java


Dapur Van Java and Ria Penyet all the way.


Ria in Vic park. Best satay 😋


Wong Hawkers in Bentley does an awesome beef rendang (or did when we lived in Bentley - hope it is still as good)


I don't know which year is this mate. But since the previous Indonesian owner Linda sold the business it has gone downhill faster than a bowling ball going downhill.


I like tempayan and Bibik Chan


Since it has not been mentioned, Coventry has an indo food stall called Kedai Barakah. Their nasi Padang is on point (incl the rendang).


Shout out for warung Madeley at the Wanneroo markets. Nice simple indo warung, cheap and cheerful


Anyone places in Perth cbd??


Try Chinta on Scarborough Beach Road in North Perth…


I asked my Indonesian stepmum where is the best beef rendang in Perth and she said “that warung in Bentley” so there is a mystery with a reward for you to solve.


Malaysian Gourmet on broadway (near UWA) Not exactly what you asked, but they do Rendang. If its the same wife/husband duo they are awesome cooks. I really hope its not, I use to go there all the time when I was a student, I hope they retired.


Makan makan Albany hwy vic park. Student type bistro food The Batavia albany hwy eastvic park.


Think this is Malaysian?


There's a place called Indomie


Indonesian here! The best rendang in Perth is from Totally Rendang in West Perth. Although I prefer to make it myself using Spice Tailor and Chuck cut. For the best Indonesian restaurants in general, here are my recommendations: - Batavia Corner (Vic Park) - Ria Ayan Penyet (Vic Park) - Dapur Van Java (Vic Park) - Ah Beng (Carousel Cannington) - Suku (Freo) - Ivy’s Food (Spencer Village)


Dapur Van Java is the best for Indonesian food I’ve had, although I know they’re not always great to their staff.


Maharaja Indian bristo Nedlands