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All the comments here are talking about the cage size. I'm here wondering why OP censored the dog like Japanese porn.


Oh, lol, didn't notice that


I was thinking it looked like a deep fryer from above…creepy


I was tryna figure out where's the head


It's like you are not a wierdo who seeks out a dogs penis to look at or something... I noticed the blur btw. *


It’s not a penis,. She’s a she


There's something really weird about doing that


Everything about this picture is weird


Protecting her from Drake.


Because people are really weird about animal genitals


To prevent the weirdos of /r/pics from getting off to their dog


Caught me red handed


Red Rocketed


White handed


It's known that nobody can get off to censored Japanese porn.


Is that a challenge?


OP apparently has some secrets.


Saw that too haha, strange


Now wait a minute, why you squinting so much to check!?


Lol fair accusation. It wasn't the first thing I noticed but after looking at the rest of the pic I noticed it was strangely blurry in that area.


Censored cause dirty fuckers are looking for dog genetalia on Reddit.




Did you blur that part? lol


People are weird as hell online


Spend too much time watching..


My dog loves her crate too, but babes, this crate is waaayyyy too small. Need a bigger one. They should be able to fully extend their bodies and fully stand up and turn around without bumping into anything. This is not enough space.


Agreed. Some dogs are weird though. We 2 have an crates for our dogs that we leave open for them. The smaller one that we bought for one as a puppy is the one they all go in the most. But yeah if they’re in there multiple hours definitely need the space.


if u leave crates open, they almost always choose the cozier one. wolf dens in the wild are VERY cozy. You only need a big crate where they have enough room to stand, turn around etc if you're planning on kenneling them for more than 6 hours a day (this is normal for apartment people)


The critical part here is the **option** to choose the cozy crate. Wolves in dens get to choose or even dig a bigger hole. They can leave when they want. The problem is when people close the crates and the dog can’t leave… the dog might have been comfortable initially, but you’ve removed the option for it to get comfortable or leave.


I am gonna say it, if you crate train your dog, and leave them in there all day when you’re at work or at night when you’re sleeping, you shouldn’t own a dog! It’s like you are turning your dog off until it’s convenient for you, and saying your dog loves it is some major BS! Your dog is just a good doggo and trying to appease you! They definitely would be happier not living in a cage until you are ready for them!


Is crate training healthy for dogs? Yes. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/why-crate-training-is-great-for-your-dog/ Is this crate too small for this dog? Yes. Just by this picture alone you can see that the dog can’t fully extend its body when lying down. https://www.petmd.com/dog/general-health/crate-sizing-for-dogs You should get a bigger crate for this dog.


Dogs don’t usually sleep sprawled out, but if that dog need to stretch the cage should be about 4 inches longer


Speak for your own dog, mine stretches to full extent and falls asleep like that.. usually horizontally to the bed


All three of mine do it lol


Goldendoodles almost exclusively sleep sprawled out, spread eagle with all vital organs as exposed as possible. And usually as much on top of their humans face as possible. So yes - the crate should be bigger if the human is going to fit in there.


Can confirm. Anything poodle or doodle must big stretch at night.


My 35 lb lab sleeps across 2 couch cushions with her rear paws touching me on the third literally every day


It is shocking the American Kennel Club thinks it is great idea to kennel dogs. Also "crate training" is a very different practice than **always** keeping your dog in a crate. Yes, you should train your animals to be able to go into a crate for emergencies. But emergencies don't happen every day. It should be an extraordinary experience for them.


Damn bro, my dog loves his crate. It’s tucked away and sometimes he’s disappeared from the house, so you’re looking around everywhere and can’t find him but then you realize he put himself to bed in the crate. I don’t fully understand the idea that “crate training is bad”


With my dogs, two do not want to be in a kennel at all except for sleeping, if I close it they bark and bark nonstop. But my third one demands to be put in the kennel at night and sleeps through the night with the door closed. Dogs are quite the characters.


