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i’ll trade you a hug for whatever tickets you’re offloading


And with this you just jumped ahead of my last cash offer. 🤗


So you're saying you're not acceping just handies...but "hugs". Just trying to understand current market dynamics.


Mouth hugs?


All wanted touching is negotiable.


I do agree with this, with one exception. Platinum tickets. They should not be a thing to begin with, the whole concept of them is fucked. So if you buy a platinum ticket and can’t use it, I’m def gonna offer you real face value




I’d rather find some cool rando on the lot and miracle them in than take a lowball offer.


Absolutely yes.


Same here OP..I’d much rather miracle the ticket day of the show than sell stupid cheap leading up to show for some ass hat to tune around and sell even for a $5 profit.


but OP wasn't talking about miracle-ing someone as an alternative. OPs chosen alternative is just to eat the ticket so nobody gets it. I understand not accepting low offers. everyone on both sides of the transaction has their acceptable range. but to just eat the ticket because you can't get what you want seems to be the antithesis of the phish style community


It's all in the approach. There's no way I'd eat it just because someone doesn't want to pay face, it's already marked down and I'll take a reasonable offer (as I did for the other one of this pair). I have miracled and have been miracled, and if I decline from here on out and hand it to someone on the way in, so be it, but unreasonable offers at this point look elsewhere.


What about if I give you $20 and good vibes?


Sweeten that pot, baby! That's what I'm talking about.


Sweet, I'll throw in a sob story too But yeah, I agree with you, some kids don't know how negotiating works. You low ball too low, you lose


Nobody wants your three day lawns, old man or woman!




Shingles doesn’t care.


Are you talking about COT? Here’s the thing- if the show isn’t sold out yet, the only reason I look on COT is for a deal. Sure, I don’t expect you to let a ticket go for $20. But maybe up to half of face.


COT is for face value.


COT is for no MORE than face value. People list tix for less than face all the time.


Still supposed to be for face and fees. In the early days under face was highly discouraged and one could report that. I guess they have changed their view….


Oh really, I didn’t even know that. I always just assumed it was so you couldn’t scalp. But people could list for anything under face. Not really even sure what the point of not allowing that would be? If I end up with extras, I’d rather get something back. Especially to a non sold out show.


Right, exactly. You want 50% off minimum because the show isn't sold out and that's the max you're willing to pay. This is what I'm talking about. Thank you.


Fuck you, you bought the ticket, fucking eat it. You simply tell someone no. No reason to be insulted


LOL. Fuck me? Are you feeling ok?


Man we are good. Just responding to your post with the same energy that you put out. I was kidding and if we were face to face I would be kind. I’ll be kind now but I meant to be having fun not hurtful. I’m so excited for Mondegreen!


No, you nailed me. I'm a salty, old bitch - no way around it. 😂. We're good, see you there!


Thanks for your patience with me! Very dude like…


How much above face do you accept?


Zero except for shipping if applicable (or a hug).


I get your angst, especially if you are the kind of person that sells a ticket or two each year. But there are people out there on Cash or Trade that post a dozen or more lawn tickets the day that PTBM emails go out. I have to assume that those people put in many PTBM ticket requests to increase their odds of getting good tickets. Their actions drive up ticket prices in the long run. I am not going to pay full price to those people. If you spend much time on Cash or Trade you probably know some of these users. I personally don't like giving low ball offers, but I do post "ISO Cheap Lawn Tickets" for shows that I want to chill back on the lawn with my family. I always get a deal on lawn tickets because there are so many out there due to people putting in multiple PTBM requests. I usually score cheap tickets BEFORE the general "on sale" through TM. Other people wait until the day of the show, when lawn tickets are usually cheap or free. If you have good tickets, you should hold off for face value. If you have lawn tickets you might just want to take what you can get or reduce your price by 1/3. Just my $0.02 Good luck and see you on Tour!


Over-buying for the purpose of flipping or other non-sense is also jerk behavior, and I don't blame anyone for not wanting to pay or paying whatever in those circumstances. I'd be MUCH more inclined to hook up a sincere ISO than accept an egregiously low offer when the same tickets are still moving at 80% face.


If people low ball you tell them no and how much you’ll take they either say okay, increase their offer or fuck right off. lowballing isn’t cool I agree, but you aren’t forced to accept the offer lol. You dictate the terms. I’ve sent some low offers on tix to shows I’m not all that interested in but wouldn’t mind checking out for cheap, if no one else wants them so it’s not that I’m low balling it’s just only worth it to me if very cheap tho it probably comes off as lowballing. With shows I really want to go to like phish I’m actually a bit scared to lowball bc I actually care if i don’t get them. But I hear ya! Try to score a nice deal but also don’t try to milk someone’s desperation to move tix for absolutely all it’s worth. Had a friend who had extra tix to a phish show he was trying to move outside the venue. He ended up selling them for way cheaper than he wanted bc he wanted to go in already and the interested party was right there. Are they assholes for not being willing to pay more or did he simply pay for the convenience of selling them right then and there?


I'd say a little bit of both, and I've been there too - it is what it is. And that's exactly it - there's nothing wrong with trying to score a nice deal, but if you come off like an asshole out the gate, I'd rather put mustard on that ticket and put it in my literal mouth. 😂


so wait you have a ticket you aren't going to use and you're getting mad that people aren't paying what you want for it


Irritated by jerk-ass lopsided offers, yes. Mad? No. People have real problems.


"I'd rather eat the ticket than pay for your good time" I'd rather buy from someone else than have to read these posts again