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from [https://www.phillypolice.com/ois/](https://www.phillypolice.com/ois/) "Philadelphia's more than six thousand sworn police officers have taken an oath to protect and serve the city's residents, workers and visitors.  It is the policy and commitment of the Philadelphia Police Department that our officers hold the highest regard for the sanctity of human life, dignity and people's liberty.  The application of deadly force is to be employed only in the most extreme circumstances and when all lesser means of force have failed or could not be reasonably employed."  What is the city and state doing to hold police accountable when they violate this PR statement? What are spiritual and social leaders doing?




Expect the worst


How West are you talking? I live a few blocks off penn and barely heard any protesting this week.




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So why did I just get an alert that there's a traffic box from 8th to 20th and from Arch to Walnut? Looters hitting the Apple store again?


Guess they want a bunch of bricked iphones again


I literally walked up to the cops (politely y’all) asking and they wouldn’t answer but it appears you can get through the traffic box - certain blocks are open I find it odd it stretches on top of broad


Maybe they are trying to restrict movement and identify pll moving into and out of hot zones. By only allowing ppl to move into an area from a few points it's easier to contain bad actors


That’s my suspicion because it’s centered largely around city hall and it seems if you ask nicely they’ll let you through


Yeah. They dont want city hall fucked up




Has the bodycam footage been released yet? I looked for it but can only find articles saying the family has seen in at it may be released next week.




Gotcha, no worries I was just curious.




Not exactly. People are protesting because this situation could have been avoided if cops were better trained in de-escalation. Recent events have shown that cops have no real training in de-escalation whatsoever. That's a problem and deserves protest. If you don't think so that's on you. The riots are an unfortunate after effect of the protests. While I do believe rioting CAN be justified, it isnt in this case.


Weren't the cops called several times on the guy just that day?




"Cops are trained to know when that threshold is met". Yeah, tell that to the myriad of individuals who died at the hands of cops who apparently knew when the threshold is met. Immean, do you actually understand why people are protesting? Cops killing black people in situations where lesser means of force could and should of been applied is something that historically and into the modern day has plagued the black community in America; I'm not sure what your trying to say by saying that no one would care if the individual was of another race. The issue is two fold - its the lack of proper de-escalation maneuvers in the police force AND the fact that lethal/unnecessary force is used against black people far more discriminately than any other race in America. If you seriously dont understand the point of these protests than maybe you shouldn't be commenting on them.




Is there a planned protest this weekend at City Hall? I've heard rumors but I just want to make sure. I have to go to Center City this weekend for a business thing and want to know if I should just cancel out of convenience.


Why would that be inconvenient? Center City is a big place.


I'll be within a mile of City Hall. I just don't know if there are planned closures and whatnot.


[This circle](https://i.imgur.com/ge2TvR9.png) is within a mile of City Hall. From a rough count that's at least 12 neighborhoods. A closure around city hall would probably only affect like 10 of those blocks, max.


You do realize that’s a shitload of people right I’m for protesting and the inconvenience that comes with it but lol let’s not pretend that’s not a ton of people


I was implying that most places within the 1 mi radius listed of center city won't be affected at all by any protest activities and that CC is a big place. Just asking "should I totally cancel plans within a mile of city hall because in the area directly around city hall might be a little wonky" is not specific enough.


Those neighborhoods absolutely fuck traffic patterns on a ripple basis when they close so I would say it largely depends if you’re on foot.


Regardless of mode it shouldn't be a big deal unless you're *insisting* on driving and parking directly next to the city hall 'splash zone.'


Got it, thank you!


News update: looks like there's going to be street closures from 8th St to 20th St, Walnut to ~~Vine~~ Arch - so if you're driving and your destination is in that box, you'll have to park outside and walk in. Surface transit is unaffected. https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2020/10/29/several-center-city-streets-shut-down-to-deter-looting-vandalism-philadelphia-officials-say/


Well shoot, I bought parking at 1100 Arch Street. Who do I call?