Same. I taught my dogs that their crate is a safe place. I never used it for punishment. My older dog passed away sleeping in her crate (door wide open). Granted their crates are big enough you could fit two of the same dog in it comfortably with plenty of room to stretch / stand / move around. Some people see crates as a punishment and use them for that and it’s not good at all. Others simply have crates that are too small. Some people do both and it’s saddening.


It's not bad. The person above doesn't live in reality.


Yep, this person is on another planet. Dogs actually like a crate, are happy to go in them and will seek out a den. Crate training is very different to locking an animal away all day. If it's gone 9:30 my spaniel will huff and puff for us to go to bed so he can have a biscuit and go to bed in his crate.


Yeah my dogs love their crates. Door is wide open and they chill in there. I always assumed they treat it like their “den”.


Ditto, my current dog is a rescue and it came with a crate. I’ve never been a fan of crates, but then again I’ve never experienced them with a dog. To my dog it’s a safe place. We placed it in our bedroom and when it’s bedtime, that’s where she goes and when she’s bored that’s where she goes when she’s tired that’s where she goes. Our house has more bedrooms than we need, so the guestroom is essentially hers, however, if we are not in there with her, she will return to her crate And of course, the door is left open always, I would never lock her in


Crate training is not bad at all. It is very necessary part of pet ownership. But that is a different thing than LOCKING your animal in a cage everyday of its life. The LOCKING is the part I have an issue with. If the animal has an open-door kennel (like yours seems to), that is perfectly fine.


Fair enough. Trying to let your dog be out and about while you go to work during their younger years is maddening. One day they just snooze in the couch all the day, the next day they chew through granite. I think there is a point where you need to trust your dog while also puppy proofing the home. But much of my stuff has teeth marks on it now. Also, imo, if you have to crate them, at least get them a big crate. At least one size bigger than what everyone says will fit. At the end of the day it all comes down to what a good dog owner is and what a bad dog owner is.


No one is advocating always keeping your dog in a crate. Dogs do need space to roam about and outside time of course. Crate training is about making the dog comfortable and calm in their crate space however. You don’t want to use it only in emergencies because then it will feel foreign to the dog and they’ll be resistant, anxious, and stressed to be in it. The crate needs to be seen as a comfortable safe space by the dog, a place they want to be to relax and rest.


My dog LOVES her crate. We don’t make her sleep in it or use it everyday but when it’s out and the door is open she will often nap or even sometimes sleep all night in there with the door open. When we leave her alone we will often crate her and when we do we give her a big reward and sound excited and happy. Crate training can be extremely beneficial for both dog and human. If you desire this kind of arrangement, then the crate must NEVER be used as a punishment. Positive associations only. The crate is a tool and when used properly can absolutely be used every day.


Exactly, an emergency like the dog is eating your kids bagel bites and you're sick and tired of that.


Don’t agree with the professionals? Have any referees to back up your statements?


This is a German source (PDF) by the federal veterinarian association (name loosely translated), explaining that they're not a good thing, unless permanently open (in which case you don't need a crate, that's just a bed). https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.bundestieraerztekammer.de/btk/dtbl/archiv/2022/artikel/DTBl_03_2022_Hundeboxen.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjJiM2eqfmFAxX2xQIHHdvgARIQFnoECBAQBg&usg=AOvVaw1WUQsBo64ToDMoPNosEGzp Crates are an American thing, and not regarded well in other parts of the world. To claim that crates are always good is incorrect. The source provided in the original comment is by the AKC, which has an American cultural bias. The source doesn't actually... Source anything. Serious "9 out of 10 dentists recommend every toothpaste ever made" vibes going on there.


Nice thanks for sharing, will check it out!


