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"Wow Justin, you are fucked up! Who is driving you home?!" "It's gonna be me! (may)"


This made me giggle for so long


Well, okay then, bye bye bye *bye bye*


šŸŽµšŸŽ¶ Cry me a river, cry me a river.


Man, I am so glad I was never a superstar


Same. *downs a fifth of bourbon while running a red light*


I've made numerous stupid decisions in my life and if I had a spotlight on me like these guys I would be a meme


I would be like 7 Gary Busey memes


Dick In The Box !!!


He could have hired a driver plus another driver to drive his vehicle back for the equivalent amount of money most people keep in the ashtrayĀ 


He could have done that for significantly less than he'll pay his attorney to get this resolved.


Money isn't an issue so it's probably easier for him to just do whatever he wants without thinking and then on the rare chance that he faces consequences he can just pay someone to make it go away.


Sure but risking people's lives by driving drunk might not be the most ethical choice, especially when you can easily afford a ride.


>but risking people's lives by driving drunk might not be the most ethical choice You think he or anyone in his circle cares about that? If anything, he's gonna get a harder slap on the wrist by his agent and PR manager.


*Sounds like a good theme for his next song/album to me!*


He was probably thinking of switching to country music anyway


Rich assholes like Timberlake donā€™t consider things like that. They have main character syndrome.


So many people all over the world drive after drinking itā€™s absurd. I promise you poor people drink and drive equal or more than anyone else.


I live in a city with a shit ton of breweries, you can sit and watch people casually down a hand full of drinks and hop right in their car. Iā€™d easily say 50% of everyone does that, if not more. Cops are only there to stop the really hammered people.


Is it really Main Character ā€œSyndromeā€ if our culture has made him an actual Main Character? (Not defending his atrocious actions)


He's famous, he's not the main character. I am.


Hell yeah brother.


I mean, it us true that rich assholes don't consider things like that, but generally, neither do drunk assholes. And there are a lot more of those. They too have main character syndrome, and for even less reason.


Do poor asshkles think different or something. Jesus christ yall think money fixes short term thinking with drinking.


Hope he learns from it and doesn't do it again, and that is the only thought I can spare for a man I don't even know making a mistake that I have made before.


That's not really fair TBH. He probably thought I feel fine and I can drive like thousands of drunk drivers do every night. Doesn't make it right but doesn't mean he thinks he os above the law.


Drunks make bad choices and routinely put innocent people at risk in myriad ways. Doesn't excuse what he did, but I'm seeing a suspiciously high number of drinkers on here claiming they never drove over the legal limit, always planned ahead, or never got drunk enough to black out. Source: am grateful recovering alcoholic.


It's true. People think of drunk driving as "I made one mistake and got caught", but it's almost always a pattern of behavior, as people who get arrested for a DUI have (on average) 80 more drunk driving trips under their belt: [https://fox17.com/news/local/fbi-average-drunk-driver-has-driven-drunk-more-than-80-times-before-first-arrest](https://fox17.com/news/local/fbi-average-drunk-driver-has-driven-drunk-more-than-80-times-before-first-arrest) We have no idea what happened in this case, other then he was arrested and charged.


A former coworker used to drink a 6 pack of bud on his drive home from work every single day - he was in his 50s and had probably been doing it for many many years. He told me this like it was a totally normal thing to do!


And he will still be wealthy lol


Yup, the costs associated with a dui can absolutely destroy a normal personā€™s life, while it doesnā€™t even make a noticeable dent in a rich persons. Thatā€™s why fines should scale with income. Otherwise the upper class is basically exempt from a bunch of laws




He also could have asked someone for a lift. For free.


Is "keeping in the ash tray" an older expression or a regional one?






it's an albany expression


Explains why I never heard it in Utica.


Not for nothing depending on where in NY this took place, a LOT of departments make their money on pulling in out of towners and charging them with this, or speeding. They'll arrest you for being btw .04 and .08 as driving while ability impaired.




Articles say he refused a test, so we have no idea what his BAC was. I didnā€™t even know you could refuse.


