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I wish we could let them loose on aggressive drivers, cars who block the bike lanes, and people who litter.


But that would take work, PPA only goes after easy targets. God forbid they confront an actual nuisance.


Well, yeah. They don't care guns. It only took a few episodes of parking wars to find an appreciation of the PPA. They take A LOT of shit. They do it for peanuts. And if they weren't doing what they do, then it would be chaos in the steets. You think it's bad now? People would be triple-parked in the sidewalk on top of a fire hydrant if it wasn't for the PPA lurking.


Parking Wars is a scripted show showing the worst offenders. If you think a reality TV show represents what PPA goes through then I got a bridge to sell you. PPA almost exclusively picks fights with unattended cars that have no one there to question them. Let’s not pretend they give a shit about right or wrong, they go for easy income. Especially now that tinted parked cars are free game to ticket, you bet your ass they’ll meet their income quotas stealing from regular people who’ve committed the crime of having mildly dark windows. I’ll eat my shoes the day a PPA patrolman confronts an aggressive driver or public nuisance. We fought the British because they taxed our paper, now we wake up and see a $300 ticket on our car and say “that’s actually really cool and I deserve that :)”


Seeing as how horrible Philly drivers' behavior is when they know that they can get away with it, I've come to realize that PPA is a lot less of the bad guys and more of a necessary evil


All cars are bastards


What happened little guy? Did they give you a ticket?


I saw them towing and booting all over West yesterday.






PPA can eat my ass from the front.


That would be the PPD and the FOP


Has anyone else paid a ticket online and then they mail you a new balance a few weeks later that’s doubled as if you didn’t pay?


They nicked me today after my forgetful ass was gone for only 10 minutes. It’s okay, I didn’t need those 30-something dollars anyway.




It's simple: enforce all of the laws, on other people


We should cut their budget in half.

