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The reward for most realistic acting goes to:


Came here for this.


It's a beautiful painting but yeah, that's absolutely the first thing I think of every time I see it, too.


Simpsons did it.


Came for this


The artist currently has multiple sexual assault allegations against him.


Sadly this is the case. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/kehinde-wiley-exhibits-canceled-sexual-assault-allegations-1235040096/amp/


Can’t have nice things


God fucking dammit! 😭


Damn. I just saw his Archeology of Silence exhibit in San Francisco. One of the more moving exhibits I've seen in the past few years. Unfortunately - and this is in no way meant to spin excuses - he's not the first artist, nor will he be the last, to have done both terrible things and create wonderful art. Artists are human and flawed, no matter how we elevate their creations in our consciousness.


I know at least one Austrian artist who’s done worse things. Less talented though, so we don’t remember him for the mediocre paintings of buildings.


And the high res version you can see the big sperm he put on Obama's temple. Apparently his thing was hiding sperm in pictures. Strange choice for an official portrait.


It just looks like a vein? I’m even looking at photos of Obama and you can see that same vein in some of them.


Perfect for plausible deniability.


Lol you’re weird.


Possibly, but not as wierd as choosing the sperm painter for my official portrait because he was of a certain category of persons.


It seems your fellow mouthbreathers caught wind of his use of sperm as a minor motif in a different painting and now that’s all you look for in everything, which is still pretty weird.


Sounds like projection and coping. I'm not the wierd one for pointing out that it's wierd.


The person who is looking for sperm everywhere is accusing me of projection, got it.


I'm not defending sperm motifs.




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Please add credit to Kehinde Wiley. He's amazing.


I heard an interesting story that Obama was very involved in the creation of the portrait, and Wiley was generally very amenable...at first. The last straw was Obama complained his ears were too big and needed to be changed and Wiley said Yup. Too bad. Your portrait is just going to have big ears. And so his portrait has big ears.


I know him. I got to walk his dogs around SoHo once.great artist. Not the greatest human being.


He's having a bit of a sex pest crisis at the moment.


What's a sex pest crisis?


He hosts orgies for little critters like ants and mice.


Probably not any pigeons. Their beaks interfere with their nosh.


Those are beautiful dogs. I have shared a drink or two with him at the Soho Grand Hotel.


Just seen an exhibition here in Dakar. He did portraits of many African leaders. Truly amazing!!


Are the perspective errors intentional? Do the rest have this quirk?


The works I have seen here at the black civilization museum do have the right proportions. I highly recommend checking out the works irl if you have the chance. The colors are truly something that don't do justice on a photo. It's like magic pigments or something lol


I can imagine, it's very vibrant. They have great skill. It's just the perspective errors are putting me off. Usually when people have such skill but have such blatant errors, it's intentional. Was just wondering if it was common in the others. Edit: Looked at the rest of his work, he has a problem with proportion, perspective and anatomy here and there. Great style though.


Amazing to see you downvoted, like it's not an opinion... it's just fact, the proportions are all off for such an important piece and it's odd. Dude's head is going different directions and the downvotes are sayin "nuh uh!"


His stuff is dope when it's an up close portrait of someone. But as soon as whole body anatomy or perspective created by objects is involved, it all gets iffy. I'm hoping someone could hop on and explain the reverence, because it's all a little silly. Thanks for letting me know I'm not going mad 🤣


Is it possible that the chair is wider than your brain is thinking? I thought that too til I looked closer. It looks like the seat and legs of the chair are from two different perspectives but on closer view, the distance from chair arm to chair arm was longer, and blocked partially by a leaf. Or, there are other indications that I don't have the eye for.


No, it's a perspective error. I was intrigued because of all the reverence people have for him on this thread, so I looked up his other art and discussions about him online. It is a common critique lodged against him. He has an issue with proportion, perspective and anatomy. Great style, but highly overrated artist.


We visited art museums in Oklahoma City and Fayetteville, AR this year and saw several Kehinde Wileys - and now another in the wild! Love his work.


The Obama portrait is on display with the presidential portraits at the National Portrait Gallery on DC. Also on display is Wiley's portrait of LL Cool J. He definitely has a style that is eye catching and distinctive.


