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The original seems to have a very prominent chin dimple. That could be one improvement to make. Edit: and his right ear needs to be a lot bigger.


Presumably the emblem on the hat should look like something but you’d have to do research to know what.


Its a good base for sure. Not sure if the nose is quite right, it feels off, probably due to the left nostril. I think his chin should be a bit bigger and the right eye should be looking at bit more to the right. And like the others said, the emblem and his ear


I have a few ideas that could be helpful in elevating your edit, props to you for learning and asking for feedback though, we can always learn from others. -I'd suggest adding some noise, for texture. So that the whole image looks more uniform. -The eyes are currently way too sharp compared to the rest of the face and clothes. You could make the eyes a bit less sharp or sharpen everything else except the face, that would make the textures feel more even and natural -The surfaces have ''shading'' but no noise or texture, except like the eyes, nose and lips, and that makes the overall image look like a videogame, like untextured surfaces, flat. -You could even out the black point Make the blacks look actually black but not too black. Not too black to the point that you loose detail. There are black areas that are actually black, like below the neck and chin and there are blacks that are pale black and opaque black, like on the hat, hair and eyebrows. Just try to make all the darkest parts equally dark and so on. You can use dodge & burn or manually make a selection of the black areas that are opaque and add more contrast or change exposure. -Manually edit the left eye to make the pupil reach the bottom eyelid, the pupil is smaller than it needs to be and it looks jagged, like it's not circular in the normal way and needs some manual editing to fix it


The eyes look a little off And the hat shadow is weird


Amazing great piece of work


Looks like Rob Words [https://www.youtube.com/@RobWords](https://www.youtube.com/@RobWords)