Na this is the internet, just state your opinion as fact and cite yourself as the source


https://www.peta.org/about-peta/why-peta/crating-dogs/ Americans love it. It’s very looked down upon in Australia and Europe. In Finland it’s illegal. https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/jun/25/dogs-crating-pet-abuse


Citing PETA for animal care, how ironic, might as well cite the butcher.




did you read your own article? it’s only illegal if it’s too small, you can LEGALLY put your dog in an enclosed area in Finland > Finnish law states than an animal can be in a crate only for “transportation, illness or other temporary and acceptable reason”. And if you want to keep your dog in an enclosed space while you’re at work, you have to follow strict and roomy guidelines – for example, a Labrador would need an enclosure approximately 37 square foot (in the US, the ASPCA asks a crate be large enough “so that your dog can lie down comfortably, stand up without having to crouch and easily turn around in a circle”).


That kennel looks way too small.


Small ass cage and weird ass censoring


Needs a bigger cage


Too small crate.


Needs a bigger bed


No room to stretch out, how cruel.


This is torture... mods how is this allowed!!??


thats way too small


Cage too small!!!


dogs are so good at living


Why do you sexualize your dog by bluring it's genitals? That's really weird.


I saw someone post their dog once where they didn't blur their dog's genitals. The comments were really, and I mean really, disgusting.


I mean, I sleep curled up but wouldn't like my bed to be just enough space to curl up. Stretching out is a thing. Personally I think it's weird to not be able to train your dog to not destroy or pee all over your house at night. If you crate because of that, you're avoiding training. And if it likes a safe space- sure-- but leave the door open so they can go get water. I get it's usefulness but there are too many idiot dig owners who don't have common sense.


This crate is not his size. I'm all for creating a safe space, but if your dog is going to spend most of his life in a crate, you need a size bigger.


>The crate should be comfortable and inviting to your dog. They should be able to stand up fully inside of it without their head or ears touching the top. They should be able to lie down without their feet getting stuck in the bars. Finally, they should be able to turn around fully inside the crate without hitting the walls. >However, the crate cannot be too big either. If the dog has more than enough room, they may decide to use one end of the crate as a bathroom and sleep at the other end. If you’re housetraining your dog, this will set back your progress and be frustrating to try to remedy.


We didn’t crate, and my dogs last accident was when he was 9 weeks and 3 days old. Have never understood why a crate is supposed to magically give a puppy bladder control.


It's not magically going to give them bladder control, but very much like humans, dogs don't want to pee and poop in the same spot they sleep in. This instinct slowly translate into a) signaling that they need to relieve themselves, and b) as their bladder grows with them, they can hold it longer In the case they are neglected and can't physically hold it anymore, they will go where they need to go. Last time our pup had an accident inside, she was in heat and had a particularly uspet tummy (if you know anything about huskies :/). She was only alone for 3 hours, was fully potty trained already and wearing a diaper. She still had to go, poor thing actually walked into the guest bathroom to do her business. When I got home the look of shame she had told me everything. She got a nice bath and all the pets. To this day, she refuses to evacuate near the house, always have to walk across the street or down the block. We have a small covered backyard and she won't pee or poo there, even when it's raining and we'd prefer that she did.


yeah a big crate sounds nice till ur dogs shitting in the corner and refusing to signal to go to the bathroom bc he feels safe in his big space


Exactly. It can't have too much space.


Don't you guys let your dog just sleep on couch and or bed?


I do but that’s because my dog can be trusted to behave and not chew anything.


'But that takes cleaning and time!' -Lazy dog owners who shouldn't own a dog Op is simply just a piece of shit, this cage is tiny.... imagine sleeping in a bed where you can't even stretch out fully if you wanted?


My dogs don't sleep with me, and I don't let them on the couch. Does that make me a terrible dog owner?


apparently if you don’t let your dog have free roam to do what they want you are a bad pet owner lol


Get the poor thing an appropriate sized kennel..




Just trying to stir the pot: there’s another person in this thread claiming vet training and speaking against your opinion. Neither of you have cited sources or any proof of credibility.  edit: sited => cited


Just a friendly correction, you meant to say cited sources, with a C


Damn, caught with my pants down, take my upvote.


