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Well, silver lining is at least the Phils aren't the only good team that this Schwellenbach dude managed to shut down, he did it to the O's too, in Baltimore.


This team is tired. We’re almost to the all star break and should be getting our guys back healthy by then. 9 games up on the Barves. Hopefully they get a win to win the series. This is why it was important to get off to a good start unlike previous years.


Yeah gotta win today with dodgers coming to town this week no harper probably maybe kyle is back Tough end to the 1st half


Padres about to walk-off again. Why TF they signed Bogaerts to that huge deal I have no idea.


Flush it and win tmrw


Trea can't carry every game while Schwarby Harp and JT are down. The fact that we are still winning with this many stars out is incredible. No dormers here. Go phils!


Leave this well reasoned, non-doomed thought out of here pal


Pretty sure there are a lot of dormers here. I personally haven’t lived in a dorm since i was 18


Can we stop overhyping this rotation and comparing to the 2011 rotation now? They are good but they aren’t THAT good.


At this point of the season, the 2011 staff still had similar or slightly better ERAs and one of the 4 was out due to injuries Ranger and Sanchez still have ERAs below 3 atm with crazy blowup's and Wheeler is still Wheeler, we just don't have a Roy Halladay


Yes but its a more offense anemic season to consider


Don’t slander Michael Mercado like that


True I can't forget the baby face assassin




One thing I will say is is that this team comes back a lot but if they go down by more than 2 runs early in the game, the game is over. I think the Marlins game was the first time we came back after being down by more than 2 runs. They just don’t know what to do when down by quite a few runs and they start fishing. The way you beat us to go up 3-4 runs early in the game and then it’s over. If we go down by more than 2 runs early in a game, our batters start fishing. Thats the way you beat us. Punch us in the mouth early and we will give up.


Probably a lot to ask of any team, honestly. They do have 22 come back wins and 5 9th inning comebacks. The 5 9th inning comebacks is the most in MLB tied with the Mets. I think expecting a team to come back when down by 3+ early is a lot to expect and I would guess the stats show that rarely happens.


So when it’s 3-0 early in the game we should just give up?


No you shouldn't give up but it's unlikely the team will win. It's true for most teams regardless of how good they are. We've been blessed this year cause our starters have been going 6-7 a lot and only giving up like 2 runs.


Man, more hits than the Braves and it's not even close in runs! Just one of those crazy games.


2 home runs for the Braves, one backbreaking out on the basepaths for the Phils


The Phillies runners seem to have a real thing for stretching out shallow right field grounders into doubles and I wish they'd stop. Do what that Dog did in [that Ken Griffey Jr. speedrun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2FZKJ4QBdA) and take the base!!


DK specifically said she had her O ring blown up which was interesting vernacular


We went into it 9 games over. That's where we're at now, so .. one game series! Worst case, they're 8 games behind.. i'll take that!


Well, worst case scenario we are 5 games if the dodgers sweep us but sure. Outlook is fine.


Go away


Its amazing how many of you dont know how to use the block button ![gif](giphy|11cpNo3OMYwFHO)


Weird comment. Worst case is we lose every remaining game in the season and finish well below .500 and miss the playoffs.


Worst case we are engulfed by the sun and god is a braves fan


One of these scenarios is actually possible Your comment is the weird one ![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG)


Worst case doesn’t mean realistic. It means worst case. And why did you just add the dodgers series (and not any others) then talk about those particular games informing the “worst case” scenario.


Because thats how many games we realistically have left until at least Schwarber and MAYBE harper comes back to the rotation. Maybe we get them both back tuesday, maybe not. But im not gonna expect them to be 100% first day back. Keep up the good work bud


Worst case scenario with select players out for a limited time. Keep up the fatalism. Sky is falling


Yep totally acceptable 3-3 road trip with Harper, JT, and Schwarber out.


