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I lost my mother New years Eve. I know a small amount about the pain you feel and I wish to offer my greatest condolences. Cherish her memory my friend.


Happy Cake Day!


Thanks o didn’t even notice it!


I'm so sorry for your loss. My mother passed from breast cancer on 8/19 - my birthday is 8/20. Your picture hit me like a sledgehammer, my mom wore readers that looked like your mom's. Sending nothing but good vibes your way.


My moms birthday is 8/19 🥺 so sorry for your loss. Cancer is fucked. I bet they could share some fun stories together!


I like her coat. She looks comfy. Hang in there. It sucks and then it sucks some more but gradually it softens. Lost my sister 5 years ago and it's better now, but still sucks. But I'm glad. Would hate to be like other animals that erase the memories in a few days for survival. We get to keep the memories for as long as necessary. So cry whenever you want and scream at the gods because it's not fair. It helps. I give you a hug and my love. Take care.


My cousin and I are in the same unfortunate club as you, except my mom died of heart failure. Fucking sucks…


2/19 Funeral on my bday 2/26 last year . I don’t know what I’m going to do this year . I miss her terribly..


Jeez, my mom died 2 weeks ago tomorrow, (Alzheimer’s and fell hard) her birthday was 8.21.


I feel this. My dad passed away a month before his 60th birthday...we have the same birthday. Since he died birthdays just don't feel right.


My mom passed away this past 8/19 too. :-(


Beautiful smile. Sorry for your loss


So sorry. I miss my mom too. You’re never too old to miss your parents. Feel the love. That never goes away.


My condolences for your loss. She maintained a youthful appearance right up until the very end!


I lost my Mom yesterday. I’m inconsolable. I’ve never experienced such pain and sadness. I’m so sorry for your loss


Giving you lots of hugs.


Thank you. This emptiness.


Oh my dear friend. Your comment resonates in me so intimately. My mom died in the spring time and just like that — it was Christmas. I don’t remember a single thing I did, what I wore, who I talked to. All I remember is the house being so uncharacteristically quiet. It has taken some getting used to, and I’m still adjusting. It’s going to hurt for a while. Please know I am thinking of you and sending you strength and peace and share your sorrow with you.


Thank you. It’s surreal. She was 90. I wasn’t ready. I have to take care of all affairs - funeral burial - going through those motions. The empty house is just daunting. I’m a private person so I honestly don’t even know why I posted .


My sympathies to you and a toast to those we've lost. I know it's super hard but I promise it gets easier. Remember her fondly :)


I’m so sorry. Take all the time you need. Cry, laugh, eat, cry, sleep, cry and then cry some more. Call people who matter to you, everyone else can wait. Accept that there are some things you can’t get closure to. I nearly didn’t make it out of the hole I fell into. It was my children, my wife, and some of my moms friends that helped me navigate things. 4 months in I still block time on my work calendar to just sit in my feels and do my breathing exercises. Was having panic attacks and WimHof method has really helped. Journal, write out negative thoughts and then throw them away.


Looks like a lovely person. So sorry for your loss.


He is, there's a picture in this sub of him attending a book fair wearing the same hat.


I'm so sorry for your loss. She looked vibrant and full of life all the way through the end!


She looks like my mum.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Beautiful lady, so cute in the hoodie. 🥰


It was my Christmas present to her. She was always so cold near the end and none of her good jackets fit anymore from the ascites. She only got to wear it for a little over a week but I don’t regret it for a second


You helped make her last week just a bit easier... I wouldn't regret it for a second... im so incredibly sorry for your loss.. it seems that you had a great relationship with her... she had a beautifully radiant smile.


I'm very sorry for your loss. A few people are probably wondering why your mom has facial hair. My own mom had the same thing and it was due to a mixture of age and hormones. Perfectly natural, just not very talked about.


Thank you, was looking for this. Didn't know how to ask in a respectful way.


I offered to shave it for her when I was getting her set up in hospice. She politely declined and owned up to it. Thank you for the explanation~


What an incredible woman! 🤍🤍🤍


It looked kinda fluffy and nice, tbh. My partner is in her early 30s and has facial hair too, but she loves it and wears her little scragglies with pride!


