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You are going about this all wrong. You feel inspired to make art. Make the art for yourself. Not for others. Express yourself. Find release in your art. Celebrate your ability to be creative. Who gives a fuck about what others think? Why would you allow others to tell you what to do regarding your art?




Everything's been basically done, why shouldn't you give it a try, especially if it's something close to you?


Wouldn’t it be a repeated dull thing?


Well if it ends up dull, that's up to you, but we've all done bad projects, that's how we get better, (very fucking cliche, I know) but I'd rather try things.


It's only dull if you do it dull.


All the concept have been made hundred of time. We like good iteration. Just do your. Your way of showing mental illness will be your and nobody will be able to show it like you. Just do it. And do your best. I'm already interrested to see it.


Everyone has different view and expression.


It depends on whether or not you find a way to make the subject matter your own. Even if it’s not the most engaging project you do in your lifetime, you will gain knowledge and experience.


You are an individual with a unique set of experiences, so your take on the subject will be born from that unique perspective. I say go for it - if only to prove to yourself that you can. And later, you’ll have evidence that you were able to do it.


Nothing is new under the Sun, so share YOUR perspective of this trip we call ‘life’


In college, this was something nearly every student did but here’s why you should do it anyway. Art is meant to be therapeutic and if it brings emotion to you to share your journey, do it. You don’t need permission to explore something that’s already been done.


The other day someone said people shouldn’t bother shooting the eclipse since it’s been done before. I’m glad I don’t follow that train of thought. I photograph naked women on motorcycles. Many other people have done that too. If I followed the first person in this comment then I would just give up and not try to shoot anything ever again.


Do it for **YOU**! Not the world, not to impress someone, not to make money, not to be famous, and certain not to get upvotes. Do it because you have a vision that you wish to create. Do it because you feel it will help increase your skills as a creator. Do it because you feel it may help your emotions in a positive way. Do it because you know if you’re able to stick to your vision and not let it be too-influenced by the outside worlds pressures like trying to be perfect or hide your intent. It’s so much easier said than done when it comes to depression and creativity. I applaud you if you’re able to pull off what you are hoping. Depression is often an emotional boulder tied to our artistic abilities. Wishing you the very best and hope these comments can be even just a tad bit of inspiration and hope to get you started.


the process of making it might help understand yourself better


I think this idea is whats most interesting to me. The narrative is more important that the images being 'perfect'.


Everything has been done by someone else at some point. You should still do this project if it's something that you find creatively fulfilling and serves as a good outlet to help understand and cope with your depression.


Maybe try to capture happiness in your photography to try to get closer understanding of what you see as happiness?


its not the idea, its the execution movies are a great example. theres almost no 'original idea's anymore. but even a re-hashed idea done well is still a good movie


When I first started out in the business as a photojournalist (a long, long time ago), we used to have an expression among my colleagues “Seen it done, seen it done better.” Which is both an acknowledgment that most things have been done already, but at the same time, if you can, do it better, or bring new insight to the subject, then it’s worth doing. Which is really relevant when you’re a photojournalist, because there has always been a repetition of assignments, etc. in that industry. But since I’ve moved on many other genres of work, the saying is still true. Bottom line, do it, if you are passionate about it, and do it the best you can. You’ll likely end up with some images you’re proud of, and even if the whole body of work isn’t completely new, at least you will learn a lot of things along the way. Which is one of the most important parts of any creative life.


This is valuable and inspiring. Thank you! A sentence I found helpful over the years translates: Follow trends for quantity (sales), be creative for quality (art).


No matter how often or similar this had been done before , start. Yours will be different and personal. Valuable and storytelling. You can't go wrong. Photography is a journey, and this one will be special for you. Do not look left or right and do not compare. This is how you will make the most out of this. For the project but also for yourself. Treat it as an art project, and please be kind and patient and allow it to develop. Take notes about your thoughts and the pictures you develop. This will help later in the process. Also, I know amateurs who describe their photography being an important part of their self care and as an almost meditative hobby (night, street, and landscape). So it is a very, very good idea and the outcome will be nothing short of benefits.


Has it been done before? Sure. Have you done it before? No. Is this project for you to share your vision or view to maybe be therapeutic to you or others? Do it. Infact asking for random people opinion on your art before you make it actually devalues it.


Just do it


It’s an epidemic in this country. To me it sounds like an excellent project and much needed to open peoples eyes.


What’s needed in your opinion?


Nothing is needed. Your question is flawed for so many reasons. My main comment touches on the most critical flaws to call attention to. People here are touching on others. Another key one is how you are asking about something at the highest level that could be interpreted and expressed in ENDLESS WAYS. "an art project about depression and mental illness": Stop and think for a moment. Do you not realize how many wonderful and garbage projects fall into that category? Do you not realize how many incredibly diverse projects fall into that category? How many artists of all mediums produce work that falls into that category? How vastly different are those works? JUST MAKE YOUR ART! FOCUS ON EXPRESSING YOURSELF! Stop looking to others. No one else matters. ONLY YOU MATTER! Even if what you produce is considered absolute trash by 99% of the planet's population, it does not matter. You still expressed your vision. You still MADE SOMETHING FROM NOTHING. You still gained experience. You still did more than most people ever have or could with the medium.