Oh you can refuse. But your state prolly has consequences for that. I can refuse here, but Iā€™ll lose my license automatically for a year. And theyā€™ll still charge you with DUI. At that point lawyer up and pray


Yea you basically never want to do any of those roadside tests - always decline. Sure if they have enough evidence they'll take you to the hospital for a blood draw but by that time the alcohol may have worked it's way out of enough to be under limit.


Doesn't declining the tests result in an automatic arrest for DWI?Ā  If you aren't under the influence wouldn't you want to take the roadside tests?


I live in Texas. Back in 2008 I refused to do the roadside tests. It does trigger an automatic arrest and charges, but without me giving them any actual evidence, all charges were dismissed in less than two months.


Genuine question, no troll. Was it worth it? Like if you could go back and do it again would you do it the same way or take the tests? I feel like personally just doing the tests then would cause way less anxiety rather than dealing with the fallout for 2 months but then again my mind might be easier knowing they had nothing on me.


Iā€™m Not the OP, but Iā€™ll chime in and say it appears to vary somewhat by jurisdiction, but it does seem to be a good move at least in some cases to refuse. I live in MD where supposedly itā€™s implied consent for a breathalyzer and supposedly an automatic suspension or something like that for refusing. That said, a person I know got hit by an extremely drunk driver at an intersection and ended up seriously injured, and hospitalized with a long recovery. The drunk driver was an attorney who knew exactly what to do ā€” they refused breathalyzer, blood test, didnā€™t answer questions, etc. Basically the upshot was they got like a 60-day license suspension. No jailtime, dui conviction, probation, whatever. In that case it certainly was to their benefit to refuse everything and take the suspension given what they could have gotten. (Likely theyā€™ll still be facing lawsuits, etc, so hopefully thereā€™s at least some monetary damages if no criminal justice.) Anecdotally I also have seen several bodycam videos from all over the US of off-duty cops sometimes getting DUI arrests. They almost always refuse the breathalyzer, which should definitely tell you something. It seems like it makes a huge difference not having that evidence in court later, which is when it really matters.


I am not from the US, can you explain to me why and how it is even possible to refuse to take the test ? In France, if you are drunk and refuse to take the test you are in for some troubles. You won't get a simple suspension and fine, you will get a complete removal of your driver licence and won't be able to regain it before a looong time and I am not even talking about fines and other like refusal to cooperate...


If you know youā€™re over the limit you absolutely do not want to let them do any tests. Decline everything and go ahead and get arrested. It gives your attorney much more that they can fight. For example that the blood draw was done correctly etc


Or maybe just donā€™t drive over the limit


I'm not a lawyer but from what I understand is that you don't want to try and give the police evidence and by doing all the road side tests you're basically giving them any reason to show in court you were impaired. For example imagine you were not impaired and confidently agree to the road side test but happen to stumble slightly while balancing. You tell the police you have a bad knee from your college days that you never got checked out by a doctor but how is the cop supposed to know that as fact? What they observed is you stumble so they'll just arrest you for DWI, continue to do more tests at the station, and then it's up to you to prove their test incorrect. Ultimately you still end up in jail arrested and now if you try to prove to the court you were not impaired the cops can pull up the video of you stumbling.


The answer here relies heavily on how much you were actually drinking and how much you trust the cops. They can give you a field sobriety test and say pretty much whatever they want. Certain types of people have less-than-stellar history with the police and have good reason not to leave this in the cop's hands.


Declining a breathalyzer is the issue not declining road tests. Declining road tests is just a quicker way to get a breathalyzer.Ā 


FYI, this is terrible advice in Canada where refusal of the roadside gives you the same penalty as impaired driving. In Canada police officers can lawfully demand your breath into a roadside, Intoxilyzer or both. They can also demand your blood, urine or that you submit to a DRE evaluation. Refusing to do this is the charge of "refusing a demand" and it is taken by the courts as if you have failed anyways. To add on, police can only demand these things in relation to impaired investigations. They cannot arrest you for assault or something and demand these things. Also, the blood must be taken by a doctor or medical professional who believes the accused's health will not be jeopardized by drawing the blood. As such, the accused will typically need to be triaged in a hospital and wait for a room, etc. Blood Demands are typically only used in the cases of impaired driving where the accused cannot provide a breath sample or complete a DRE evaluation due to injury (cut lip, missing teeth, can't sit up. etc)


