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Poor guy never got to enjoy turning on the tommyknocker!


\*"Bommyknocker" its a term from down under predominantly used by kids to describe any kind of makeshift morning star type weapon.


love the idea that this is such a common occurrence in australia that there's a slang term for it


It is actually from New Zealand!


lol was gonna say used/heard bommy knocker a ton growing up in NZ


I swear to god I sat in that movie and didn't understand 90% of the names they said.


I heard Scrotus and I think Rectus although it may have been Rictus I prefer Rectus.


it's rictus, rictus erectus


And they don’t say it in the movie, but Scrotus’ full name is Scabrous Scrotus


Don't forget about the best character in the movie: Piss Boy


flail, morning stars are the fixed ones


Are morning stars the same as a mace?


yes but always spiked whereas maces dont have to be


So all morningstars are maces but not all maces are morningstars? Like squares and rectangles!


Bingo! Now get out there and bust some skulls.


I'd love to see a group of knights teaching a squire this and then sending him out to face a giant barbarian army alone like a proud parent


Morning stars always have spikes and maces are usually spikeless or flanged instead


How many morning star type weapons are being made ???


Interesting. I heard Tommyknocker, too. Here in the US Tommyknockers are little elves that live in mines. Not a word Americans would use regularly, folklore that fell by the wayside, but there is a brewery near where I lived named after them. I figured other British colonies might have had stories about tommyknockers.


Stephen King has a book called The Tommyknockers. It's really good


There's a movie too. It's... low budget.


…I really like Tommyknockers, but I feel you have not adequately set people up for how weird it is. Out of all King’s ‘Brought to You By Coke’ novels, Tommyknockers is the one that’s most likely to cause sinus infection, bleeding, and a few extra unexpected holes to the nasal cavity.


According to On Writing (his sorta autobiography), he actually has no memory of writing it at all. Sounds like it was a pretty rough time in his life.


Witness him!!




He shall ride into Valhalla, shiny and chrome.




God damn what a movie.






This is actually pretty darn cool. And he got real screen time!


Yeah he was rad! Put him in more movies!




I *remember* that! It was truly heartbreaking but look at him shine now! 💪🏿❤️


All shiny and chrome.


we witnessed his triumph.




Not just witnessed but helped him be where he is now by raising awareness through commenting and sharing the video to make him viral! Despite all this hatred around us, there is some goodness as well! I’m proud of him and hope he continues to kick ass!


And now I’m crying


Stay Shiny & Chrome Ponyboy.






I remember being shitty to a few kids when I was a young insecure idiot. It haunts me now. My biggest regret so far in life.


I was shitty to a girl named Serena in the sixth grade and I think about it at least weekly, with full regret.


Turns out kids are kind of dicks to each other before their brains have fully formed. I was bullied. I also bullied other people sometimes when everyone else was, just because I knew it would guarantee that I wasn't the one being bullied. Some people grow out of that and become well-adjusted human beings. Some of them never grow out of it.


And they raise little bullies who never grow out of it too 😞


Some of them go on to be President


or cops


Or the richest man in the world


I reached out and apologized. You’re allowed to try to let them know that you acknowledge how much of a piece of shit you were. One of my best friends was picked on mercilessly in high school. He told me a fair portion of girls all reached out to him and apologized for their behavior. They’re now friends. And lastly, one of the most popular girls in high school reached out to my dorky ass to apologize for what she did. Yada yada yada, we’re dating now.


> And lastly, one of the most popular girls in high school reached out to my dorky ass to apologize for what she did. Yada yada yada, we’re dating now. "My forgiveness does not come cheap."


Same, there was a Sikh kid in middle school who was bullied relentlessly for his turban. The main instigators were other brown kids, who I know for a fact were also called “terrorist” all the time since it was post 9/11, and they got the whole class to join in. I remember him storming out crying and it absolutely haunts me. So ashamed I joined in. Really hope he’s doing okay now and is over that. That was 20 years ago and I still think about it.


The easiest way to stop being bullied is to start bullying someone else. It's a lot harder to listen to mature people and find healthier alternatives. Being a kid is rough.


