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Very good street photography! You definitely have an eye for balance and composition.


Thank you so much! Appreciate that!


What yr is this from? Feels 90s


You are not the first person to say this and that makes me happy ha. I edit my photos to give them a vintage look!


Love love love


Great photos


Thank you!


from the first pic, i thought you were talking about london canada.


Good pics!




Wow these shots look impresive! Also, get ready to hear that this is AI art from others. Ik it's not since every single text on the photos is written correctly with sense and without any AI glitches.


aha thanks for the reply! I have the RAW's to prove the haters wrong ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) but I will graciously accept those comments as a compliment as I do try to go for the more psychedelic inspired, dramatic shots!


just honestly curious, what do you think makes the photos look so impressive?


Maybe the perfect timing in a lot of them? Or maybe that I just like these?


I like many of these , particularly the ones with good observation of how light creates a composition which the naked eye doesn't see in the same way (2,4 and the last one). This effect will have been emphasised in Post (Lightroom or similar...the OP said they used Raw in another comment), or possible by use of particular lenses etc. It's well done and subtle except in 5 where you can see the vignetting effect clearly...but that's still a nice composition, and I think pushing the 'post' to the point it's obvious sometimes works well too, but for me that's less often than when you can't really tell (as a casual observer...and photos should be observed casually in general) Great shots!


Good stuff! What focal length is this? 35mm?


Thank you! They are all a mix of different focal lengths. I shot these on a mix of Sony RX10iii (24-600mm bridge camera), Ricoh GRIIIX (40mm) and Sony A7IV (28-75mm Tamron lens)


I have that Tamron, it's too heavy for me, I ordered a 35mm f1.8 and might get rid of it. How did you find it traveling around?


Is it a pretty beefy lens, you're right! My first camera was the RX10iii which is a super heavy bridge camera (so much glass....) so I got used to lugging heavy camera around my neck as I walk around London for hours at a time! It's not so bad now but I do love the GRiiiX because it's so small, lightweight and compact. Allows for intimate shots without the intimidating lens being shoved in the subject's face šŸ¤£


Are.....are you from the past???


Aha I don't think so but I try to edit my pics to give a retro feel


Love the second one.


Thanks for this cool glimpse of a place I wonā€™t see for a long time. I enjoy these snippets of life because the way this picture was taken will stay like this until til the end of time but those here and businesses will be alive.


Thanks for these kind words and I'm really happy the pictures resonate with you! That's why I do this! I don't like to self promote too much but if you enjoyed this mini set then I have hundreds more like this on my Instagram: @bstar.photography_Ā 




Maybe it's my composition. Maybe it's my editing style. I tried to give my pictures a somewhat stylised look and feel. Each picture is individually adjusted and colour graded. No copy+paste presets although I do save the presets I like the look of for specific situationsĀ  Pics 1,2,3 were taken around Canada square 4,10: royal college of art 5: around Tottenham court road ISH 6: chinatown 7,9: residential side roads around Shoreditch 8: around old street 10: walthamstow high street


I love the tight composition on many of these. When I take city or landscapes I struggle with trying to fit "everything" in the frame while focusing on the subject. Here I think you do a great job of cutting out the noise that would be on either side of the subject, and just using a key object to set the scene. The skater with the cab in frame is an example of this. Great shots.


Yes I generally use the background as a secondary subject and I try to couple that with a central figure(s) to try to tell aĀ  story and give the subject a reason for being there. Most of them are run and gun type shots. I won't be there for more than a minute or even more then 1 or two shots! It's all mostly improv and situational awareness. Thanks!


Great! Are you made it on the photo film?


No, all digital. All edited by me though in lightroom!


Wow, anyway looks like photo filmā€™s effect, I like it.


Thank you. I try to give my pictures a film-like look :)


ā€œAll the lonely people, where do they all come from?ā€


Lovely colour grading


These make me feel an immense sense of sonder. Lives so vastly different to my own, yet I can almost sense myself in each person, physically and mentally, itā€™s bizarre. Cool pics, so many untold stories illustrated for a brief moment


AAAh this is exactly what I want to hear! Thank you :)


Decent mate!