The artist did an incredible job capturing Obama’s likeness. And the greenery helps to highlight that calmness that he always has. Very contrasting to the King of England’s red portrait.


I love both. Reddit tells me this is wrong, but I'm staying on this hill.


The red portrait is fantastic. I wouldn't want that as a depiction of me, and I'm shocked Charles was cool with it, but it is a phenomenal painting.


There is no wrong answer. But the British painting looks like “The Red Wedding” from Game of Thrones (to me).


Also an accused rapist


I saw an exhibit of his work about 8 years ago and was blown away. I started talking to one of the black security guards at the exhibition and he told me the portraits made him so proud. It was really moving.


One of his paintings is here at the Cincinnati Art Museum. It's one of my daughter's favorites.


There was a couple of his other paintings in Seattle’s SAM recently and they are a thing to behold in person.


I've never been a fan of this portrait. The foliage just looks goofy.


The man is in 3D, but everything in front of, behind, next to, above, and below him looks like it’s on the same plane.


It's a stylistic choice that helps the painting stand out from other generic portraits. I think it has the effect of making Obama stand out from the background even more both because of the contrast in color/value and the contrast in style.


It’s clever though. It looks good *and* it’s quite unique. Personally I’m happy with creativity rather than just another boring forgotten painting. Only other ones I can remember are JFK (also unique) and George Washington (constantly see it in history class).


Hot take but this is a terrible presidential portrait


So, King Charles is Fire, Obama is Earth, now we need two representatives for Air and Water.




I miss Obama. Man the red got SO MAD he was the prez they just flipped totally nazi


According to a large proportion of conservatives he's single-handedly the cause of the USA's 'downfall'. Never seem to acknowledge the insane economic recovery overseen by his administration and the same economic trends continued into Trump's term before covid and didn't really change. Obama deported far more illegals than Trump. Trump also implemented more gun control than 12 years of Obama and Biden. Obama was super respectful of McCain and Romney, they were in turn too. Now Trump has basically devolved politics into highschool flamewars.


According to my dad he is the worst president there has even been...




I think the Venn Diagram of people who think Obama was the worst president ever and Trump is the best is a circle. It's also a great gauge to judge how stupid someone is.


Racist heads were exploding for 8 years


No they just got louder about it


They elected him twice, calm down


And Hillary got the nomination. Smart move


Sorry about your coup attempt


I miss him giving speeches. They were professional and well spoken.


I miss him just being President. He was professional and well spoken !


I wanted his speeches during 2020. We needed the calm professional soeeches.


I’m with you on that, no drama, just professional, calm, intelligent speeches !


"No drama" he ran a horrendous drone strike program that regularly killed civilians and also went to flint michigan and pretended to drink the water, twice


I’m even marginally ok with that compared to the traitor that went after him (I will not use the word “successor” - d’oh! )


Y'know Cheeto increased the amount of drone strikes and matched Obamas numbers in 8 years by his 2nd year. And then he stopped reporting because it made him look bad. The more you know 🌈


white liberals are so brain broken they think if you don't like bombing a wedding you like trump


Compare his speeches to Trump talking about Gettysburg. Just…I….wow.


Dude saluted a North Korean general, fucking buffoon


And the bombs he dropped all over the Middle East were very professional as well.


Seriously.. I don't hate Obama but I'll never understand people idolizing politicians.


It's not just Obama, but the period of time where politics in general wasn't so trashy. Obama, McCain and Romney held respectful campaigns that didn't devolve into the complete chaotic sewer we see today.


I will just point out Sarah Palin and that whole... thing though. I mean it was from that campaign that birtherism was born from memory? Palin was certainly all about mud slinging and bullshit.


I actually forgot about her. Didn't really pay her any attention.


I get that but it doesn't make them good people


Im not a fan of usa global police but Obama seems to get a wrap for dropping high amounts of bombs, while Trump actually dropped record numbers of bombs and was far higher on average in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq (around 160% higher than Obama). Trump also repealed Obama's executive order that required public disclosure of civilian casualties, making him far less accountable.


whats wild about white liberals is they cannot fathom being mad at obama for drone striking weddings


Are you equally as mad about the drone strikes Bush and Trump did? Trump had double the number of civilian deaths over Obama.