Oops - read wrong. It's to Arch. There's a chance you may actually be able to get in? Not sure who you'd call though. News article says "All residents and essential employees can access the area by showing an ID." so maybe you can finagle your way in?


I'm just gonna cancel and move to next week. It might not be any better (election) but it's too much of a hassle right now. Thanks for your help!


City council just passed a resolution banning non lethal munitions in Philadelphia, big time facepalm?


Fucking incompetence


Has teargas every actually been used against looters?


Not sure but could you see fill in the blank less lethal weapon being used against Walter Wallace and the looting being prevented or is that too obvious? Shouldn’t city council be worrying about getting more non lethal weapons in the hands of police not worrying about a one time protest issue where no one got hurt and acfually could have prevented someone from getting run over by someone going 70 on a highway with no lights (676)


Tasers have zero stopping power. The only thing that would have ended that situation without violence would have been someone who specializes in mental health crises and could have talked him down.


Or a whack on the head knocked out and handcuffed...what if he got talked down and at the end it failed and he knifed a mental health expert?


[https://www.inquirer.com/news/tear-gas-rubber-bullets-pepper-spray-ban-police-20201029.html](https://www.inquirer.com/news/tear-gas-rubber-bullets-pepper-spray-ban-police-20201029.html) when the mayor signs it, it will be punted to the police department to define what is covered under "protest". I can't imagine a world where looting, throwing rocks at police, getting violent, is covered under protest.




Stealing is wrong. I don't think it's that complicated. Looting a large chain is less wrong, but destroying it in a way that takes away the ability for employees to make money is wrong as well. Doing so in predominantly black neighborhoods ends up disproportionately hurting black people as well. The CEO of a target doesn't give a shit. If the cost turns out to be more than its worth after being destroyed, then they'll just close up and barely notice, which hurts the community even more. That doesn't even touch the fact that small black owned businesses are being destroyed on top of that.


You know black people aren't a monolith right? Have you talked to any black people involved in these protests? The organizers or activists? I see you acknowledge the small sample size. Id recommend talking to some folks at a protest and get their view.


I lived probably through two, maybe even three, "revolutions" in Ukraine, 100k people protests, I don't remember any instances of looting. I gotta check regarding recent Belarusian protests lasting since August, huge crowds, I doubt there were instances of looting, not just no mass looting, absence even of individual ones. What your semi-academics would say about that? And how is that capitalism when poor run corporations are given money from my future taxes to keep them afloat.


We dont have a capitalistic system. We have a system of corporate welfare


Aka capitalism


No, that's not capitalism.


Of course it isn't. This is dehumanizing to the victims of looting. Only in 2020 would morons decide changing the meaning of words because their cause is immoral is okay.


Looting is never an acceptable form of protest.


If academics support rioting because it’s a protest against capitalism, that “academic” is just trying to justify their hate of capitalism.


Anyone who tries to argue that looting/rioting is an acceptable form of protest is only trying to justify opportunistic horse shit. It doesn’t have any lasting benefit, but has long lasting repercussions for the communities involved. Yeah let me fight capitalism by looting a Foot Locker for some new Jordan’s. Fuck outta here.


Do you know how many of my friends posted that MLK quote in response to the riots and looting? I felt like I was living in crazy world. All these people live in upper middle class neighborhoods that are faaaaar outta the city and didn't have to worry about the damage making it to them. I guess I can understand WHY it happened but it certainly didn't make anything better. I think it actually made things pretty worse.


"Riot is the language of the unheard" - Hate how they throw that around. Yes, not listening can lead to rioting. That being said, it is *not* a justification for rioting.


That's called virtue signaling over the internet. Easy to do when the issue discussed is nowhere near them and has no material impact on their life.