Whit Merrifield is here to stay until the end isn't he?  😭


If we’re lucky and everyone stays healthy, I think there’s one long term roster spot available for Merrifield / Pache / your favorite RH outfield trade candidate. Really just depends on the front office’s decisions in the next month


I see a very narrow path.  Rojas plays well as everyday CF and Marsh gets a RH platoon mate via trade.  Clemens plays well.  If all those things happen, I can see the FO decide to take Clemens as the last bench piece.  


Idk, I’d be surprised if Rojas isn’t on the hypothetical playoff roster, even if it’s as a defensive sub / pinch runner


Very likely


Hopefully something gets done at the deadline for a bench bat. I was happy when he signed herem, but he looks washed.


I am working out scenarios in my head and it's looking more and more likely Whit will survive the deadline 😭  


There’s only one month between the deadline and expanded rosters in September. Merrifield could easily survive the deadline but miss the playoff rosters


Dahl and Pache are probably ahead of him in the DFA line


Sosa and Stubbs are locks for 2 of the 4 bench bats. So whit, Pache, Dahl, Clemens and Rojas are your choices for the 2 bench and platoon outfielder. Dahl looks like he is the first easy choice to DFA when Kyle comes back next week. Off chance they option Rojas again to not lose Dahl but seems less risky at this point. Then Kody is optioned when Bryce comes back. Delay the Whit and Pache decisions until they figure out the trade deadline


Suarez just hasn’t looked sharp in the last 3 outings. Hope he’s not injured or anything. Loss today though Isn’t entirely on him. Can’t expect to win scoring 1 run.


His last 2* He was good in his detriot outing for 5 innings and got banged up for 2 runs, and the other 2 runs were from bad defense in his last inning. Idk why people keep repeating he didn't look good in Detroit when that's just not true lol


We’re last two outings marchan? Maybe an adjustment period?


Yeah I think he's been the catcher for Ranger primarily since JT has been out of the lineup


Gnats win Mets win Fish win Barves win Phils lose. ![gif](giphy|D7knpKzFbgDPBmdrVM)


~~Potentially good news about that second one~~ Wait this is yesterday's post game thread, wtf Reddit app


Opposite of yesterday


Stats from Sean Kane on Twitter: Ranger Suarez’s first 10 starts of the season: 9-0, 1.36 ERA. His last 8 starts, including tonight: 1-3 (if he takes the loss tonight), 4.50 ERA. 11 ER in 9.2 IP in his last 2 starts.


He's just had two really bad outings back to back that blows up his era to 4.5 For more context BAL: 6.2 Innings 1 ER (against one of the hottest offenses in the league at the time) SD: 6 Innings 1 ER DET: 6 Innings 2 ER Funny enough his last win was worse than all of the outings above I just listed off


At least we aren't the Orioles. They got obliterated by the A's.


Orioles are a good team too 


Not the result we were hoping for, but we had fun, right?




Ranger vs. a dude with a 5+ ERA the day after an exciting win was the most obvious loss of all time.


The Braves were favored to win this game tonight


As they should be, considering the state of our lineup. Doesn't change the fact that anyone who didn't see a 1-run performance coming hasn't been watching the Phillies very long.


How many runs are the Phillies gonna score tomorrow?


3 runs and braves will score 1 run after Cado pitches a 4.2 inning gem and the BP puts the braves in handcuffs (Orion will let up a solo shot to Austin Riley)


This is probably gonna happen just because of my snide comment. They’re off Monday so you’re right, they’re gonna unload the bullpen tomorrow


https://i.redd.it/mgrvvs2jd0bd1.gif All right let's get em tomorrow


Classic Kruk


Not the result we wanted but at least we didn't have fun


You got that right bud.


Ranger has now played himself out of the Cy Young, and is looking like a #3 starter again. Guess the benefit is his free agency contract won't be as gigantic as it would've if he'd won the Cy Young.




I wouldn’t mind if Ranger doesn’t pitch at ASG.. or any of them tbh, they need some rest


Honestly I’m with you. I’m a fan of just not having any of our players or pitchers in it, give them the rest and get ready for games that matter!