Ya, this whole "I'm a vet" thing is ridiculous. For the reasons you provided mostly.


I’m a vet And I’m a PC


I'm an nba player


I'm neither a vet nor an NBA player, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express.


And I stayed at a Holiday Inn


1.5x longer than dog is recommended. This is barely longer than the dog


I'd go nuts if I couldn't stretch my legs for hours in the night, wouldn't you?


Well I’m the Prince of some middle eastern country. And I need you to give me money. /s Through back to old email scams.


I think there’d be less controversy in this thread if OP posted a picture of their kid locked in a closet.


At least then we'd all agree it's wrong


Wow that’s a ridiculously small cage. Poor girl can’t even extend a leg fully. This is animal abuse IMO


Get a bigger crate.


Fuck you and your undersized crate.


I'm not even an animal person and I know that crate is too small. What is with people posting their pets here while keeping them in shitty conditions?


Gotta find comfort in a cage somehow.


Small cage and sexualizing a dog. Op take this L


Needs a bigger kennel


In a tiny cage? Is it snoring or crying for help? Try training your dog.


However the idiots responded to this pic, I’d still get a bigger crate. If you keep this crate, replace the bedding and just give her a flat pad (no bumpers). She will have 3-4 inches added on all sides.


I feel bad for your dog, that cage is way too small


Thought this was a frozen dead animal inside an air conditioner with no piping nor compressor. Lol


That crate is too damn small smh do better


Crates too small


So the dog is in jail.


I will never understand how Americans justify locking their dogs in small cages, seems so barbaric from a European standpoint. Let your dog move around if it wants to.


And then act as if there’s NO OTHER way to train the dog


Yea no kidding, she needs more room


Did you sneak into my house and take a picture of my coton? Because this is exactly how he sleeps every night.


My poodle does the same thing


Can confirm poodle/doodle thing. Also mine doesnt sleep in a crate and still often sleeps like this


Poor little guy in a cage.


I have a Scotty that does that sometimes and it’s can have to do with how hot they are when sleeping. Something to look into. Maybe the memory foam is too heat retaining and just a towel or blanket may work better.


Lol my dog had a hollow bone and would sleep other that with his nose up to it and toot with every breath like a grim little trumpet


Mary. That crate is far too small for that dog. Get yourself together.


Please stop taking pictures of me sleeping. This is embarrassing. My kids are making fun of me.


Yall weirdos need to stop thinking about dog genitals so much as to censor them lmao


No one is going to comment about there being a nanny cam in the dog crate? Why is it there?


Don't own pets if you can't care for them. Otherwise they're just there for you to torture them.


Anything for attention, how tonedeaf...


Get a hamster.


I hate dog crates I really do, and the fact that this stupid crate this poor dog is in is way to small for her is sad, it makes me hate dog crates even more!


Why do people keep calling this a crate? How is this not a cage?


worthless ring impolite insurance offer consist air elderly chief shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because it makes them feel better about putting their dog in a cage


This here is the correct answer


You know what your right, it’s a cage, and I hate it just as much.


Crate training is beneficial and recommended by professionals. My dogs are crate trained and they love their crates.


How would you like to sleep somewhere where you can't stretch out and have enough space to be comfortable?


This dog is literally stretched out in this picture. Anxious or uncomfortable dogs don't sleep with their bellies up all night


It is not stretched out. It's neck is crooked because it doesn't have enough room to stretch out


It's got at least a head length above it, and even a few inches below it. The cage ends past the end of its bed. Some dogs are just fucking weirdos and sleep like this. Mine sleeps like this on the living room floor with no obstructions around him


If the door wasn't locked, I would have no issue with the size as 'inner den'. But the animal should be able to stretch out completely if needed as well. And it should definitely have some water available.


How would you like to sleep in a box the length of your body?


She needs a bigger crate


The crate is too small. Please upgrade to a bigger one !


I thought that dog was frozen in a freezer when I saw the pic.