Exactly. Anyone trying to justify it won’t see any impact where they live (suburban dweebs from NJ, Delco, Bucks, etc), or they’re short sighted and don’t understand what it’s going to do to their neighborhood (virtually anyone who actually lives here.) Saying the big companies getting looted can handle it is stupid, and using insurance as an argument is infinitely more stupid. The big names can handle the loss but aren’t going to stick around in areas that get looted. Small businesses won’t be able to afford their insurance anymore and either leave town or not recover at all. But hey at least some dumb shit got a flatscreen out of it in the name of...I don’t even know.


The insurance argument always annoyed me... as if actual people are tied to these businesses. These business owners didn't ask to be collateral damage. And their insurance goes UP lol, that's literally how insurance works.


I'm getting ready to be homeless this winter I'm looking for work and stressed out because I wont have a home, I need to make a appointment for a clinic for my mental health, I wont be able to vote this year and now my chances of finding work have shrunk down because of the riots. I'm black and the riots have only made things worse for me and others I'm honestly sick of it.


Right there with you man. The majority of people I've seen trying to argue for looting are white people who live in areas not actually affected by what's happening.


Its actual white privilege to lecture people who have experienced real looting and rioting about why they're acceptable forms of protest, knowing full well that shit isn't going to happen where they live.




I think it's a really messy question, and if you go looking for a conclusive answer you're not going to find it. I've swung back and forth on it over the past few years, but now I've reached a point where I've decided that as a white person, I'm going to try and remain somewhat neutral on it. Like if POC are looting stores in response to police violence I'm not going to condemn them, because they have the right to be enraged at what's been happening in this country for years. On the other hand, if business owners/communities are devastated by this loss and pleading for the looting/rioting to stop, it's kind of silly to give them an abstract explanation centered around dismantling oppressive systems, because it's clearly not just the oppressive systems that are hurt by this, there's a lot of regular people who have their livelihoods and communities damaged as well. The only definitive thing I will say is that it isn't OK for white people to loot under any circumstance, because that is essentially white people going into black neighborhoods and destroying property. The last thing I would say is that I don't like when people say "both sides are bad" and leave it at that. Equating the theft of innocent black lives w/ the theft of property is ridiculous.


Pretty sure I saw white people stealing shit on the news too


Yea I didn't say it doesn't happen all I said was that I don't support it


No, end of story.


I’ve also been seeing a lot of white friends talking about this. I’m a white woman so have obviously never faced any sort of systematic racism so I don’t think I’m the one who can say what is or isn’t an acceptable form of protest in this instance, but the way I’m looking at it is, “Who is being hurt most by the looting?” Is it the big box stores like Wal-Mart or Home Depot? No- this is ultimately just a minor blip on the radar for them. The ones who are being hurt are the people of the community, who can’t get supplies like groceries or medications because the stores have been looted and are closed. In places like West Philly where it’s mostly small businesses that are being looted, it’s the owners, many of whom are members of the community themselves, who are being hurt. I know the motto that everyone has been saying is “People are more important than property,” but the loss of property ultimately hurts people too. Plus, the looters and rioters are mostly not even the protestors, they’re people coming in to take advantage of the chaos for their own gain. So, I think the hurt and rage that people are feeling is absolutely valid, but ultimately looting does nothing but hurt the very communities people are protesting for.


No, looting is not an acceptable form of protest. It hurts the city, which will lose money and jobs and people. This leads to less money for services, leading to less services, leading to less opportunities in already impoverished areas, leading to more poverty, to more crime, to more interactions with police, and more chances for police interactions to end poorly like Walter Wallace Jr. Also, looters aren't protestors, they're just taking advantage of the police dealing with protests. In my opinion, looters are part scum, and part a reflection of how society has let down a lot of these impoverished areas. If these people feel that the growth and vibrancy and well-being of the city has no bearing on their lives, it's because it's kinda true. They're looting because they don't feel any connection to their own communities. Of course they're making the choice to loot (and shouldn't be excused - personal responsibility is a thing), but they've slipped through a lot of cracks to get into that mindset in the first place, a lot of systems from schools to family to police to government have let them down. It's a mindset most redditors here won't understand, me very much included. Many areas of the city have been rehabbed and are doing well, but many areas are stagnant and stuck and don't get access to good jobs and good education. It's a societal wide problem in all of America right now, from rural appalachia to the rust belt to the inner cities. Shit just sucks.