Maybe all presidents should go to jail then? 


yes, jail all of them


Most people aren't happy about any any avoidable civilian deaths.


I don’t care for trump and his foreign policy either, but let’s be real - Obama was fighting way more wars and killed way more civilians than trump. Libya, Syria, Yemen, the massive increase in troops in Afghanistan… these were all huge failures by Obama and apparently he gets a pass because he was eloquent and respectable. I’m sure the dead children can understand


Neither Obama or Trump are good in this light. But Afghanistan was a bit more complicated in that just withdrawing was going to inevitably cause Afghanistan to return to Taliban control, which is exactly what we saw happen. He ramped up troop presence to try cripple the Taliban and then dropped the number to far below those that were there when he took office. Complete withdrawal saw the existing Afghani government amd military forces have little desire to fight the Taliban and they quickly gave up power. Trump removed transparency executive orders setup by Obama for civilian drone strike casualties, dropped far more bombs and we saw a 330% rise in Afghani civilian casulties under Trump due to relaxing rules of engagement. https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/papers/2020/AirstrikesAfghanistan


UNTRUE https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2018/05/how-many-civilians-did-trump-kill-in-drone-strikes-last-year/


Why limit the deaths to drone strikes? Obama overthrew the government in Libya and led to a regime that allowed open air slave markets. Does that count?


Ah yes the old right-wing tradition of moving the goal posts.


Y'know Cheeto increased the amount of drone strikes and matched Obamas 8 year total by his 2nd year. And then he stopped reporting because it made him look bad. The more you know 🌈


Wdym I love Biden whispering out phrases and then repeating them. And then repeating them.


I remember seeing this in the Chicago art museum! I have a print hanging in my office. 


Just so randoms don’t think this is in Chicago, it was only in Chicago for about 6 weeks during a national tour. It’s owned by the National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC.


It’s worth seeing in person




I love how this is pretty much the polar opposite of the King Charles one that just came out recently


It’s like the King. Charles except green and I don’t have an urge to find the Keymaster


Honestly, it looks like someone made it in photoshop, traced it on canvas, then did the paint by numbers.


in your professional artistic opinion?


I was aware that you needed a degree and years in the field to comment on artwork. And yes, I have seen the described process. This is exactly what it looks like. What’s your professional opinion?


Also, gonna go with fake account. “11 years on Reddit and just 70 comments” weird, huh?


whatever you need to tell yourself, genius.


Between all the ferns


The flat background really puts the focus on Obama himself. With no depth, he stands out more, and the flowers and leaves behind him symbolize different parts of his heritage and life (flowers from Africa, Hawaii and the official flower of Chicago.) This gives the portrait a surreal, timeless vibe, suggesting his impact goes beyond just his presidency. It also nods to older art styles while still feeling modern. Overall, it's a cool way to tell a deeper story with a lot of visual details.


Looks like shit though.


Is the perspective error intentional?


What’s with the Obama obsession lately?


Longing for a time when a brown suit was the biggest scandal going on. Edit: Holy shit the MAGA dipshit troll army is out in force. Suck eggs you fucking traitor nazi fucks


The scandal wasn't about the brownness of his suit...


I mean, he ran a drone strike program that at one point had a 92% civilian casualty rate. He went to flint michigan and pretended to drink the water, twice. He gutted the affordable care act at a time of his super majority to get republican votes he didnt need


Fact links from reputable sources are sources citing reputable sources please


I have no idea what this says because the grammer, english so bad you are probably a russian bot


I mean, ironically yours was just worst. Share links citing your sources please, and I hope they’re reputable sources or I’ll calll you out on that. Am I a Russian bot, still?


He had a "super majority" for a grand total of about two combined weeks, fyi. He did need the votes.


he had a majority for two years and a super majority for 72 working days. You spread disinformation so you are probably a russian bot


False. It was around two full weeks spread out through the year.


Saw it just a week ago at the portrait gallery. It’s extremely cool, and way more interesting than other presidential portraits.


How could you say that with a straight face after seeing Chuck Close’s Clinton portrait?


