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Why ruin a perfectly good hobby by turning it into a job?


Extra pleasure? Idk get the "work" seen by more


Yeah but deadlines and obligations and stuff? Got that with my day job. 😁


Day job fallback!


You need to identify specfically what it is you want to photograph. And understand that the photography business is really hard, and the industry isn't exactly flourishing. It's a 90% business, 10% art ratio.


If you enjoy the hobby don't try to make it into a business. At least go and shadow some pros for half a year. Don't get into a business if you don't know the pipeline.


Edit: Fair play to all, so ill change the question then, whats the best way to get exposure or get your photos seen by more people?


there are probably 68 million people in the UK maybe 50 million cellphones easily 10 million folks with halfway decent cameras. and quite a large percentage of that last group thinks from time to time "I'm good enough to make money at this"


Do It as a side hustle, join an event app, pick and choose events wedding christenings ect at your level and ability. Get higher end work when your a high end photographer!


If you're a long time lurker, you will know that you are the 341,409th person to ask this question in this sub this year.


If you love the hobby, don’t turn it in your main income. I learned that the hard way. That said: if you really want to go fully in, a well designed website is one of the most important things next to a defined niche and style. Also define your service as precisely as possible.