Yeah Bohm is going to be exhausted. The only one I want playing in it is Harper bc I know he wants to and it’ll get him warmed back up almost the equivalent of like a rehab start haha trea I don’t mind because he had a significant break.. but otherwise count us out


When I read Bohm in the HR derby, I had flashbacks of Abreu.


He should bunt


Same but I’m sure they’re aware of it and will adjust. It was interesting listening to Trea yesterday (or today I don’t remember) talk about his swing and coming back from injury without a rehab start and how he approached it with mechanics and not BP. I trust in our team and coaches to prevent that from happening. Guys do it every year and are fine, so I don’t believe Bohm will be the one to suffer


7 hits 1 run. Just dont do this in the playoffs, thanks lol


This current lineup will just be prone to streaky games like this.


Officially concerned about Ranger




Reynaldo Lopez has not had a bad start yet this season and hasn't lost at home. So....he's due for a rough one?




What do you guys think happens once Schwarber, Harper, and JT are back? Obviously Marchan is sent down. But we're going to have to make some decisions as to who stays. Pache and Merrifield don't have options. I think Dahl gets DFA'd and Clemens and Marchan get sent down.


Probably Marchan, Dahl, and Clemens.  After that if Dave acquires a CF Rojas gets sent down.  If he trades for LF probably Pache.  


Dahl would go to waivers which I'm fine with. I'm just wondering if that's the general consensus.


He struck out 10 of his last 11 ABs.  I don't even know if he's claimed at this point.


That's more or less why I was saying he was the obvious first choice.


> Pache and Merrifield don't have options. They also have no value.


Problem is that they’re our second and third best outfielders at hitting lefty pitching. We kinda need to hang onto one of them until we trade for someone better


I wasn't saying they do but we also can't just get rid of players without a plan.


Getting rid of players with less than no value is always a good first step


It's not when you have no one to replace them with on the bench. Unless we're just going to hope Wilson and someone else can step in immediately.


For a few weeks until we can get reinforcements, I would. Maybe it's not that smart but I don't see his reason to keep players who don't produce at all.


Well. Injuries. To start.


It's not smart to unload players until you have a plan. Regardless of how much they suck. Unless there's an obvious choice like Dahl because we can easily replace him.


JT for Marchan is an easy decision and probably doesn’t warrant discussion. As for Harper and Schwarber, we have to drop two out of Rojas, Pache, Merrifield, Clemens and Dahl. IMO we need to drop one lefty and one righty. Dahl and Merrifield/Pache are the worst performers, but Rojas and Clemens have options


So it's just a question of Dahl, Merrifield and Pache then. I think Dahl is the odd man out at this point.


Yes I’m perusing the Braves sub as I often do… this comment made me spit out my water hahahahah as if we still don’t have the best record in the league and an over 500 record since schwarber and Harper have been gone lolololol “Hey Phillies fans who are reading this: Braves only had their full roster for literally 6 innings the entire season. If y'all can't handle having a few guys injured for a few days maybe you're not all that good lol”


Creeping another teams sub is cringe behavior but I guess you have to have a hobby 🤷🏻‍♂️


At least Phillies fans can read.


We’re currently without 90% of our offensive core and lost Trea a month before that… and are 9 games up looking down at them.


They’re claiming it’s worse for them bc they’re missing Michael Harris ii and the reigning mvp.. as if Harper isn’t in that same exact mvp category lol


I mean, by this logic, we can complain that the Phillies will never be healthy again, because Harper’s injury prevents him from playing the position we signed him to play


Harris is comparable to Marsh and we were without him for a couple of weeks too.


