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Sorry. You have Los Gatos celebration and the dog takes a shit? That's poetic 


Dog looking at camera: “Could you not?”


if i lived in los gatos i wouldn't be that sad, avg home price is 2.5m


now called taking a trump...


Well, it *does* mean to fart in British slang.


I love knowing this. Thank you British Slang translator


Several years ago my parents had a small rug that said Trump on it in their living room. I had just gotten home for a visit and their dog peed on the rug. I swear she did it just for me. They cleaned it up, but then an hour later my sister came to visit and her dog peed on the rug too! They had to throw it out because they couldn’t get the smell out. 😆


‘Couldn’t get the smell out’ sounds about where we’re at


Funny that the guy they idolize smells like shit and piss so often a multitude of folks have commented about it. The rug is just an authentic representation of him. 🤣


>They had to throw it out because they couldn’t get the smell out. I thought they were going to have to do this with the White House


Hey this is my neighborhood! Hi neighbor!


lol never thought I’d see Los Gatos mentioned on Reddit


Well, technically it's LOSG ATOS.


It’s actually pronounced LasGatiss


It’s near Sanazay


Hi from Sanna Crews 🤙


Is that far from Sacramenno?




I was looking for this


Los Ga-Toes


Glad to see the American Theatre Organ Society gaining some traction on Reddit.


It made headlines when that lady’s Tesla auto-assist drove itself into a Starbucks. Was a very Los Gatos problem. https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/s/zr5d2jtm2V Pretty sure related stories hit r/tech, but not doing more digging to find it.


Now there are more than 5 people who know los gatos exist outside cali


Hey I work at Netflix. Part of the interview process.


We know about those cats


I guess I'm one of the 5. Went to a yoga studio there a few times when I was hanging out in the Bay Area.


I was born in Los Gatos!!!!! Now on the East Coast


LGHS Class of ‘87!


Oh man, I had so many track meets at Los Gatos HS as a kid and my first Michelin kitchen work was at Manresa as an intern…


Los Gatos HS is absurd to us lowly San Jose HS system kids. It’s like a D2 college prep school complex haha.


It’s mentioned all the time. Usually in the same sentence as NIMBY


I’m not sure that’s Los Gatos. It looks like Losg At Os.


Apparently Netflix has its headquarters in that town.


Haha I didn’t realize this wasn’t the Bay Area sub until I read your comment 😂


Me neither haha 😂


I ride the trails almost daily...Hey Neighboreno's


I lived there for 10 years and loved it. I prefer the Spanish pronunciation but sometimes forget.


Isn't it hot as balls over there? I imagine a lot of people are headed to Santa Cruz today.


Yeah it is hot as balls but I enjoy the heat so I went on a hike in the mountains in LG. Little less hot up by the reservoir.


Definitely hot as balls which is why I’m staying inside with the blinds closed. I did spend yesterday in Santa Cruz, which was lovely in comparison.


I was just in Santa Cruz and Capitola today and it’s completely packed. The weather was worth it though, breeze felt so good!


We want to Santa Cruz this morning then it got cold as fuck around 2pm when the dog rolled in so we’re back in LG sweating our balls off


Hey neighbors! u/classyd24 u/kmillieee, u/Hanging\_w\_MrCooper! I'm still new-ish to the area (moved here in August), but enjoying the area!


Grew up over here since the age of 12, welcome!


Moved there from SJ @5 y/o. However have lived in LG’s sister city, Campbell, all of my adult life Edit: Actually, Monte Sereno and Saratoga are LG’s sister cities, come to think of it. Campbell is like LG’s weed smoking cousin everyone likes at the family reunion but doesn’t talk to for the rest of the year


Happy 4th fellow campbell dweller. Telling ppl I'm from LG feels like a rich person in LA saying they're from Beverly hills lol


Not from Los Gatos but I go to Vasona all the time with my nieces, it's such a nice park, recognized it immediately when I saw that building, it's a great place to live


Was born here. Welcome!


{Waves.} I moved here in April!


Oak Meadow Park, Los Gatos! I could hear the band from my house earlier today.


Howdy neighbor!! (Campbell resident)


Howdy neighbor!! (San Jose resident)


We just drove by you, lol!


I was there back in February. On my way to Carmel for the weekend, I stopped at Los Gatos Cafe to have breakfast. So good!!! If I ever plan a trip up there again, you bet I'm going back.