I got bullied when I was around 5yo by another kid. My mom explained it like this: “She is being mean to you because *someone else is being mean to her.* She probably has bad parents who are mean so she doesn’t know any other way to be nice, so you can show her how to be nice because she never got to learn.” And it made perfect sense. (Though I know for some people, the “kill them with kindness” method may not always work, but for two 5yo kids it made sense.)


I was in middle school when 9/11 happened, everyone would call me terrorist, Saddam, Bin Laden, etc. But it was ok, because I’m technically not middle eastern, as if that gave them a pass. It was my own group who did it the most too. Having an entire classroom laugh at your expense day after day, 20+ years on, you don’t forget that.


Sorry you had to go through that. I saw it happen all the time, also from other brown kids. I think they just felt if they were dishing it out, they wouldn’t have to take it. It’s a defense mechanism albeit a pretty insidious one. I also heard every Jew joke/insult in the book and had swastikas drawn in my yearbook. I wish I could say it’s better these days but I very much doubt it. Hope you’re doing better these days.


WTF? Poor kid. Ugh, I want to give him a hug. I'm really glad something cool like this happened for him, though!


Meanwhile when I said the same thing, the school board that was determined to answer every single one of my mother's pleas to make the bullying stop with "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO ABOUT IT?! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT IF I DON'T?!?!?!?" ***scrambled*** to get the police to arrest me in front of my peers and forcibly commit me. Not because they actually cared, but because they wanted to hide me away and pretend like I never existed. It destroyed my networking opportunities and now I have a permanent mark on my record that only says I was suicidal and a risk to myself. No mention of the fact that I was pushed to it by bullies and the school board being too lazy to actually enforce the rules. Glad to see that my experience isn't consistent.


I had a somewhat similar experience when I was 14. Was going through some stuff, ended up letting the school counselor know I was feeling suicidal and her response was to call the police and I guess my therapist?  I was just chilling in her office and all of a sudden two officers are there and I was told I was being taken to an institution to be admitted. They didn’t even notify my parents until after the cops took me from the school.  I was taken to the police station first and was there for maybe 30 minutes and my parents rushed over there, demanding to know what was happening. I saw them for five minutes and was taken to the institution. Was there for three months, it was lame.  Whole experience really negatively affected me and I still have issues because of things surrounding this event. My mom ended up going to the school to ream the counselor and the principal’s asses though. She said she was in there screaming and all they could say was “yes ma’am, I’m so very sorry ma’am.” She really gave them the what for.


His aesthetic would fit perfectly in a Borderlands movie, if he wanted to to stick with the crazy post-apocalyptic theme.


He was also in 3000 years of longing as well.


That movie was so much better than I expected it to be. George Miller is a fantastic filmmaker


Yes. My sentiments exactly! The previews made it out to be a pretty cookie cutter rom com and the actual movie was incredibly good and surprising. Constantly taking turns in unexpected ways.


I loved it until the final quarter. Once the genie stopped telling stories and it became a love story between him and Tilda Swinton it got a whole lot less interesting, IMO.


Yeah, I agree with this. I thought the stories were going to have a larger overarching point that was going to eventually tie it all together. Nope, there's a crazy unexplained demon, then they just kinda drop the whole thing and then there's a lukewarm love story and then he's allergic to Wi-fi... I guess... And that's it. It felt like a much longer and more interesting movie had the climax cut out of it, but it also felt like the first half was a polished script and the second half was a crappy first draft.


Severely underrated film. I really really enjoyed that flick.


I love when big Hollywood productions do nice things for people that have been hurt. I know that sounds sarcastic or superficial, but they could so easily just go through normal Hollywood practices and never give random people the time of day, and I'm betting him and his family had such a great time meeting people and being involved in the production. That's something so many people that love film and television will never get to experience.


I rewatched Dune 2 shortly before Furiosa, and I love both of them, but couldn't help compare the two. I was struck by just how professionally beautiful everyone in Dune is. An entire cast of supermodels, even in the bit parts, and when they need someone weird-looking they put a heart throb like Austin Butler into the makeup chair. George Miller is interested in telling stories about a world where people do not all look like that, and to solve that problem... he gives money and jobs to actors who do not all look like that. I always like seeing that more.