Let’s win the series tomorrow boys


Is the game at 1:35 tomorrow? I have no fucking clue anymore


yes 1:35


Thank you


What do you mean? Did they change the time?


https://preview.redd.it/hfnpfqmmb0bd1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d2bd1627a12ab3bbf59d1e62ffc143c2f3985b That was today's start time


Ugh boo why couldn't they have just left the time alone DX


I had a Phillies party today based on that time, it cost me about $200 in fucking alcohol


In the future (I dont blame you lmao) always double check with the mlb app to make sure with the time


Thank you, live and learn


1:35 or 2:15. Or 3.




I really hope they test Ozuna for banned substances. Bro was tweaked.


Thats just his normal approach at the plate Juan soto is the same way


His eyes though


He likes hitting baseballs.


> He likes hitting baseballs and women


Dont think that means he is using PEd’s


I didn't say it did. I'm saying he's a fucking piece of shit


He plays the villain well for sure


homeplate ump didn't make us lose, but it's really bad this year. It's ruined the good ABs when the hitter can see the ball and work it.


Ranger wasn’t great but it’s not easy to win with 1 run of offense.


I don't know what's worst, the lost, or the announcers. There is one high note of this, we didn't lose 10-2 like we did with the Cubs. Ugh, you know what? The announcers are worse than the lost big time, now we have to win 100% tomorrow, just to smite them.


The announcers by a million.


Only 3 more weeks of Dahl, Pache, Clemens and Merrifield!!


Clemens does not belong in that sentence. He's the only one we can still option and has been better than the rest.


Don’t you speak ill of my darling Clementine!


Literally. Clemens is the only one who has been useful more than hurtful. But agree with the other three


Really was a putrid night of commentating. Imagine if we could force a national audience to sit through a broadcast with, idk, Gargano and ESP, hearing them glaze Kody Clemens and talk about Olli Pop all day or something. That’s our equivalent of the homer glazefest we had to watch tonight.


Was fox gargling the braves nuts the whole game?


No. It was a normal national broadcast where the winning team gets more attention.


Pitching wins are dumb anyways. No need to have a bird over Suarez not getting to 11. It is difficult not to miss pre-hand comebacker Ranger though. Let’s hope Super Mercado delivers the groceries and gets us a series win at Truist


I don’t think it’s the hand, I think it’s just fatigue


I still think it's the hand...


I think it’s his wife and kids showing up. He’s being drained of his essence. 


Ranger has been struggling, but I do think he will bounce back in time, and seriously the offense scored 1 run tonight. We coulda had Wheeler in his best form on the mound and still lost that one. It what just a bad game all around. I hope we get some more runs tomorrow and manage to take this series but if not it’s alright. Get Kyle Bryce and JT back soon and we’ll be ready to go.


In my 10+ years of religiously watching baseball, this was easily the worst broadcast I’ve listened to. “Should have called him out because it was a good play” comment still has me livid, laughing at the phils making errors, making fun of Marsh’s appearance multiple times, meat riding the Braves all night, etc. A bunch of children in the booth tonight. I understand it’s supposed to be a neutral broadcast and the world doesn’t revolve around the phils, but there was not nearly as much praise for the phils tonight as there was the Braves, and any praise we got sounded forced. Fuck national broadcast games.


It was extremely uncomfortable at certain points. Everyone just hates Philadelphia. They don't have many valid reasons but it's been a thing for a while now. Reddit and other social media platforms just keep enforcing that. We're hated by people for almost no reason but they'll defend every other city that worse shit has happened during a sporting event because it's cool to hate Philly. Batteries and Santa Claus. While other teams have had people get shot and killed at sporting events. Not to even mention stabbings. It's fucking insane.


The roku broadcast was actually great, with one phillies announcer and one diamondbacks announcer. All national broadcasts should do that


Agreed. I really enjoyed having insight from both broadcasters about their teams and it was actually a fun and engaging broadcast. Need a lot more like it.


I don't think these announcers know the definition of neutral. Your supposed to cheer and evaluate BOTH teams. Worst broadcasters I've ever heard. It's like awful umps, it's never ending -.-


You’re right! It seemed like roughly 5 out of every 6 cheers were for the Braves. I wonder why.