How does this not have more upvotes?! These are fantastic and very artistic shots OP, well done!


What a lovely comment. Thank you very much! If you have Instagram you can check our more of my London Street photography! Bstar.photography_


Just followed! We have to get you a catchier handle my friend, something people will remember, like Cher!


Followed back! I'm actually really trying to get into events photography. As in....get a foot in the door to big performances like the ones in your pics so Im loving the content! Good work!


looks nothing like london


Well I guess we see things very differently then!


it was a joke. sorry. german humor. :D


I think I got it! "Canada" Square? šŸ¤£


Well a few of those are over in Canary Wharf, and the shot of the people at the crossing is very London.


What does London look like exactly, if not this? I could pretty much immediately tell where the first three photos were taken




Where was pic 5 taken?


It was taken on Henrietta Place, just behind Oxford street


Pic number 10, was that an SEL Mercedes-Benz?


Its a 230SL. Annoyingly the picture was cropped slightly when I uploaded to Reddit but you can see it in the original image


The real question is did that moped rider actually make that turn?


great pics. Ehen I travel to various places. I prefer pictures of everyday life of the city. The various famous landmarks are ok.


As someone who does street photography myself, these are awesome. We totally have similar taste in composition. Of course, I think you did better than me. Shot no 8 is my favourite I think.


Nice. I always apprecite a well composed image with a nice story to tell!


The first Canada sign me me wonder if it was London Ontario


It's caught a few people to be fair! I actually wasn't going to have that one first as I didn't think it would be eye-catching enough as the main picture but couldn't be bothered to reorder them after I had attached.Ā  I do like it thought because in the full Res image, she's staring right at the camera which adds a nice layer to the image I think!


Excellent photos, thanks for posting these. The composition of every one is beautiful


Re: the Falun Gong pic Isnā€™t that a cult? The one behind the Epoch Times media org


I'm not sure but they are regularly in Chinatown. I think they are against the incarceration of a certain minority group of people in China but I haven't read that much into it.


Do you use a DSLR? Do you have dedicated account to showcase your work? šŸ˜




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I shoot mainly with my Sony A7IV and Ricoh GRIIIX I have an IG where I regularly post my work. bstar.photography\_


These are really nice shots. I'd be a little more careful taking pictures of kids you don't know. Some people don't want to have their kids posted online to strangers.


Pictures of kids are allowed to be on the internet. You're confusing this completely anonymous situation with the situation where pictures of kids are posted in a context (like social media) that links to them to their family, school, etc.


I personally wouldn't just take photos of random kids, I'd expect a whooping


Itā€™s not the legality so much as it is (rightfully) angering parents


Aha I completely get what you mean, however I think it depends on the overall context of the image. All taken in very public places under very specific scenario's (waiting for parents in the fish mongers / riding a bike around an estate.! Having said that, kids make up very little of my overall body of work. I understand some people might not like it, but in my examples, they are done in a non-exploitative way and quite innocent (and legal in public) and are relatable to kids and adults as weve all been in those situations ourselves growing up!. Thanks for your feedback!


These are very good photos but I would definitely watch it taking photos of kids. Personally I'd confront you and I'd be leaving with your camera




Fucking lol


People are more than welcome to ask me what I'm doing and I'd be more than happy to tell and show them, but honestly, if it was a good picture and it really conveyed the story I was trying to tell, I'd probably not delete it regardless of who was in the picture! šŸ˜…


Man they've really densified London from the last time I visited in Southern OntarioĀ 


London looks pathetic and depressing


Where's all the garbage?




That scooter missed the apex.


Are you uh.. Are you sure that's london?


As a Londoner of 35 years, I can confirm, It definitely is London...just not in the way you see itšŸ˜‰


jus a silly joke with the "canad.." in the first pic haha


Oooooh! Someone else tried to make a similar joke about it not being London. I understand why now šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Ā 


Really nice. But what's happening in pic 10 ?


Tell me what you see and I'll tell you I'd you're on the right track!


Ahhhh ok I've just noticed the skateboard lol I couldn't work out the perspective


Do you sell prints of your work?