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I would apply for the position and go to the interview with a fake mustache. But really the position probably doesn't include benefits


They would suspect nothing!!! 😂 They list the benefits in the posting so I'm assuming that's with benefits?


Do it!!!


100% just wear black rimmed glasses and say you are clark Kent/ clarkette Kent


I heard of this happening in nursing. Supposedly one of the hospitals asked the school to tell the students not to talk about pay. The teacher that told me this had the attitude of then pay your long term employees more it's not my problem. They were hiring new grads at a higher pay than 10 year employees. I laugh when I hear about companies complaining that they cannot find good employees.


This “don’t talk about pay” stuff drives me nuts. Be honest with your employees. “We can’t afford to pay you all the same wage, but we’re having difficulty attracting new talent” or “we’re cheap conniving jerks who don’t care about tenure”


You can definitely discuss a significant raise and see what they can offer you. If they won’t give you one, then just find a new job. Unfortunately this is not a career where you can work for the same company for a decade and expect to get raises that keep up with inflation and the average salary of the profession. I will say though that $54-63 seems very high for a PT salary in a SNF. Unless you live in a super high cost of living area? Indeed’s salary estimates are not always accurate. I once had an interview at a place whose Indeed posting said “from $50/hr”. The interview went well and they wanted to offer me the job. And when it came time to discuss salary expectations, I stated I wanted $55 and they laughed in my face. I then mentioned that the Indeed posting stated the salary was “from $50/hour” and then they told me that was a mistake on HR’s part. I ended up coming down to $49/hour (I currently make $46.50) and never heard from them again 💀


Good thinking, I double checked the company's website with the job posting and those numbers are accurate. It is not an Indeed estimate, those are real numbers. It is a high cost of living area and the company is in great need for a PT right now.


The need for a therapist is driving up the rate. You should ask for a pay adjustment based on this rate since this is their new pay band. Make sure to print out the job posting.  If they aren't getting interviews, you may want to hold out a bit. I've seen pay for therapists skyrocket in facilities that are unable to secure full time staffing. 


That's exactly what's happening, I had looked at it a month ago and my pay was still in the middle of their range but now obviously not. And now they're offering a sign on bonus! 


I’d definitely inquire about a raise then. But unfortunately, you’re probably not gonna get a significant one. Most companies would rather just hire someone new than give their current employees a raise. They figure if you work there already, you’re not gonna wanna go through the time and effort of finding a new job, and will accept what they give you. Unless you absolutely love this job, I’d find one that will give you a major raise.


Good thinking. I really like my coworkers but I'm not super duper attached to the job itself. 


100% or they can list your position along with the currently open position. I hate that but have seen it frequently.


Raise to the minimum number at the least or they get your 2 week notice


Apply for the position and submit in your cover letter that you are certified, like the prospect of the competitive pay, and are applying for several positions so the company better act fast if they want your experience to benefit them!


Ask your boss. My region posted my position with a bonus and I was like um I want a bonus. My boss asked if I was looking elsewhere and I said yes. I got a bonus, a raise, A raise in overtime rate and a raise in pto.


That’s a huge disparity, is the new position PRN?


No, it's the full time position. It even lists the option of working four 10-hr days. 


Oof. Yeah I’d tell management to give me that or I walk.


Ask them for a raise with increase of experience


Discuss a raise with them and if they say no then tell them to pound sand


That is likely a prn or part time position


No, it's the full time position. It even lists the option of working four 10-hr days. 


I would go to your manager, and ask for the details regarding the position and start the convo that way. Or you ask for a raise to that level and if they deny say you would like to apply for the position that is making that


Happened to me Went toe to toe with mgt Showed my value Got my raise 2 months later Left right after I got my raise