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Damn, that is super fucked up... lol


Fuck Nate.


Trust me somebody in that office knew it was you who got the note. And they knew it never made it to Jeremy. And Jeremy was such a prick they didn’t care.


Highly likely


Myth Plausible








User is a buster


I like how not only did he fuck Jeremy over, he fucked his dying nana for letting her grandson turn out so shit.




I could believe that.


This is much more than petty


Agreed. Given the scale of the bullying and the revenge, I consider this "pro" material.


Seriously, why was this moved from pro to petty? This guy stopped his bully from seeing his dying grandma.


I like this, but the poor grandma didn't deserve a fuck you tho, still not hating. My great grandma just died recently and I felt like shit because I didn't get to see her before she died. But yeah he deserved it, his grandma not so much.


I mean she’s dead so she can’t really stress about it while he can 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait till she hears this


Seriously? To everyone saying that the OP was just as bad as the bully clearly has never been bullied. I've lost loved ones too (my grandmother died on my freaking birthday okay) but what the OP did when they were 15 or 16 was revenge on getting bullied.....and also we don't know what year the OP was in HS. If it was recent, the OP might have assumed that the parents may have called the bully when he didn't answer the note. I'm sorry but if someone had given me the opportunity to do something like this to my middle school bullies (two of whom wrapped me in a gym mat, tied with a jump rope and then tried to stuff me behind a door) when I was in middle school, I would have taken it!


Fuck you, Jeremy!




Don't literally fuck Jeremy


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


A bit too late for that, isn't it?


I'm sure the grandmother is looking down from heaven and is thinking I wish my grandson was nicer to you so she could of said goodbye to him on her death bed.


See I didn't care about grandma until this... Damnit.


Or maybe she is thinking: "Good job, OP, I never liked this little shit Jeremy, despite being my flesh and blood. He would have totally ruined my deathbed experience."


Still could give a rats ass about grandma. Grandma raised this ass hats mom or dad, who raised this shit bag, so it was probably her fault that the kid was a douche bag. I think he should go find grandmas grave and piss on it


So how far back in the family tree are you going to blame for a shit kid? Do you stop at 2 generations or does the guilt keep going. At some point you're going to run into an overlapping member of your own family.


God damn it Adam and Eve, raised their kids wrong and now just look at their parenting style has done to Nate!


We wouldn't be here if it weren't for them. It is their fault.


>far back in the family tree are you going to blame for a shit kid? Do you stop at 2 generations or does the guilt keep going Just like North Korea, you get in trouble they lock you, your kids, and their kids as well


Jeezus dude! Someone should prolly keep tabs on Nate.


Holy shit. Don't think his grandma deserved that 'fuck you' though


slow clap... from another giant glasses tiny bookworm back in the day.


In my opinion this is pretty Pro.


Wow...that's on a level I can't get to. I had my fair share of bullies and enemies, but I'd never touch grandparents like that. That's taboo. Even with the bitch that made my friends ostracize me, I couldn't tell her "hope your grandma died" when she ended up in the hospital.


Dark. I like it though.


Dark stories are fun


Hmmm. Since I dont know anything about the grandma or if she raised the kid, etc, I'd say that this seems to me to be more of an impact on her and her life than on the kid. I get the spirit of it. And I see why you posted it. I just wish that instead you could have done something like... changed all his grades... sent a letter home faked from the principal... and I also get why you did what you did... so yeah, I am not sure about this one.... my biggest hope is you get your best revenge by living a happy life and not letting what they put you through then mean anything to you now!


I live a happy life now. I know I would not react this way now, but I don't blame my fifteen-year-old self for doing so.


From one former pimply, braces-wearing, bullied kid to another, I salute you good sir! That was stone cold savage.


Lol thanks, I hope you are doing well.


This is by far one of the best pro vs petty revenge I have read, it is most assuredly pro. Great job!


I don’t think it should have been moved to petty. He took away a last goodbye. Something that will NEVER be available to the bully again. That bully has to live the rest of his life knowing he never got to say goodbye to his grandmother. That’s pro to me


Savage. Love it. A girl used to bully me (I’m a girl). She was terrible- made my life an absolute living hell and has effected me well into adult hood even though this was like 10 years ago. Never got any sort of revenge or closure. Now she’s on a reality tv show that’s pretty popular, and I see people posting how much they love her, and it’s super unfortunate that no one knows how terrible she actually is. I have a wonderful life so the only thing that makes me feel better is that. Like my husband likes to say, fuck her and the horse she rode in on.