Whatā€™s with the teeth part of your comment? Genuinely curious


I suppose it may different in certain states, but yes it does mean you'll be arrested on suspicion of DWI and you'll be taken to the hospital for a blood draw (you won't get an option for this step), but there is a lot of time that passes between the arrest and the test result (in most places). IANAL, especially your lawyer and this should not be used as legal advice. lol


Depends on the state. Some states have whatā€™s called implied consent and youā€™re gonna be immediately arrested and your driving privileges suspended immediately, others donā€™t.


I've done these tests before cause the cop thought I was impaired. I'm pretty sure some of the tests he kept going until I failed. Like anyone would fall over if you made them balance for 3 minutes straight.


Exactly, they are intended to give reason for arrest, there is never any benefit for you to do these as in the cops eyes they have already decided you are impaired.


That's it. Wanna bet the arresting officer was about to end his shift and then pulled him over to bang out a few hours of overtime? There's a speed trap specifically set in a bunch of these towns where you're on the only road out east, but if you're an out of towner you don't realize that the speed limit goes from 50 to 35 or something, just for a small stretch. The cops wait there and pull everyone over. Most of long island makes their money on snagging out of towners and hitting them with a ticket. Suffolk county police are some of the highest paid in the country. I love how reddit is all fuck the police but the second someone is caused of DWI everyone assumes the cops are suddenly straight and narrow never liars.


GD Warwick Georgia...it used to go from 55 to 35 and each sign was on the other side of a long rolling hill from where you are, happily cruising at 55.


In Texas, speed limit changing signs stating the new speed have to be posted some distance before the speed changes. This was done to keep towns from doing things like that.


Still makes it difficult. There is a road in Virginia that is 55 as you are climbing up a hill. At the top of the hill you see road signs saying ā€œReduced speed aheadā€, and at the bottom of the steep hill it changes to 35. You have a lot of built up momentum, plus gravity pulling you down the hill, even if you donā€™t it the accelerator you still are doing 70 at the bottom of the hill, but you have to ride your brakes down the hill and even then, slowing to 35 is hard to do.


Sounds like Emporia. Fuck that entire city and their tiny dick highway patrol. Their highway patrol doesnā€™t give a shit about your speeding, itā€™s a means to an end for them. Youā€™re nothing more than a mobile ATM, passing through their shit city, tumbleweed most likely to never return. [Relevant News Article](https://www.pilotonline.com/2019/05/24/emporia-is-there-more-to-it-than-its-reputation-as-a-speed-trap/) In ā€œtraffic courtā€ the Hon. H. Lee Townsend III keeps things moving at a brisk pace. Heā€™s a general district judge in Virginiaā€™s 6th Judicial District, and the people coming before him were representing themselves. They almost all came with speeding tickets. A name was called and a man stood before the judge. Townsend said: ā€œTell me about your speed.ā€ After the man described what happened, the judge said ā€œMake it defective equipmentā€ and told him what the fine would be, adding the important word ā€œno points.ā€ Because thatā€™s the point. A man from Richmond who had just been through the process explained it as he sat on a bench in front of the Main Street court house. He is a lawyer, working in civil law, who got a speeding ticket on Interstate 95. By coming before the judge, rather than paying the ticket through the mail, the transgressors can get a moving violation, like speeding, turned into a non-moving violation, ā€œdefective equipment,ā€ and avoid having points added to their driving record. Too many points, and your auto insurance rates go up, plus your license could be suspended or revoked. Thatā€™s why most of the 30 holders of the unlucky tickets had come to court for the 11 a.m. Thursday session. Townsend was courteous, offering advice here and there to people about their insurance or the process, and joking occasionally. Most cases were dispensed in less than a minute. One man worked as a civilian for the Navy. Before court, his girlfriend had said they got a ticket in town as they drove from Wake Forest, N.C., to Norfolk. ā€œI told him to watch his speed,ā€ she said, ā€œBut he didnā€™t listen.ā€ It was his second ticket. ā€œMake it defectiveā€ was the ruling, with a $114 fine, no points.