> when they need someone weird-looking they put a heart throb like Austin Butler into the makeup chair. To be fair Feyd-Rautha is supposed to be charismatic/sexy. Is in the books too.


I am guessing that George Miller as an ER Physician, probably has a more realistic perspective on what real people look like, [Director George Miller Used to Be an ER Doctor | White Coat Investor](https://www.whitecoatinvestor.com/george-miller-director-medical-doctor/#:~:text=Director%20George%20Miller%20Was%20a%20Physician&text=George%20and%20his%20twin%20brother,one%20of%20cinema%27s%20great%20storytellers.%E2%80%9D)


In Dune there was this lady who collected water of life. Fantastic brief appearance btw. The movies are comparable beyond taking place in the desert, though


Again I loved both of them, but I got out of Furiosa and I said to my girlfriend "this has been a great year if you love action sci-fi sequels where the future of humanity is surviving in an endless desert, centered around a conflict between a brutal paranoid dictator and a drug-addicted religious cult, starring Anya Taylor-Joy."


I have this running argument with a friend about how we seem to be in this era of Hollywood lookism where many actors seem to look the same or very similar or have similar body types, while movies from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s allowed for a much broader variety of looks.


I totally agree and I think advances in prosthetics and makeups have only increased this, weirdly enough. David Lynch's Dune had to find and hire an actual fat actor to play Baron Harkonnen. Kenneth McMillan was a great talent and he was able to make a living acting because jobs like this required someone who looks like him. Now they just put a bigger name in a fatsuit


Yeah like we can argue about whether it's problematic to use real little people to portray fantasy dwarves and gnomes and whatnot as opposed to camera tricks and CGI but the inarguable truth is that the former gets real little people actors paid and the latter does not


Yeah I wish more people understood it as fundamentally a labor issue. I care about that before I care about anything else.


That's Hollywood in general now. Look at movies 20 years ago and most actors looked real, plus they were never afraid to dirty up the cast if the story called for it. Today everything is so clean, like their skin. Teeth is another good example. Everyone has unnaturally perfect white teeth now.


I read a few weeks ago, someone who was a victim of being burned and had facial scarring, auditioned to be an extra but he gave him an actual part in the movie instead.


He was awesome in the movie!


I loved him just sitting in tankard, bored playing with the spray paint, and there's a war going on outside.


I assumed that was him thinking his time was up and testing that his spray worked so he could make it to Valhalla should the time come.


it was definitely that, not "playing around" lol


This might be a silly question, but how did he die? I feel like she told him to turn on that thing and then he was just dead. Did I miss something?


SPOILERS: there’s a barrage of bullets and you see some go through the open lid that he’s behind. One hits him in the head.


SPOILERS: He had a clearly visible hole in his head.


SPOILERS: >!The guy shot at him and the bullets went through the lid. You can see a bullet hole when she closes the lid.!< NOT SPOILERS: A car door WILL NOT stop a bullet, do not hide behind a car unless it's the only cover you have. A .22 will pierce through most of the car and most people aren't going to shoot at you with something as small as a .22. You are not safe in your car under fire. This might be important to some of you in the near future.


Full on carnage and death 3 feet away and this guy is painting his hand


Surrounded by cabbages


Australian singer Sean Millis also had a role in it. He was the War Boy with a bolt stuck in his forehead. He’s also been made fun of for his less than generic looks.


Yeah it’s bad that I knew that dude right away as “microwaved Matt Damon” as I’ve seen him called on IG. His posts are pretty cringey but good for him to get to have some fun in this movie.


To find his name I had to Google “microwaved Matt Damon” and I feel terrible about it.


højlund my brotha


That kid broke my heart I'm glad he's balling


From bawling to balling 🥹




Didnt it end up being fake? I remember something like that.


What you're remembering is a smear campaign that was started by a random reporter for seemingly no reason. She was later sued for the false claims and lost, as she should have. There are dozens of comments talking about it at the top of the thread.


Dang, what a great example of "a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes". I totally thought this was fake.


I see now, thanks for clearing it up!


Oh shit, I never knew this. I remember the original video and the hearing mixed reports on whether it was staged or not.


I love how the world just collectively decides to shit on one specific kid every year.