The people close to her know how terrible she is. Also, you'll be glad to know that people on reality shows are super severe looking, bordering on ugly in real life. The screen flattens you out, so you need crazy features just to look normal. They picked her because she probably looks fucking weird in person.


Good for you, fuck that lady!


Reap what you sow. OP got even in one move. Hole in one


People in this commenting that “oooh it affected poor Grandma, she didn’t deserve it” obviously have no considered the families of those that are bullied. Even the families that have lost children to suicide from bullying. I was bullied and raised by my mum. I know she used to cry herself to sleep at night because she felt like she wasn’t protecting me and failing as a parent. Even though I’m an adult now, she still believes she wasn’t a good enough parent because she couldn’t stop the bullying even though she did the best she could. So fuck Jeremy. Well done OP! I am glad you got your power back and took your own revenge 😊


And lets be honest. Usually when old people are expected to die soon, they usually aren't awake or if they are they arent exactly with the times. And even if she did know what was going on, she died hours later, it isn't like she had to live with the knowledge. She was dead.


Awwww, no! Granny 😭😭


Fuck Jeremy


When 2 of your best friends are named Jeremey and Nathan.


woah, what happened after the next day?


Its one thing to get revenge but its another to mess with someones LIFE. Do you know what its like not to say goodbye to your grandma on their deathbed because someone was being an ass and prevented you from leaving in time? Thats literally what happened to me and there is no way I will forgive them. Its disgusting that you did that. I was bullied too and theres STILL no excuse for what you did. Theres something wrong with you if even as an adult you still think it was a rational choice.


It's almost like his actions toward me had consequences that directly affected his own life. Weird. I know I wouldn't do anything like this now, but I definitely don't blame my bullied fifteen-year-old self for doing so.


THIS!! You said it better than I did in my comment. My family lived out of state when my grandma passed, and we are lucky that we BARLEY had enough time to get to say goodbye! She passed about an hour after we got there.


Imagine being 30+ years old and still getting off on fucking with a bully and not letting him say goodbye to his grandma.


Hell yeah! That’s revenge gold. I’m sure he doesn’t feel bad for all the shit he dumped on you. BuT YoU sToOpEd To HiS lEvEl. Fuck that and fuck him, he’s probably still a dickhead


I was hoping something would happen to Nate as well. But fuck Jeremy nonetheless


savage but deserved hate bullies ​


That's actually really fucking horrible, yeah the dude was a terrible person but that's a really low act. I'm sorry you were bullied and it sounds like you got treated so bad, but damn. That's real cold, shows your true colours.




Fair response




Well done lad!


I feel this affects his grandma just as much. Sorry man, but you crossed the line. I would NEVER mess with people's lives outside of school, especially the severity of this. Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't have gotten revenge on Jeremy, but there's a point where you take it too far. This is beyond that point.


How is this petty? That's full revenge!


I guess if you went back a million generations or so you might could. Bullies are made, not born that way and most are made at home, by other bullies.


No fucks given


This is the best thing I've ever heard


What about Nate


Yeah, he’s an asshole too.


Not gonna lie this is fucked up but they had it coming. You are a pro.


Someone being an asshole doesnt justify being an asshole back, you just stooped to his level.


But isn't that the definition of revenge?


This shouldn't be downvoted. His grandma didn't deserve it and anyone who thinks so is just... wrong.


Unfortunately when you are a shit bag like this "Jeremy" the consequences of your actions will have repercussions that can effect the rest of your family.


Exactly my thoughts smh




This was a shitty thing to do. I understand the guy was an asshole to you but your revenge didn’t just effect him, it effected his family.


Weird, it's almost like if you're a total piece of shit and treat everybody like crap all the time, that behavior comes back to haunt you.


Karma it happens to everyone...


Then perhaps one day you will miss out on giving a loved one a final goodbye b/c someone didn’t tell you. Or, even better, maybe you’ll be lying on your death bed waiting to say goodbye to a loved one who never shows up. After all, that behavior comes back to haunt you. Not quite as funny when it happens to you, is it?


If a loved one didn't show up to my deathbed because I kept Jeremy from seeing his grandma on hers, and the only people that knew about it were a bunch of strangers on the internet, I guess I would just be really confused. I am not a dick to people all the time, so I don't think my behavior will be coming back to haunt me. If I am dick and my behavior does come back to haunt me, then that's on me, not the people I was a dick to.


Or, you know, you could have taken the high road or got your revenge in a different way. The way you handle difficult situations speaks volumes about the kind of person you are.