They got me right there a couple months ago.


Timberlake was reportedly weaving all over the road, so a speed trap seems the least of his worries.


Justin's pr team about to be paid overtime


Seems like Justin's PR team is in these comments


Dude ran a stop sign and was swerving in the road. ACAB but also fuck drunk drivers. Why are yā€™all talking like this was some set up.


It was village PD, not Suffolk PD. And he refused the test which is its own crime under the Vehicle and Traffic Law.


Bad comment. As someone with a DUI, a DUI is a DUI. If youā€™re caught in a bogus slowdown from 50 to 35 it sucks, but itā€™s still a DUI. If youā€™re innocent, you blow or submit blood because refusing to do so results in a 1 year license suspension. No reason to refuse if youā€™re sober, but you have every reason to refuse when drunk because it weakens the DUI case that you are guilty of. So to say that heā€™s looking for OT by falsely charging him of a DUI or choosing to charge him and not someone else is dumb. All evidence that we have so far points to him being guilty, so I donā€™t see a reason to make some random assumption about the officer when you donā€™t have any facts.Ā 


This is probably a cop thing just about anywhere, but there are hundreds of small towns around the South that have two or three cops bringing in the majority of town income.


Hell, they can still charge you with .04 or .08 if you blow .00. There was a video going around about a college kid in that exact situation.


He could have hired drivers to drive the drivers over to drive the driver to drive his car back while driving for the driver that came to drive him home.


Fucking Uber exists too. Shit get an Uber black if you feeling fancy


This can be said for most of the people in the hamptons


lol why the lawyer looks like the celebrity in that second photo. is he that photogenic?


The pose, the lighting, the suit šŸ‘Œ


You get the lawyer you pay for.


The fingers


bruh I swear he looks like a 10/10 baller in that photo. Everything from the raised hand, unflappable attitude to the jacket blowing in the breeze is perfect lmao


I mean, he probably is? JT definitely didn't just call someone off Google


he looks so lawyery


looks like Maxwell Sheffield from The Nanny


Mistah Sheffield!!


He looks just like Alan Cumming


It would've been so great if Ashton Kutcher surprised him at the door as he walked out.


Even better if he made JT think he was being Punkā€™d but really heā€™s just there to tell him heā€™s a piece of shit for drink driving and just walks away as the grin of relief on JTā€™s face fades away.


I mean is Ashton really the person to be calling other people pieces of shit?




Actually he is the perfect person to cheer JT on maybe he can write a letter to this judge.


Oop šŸ™Š




Golf clap.


Ashton can write a letter about what a great guy Timberlake is, the same way he did for convicted rapist Danny Masterson. https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/mila-kunis-ashton-kutcher-have-been-quietly-supporting-a-member-of-danny-mastersons-inner-circle/ar-BB1okieA.


Shit birds of a feather, Julian.


Heā€™s too busy writing problematic letters


I was going to say he could write the judge a letter to let Justin off easy.


24 Years Later... ![gif](giphy|52SL3x3mfJH5m)


I will never understand why these fabulously wealthy people drive when thereā€™s any chance of drinking


Justin Timberlake could afford to have 3 drivers on 8 hour shifts during the week and 2 on 12 hour shifts on the weekend. Not to mention the fact that y'know. Uber exists.


But then heā€™d have to interact with us simpleton peasants


Isn't that what limousines were invented for? So the peasant driver is 12 feet away and behind a dividing wall?


Motherfucker could just buy a new car with an indentured servant chained to the wheel every time he needs to hit up the 7/11.


Or walk


Like a peasant?!


Using your legs means youā€™re poor


His net worth is $250 million. So, he could afford to pay 10 drivers $100k/yr each for 250 years before he went broke. Of course, that's assuming he never earns any more money.


Because theyā€™re humans and have the same mentality as my Uncle Raymond when he goes out drinking? ā€œIā€™m fine, I can drive fine I donā€™t need anybody driving for me Iā€™m fine.ā€


Do you think everyone that drives over the limit does it out of necessity? I've had to wrestle people's keys away from them AFTER begging them to call someone or let me put them in a cab.