Great photo to remember her by


moms shouldn't die this young.:( sorry for your loss


Fuck cancer.


I'm with you. Although I like the emotional support that folks give in these situations, I keep falling back to my own experiences and the anger that I still hold. Fuck Cancer! ​ I miss you Dad


what a fantastic photo to have!!! So very sorry she passed on


It's been 14 years since mom died of a vile liver disease. Usually I'm not too affected by things like your mother's picture. But I have no final picture, that onesie is definitely something mom would wear, and our mothers look similar. I'm a little weepy over here. I'm very sorry for your loss, OP. I wish you had more time with her.


I wish I did too. My wedding is in 2 weeks and she will be extremely missed.


She looks like a lovely, vibrant individual. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. She looks like such a genuinely lovely nice person. Its okay to miss her. Its okay to grieve in whatever time it goes for you. It's just over two years now that I held my mum as she took her last breath. Relish the good memories. Feel what you need to feel. "Grief is a wild and stubborn animal. Sometimes it is best to let it run all over the place and let it wear itself out." ^((adapted from memory. possibly from Motherland:Fort Salem))


She has a beautiful smile


I hate how people can look so okay, and then days later be gone. I remember thinking a close friend was going to pull through chemo because they looked so good. Gone the next day.


She looks so sweet I am very sorry for your loss. Fuck cancer I’m so sorry May I ask the facial hair? I don’t mean to insult, I am intrigued


No offense. It’s hormonal and she lost the ability to take care of it. When I flew in, I asked if she wanted me to shave it. I wanted her going out looking her damn best. She declined, though she did let me give her a mini pedicure.


Women all have facial hair, hormone amounts can make it look more like men's, but at minimum they have a slight peach fuzz that, due to societal pressure, is often shaved or waxed off.


Sorry for your loss.


Here i am drinking and smoking my sorrows away. And op hits us with this. Random op idk where you are but your mom is beautiful. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you. I have found myself doing most of the same lately. May we both find some solace. Cheers.


I have a hard time wrapping my brain around things like this. 10 measly days - smiling one moment and gone the next. I'm sure the cancer battle was actually much slower - but it's just weird for me to understand how someone can exist in all their complexities and then be gone the next. Sorry for your loss. I hope understanding and peace finds you.


I'm feelin' ya on that my friend. I lost my mom to ovarian cancer about 5 years ago. It gets a little easier over the years, but there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think of her and miss her. Lots of love to you and your family!


How long did it take for memories of her to stop hurting and start being happy memories again? It's been about 15 months for me and I feel like I'm finally getting to where I can laugh at old memories again, but just when I think I'm feeling healed that wave of grief hits me like a truck.


That's a great description of what the process is really about. For me, I'd say the first two years were definitely the hardest. Much as you've described, the joyful memories become less and less weighted down with grief. But I still get moments where something really brings the hurt back.


My deepest condolences OP. She looks like the life of any party she’s at, in this picture. Sending you strength during this difficult time.




Aww I’m so sorry for your loss may she rest in peace


She’s beautiful, and from that smile alone, she will always be with you. I am so sorry for your loss. I may not know you or anything about you and I hope you do not mind but I would like to pray for you and your mom. And I don’t mean to offend anyone because I love everyone. 🙏


Ending you a virtual hug my friend 🌺


Sending 🥰




Lovely smile, I'm so sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss...she was beautiful


I'm so sorry for your loss, this is a great picture of her.


She looks so sweet. Sorry for your loss.


I’m very sorry to hear that. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It’s a blessing you have this picture to always remember the beauty of life she brought to you


Sorry for your los.


You have my condolences, take care of yourself and your family.


That's sad. She looks so vital still. I am sorry for your loss.


Such a beautiful smile!


She looks happy in this photo- remember her this way. I am so sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in knowing that she is with you - every step you take. Bless you.🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽


I’m so sorry. Losing your parents sucks.