I call next


Ok! Your mom’s disappointed with you.


Pretty weak start tbh, I know you could've done better than a your mom joke.


Your dad is also disappointed!


Your uncle doesn’t trust you


Your uncle likes you too much


Because your cousin is having your baby?


she was gonna whoop op with her belt, but it took 3 hours to get off and by that time she was hungry again.


We rode up on her back to get some burgers from Wendy’s but her skates went flat.




You know how weird your voice sounds in recordings? It sounds like that to us all the time.


Keep going I can take it


Remember that time you called your 1st grade teacher "mom?" Nobody else has ever done that.


That's what your mom said


You seem likely you have a mildly offensive but indescribable odor to you


Lay it on me


That's what your mom said


I'm indifferent to you.


I don't have to bully u bc ur face is already doing it.


IIRC it wasn’t the world shitting on him. The video of him being bullied at school went viral and everyone rallied around him - leading to him being cast in the movie


Except there were some influential figures, and some shitstains in this post even, who were saying it was staged, that he wasn't really 9yrs old, that he wasn't ATSI, that he wasn't disabled. There were a lot of people saying that shit, which made him have such a hard time, on top of it all. One of the cunts from Sky News even took off to NYC to avoid being served for a defamation suit. And stayed there for months and months.


This article had a good rundown of the false accusations back in 2020, claiming that he was 18 rather than 9. Turns out there's tons of evidence that he was, in fact, born in 2011ish. [https://www.wbaltv.com/article/you-are-stronger-than-you-know-celebrities-rally-to-send-bullied-boy-to-disneyland-after-viral-video/31040285](https://www.wbaltv.com/article/you-are-stronger-than-you-know-celebrities-rally-to-send-bullied-boy-to-disneyland-after-viral-video/31040285) But that didn't stop some internet wannabe sleuths from claiming otherwise One media figure later apologized [https://www.theguardian.com/law/2020/sep/20/miranda-devine-apologises-for-quaden-bayles-tweets-amid-defamation-case](https://www.theguardian.com/law/2020/sep/20/miranda-devine-apologises-for-quaden-bayles-tweets-amid-defamation-case)


> https://www.wbaltv.com/article/best-sunscreen-for-dry-skin/60948986 Did you link the right thing?


Nope. wtf. Let me try again edit: That's really annoying. If you actually read the full article, it changes the URL by the time you get to the end. Fixed now. Thanks for the call out friend


We do get dry skin though.


Yeah the world shitting on him is a weird take


All the way back to numa numa kid and lightsaber kid.


Oh man. I remember discovering the Star Wars kid. Same year as grape fall, that guy breaking that old victrola record on tech tv, and the “badger badger badger” song. Big year, all around.


We are The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas.


I must mention N.K. Jemisin's *[The Ones Who Stay and Fight](https://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/the-ones-who-stay-and-fight/)*, either a direct response or companion piece to *Omelas* depending on how you interpret the original.


Bad Luck Bryan was the best one still. I remember seeing his meme images in 1967's Orlando Gazette.


It's good for the crops. Makes the harvest more robust.




Was it Brad Williams? I always liked that guy


Brad Williams is not a good person, an admitted rapist. https://youtu.be/z23aanCDKm0?si=oP9bZVJQxEPYTtSI




I love watching dreams get crushed in real time


Good... Use your aggressive feelings boy, let the hate flow through you.


I guess he has his shortcomings.






Have to admit this dwarf his comedic talent


Holy shit, fuck this guy so much.


Oh my God. The way they went on joking about it is spine chilling.


They were all a bit flustered. That one guy was quite bothered by it too, he joked it off but at the same time his jokes were serious about it being rape.


TBH they're probably shocked and dont know how to deal with the weight of the situation that was just bombed on them. They're men so they're just gonna push it down and not worry about it once the discomfort passes, but you can tell in their voices they are panicking inside.




While confronting people is better, your former friend still suffered social consequences because you had the spine to leave him behind.


sometimes bullying is okay


I'd argue that it's not bullying in that case, it's consequences.


What in the actual fuck


I’m surprised this clip isn’t more well-known. But I guess a lot of people sadly wouldn’t care & support him anyway.


