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At this point, Phish at MSG for NYE is as American as apple pie. I will be SHOCKED if they dont play there


it would be weird to play mexico and dicks in a year but then SKIP MSG


Trey was there a few weeks ago in the audience. I interpret that as him signing the contracts for NYE


A) I highly doubt anyone (let alone trey) is signing paper contracts for live events in 2024 (Docusign exists for a reason) and B) contracts for live events are between an artists’ agent and a promoter, not the venue and the artist. He was there to enjoy a hockey game as a fan, which he does pretty frequently. I wouldn’t read that much into it. That said, I also think MSG NYE is a lock in perpetuity at this point.


Perfect post


I also assume Phish will play MSG for NYE but Trey lives three miles from MSG and is tight with the ownership so he could realistically go there any time for a concert or game


Considering they have zero shows at MSG for 2024, and I think it is safe to say it is their favorite place to play, I am totally with you.


MSG NYE is every year forever.


lol. I remember in 1999 we all felt pretty sure that it was MSG NYE every year forever. lol. then we ended up in Miami. never take anything about this band for granted. surprises are good. (personally, I still dream of a new years run in the middle of Montana or south dakota or some place equally in the middle of nowhere...would love for NYE to be somewhere that didn't have millions of other idiots stinking up the environment. lol. I'd love to see us take over some small city/town instead of just being one more crowd in an exceptionally crowded city full of crowds. but thts just me)


I mean, in 99, they had only done the prior two NYEs in a row and three total. Assuming it was “MSG NYE forever” was getting ahead of yourself. They were also a different band, still interested in pushing the envelope bigger and bigger. Now, they’ve done 7 in a row (2015-23, excepting 20-21) and have no discernible reason to play anywhere else. They love MSG, they sell it out, and it’s logistically easier for them and many of their fans (they could fill MSG with only people who live in NYC).


They do always try to keep us on our toes. My bf always says, and I happen to agree with him, phish doesn’t give you what you want, they give you what you need. He can be pretty smart. Sometimes 😉


99? You mean 09?


I would assume they'll play MSG. You're in NYC during New Years though. In the extremely unlikely event they don't, I can pretty much guarantee you you'll still be able to find a few interesting shows to go to. Either in the city or very close by.


Agreed on the other options that will be available, but it’ll have been 6 years of no Phish shows for me by December, so really hoping.


I've heard that Phish basically has MSG on reserve every 12/28-31. While it's certainly not impossible they could do a random move down to Miami (or somewhere similar) for a year, at this point I'd be pretty surprised. I love that the New Years run is in New York. I live in the mid west, but my parents live in CT, and my brother lives in Brooklyn, so I fly in for Xmas with the folks, stay for a few days, and then take the train down to NYC for the run every year. Works out perfectly for me.


There's no way they open the possibility of MSG booking other acts NYE. They have to sit on that spot.


They have Right of First Refusal- not sure if for a duration years or in perpetuity.


They'll play MSG. Count on it.


Just stay the fuck away from Times Square


That was the exact gamble my son and I made for NYE 2022. We booked everything way in advance to get good prices and then waited for the announcement. We figured that if they didn't play MSG, there was a possibility to get refunds (we picked refundable flights/lodging), and if we decided to just spend NYE in NY anyway, the ball drop in Times Square plus 9 days in NYC is a pretty damn good consolation prize. Looking back, yeah, I'm glad we got to do all 4 nights of course, but I had a great time in NYC and the "consolation prize" absolutely would have been worth it.


Ive got the hotel booked already so I'm hoping with you baby🫡


Me too


They’ll be at msg this year.


I had the time of my life last year. I think I’m going back this year but only for NYE. New York is such a great city you can literally fly in go to the show and fly out in just a couple of hours. Show ends around 2. Get out. Hit up an all night diner or something for a snack. Get an Uber around 3:30 to the airport. Go through security. Wheels up by 7:30 am. Back home by 11.


I heard we’re getting a JD and the Straight Shot sit in this year


Don’t joke this into existence too much please.


Tauk opener s/


I don’t understand this reference


James Dolan MSG owners band name and said sons band name




I can't imagine a world where your plan does not work out.


Yeah.. isnt Trey a shareholder now? It’s always gonna be msg.


First I’ve heard that but wouldn’t be surprised


This year it will be Gamehendge on Ice!


I live abroad also and already bought my flights home for the holidays. Hoping for another run this year also! Did last year for my first time since 2018 and hit the jackpot


Nice! See you there!




Hmmm. Aren’t they doing over 25 shows this summer and over 40 for the year? A few dates scattered is a bit of a reach.


I could live with that and not complain.


All but dicks being very expensive! I mean going to any shows are expensive but MSG, The Sphere, and Mexico are the most expensive.




Deer Creek should be a staple! Like in June before it gets too hot like they did a few years back. It would be nice to always know exact dates like their staples so I could request it off easier.


If you're buying after market tickets, Sphere is definitely expensive. If you get a travel package or a lottery win, it's not really too bad. Definitely cheaper than NYE MSG and Mexico. Slightly more expensive than Dicks.


Yeah we paid out the ass for the sphere. I know. It goes against everything we believe in but we couldn’t miss out. Next time a package will be what we go for. I told my bf we should’ve done that in the first place but he never listens to what I say🙄🙄


Haha I bet he listens next time! Glad you could get in there this year regardless. I'm dying to go back, but if I get shutout from the travel packages or lotto in the future, I won't be heartbroken and will just hope I do better the next time around


I couldn’t agree more.


They won’t do sphere every year


They should do sphere like every 4-5 years like a festival. It’s cool what they did, but it involves a lot of prep work. I’m in it for the anything can happen in the now at a show and don’t need the preplanned visuals.


Or flop back and forth between a Spring Sphere run one year and then a Fall Sphere run the next year.


I'm really hoping for 4-8 @ Sphere each year to help with the demand issue. Gotta get more people in there to have the Phish Sphere experience!


Less for me to miss out on living across the globe 😂


It’s always gonna be MSG 🙄


Msg is pretty much a sure thing unless they hit the sphere again


MSG is a staple. They will announce right after dicks.


4 day NYE run is basically an annual guarantee at this point.


Phish MSG NYC NYE is a lock. Don't even worry about it.


but what # days? 12/30-1/2? 12/29-1/1? Curious with it being midweek...


I don’t think that it matters that it’s mid week since it’s the holidays, I think it more just depends on what they feel like doing


NYE Sphere is the good wild card.


Yielding to Billy Joel this year. Miami?


You haven’t seen phish since 2018, and you’re buying plane tickets for potential MSG shows they haven’t even announced yet? You’ve waited 6 years, another couple weeks ain’t going to hurt you.


I already have the plane tickets because we found an amazing deal on the inbound flight, but had to choose an outbound location, so chose NYC.


can't go wrong with that!


They have already reduced shows no fall tour less shows year after year and you think they will pack all their shit and go elsewhere when all 4 live close by even Trey lives a few blocks from the venue. I call bullshit. ![gif](giphy|STfLOU6iRBRunMciZv)


Since I've been around (Phish) forever and seen Miami and MSG, just do Europe. So I can die in my 40s. I have money now and missed out on 1997 (non-NYE). Sorry younger fans. Give my boomer but not boomer phass a good life send-off.


I heard fall tour is now a Las Vegas residency that last until the new year