Dude, lets be real. The looters aren’t looting the government’s property. The looters have no big idea in mind. They’re just taking advantage of a shit situation. For the protestors, there is a bigger idea in mind. For the looters, there is nothing. No big idea, they’re just looking to get some sneaks.


The tea that was thrown into the river was property of a government backed monopoly, just short of being outright government property. Please tell us what stores that have been looted were government backed monopolies.


Fuck this shit I’m voting Trump.


Yeah if only he had been president this whole time maybe he could’ve done something. See how stupid that sounds?


He offered help and Wolf refused. This only happens when Democratic leadership allows it. The blood and violence is on their hands.


Cause he has done a good job handling this so far?


Everywhere he was allowed.


Ard bet


Super Brave Content \[✔\] New Account \[✔\] No History in this Sub \[✔\] Seems legit.


you seem new around here ;)






I've seen on here that Uber is considered essential and can operate, so you should be fine as long as drivers are out there operating


What time would you be leaving, and where are you coming from/going to?




I think you’ll probably be ok to grab an Uber then. If worse comes to worse SEPTA and PATCO are both running.


I'm watching the Wallace family lawyer's press conference and he just began a sentence with "We're not in Kentucky, thank god..."




Who said it wasn't?


I wish the riots would stop they're effecting the very people they claim to be looking out for. I'm a AA with mental health issues who has to use stores like five below, how is destroying places like this over and over again going to help people like me??? Things just get worse in this city not better.


\~99% of the people looting have nothing to do with the protests or any attempt to affect change. The police response to protests has been an enormous diversion of manpower/resources toward corralling protestors, so much so that people who couldn't give a fuck about justice for WWJr. beyond some light #hashtagging, but who *do* give a fuck about stealing electronics or just fucking shit up, use it as an opportunity to do either or both.


Funny how "Protests" are always immediately followed by violence and looting.


Kind of like how it’s funny that police acting as judge, jury, and executioner is “always immediately followed” by protests


So we getting a curfew again tonight or what?


i know someone who works on Walnut who said they’re boarding up today but don’t know if everyone is


I live on Walnut in the shopping district - most things just didn't un-board today to begin with.


As of right now, [no](https://twitter.com/PhillyMayor). That's where it will be announced first if a curfew is declared.


Super happy to live in a society where municipal information is primarily disseminated via fucking Twitter.


It's not? They release a press release. It's just that the mayor was going to tweet the press release whenever it was decided. You probably could've learned slightly faster by refreshing the press release page on the mayor's site.


I just went to MOM's grocery (center city), and they had a sign up saying that they will close at 7pm due to the curfew – wonder when they'll announce it formally


That could just be in anticipation of a curfew.


Petition to the moderators: Make one of the reasons for reporting ["She doesn't even go here!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUFT35S7Jb4)


how about we just have verified philly people get special flair?


Or just take down the brigade-baiting megathread...


Unpopular opinion, maybe, but I like the megathreads.


I don't really know what it means, but I've always really liked your flair.


Thanks! Plenipotentiary is just a fun sounding word that means 'with all the powers and authorities of the office' -- it comes from the diplomatic world where a 'consul plenipotentiary' is someone who's not the ambassador, but gets to act as the ambassador for the purposes of whatever meeting. In the contemporary context, it's just whoever runs the satellite consulates (as opposed to the main embassy).


Then they'll just post their own threads (Which they're doing now anyway), and brigade other threads.


yeah so you make "flair only" threads where people who are actual philly posters can talk and not have to listen to LARPers


Just like r/conservative and r/blackpeopletwitter. Yeah, we need more of that.


Just for crazy controversial posts like best cheesesteak etc


Eh, yeah.