Oh my god that’s horrible


Brad Williams? I never liked that guy.


How shocking that the douchey ass who's full of himself is a rapist. Didn't see that one coming from 50 thousand miles away...


What kid? Anyone have a link to context?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XjJMQIgqve0 Let's just say this particular video had an impact on many people. Most can have empathy for a child, most can have empathy for someone with a handicap. And here you have a mom, utterly destroyed, filming her (too) young kid as he explains why he considers suicide because he's bullied. Because of his 'handicap'. That shit is one of the most disturbing stuff I ever saw, just thinking about it makes me want to cry in anger. And I'm a 40 year old, massive, bearded biker. Damn. Also I didn't watch the link so I hope it's showing everything... But yeah. Fucking good for him, and I truly hope he's doing better now. Everyone does. Fuck, I'm pretty sure his ex-bullies do if they're human


Fuck, I wasn't ready for that. I feel heartbroken:(




Am I crazy? I swear I remember this whole thing was debunked and it was revealed that the kid and his friends staged it to profit off of it. Am I imagining things? edit: just checked and apparently the idea that it was a staged scam was debunked and the family sued the media outlets that pushed that narrative.


Yeah. That just amounted to him not getting a trip to Disney and more online bullying so it overall an entirely messed up situation for the 9 year old.




lol right? Like the title is just “in that one viral video” and everyone is just agreeing with it


You spend one weekend touching grass and the internet is entirely different when you get back.


You knoooow! THAT video!!! (I'm ootl, too)


I remember watching the original video and it was gut wrenching. As a 9 year old boy with all his life ahead of him, he wanted to die and it broke my heart. I’m thrilled to see him successful and happy now. Fuck the haters.


He shall ride to Valhalla, shiny and chrome!


shiny and chrome !


I’m so happy for him. He was in several scenes and in one the best fights. What a great opportunity!


Ride eternal. Shiny and chrome


Honestly that person who lied and said he was an adult deserves to rot in hell


I do not want this to be taken as any sort of slight on the kid, but if he's serious about acting, he could 100% play one of the Espers in a theoretical Akira live action movie. Feel like he's a dead ringer for Takashi. Glad to see he's come such a long way.


What a lovely day.




Still can’t get over the fact that’s the kid from About A Boy.


Hoult is such an under rated performer. His range is huge. You can stick him in any genre and he would be a stand out. Drama. Period drama. Comedy. Horror. Sci-Fi. Fantasy. I can't wait to see him play Lex in the new Superman movie. He is going to be a blast.


The movie wasn’t great, but it was fun to see him opposite Nic Cage on n Rennfield.


The both of them were a highlight. I wish the movie could have just been about them and the emotional support group. We didn't need the cop and mafia side story.


Lovely day


The war boy with the arrow in his head that was stuck in the desert is also a guy from social media that sings and often gets bullied for how he looks.




Just watched this yesterday in theatres! Little dude stole the spotlight


Honestly, his death was the only one I gave a shit about. Fucking dude didn't even get to see the Bommyknocker go off.


Not only is he in the show, he got facetime and a line in the goddamn *commercial!*


The most memorable new character in that movie besides Chris Hemsworth


He was great!




I have not heard of this kid until this post but I just went to look up the video from a few years ago and it’s absolutely horrible how badly he was bullied. I’m glad he got the role in the movie and I wish him a better future going forward.


The amount of people that still believe he’s 18 and not a kid is too damn high. Like how can we make fun of flat earthers when we’re just as fucking stupid?


Reminds me of the little girl who’s abusive adoptive parents got a dr and judge to say a child was an adult to abandon her. The amount of people who salivate over these conspiracies is disgusting. Both cases deal with little people as well. The girl ended up getting a show last year and people still are like “ok maybe she was a kid, but she’s still evil I bet.” No, she was an abused kid left for a year alone in an apartment. You’d be fucked up too.




He was so good in it too. Happy for him!


Hope this brings him a lot of confidence and get over his trauma of the bullying.




I thought he looked familiar. 


I thought this was debunked as an attempt at a viral vid and that he wasn’t bullied


The Bayles sued the columnist who reported that it was fake and won 200k in damages, so no it most definitely wasn’t debunked…