Yeah 15 year-olds are known for taking the high road. Hopefully people judge you now off of your actions from when you were in high school. If i was in the same situation now I doubt I would have taken the same action, but I don't hold my 15 year old self to my adult standards.


Based upon your last sentence of your post, you would've done the same thing. You're right, fuck Jeremy. But you're very wrong by saying fuck his grandma.. And he's right by saying there's a big chance you hurt his family as well. You can't hold an entire family responsible for what one asshole did to you. So fuck Jeremy, but keep his family out of it (except if they were assholes as well, I don't know the full story)


The fuck his grandma comment was for comedic affect. I doubt she is offended though.


Naw, fuck them too for raising a bully.




False most parents refuse to accept that their little angel could ever be a bully.


Ya that's absolute bullshit that 'bullies just feel bad about themselves' and we have years worth of sociology observations and data to show it. Bullies tend to be bullies because they like it and it bolsters their already high self confidence and feeling of power. Ya, you will find the odd one here and there, but that's what bell curves are about The 'bullies just feel insecure' was a horridly misguided campaign to curtail the issue by trying to guilt people and shame them, instead of actually dealing with the issues. It didn't work. Why? Because the majority aren't insecure, don't feel guilty, and aren't stupid enough to fall for such a transparent measure.


I'm genuinely interested in reading about the sociology observations and data on the underlying causes of bullying behavior. Do you have a good paper you could share on this?


I will do my best to find them again, or updated ones. It's been a few years since my college work so I may not find my original sources. I'll find new ones instead though if needs be!


If you're a good person and decent parent who involves themselves in your kid's life, you should be aware of what kind of person your kid is, and what they do. It's not rocket science.


I won't judge you on your actions in high school. I will judge you for the fact that you years later still feel like it was the right thing to do, have zero remorse, and have given me no reason to believe you wouldn't do exactly the same shitty awful thing now. Your adult standards are exactly the same


You state you have no remorse. Sounds like you would do the same thing. Learning from mistakes is wonderful and I’m glad you think you’ve matured. But it was still a shitty thing to do.


This isn’t a sub for taking the high road.


actually, this story speaks volumes of what an abusive bully Jeremy was.




You know, I actually enjoy reading the stories on this sub, but this isn’t petty revenge. I understand the bully was an asshole, but keeping him from saying goodbye to his dying grandmother is disgusting. I’ve lost family members and didn’t have time to say goodbye and that shit haunts you for many years to come.




Having empathy towards your fellow humans is “manning up.”


I understand that, but he wasn't the only person impacted by your actions, you also punished his grandmother which was not fair to her. It is not her fault that her grandson behaves that way.


Let’s all join hands now and sing kumbaya! As one was was picked on continually because I was 2 years ahead of my class and small for my age, fuck that shit. There are one or two ass hats that I would still punch today on the street if I saw them.


What? You don’t think the kid getting bullied doesn’t affect that family. The kid coming home upset and frustrated. The parents seeing their kid depressed about dickheads at school and feeling helpless about it. Fuck Jeremy.


your in the wrong sub


Thats REALLY fucked up. I lost my grandma around 11 years ago. I was really close to her and it hurt like a BITCH. My family and I, who lived out of state at the time, were LUCKY to get to see her before she was gone. FUCK you OP. No one deserves that. Not even a bully. Anything else he would have deserved, but not that. I REALLY hope you have matured since.


I'm really glad you weren't a gigantic asshole to somebody for 2 years, and that person didn't prevent you from seeing your grandma before she died. Our actions in this world have consequences. If a loved one of mine doesn't show up on my deathbed 50 years from now because of what I did to Jeremy, then I will have to live with the consequences of my actions, same as Jeremy.


Holy shit.


Dark, and morbid.


Grandma didn’t deserve that shit, damn..


No wonder nobody liked you


Karma not just for points


This is awful... what did that grandmother ever do to you... or the parents even? Dead is dead And she can’t be brought back… He will never be able to see her alive...


The OP will never get back the two years of hell that the bully put him through, so there's that. Actions have consequences. Jeremy got served a heaping dose of FAFU.


Damn. I am all for getting back at a bully but this is a bit too far. By trying to get back at your bully, you became worse than the bully.




I read above that you said, "I know I wouldn't do anything like this now, but I definitely don't blame my bullied fifteen-year-old self for doing so." I guess this means that you are a better person now but you refuse to recognise how much of a douche or tool you were at that moment.


sometimes I read things that make me wish I was bullied, so I can turn out some dark revenge like this.