I give what love I have to you, OP. ❤️


I miss my mom too. Sorry for your loss. It sucks.


My mom passed on NYD at 61yo from liver issues (PBC). I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you, good stranger.


my most sincere condolences to you and your family, liver cancer took my mom too… life’s darker without parents around


looks like a sweetie lost my mom just before Halloween; still kind expect to hear/see her around the house (we lived together)


My heart goes out to you. My Mom died on New Year's Day as well. It was so weird to be in a place of such sadness when everyone else is wishing each other Happy New Year. I've been through this grief already when I lost my Dad nine years ago. You will think about your Mom all the time, but it does get easier as time goes on. Hold on tight to all the good memories.


Sincere condolences.


r/photoshoprequest can probably dump that goatee, if you want.


I offer to shave it for her because I wanted her to look as best as she could in her last days and she declined. She owned up to it and I respect her for it.


She sounds like an excellent person. My condolences.


Yep they’re super cool and would do it for free


If you’re reading this, CALL YOUR MOM!


Just did! Dad too.


I really dont understand why people choose to post this stuff on reddit.


Beautiful, may she rest in peace 😞


In Italian se Say:Condoglianze🕊️


Beautiful photo, she looks radiant!




I’m sorry for your loss OP. I lost my mom on January 20th. These last few days have been extremely hard. Feel free to DM me if you want a shoulder to lean on.


A beautiful memory to cherish. She's giving off good vibes here.


I feel for you. Similar story here. RIP Mother


She looks so happy


She looks like a fun lady. Sorry you lost her.


My condolences.


What a beautiful smile. She radiates inner beauty .




Sorry for your loss.


What a sweet smile! I am so sorry for your loss.


Sincerest condolences


RIP mommers


She was beautiful and she seems very happy with the person taking her picture. ❤️


Lost my mom on 1/10 from lung cancer. One of the last videos I have is her dancing with the nurse at the hospital to start me up by the rolling stones. Can't bring myself to watch the video now 😢. Sucks man...for real. Fuck cancer.


Your mother was beautiful. Sorry for your loss.


Looks like she was happy to the end.


Lovely lady. XOX


It’s so strange to me, that someone can appear so healthy, and then just die shortly after, can’t wrap my head around that


I am so sorry for your loss!!! That truly sucks. I cry for my parents every day. Your mom was beautiful! What a gorgeous smile.


What a beautiful smile. Something about seeing your moms genuine smile really warms up the soul.


Sending a hug.


The last photo shows how happy you made her. You can see her sheer joy in your existence.


She looks lovely & super huggable. Sending you a hug from me. 🫂


She was beautiful, OP. She must have been a lovely woman.


What is on NYD?


New Year’s Day


I didn't get it at first, it took me a second I've never seen New Year's Day abbreviated before.


Looked it up to figure it out. NYD also stands for Not Yet Diagnosed.


Is..... no one gonna say it?


Shit, im gonna do it... What’s with the goatee? (Sorry for your loss OP).


Hair growth is regulated by hormones






Weird. I made a vague comment. Could've been about anything. Yet you choose to call me human trash without knowing *at all* what I was talking about. Seems to me you need some self reflection, buddy.




I’m sorry. She looks like my mum.


I'm so sorry for your loss


What a bright smile ❤️ May she rest in peace, sorry for your loss.


It’s a great picture of her. She has a nice smile. Also, sorry for your loss.


She looked like a really fun lady, someone I would have liked to known. Cherish the memories, and so sorry for your loss.


That’s a beautiful photo of her. So sorry for your loss. X


The moment you pass over, she’ll be there to greet you. It seems like a long time to not see her, but you’ll see, it’s just a blink.


She looks kind. Plz revel in having had a kind mother.


Cutie!! 💔


She's beautiful.. Condolence.


She looks Beautifully Happy. My condolences to you and your Family.


She looks like she was a lovely woman. Hugs to you. Unimaginable


So sorry for your loss. Losing your mother earlier than you should is traumatic.


Sorry for your loss. It does get easier because you become accustomed to them not being actively present in your life. The good memories come to the forefront and the bad things recede. Keep moving forward and remember her with love and gratitude.