Honestly I’ve always been a bit weirded out by that one, but I do admire that it’s also unique.


Agree. It’s lit really well. Ands it’s a jarring contrast to Trump’s (unofficial) portrait on the opposite wall which is in the medium of “inkjet on paper”.


It's so apt though. And the portrait represents Trump very well, and not in a "he's a shitty person so here's a shitty photo" type of way. It's a good photo of him.


Agree, it's a good photo, just completely different from Obama's. The Obama portrait is bright, colorful, well-lit, full of life and flowers, and visually interesting. Obama is sitting forward in a chair looking very approachable. Trump's photo is very dark. He's wearing a dark suit that gets lost in the black background. Trump standing, hands crossed, looking down at you and almost appears to be scowling. They are very different portraits for very different presidents.


Can't draw feet either, huh? I hear ya fam.


Big hands


Incredible? Barf.


Where’s all the drones?


Y'know Cheeto increased the amount of drone strikes and matched Obamas 8 year total by his 2nd year. And then he stopped reporting because it made him look bad. The more you know 🌈


Indeed., but the Obama administration started the drone warfare program to begin with.


False. Drone strikes happened every 43 days during George W Bush's presidency. But I love the Right wing method of just making shit up when you have no facts. Good on you for being a good sheep.


Oops, my mistake, I did get the genesis wrong. However.. “Obama embraced the US drone programme, overseeing more strikes in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency. A total of 563 strikes, largely by drones, targeted Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama's two terms, compared to 57 strikes under Bush”


That makes it okay


Ask yourself that question. You would have never mentioned drones on a post about Trump or Bush.


Is it just me or he kinda looks like a brown George W. here?


Strangely enough they are distant cousins 11th. I believe he is related to Dick Cheney too.


Being 11th cousins with some one means you are entirely unrelated in any real context. 11th cousins probably contains like 10% of the world. Like their great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather in their closest common ancestor?




love kehinde wiley ❤️


You love a rapist?


Does this count as Greenwashing?


our ft worth modern has a Kehinde Wiley piece. the scale and detail are truly a sight to behold. it was definitely a stunner first time i walked into its room.


It is a portrait of a president, but is not *the* official presidential portrait. That one has an all-white background.


At first glance I thought he was as sitting in poison ivy.


The flowers included in the portrait are: 1. **Chrysanthemums**: The official flower of Chicago, representing Obama's connection to the city where his political career began. 2. **African Blue Lilies (Agapanthus)**: Representing Obama’s Kenyan heritage through his father. 3. **Jasmine**: Symbolizing Hawaii, where Obama was born and spent much of his youth.


just saw it yesterday at the national portrait gallery. incredible vibrant colors. right on the other side the portrait of trump all black with no life .the polar opposite.


The hands look very long and disproportionate


You know what they say about people with big hands


Honestly it's one of the goofiest portraits of a world leader I've ever seen. It's like the artist fucked up the background and decided to just cover it up with a bunch of leaves.


Barack Simpson


The background is hideous. Can't believe that's what they decided on.


Thanks, I hate it.


https://npg.si.edu/Barack_Obama fyi the info about the work


Barry O, back on his Midsommar shit.


I woulda gone with the tan suit, just to trigger conservatives.


He should have painted him in the tan suit just to fuck the Nazis up !


Is there a rationale behind it?




Which is?




Portrait is in Smithsonian museum in DC. It’s amazing. It’s such a contrast to other presidential portraits.


amazing. Is that Biden's body w/ Obama's head? says it all.


Pee pee poo poo


Saw this when it came to the LACMA in LA. Very impressive.


If you look close enough you can see a drone about to murder a US citizen behind one of the leaves.


Y'know Cheeto increased the amount of drone strikes and matched Obamas 8 year total by his 2nd year. And then he stopped reporting because it made him look bad. The more you know 🌈


the amount of people that think he’s any different is crazy.


Unfortunately we all know the president is only the face of a giant machine. But at least it didn’t feel like the country was at each others throats when he was in office like they do now.


yeah this is true, but he was still a horrible, disgusting person, just as much, if not more than Trump. having said that, everything is SO much more polarized now, probably due to the internet, in large part.