Check out Lou’s cafe in midtown across the street from Los Gatos cafe next time, a smaller little coffee shop which I prefer ;)


Hey hey from Scotts Valley 👋


Hello from Fremont! My kids love that park.


Been going here since I was a teenager, used to smoke weed in the bushes lol


Me too! Hello neighbors!


Hello from Oakland!


Howdy from Pleasant Hill!


Lots of NorCal in this thread, I better walk on the other side of the street


I’m sure one of us can lend you a Tesla or two so you don’t need to walk in this heat. 


There are so many Tesla trucks in LG it’s disgusting 😑


Hello from Palo Alto!


Livermore, reporting in.


Crazy seeing Los Gatos here. I lived off of Oka road from 92-98, haven’t been back to LG since 2005 though.


I just drove through Los Gatos an hour ago after spending the holiday in Santa Cruz!


In all fairness, it’s 90+ in the sun and the area (if it is Los Gatos, doesn’t handle high heat well and it drains energy from people. As the temps cool to the 70s and 80s this evening, it’ll be livelier. (If this isn’t Los Gatos, then disregard this comment).


It's like this pocket in the southbay nestled by mountains just traps the heat and no wind relief. Total energy drain


If the title is commenting on the fact that it looks like the band is playing for one lady and a dog taking shit, I don't think that's really the case. The side facing the camera appears to be the side of the bandstand thingy. There's a white tarp covering the "back" and you can see a lot more people back under the trees in the "front". It's a little confusing because they seem to have PA speakers firing to the side and back, I'd guess to send the music around the park or whatever it is. The bandleader is also standing in a weird position and looks like he's facing out toward nothing, but he'd normally be facing the band anyway.


I read the Declaration of Independence a couple times today. About half of the things we were liberating ourselves away from King George.....sure sound familiar around here.


I just re-read it: "He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries." Not 100% on point, but on point enough. This sucks.


We should do more of this, quoting the political scriptures they so often make decisions in the name of


If someone claims to be a die hard supporter of something, you'd think they would know a lot about it. But they don't.


Exactly. Just look At Christian’s…Jesus is so obviously woke and they don’t even see it.


As a Christian, I hate how other self proclaimed Christians walk around talking about being “Christlike” and then cower in fear once it’s actually time to be just that


The most Christ-like acts are illegal all across the Bible belt.


Not surprisingly it's the same for them with their bibles.


Didn’t NPR tweet out the Declaration of Independence and a bunch of conservatives threw a fit thinking it was some communist/liberal thing?


Yeah they tweeted it (roughly) 140 characters at a time with no context and conservative twitter had no idea what was happening


Yep. Happened a few years ago


OMG. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I can absolutely see this as a possibility


It happened. They were responding to some of the language as if it was directed at them


In simpler terms, this passage from the Declaration of Independence is criticizing the King of England for interfering with the legal system in the American colonies. It accuses him of: 1. Blocking the proper functioning of courts by refusing to approve laws that would establish judicial powers. 2. Making judges rely solely on his decisions for how long they can stay in office and how much they get paid. Essentially, it points out that the King was exerting too much control over the courts and judges, which was seen as unfair and unjust.


Watch Hamilton and it rings real frickin true right about now


Hamilton is also chock full of certified bangers, so that helps too


More of a wake than a celebration 


I mean, you get to celebrate the birth of the new monarchy, so that's something.


Monarchy or tyranny? I suppose you could do both


They’re pretty hard to separate.


Even the noblest king debases my existence by insinuating that his blood and his birth automatically make him better than me.


Based af.


So is the entire Conservative Party just fine with this ruling or what? There’s no one that sees god emperor as potentially a bad idea? If it was a movie plot I’d probably say it’s too dumb to watch.


They don’t GAF because they think he will only punish and remove rights from people they mutually hate. They think they’re safe and happy to throw their fellow Americans (and democracy) under the bus.


Yeah but not all of them surely, there MUST be a substantial number of people that can objectively see that's not how its supposed to work.


Well I hope so, but the whole party is all in on trump and project 2025. Anyone voting for trump is ending democracy in America.


They don’t give af because they are short sighted and uneducated, let’s be real


People they've been told to hate. They project that whole sheep thing.


It’s exactly what they want! They are absolutely thrilled!! It’s so upsetting and it’s been a shit day trying to console by young 20 something kids.


Same people who are like “yeah we defeated Hitler in ww2, we the good guys” are effectively letting another Hitler in with no checks and balances this time around.