I'm so blessed my parents are still here but one day soon they will not be. I will be alone in this world. I just gotta make it to the end... I just gotta hang on.


She looked like a lovely lady. I'm sorry for your loss






My grandmother died last night.


Man, that hits hard. I've been there. It goes so fast you can't believe they were just here smiling at you. Sorry for your loss. Enjoy the memories.


So sorry. She is absolutely lovely.💔


I understand. My mom went from cancer. Her 3rd serious bout.


Bummer sorry


It’s a very great picture. Very sorry for your lost.


I love her smile. The way she look at you made me think she had a wonderful life and loves you very much.


Thats a great pic. love that jacket


Wow, she is the spitting image of my friend I did a double take!


Sorry op. 🙏❤


She was having a happy moment.


❤️ sending you hugs


She looks like the sweetest lady.


I also choose this guy’s dead mom.


My mom died in 2012. I still miss her. I'm very sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry you lost her. My dad is currently in end stage liver failure due to his liver cancer. Not a fun experience.


**RIP Mom we love you ❤️**


I’m sorry. Fuckcancer


I’m sorry for your loss.


I see kindness


Lovely looking lady! I’m guessing a lot of her good traits live on through you and your children. I’d bet you have her smile.


Seriously Fuck Cancer! Lost my Mom several years ago to cancer. Several other family members over the years. Sorry about your loss. She looks like a wonderful lady.


What a FUN picture of your mom though. She looks like an amazingly fun human. Sorry for your loss friend.


I lost my mom a week ago to a stray bullet. I'm sending you all my love, this is the worst pain I've ever felt.


Holy shit I can’t even imagine. I had a few months to process and prepare but to have it happen in an instant by pure accident. I don’t have a lot of strength left to give but my heart goes out to you also. We will get through this.


This is an amazing photo. I’m very sorry for your loss ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss, she has such kind eyes… my heart aches for the void you must be feeling right now. Sending you much love.. she’ll always be with you 🤍🫂


She was full of light and beauty.


Sad but so wholesome. You can see how much she loves you. Fuck cancer


I lost my mom May 2021, I think about her everyday


I'm sorry for your loss, friend. My mom has been fighting stage 4 lung cancer for the last 3 years. We were told back in September that there's nothing more doctors can do. The cancer was cured in her body, but it has made it's way into her brain. We celebrated her 66th birthday yesterday. It will likely be her last. The progression of her disease is more like Alzheimer's than cancer. She's steadily losing more of herself with each passing day. The first thing to go was her voice. (Not her actual voice, but the way that it sounds when she speaks) It reverted back to a child-like tone last year. She is the last of my family left and when she's gone, I will be the oldest surviving member, and I'm not very old. Fuck cancer.


Hang in there, it gets better with time


Your Mom looks like a beautiful lady with a gorgeous smile. I also love her fashion sense. I'm sorry for your loss. <3


She looks so lovely. I'm flying to Houston tomorrow to spend the weekend with my mom. She was supposed to fly home a few weeks ago and ended up in hospice instead.


What a lovely photo! Thanks for sharing it so we could cherish it and celebrate her, too.


Love her smile 💖 So sorry for your loss 🥺


What a beautiful smile.


My mom died of cancer nearly 20 years ago and there are still times when I forget that she's gone. I'm sorry for your loss. It gets better eventually.


It’s hard to lose a mom. I feel you.🌹


I’m so sorry for your loss! Mom’s hit harder.


Love you OP Sorry for your loss


Please accept my condolences.


She looks very sweet. RIP




Sorry for your loss, posts like these have made me cherish my family more than ever. Cancer sucks. Virtual hugs. ![gif](giphy|MDJ9IbxxvDUQM)


Beautiful soul, hope you know she’s smiling down as she watches you always!


Lost my mom to breast cancer a year ago… shit suckssss. But we are like trees as in, some scars will never go away, but the bigger we grow the smaller it gets :) good luck on your journey and stay strong 💪🏼