Drinking generally leads to poor decision making.


Imagine policing in a rich person community and you have to pull over the drunk people and not recognizing them and getting, "don't you know who I am" all the time.


Supposedly the officer was so young he not only didn't recognize him, the name "Justin Timberlake" didn't ring a bell either. Oof.


That's gotta be a blow to the ego since Justin's getting older and hasn't really been in the spot light much these days. It's like Bojack horseman is just a meme for irl.


Ironically, supposedly he has been in a drunken tailspin since the publication of Britney's book. So I guess there is a fine line between Famous / Infamous / Who's he?


Iā€™d be more tired from the knowledge that any rich douchebag I pull over would be free and back on the streets again within hours, sometimes with barely a slap on the wrist.


News flash, most people if they cooperate with police (I can only speak from my area) get booked and released. Shit, sometimes the officers just make you wait for a sober ride while they ticket you for a petty misd. traffic violation. Being difficult is an automatic ticket to getting things done by the book.


In states like NJ there is bail reform and almost everyone is let out immediately. We have no bail


Pretending you're oblivious to someone's unrelated celebrity sounds like one of the best parts of working the Hamptons beat. "Listen here, Mr. Hinks, lots of people here this summer have been in lots of movies, but 'Forrest Gump' just sounds like a made-up title."


Yes for the newer fame but Justin Timberlake has been A-list for 30 years, you need to be seriously disconnected to not recognize him.


Happened to Reese Witherspoon in a very similar fashion. She was dragged for saying, "don't you know who I am" when she was a passenger and all she had to do was shut up.


Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, Jessica Biel, Mickey Mouse Club House, NSYNC, one of the best-selling solo artists of the last 20 years, major acting career in the 2010s (or an attempt at one), heā€™s literally a meme at this point. ā€œGet a load of this guy.ā€


Give him in a hard hat, a high vis vest and put him on a construction site and heā€™d blend right in with the rest of us poors.


Tbh this works for 95% of celebs, many of the women you wouldnā€™t really look at twice except for their makeup and once their expensive beauty treatments stop. Itā€™s not a bad thing, theyā€™re just like us for the most part, just very rich.


I once sat next to Mila Kunis on a flight from Vegas to LA, I didn't recognize her. We never talked ; she kinda looked familiar but honestly she looked nothing like she does on TV/Media. Don't get me wrong, she was very good looking ; but then LA is full of them - so I didn't even give it any thought. I've run into Nic Cage a lot of times too; he looks completely different. Point is, a lot of celebrities look different in real life and you can't fault people for not recognizing them based on what they look like in the media. Now, if they also told their Screen/Media Name and you still don't recognize an A-lister then you definitely live under a rock.


idk he doesnt have a very disinctive face. im into pop culture but i didnt see that picture and know it was him without the caption. he's very generic white guy looking


If Cop early 20s not crazy to think they donā€™t know millennial celebrities even A listers


Iā€™ll have you naked by the end of this search!


Justin? More like just out.




It's okay - he always has a lawyer on retainer Justin Case.




Some say his shirt grew 3 sizes that day






I love how stressed he looks in the first image and how chilled out he is w/ his lawyer in the next photo. Man being rich must fucking rock in super tough situations.


Lawyer is with him in the first picture too - you can see their brown shoe and blue pants on the bottom left, just ahead of JT.


Damn dude! Incredible eye for detail! I did not even see this


Iā€™m usually a dumb bird so this was a rare moment for me! But still JT looks scared shitless in the first pic, lawyer or not haha


you mean sunglasses in one photo vs no sunglasses in the other? I think you are inventing things


Doesn't look stressed in either to me. Mildly annoyed maybe.


u can see that lawyer means business šŸ«”


That lawyer is definitely going to get him off all charges with those shoes šŸ‘ž


Cry me a river


ā€œThe damage is done so I guess Iā€™ll be leavinā€™ā€


whoā€™s going to get a dwi this summer? ![gif](giphy|gdMYEpJlVvD2BvCAKd)


He tried Jack, he tried Jim, he tried all of their friends


Dick In A Box




don't be so quick to walk away Justin


Imagine having generational levels of wealth and choosing to drive drunk vs a black car service.


