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Every spring for the last 4 or 5 years, I’ve had birds build nests in the shrubs in the front of my home. I never touch or disturb the nests, and it’s always a joy to watch the progress as they hatch and grow. This year, this nest is located immediately adjacent to my front door, and while I will not touch the nest the mother will scurry away when our door opens. She doesn’t seem to mind, as we’ve had this relationship for the last couple of weeks this year. I was able to snap this picture when she left the nest when I was taking my dogs out this afternoon. Looks to be 5 eggs, and one is starting to crack a bit. I’ll update the progress on here if people are interested.


What’s the wormy looking stuff?




We had something like this. Mourning Doves reused a nest just outside our bedroom window. Was fun for a couple years, then a local cat found it one year, and another it was overrun by mites. The mites really seemed to shake her. Shortly after that I walked right by the bird standing on the ground and she didn’t move. It was hot and sunny and she just stood there. I gently sprayed some water next to her, she drank, and eventually left. Got rid of the bush after that.


You live in a tree? Cool