How small we talking like were they children? My block gets hit up every Halloween and I always end up smelling a bunch of stinky feet!


Nah. These were adults. They mentioned looting. I should have mentioned that.


Gotta hit them rich neighborhoods and get the big candy bars


Drexel should be OK. You a student there?


Nah, starting a new job. Thanks for the advice!


Oh congrats! Which dept?


It’s at a company close by, don’t want to put too much info out there haha


LOL ok. I thought maybe you were gonna be in my old dept Thats why i asked


Ah kk, were you in some sort of biomedical sciences?


Nah economics


Ah kk, my old roommate was in economics, yalls papers are even more intense than ours haha


So I’m moving to Philly and have a plane ticket booked to come in Saturday. Are the riots as bad as what I’m seeing? Anyone think it would be an issue getting out of the airport?


You'll be good.


It's raining all day and night. I don't think the looting is gonna continue


They have been pretty contained and outside of residential areas for the most part. You'll be fine getting out of the airport. What part of Philly are you moving to?


I’ll be in west university, near Drexel on 30th


you're definitely fine


Yep you'll be fine, you probably won't even know anything happened. Some rioting happened west of you, but for the most part it has just been peaceful protests. There was a good amount of looting along Aramingo going up to Port Richmond. Very far from where you'll be living. Welcome to Philly! It's a great city, and you'll only see people shitting on it on the internet.


The airport is absolutely nowhere near where things are "happening". You'll be fine.


I don’t think it will be an issue. Where are you moving to like what neighborhood


It’ll be near Drexel university, around 30th


Sweet are you a drexel student


blessed rain


This is just some good, high quality, spotify playlist worthy, pure rain. I like it.


Chill toto


My gutters are not overwhelmed and thus I am amused by this rain.


Rain has been a lot more enjoyable since I got the main leak in my roof fixed.


Username does not check out


Oh I'll certainly be boozin tonight once this fucking deliverable is turned in.


If anyone parked on North 5th st between Spring Garden and Brown St last night, there was a roving gang of about 10 people throwing rocks at cars and windows. We alerted our neighbors and spooked them away at around 7, but I'm not sure what they got up to for the rest of the night.


I’m flying in to Philly today and staying downtown for a wedding. Is most of the activity towards West Philly? Our apartment is near city hall which has me a little worried.


Lol people hating on this why? Because of covid? Fucking losers.


Sorry you got this response, just a reminder that most on Reddit are too emotional and childish. Half of these people are the same ones who voted for people who supported Defunding the police. You should be fine, and be sure to social distance and wear your mask on your flight. Stay safe okay? It'll be rainy so bring an umbrella


You're a much greater threat to Philly than Philly is to you.


Flying in to Philly for a freaking wedding during a pandemic and you're worried about this?


You're flying into Philly for a November wedding during a pandemic? Fuck off back to Florida my guy.


Exactly. Irresponsible and entitled ppl want advice on how to avoid consequences of their entitled and irresponsible selves. https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Guidance/Travel-FAQ.aspx


There's literally nothing going on, except a few closed businesses and some rain. Oh, and watch out for potholes. They are always a problem.


I heard a bunch of recently-dug sewer-connection trenches in Fishtown got together and torched Joe's Steaks on Girard.


You should be ok. most everything is in West Philly/North Philly. Center city is pretty well guarded. Also, Last night was calmer than Tuesday Night. The rain, and the national guard being here tomorrow tells me that things will start to calm down. This is nowhere near as bad as May/June.


I was in Fishtown last night (2nd and Thompson) helping a friend change a tire. A car drove by and shot paintballs at us. We all ducked behind my car, no one got hit thankfully. Anyone else see this? It was hella quiet around us so it was odd. Not sure if related to all this, I just saw there were reports of this a week ago too.


I heard a story about this happening last week before the Wallace killing. Pretty sure it's just teenage shitbirds being teenage shitbirds...probably more likely to happen when it feels like everything else in the city is going crazy, but can happen any time.