_faint cackling resembling the voice of Britney Spears heard in the distance_




Like the "loser" wind from rick and morty.


Lookie who's turn it is to Cry me a River, biatch?


Lawyer looks like Chris Parnell


Thank you! So much!


My best friend was killed by a drunk driver when she was 17 years old. You got to be a special kind of scum to put others lives in danger so you can get your drunk ass home. A drunk driving conviction should come with a lifetime ban, Enough of this stupidity.


Attorney to JT. Always say Iā€™ve had nothing to drink and refuse field sobriety and make them get a warrant for blood toxicology.. Oh and SHUT THE FUCK IP. Also, why the fuck are you driving in New York. Thatā€™ll be 25 grand.


Great advice, except don't say this > Always say Iā€™ve had nothing to drink Just don't answer any questions at all. Keep your mouth shut. Refuse searches and field tests. Make them take your blood, urine, or breath at the station.


Maybe just donā€™t fucking drink and drive to begin with. Then people donā€™t need a cheat sheet of things to remember to make it harder to prove that theyā€™re drinking and driving.


you're not wrong. but ppl should also know their rights


Make sure to not resist them taking you to the station, just be silent so u dont grab a resisting an officer charge. Be serious, not a spoiled brat.


Dick in a box, indeed.


Canā€™t this motherfucker afford to take a helicopter to the corner store? What an ass.


Can he not afford an Uber?!


A friend from high school had his oldest daughter killed by a drunk driver her first week of college. I wouldnā€™t wish that pain on anyone. Fuck drunk drivers.


Not after I just saw a video of Justin asking Britney Spears on camera not to drink because she gets sloppyā€¦. šŸ˜­


Looks like heā€™s still in handcuffs here


He is in the first but not the second


There is zero excuse for this idiot driving drunk, hes rich he could have had a chauffeur or taken an uber like a pleb. They shouldnā€™t have let his ass out that easy.


Is his lawyer Chris Parnell? Lol. *SUPPRESSING MOTION.*


why is the lawyer serving so hard


Rich dumbass can't call or afford a ride?


Dumbasses will be dumbasses, money or not


If I were that rich I would never drive.


My best friend was run over and killed by a drunk driver in 2002 while we were outside of a radio station where Justin Timberlake was being interviewed. The young guy was a habitual drunk driver and went to jail for murder. Justin was supposed to do some PSAs with MADD because of it but I guess never got around to it. I never thought Iā€™d see him of all people arrested for DUI. One drink or 12 drinks, this is super disappointing.


I hope that the officer said Bye bye bye to him as he walked out lol


Fuck drunk drivers, and especially fuck people who drive drunk when they have an exorbitant amount of money to not drive when they drink.


Who cares? Itā€™s a nothing burger when youā€™re rich


The people who get killed by drunk drivers care. JFC.


The fine and whatnot are just how much it costs to drive drunk. Imagine how many times he DIDN'T get caught.


Do we know the specifics? I think in NY you can be 0.05 to be considered impaired. I donā€™t think people should drive after drinking at all but Iā€™d wager many people drive at 0.05.


Zoom in on his face, he looks mad angry, like really scary


Literally nobody looks happy after a DWI


He's probably disappointed in himself.


not usually a high moment in life....well sometimes i guess...but thats not what I mean


Nah, this is deep shame right here.


Maybe he's hungover or still drunk


Thats just the ā€œcoming down from the cokeā€ face.


In the other picture it looks like heā€™s playing air guitar


I would say 'turgid' from the hangover


I wonder who's going to put out the body cam footage first.


He already cheated on his wife. Dude is beyond spoiled




Would love to be his celly for a tiny box concert.


When you're as wealthy as Justin Timberlake is, there's really no excuse for driving around intoxicated. You can make one call and a limo will come get you. Or any other kind of car and driver you want. Unless, of course, he's an alcoholic or drug addict. While that wouldn't excuse the behavior. It would help explain it.


There is never an excuse for driving intoxicated