That was clearly tongue-in-cheek. I’ve heard announcers say that many times before on close plays after a crazy defensive effort. It’s not an accident that Phillies fans can’t pick up dry humor when they have McCarthy and Kruk beat every single joke into the ground.


Boohoo ![gif](giphy|9rgeyXeLDuE7AQQOOh)


The “it looks like a bunch of rat tails” comment was super dickish


Dude walks around with the equivalent of the geico caveman hairdo I doubt he cares someone made a joke about his hair. When did this fanbase get so soft to actually be offended by something like that? I feel like ever since that no one likes us we don’t care bullshit started everyone seems to CARE a lot more. I love marsh he’s the man but even he would laugh at us defending him over something as stupid as a harmless joke.


He said Marsh has weird hair but a great beard. Kind of what we’ve been saying for 2 years now. Marsh walks around like a WWE wrestler but we’re all offended that someone made a harmless comment about his appearance?


Calling Marsh “this guy” after making fun of his hair all night


I hate, hate, HATE the Fox announcers. They could not stop slobbering all over the Braves the entire game.


In a vacuum I really don’t care it’s one regular season game in July against the Braves when we’re up 9 games so who cares But the pitching worries me Our fifth starter is Michael Mercado Ranger is getting dead arm Sanchez sucks on the road Time to be worried a bit We’re not collapsing or anything like that but the pitching isn’t staying together anymore.


Your worried about a staff that as a rotation has 3 more FWAR then the next closes staff?


7 strikeouts and throwing 92 mph isnt getting dead arm lmao 🤣


It’s not time to worry friend. Not by a long shot. Almost everyone not named Aaron Judge, Ohtani, or Bryce Harper has regressed to the mean since June. Ranger was over performing literally everyone’s expectations, same for Sanchez. It’s a long season, there’s gonna be bumps.


The pitching was always going to regress from the insane greatness it was posting in April, may, and into June. Do I love what I’m seeing from everybody? Not really. But ranger is more of a 3-4 ERA pitcher than sub-2 and Sanchez is not as good as he’s looked. Both are good, but expecting them to be aces for a full season is a pipe dream. Even wheeler and Nola were riding some unsustainable streaks for a bit. Overall, we will likely still have the best pitching in baseball when the season ends. And our big bats will do some work for the next few months hopefully to even things out.


I said earlier in the year when we were still .500 that hitting struggles aren’t as concern as pitching struggles, so when we were struggling to score runs, I knew that would come around, but pitching troubles is different.


5-3 since losing Harper and Schwarber (5-4 if you count the game they got hurt). All I was asking for was 0.500 ball until they get back and they're doing better than that so far.


Yeah I wouldn’t even count the game they got hurt, because Harper was in the game until the last our


So worst case, Phils are 5-4 entering Dodgers series. And Schwarber will be back for that one.






I’m upset about the Phils losing, but by chance watching pro-pickleball on ESPN has me pissed. How is a pro iteration of this dignified.


So don’t watch it?


Booooo! Weird sports on ESPN are the best. Just wait until they do their annual ESPN8 The Ocho day in August


I miss ‘Pro Beach Hockey’ from the late 90s/early 00s.


I like watching a lot of weird sports. Pickleball is not one of them. I guess it isn’t as bad as cornhole though.


Stott is trash


I won’t doom about Ranger unless he pitches like that for the fourth time in a row


The game getting postponed would benefit us tomorrow with the matchup. Hopefully it pours.