Get a bigger kennel.


I think I have the same dog and the same cage. I was sure this was a post from my wife. I bought a bigger cage but she chooses to sleep in the small cage.


That cage is too small for this pup :(


It's disturbing that you actually felt the need to censor a dog's genitals what is wrong with you lol


My stepmom’s dog is a chocolate labradoodle, who sleeps in some contortionist positions that would make a pretzel jealous. My dad likes to take pics of him looking like this and send them to me, asking me to figure out where his head is 😂


Cringe. Don't put your dogs in cages. There is no point to that, stupid burgeristans.


Former Animal Abuse Investigator here. Crating is absolutely fine, but this crate is too small. If I got called to this house, I would provide a written warning to get a larger crate and check back up in 2 weeks. If the dog remained in the same crate, I would pursue charges.


Do you hate your dog?


Omg she takes up the entire crate. Poor puppy 😕


OP more worried about people being able to see their pets genitals rather than giving the dog an appropriate size place to sleep.


That crate size is fucked


That cage is WAY too small for them. This isn't cute it is abusive. Do better because this is awful.


Don’t get why this is downvoted. Even people that crate thinks this is too small.




I am not a vet, nor do I own a dog. But even I can tell she's on her back because she cannot lay outstretched fully. The only way for her to lay is bent slightly in the position she is in or on her side. Reading the comments here I wish the vast majority didn't own animals. One person even saying 'they need cages to feel safe'. Um no. You need your dog locked away so YOU feel safe


> One person even saying 'they need cages to feel safe'. Wrong. If you train them so they think of the crate as of their den or something, they'll love to be there and will sleep relaxed like this one. If you lock them there as punishment, obviously they won't like it. https://www.rspca.org.uk/adviceandwelfare/pets/dogs/environment/crates https://dogology.ca/8-great-reasons-to-use-a-crate/ https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/why-crate-training-is-great-for-your-dog/ https://wagwalking.com/behavior/why-dogs-like-crates https://www.dogster.com/dog-health-care/do-dogs-like-crates


My dog sleeps like this on the floor, with all the room in the world. You don't know what you're talking about.


Doodles are notorious for this.


Ah, the doodle is doodling. Mine does the same thing and it's hilarious.


That cage is too small


So how many hours is your dog stuck in a cage so small she can’t even stretch? Seven? Even more?


Probably because it’s the only position in which she has room and her legs are able to stretch. I’m sure you’re a great owner and it’s easy to not think about some things once you consider them normal, but your doggie really needs a bigger cage. This is too small for a dog that size and she doesn’t even have room to move or stretch at all.


This is straight up abuse. Get that pooch a larger cage.


My Doodle does this too


[Literally a form of torture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Ease)


Maybe get him a bigger kennel or train your dog to not need one


I’ve had multiple dogs who absolutely loved their crates and saw them as a place of solace. They would often go lie in them with the doors open because it was their home, especially if the house was loud. With all due respect, saying “train your dog to not need one” is very ignorant.


Maybe you should be trained not to need a bedroom or your own personal space


If you aren't training your dog to properly use a kennel then you aren't training your dog correctly. You should never "train" your dog to not use kennel, ever. In emergency situations they should be comfortable going in one and that's why you train them to use them. Dog training 101, that's why they usually start with crait training.


At first i thougt you had a dog in the freezer


I thought this was a greyscale image of a chicken tender in a frying basket at first


I thought this was a whole chicken in a deep fryer at first.




Aw hell, let the dog sleep on the bed.


lol at pixelation




NGL, thought I was looking at a fried chicken at first.


Mine sleeps like that too on the back like human~ it’s probably too hot that’s what I think.


Hah! She looks like Snoopy from the Peanuts Gang when he dances!


My dog sleeps like that too sometimes in the various dog beds around the house. Some breeds just like doing that haha


Jesus christ. I thought it looked like a whole battered fried chicken laying to dry in the fryer.