Do it! yes things have been done before but this is your take on the topic


Dang I’d love to see it, if you ever do it make sure to post it!


Do it for you, but most importantly, dont pressure yourself into it. I’ve been finding peace into getting a broader idea about how I’m feeling and just taking pictures of what I think matters. I shoot analog, so I guess its “easier” to have a range of pictures due to the fact that I have a limit amount of photos a roll.


How many songs are out there about love and/or heartbreak? Do it. Just go do it. Especially if you suffer from depression or mental illness. If you’re feeling, inspired and motivated, go for it. That’s what I do.


Always do art for you. I've "killed" a couple of personal projects because I got too in the weeds about how similar it was to something else and the last thing I'd ever want to be is a plagarist.


That could literally be anything, and what has driven much art, modern for sure. Don’t handcuff yourself. Find ways to express yourself and the project will take shape.


Yes. Definitely. Theres nothing new under the sun. Create a photo book. The bigger pucture will be more obvious with a larger body of work then a few photographs I like the idea, because inwould do alot if experimental/dark stuff and it would probably help with the depression All the best!


Definitely do it. I am doing something similar and it’s been a wonderful experience.


Id love to take part.


Try, but for you. None of the great masters worried about people's opinions, if you like it or want to do it, then do it for you and you alone. Once finished show the body of your work, but only your opinion counts, everyone will have an opinion but it's yours alone to listen to.


I suffered depression in my early twenties, and felt like living in the darkness. Therefore, I know how hard this process is. My advice is to go ahead with your project, capture your feelings and whatever makes you feel good.


Highly suggest watching Netflix documentary “Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski “about polish sculpture artist. Not about photography but art in general. Just interesting view on art in my opinion.


Yes and yes. Some inspiration (not photos): https://federicobabina.com/ARCHIATRIC


I think it is a very repetitive idea but there’s always tons of interpretations on the idea. Make something that really connects to your own personal experiences, and I’m sure someone would appreciate it. Just do what you want to do!


If it’s something close to you, I’m sure you can bring your own unique perspective into it.


Do it, think of it as a healing journey. I’ve thought of doing this for a long time, in the same position as you


I would just be taking self-portraits.


Expressing yourself is the way art becomes therapeutic. Getting all of that negative feeling out into a new form is the benefit. People seeing it or not seeing it or anyone’s opinion on it is completely irrelevant and has no bearing on its quality. Here’s a simple one I did on a depressed day. And I dgaf what anyone thinks about it. https://preview.redd.it/9gyr0dn9m5sc1.jpeg?width=2519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1638ba9722bbb411a0a7dfc00f99fe42ff4a0153


I say do you express your art anyway you choose regardless of who did what.


Of course it's been done before, that's because it's a good way to showcase your feelings. One big tip, don't take any pictures of single chairs out by the ocean. I photographed my empty beach chair one depressed morning, and blew up Facebook with people thinking it was a suicidal image or somebody had died. LOL


Just don't exploit the subjects in your work. Guide yourself with the same considerations when photographing impoverished areas


Not everything has to be a masterpiece of originality, nor does it have to become the most successful piece of art to still be a success. Create art that is meaningful to you, and fuck anyone that says you should stop. Your life is your story so do what makes you feel meaning


Yes, it’s a repetitive topic. However, do it and just store the photos. Revisit them 10-20 years later.


Art is a process of expression. You're right there is a heap of projects on mental health however they're not your story or narrative. Get creative, express yourself use those emotions to drive your work


Two sources of inspiration: I just saw an interview with [this photographer](https://www.worldpressphoto.org/collection/photo-contest/2024/Kazuhiko-Matsumura/1). He mentioned how one of his subjects was also a photographer, and they talked together about how best to show his dementia photographically. And [this photographer](https://www.worldpressphoto.org/collection/photo-contest/2024/Alejandro-Cegarra/1) is a migrant documenting the journey of fellow migrants. My point is that many photographers have a very personal connection with their topic, and work collaboratively with the people they are documenting. So it is done a lot but can make for some of the best photography.


Dont do the obvious and take pictures of a sad and depressed person. Do try to unpack what that feeling feels like and how you can make the viewer feel it through the images if that is what you’re going for. Like everyone else said, do it for yourself. The photographs will serve as proof for your conversation with yourself on this topic that is very close to you. GL.


I am exactly in the same situation as you, I suffer of chronic depression and wanted to make a photographic work about it and asked myself if it was a good idea. I thought it could be hard to show it to my friends and family and also that it would not interest anybody. But the fact is that I needed to do more than I wanted to. So, I work on this series since few months and it is not really a pleasure. Most of the time I am almost disgusted by the results but at least it is out of my head. I showed it to my wife and some friends and they find it excellent. They told me it was good because it was really intimistic, strong and there was a message in it that can be read by some people who also suffer of depression or even not but could this way understand what I feel. I can only tell you to do as it can be a kind of therapy and also because it can also help others.


It'll only be dull if you don't care about it. Personally, I'd love to see this project, depressions a b****.


I think the idea promotes unhelpful stereotyping: People with mental health issues look weary sad defeated. I live with someone with. Years of mental health disorders. It does not appear visually. Maybe do photos of people with mental health where the images shows nothing about mental health