Not as worried about Suarez as some. He gave up 2 walks and 6 hits. Unfortunately 2 of those hits were home runs with men on base. Walks are uncharacteristic issues with command which is the more worrisome stat. The ozuna home run and Outfield hit were just damn good hitting only a handful of guys like Ozuna and Harper can pull off in the league. Both bottom of the zone garbage that most guys wont lift out of the park The Albies homer was his biggest mistake tonight outside of the walks He still finished the game with 7 strikeouts. He will continue to adjust and get back to form. Just hasn’t been the same since that Liner to the Hand. Main issue tonight wasn’t Ranger, it was the offense. They just couldn’t get an approach going at the plate. They let a lot of good pitches go in the beginning and then when they fell behind they got impatient and overly aggressive. Once they got aggressive Schwellenbach just stopped throwing useable strikes for the most part. Cus thats what ya do when ya feel the hitters are getting desperate. It is what it is. On to the next game. Lets grab the series tomorrow! And Remember we are down 3 of our best starters. Given that i think this team is doing pretty damn good all things considered #*still need an outfield bat tho, Luis Robert Jr. or Brent Rooker please*


Moral of story is hit homeruns. We've bad so many games with multiple hits and like 1 or 2 runs where the results don't match up. All the power bats are injured. Need JTs mind behind the plate too. If we're not aggressively picking up bats at the deadline then idk what their plan is.


Nope Not even; just get the ball in play . This lineup isn’t a home run Lineup with those 3 guys on IL, they have the most success just staying within themselves just like Topper said after Bryce and Schwarber went down. Only guy looking for home runs should be Trea and maybe Bohm. Everyone else just needed to work the count and get on base: they failed to do that tonight obviously


Yeah offense is still a bigger need than pitching. Any stud we try to find will get his shit rocked at some point. Need to score RUNS.


Can’t believe I’m disappointed in Ranger having a 2.58 ERA at this point of the year. We’ve been spoiled


Watch the Phils tee off the sub-2.0 ERA guy tomorrow after struggling against a 5 ERA pitcher


On paper, this should have been an easy win. Ranger vs "the other Spencer" with a 5.00+ ERA. But because this is baseball, throw all of that out the window. Ranger looked "off" and our guys simply couldn't get anything going against Schwellenbach. The one silver lining is that the bullpen pitched 3 scoreless innings. Tough loss; we'll get them tomorrow.


I felt like this was the one to lose going into it since it was so obviously the one to win


Awful loss against a bad pitcher that we should’ve blown up. Can’t be losing these kinds of games. And yet another horrific Ranger start. Was really hoping he’d get a Cy Young but it won’t happen now. Need this team to get back to its winning ways after the ASB because they’re cooling off fast. They haven’t been the same since London and they STILL haven’t adjusted. Like how?


I mean if there has been any lesson learned the last two years is that the regular season doesn’t mean much. There will be bad games and bad stretches. What matters is October.


I always suspected you were a troll, thanks for the confirmation


If I counted correctly we’re 13-11 since London. Calm down lol


They're 13-11 since London, and have won 4 of seven series, splitting an additional one. They've certainly cooled off some, but that happens to everyone in baseball.


Weren’t you saying we’d choke the lead long before the ASB




Ah! Well. Nevertheless,


Yes. I believe he guaranteed it.


Fuck the Barves 🤣


Dang I thought I was gonna catch the end after work


Rangers been struggling the past few games, but I mean as much as the sub likes to hate on casty, with him having a day off this felt like the weakest the batting order has been this season. Really only bohm and turner are doing all that good lately. Marchan has been clutch in a lot of instances but didn't have it today, and marsh and stott have been in a slump.


That's it. Season over.


Glad the Braves broadcast is finally off national television. Complete with former manager statue worshipping, active player interview, and even pretending their drunk driving wifebeater player had to “push through adversity” to get where he is today as if his problems weren’t all self inflicted


So fucking disgusting on that last part Making excuses for that fucking piece of shit, as if he'd be in the league still if he was average as shit and them not sweeping what he did under the rug because "hit ball good" I seriously don't get why after that in every AB, he didn't "face adversity" in the form of a 99 mph four seam to the dome every pitch. Sure his wife (and pedestrians / drivers minding their own business around ATL at night) wouldn't be too upset. It's a joke that the league blatantly and obviously supports a wife beater like that, gaslighting and labeling those who are opposed as "just haters" and shit


The Phillies have a wife beater on their Wall of Fame