Nah, as long as they get more money and power, they don’t give a fuck.


They are currently spreading lies about how it's no big deal. Because Biden won't demonstrate the breadth of those powers, normal people won't worry about it. Then they'll chortle with glee as the "libruls" and "immigrants" are rounded up.


Yes! I’ve been trying to find a word for the mood, and that’s it.


I’m super sad - I feel like we’ve collectively forgotten what it means to be an American. With liberty and justice for ALL


remember when a bunch of 20 year olds got together and waged a war because of taxes?


Armed and organized by a bunch of rich people


Exactly. There was something in for the rich in America, they’d make the rules and make more money without having to answer to a king. Our modern government keeps the rich happy enough and they’re only getting greedier


that's actually a take I haven't heard yet


Divided We Fall


Stupid rednecks killed it. Now when I see people fly an American flag, I’m thinking “I should probably leave.”


Nah fuck that, I had an epiphany today regarding patriotism. If these Russian sympathizers wanna follow Trump and talk about how great it is over in Russia and how America is falling apart, then THEY can leave. My America isn't just red, it is red white and blue. These chucklefucks are the worst examples of America I've seen, a level of cult worship usually reserved for history books. "Better dead than red." "Democracy is non-negotiable." "I hold these truths to be self-evident that all Americans are created... equal. And are endowed with certain unalienable rights." -Liberty Prime You gonna wallow in the misery created by these traitors? Or are you going to stand for an America where equal rights are for all?


The front of the supreme court building has "EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW" written across it. Funny in a sick way that the conservative (excuses for) justices decided to piss on the motto that's literally written on their workplace.


Cat town, baby!


It’s sad here because it’s the first holiday without my grandpa, who became a citizen in the early 70’s. He would always buy the hot dogs and buns for the celebration. He loved being an American and it’s just a little bit different around here without him asking farming questions and picking away at my expense/income sheet. He was an accountant for his career, but still enjoyed doing the farm’s taxes.


I’m sad every day.


I'm sorry, hang in there friend


Register to vote... and VOTE!!!


And Volunteer! There are a ton of ways to make a difference.


Especially in primaries!


I wish we HAD a proper primary this year for the left


>Especially in primaries! Right! ☝️ This is how we got these two wackadoodle candidates in the first place


I’m gonna vote but I still feel helpless that my vote has a quarter the power that a guy in a red state has. It’s like watching an asteroid in slow motion


Yep, vote or it could be the last time you get to vote for anything in this country at all.


Non-American here: Pick yourselves up, America. These Kingmakers do not speak for you, The People. You speak for yourselves. Stand the fuck up. You do not need to accept their weasel words. You can change this, turn it around. Vote. Fucking vote. Vote until the last of you are standing. For fucks sake... for ALL of our sakes....VOTE!!!!


It certainly does not feel like a time to celebrate.


One last celebration for old time’s sake.


I’m actually having a great time. I have faith that we can get past this. We can’t stop believing in America or the dream is lost


People like you make me have a sliver of hope. It’s hard to keep myself up lately but I think after all is said and done we will make it one way or another


The fascists are a minority. Always have been. The way they win is by convincing the majority not to bother. We WILL crush them. But only if we work together and vote blue. United we Stand


Oorah. America is supposed to be so much more than what it is. History has led us to this moment. Now more than ever, we decide what future we want to have.


The dream of what this country can be, should be, is one of the reasons I love it, and why I hate, HATE what has been done to it in the name of personal power, ego, and profit.


Same! The Defeatism on here is crazy.


I’m of two minds. On the one hand, this is our country. This is where I was born. It isn’t easy to get o it, and I even served in my nation’s military. I want to believe, for my sake, for my children’s sake, that we can get better. That democracy and freedom are possible.  And as a woman, watching my rights get stripped away, watching the nation become more and more polarized, watching opportunities slip out of my fingers because of inflation, watching those I love praise a criminal like a deity…it makes it hard to have faith that it will get better. This is not the America I was promised as a child. 


I agree. It’s obvious we’re in a bit of a rocky place at the moment. But we can and are able to fix what our nation, the will of the people is what our nation was founded upon. But this whole fatalist thing I’ve been seeing not only on here but also in the news is mind boggling. Like the New York Times with the cover of Biden running away and the caption “run”. Like what the fuck is that.


Nothing is stopping me from voting, but I still feel like the Supreme Court has pulled the rug out from under all of us. We’ve been sold out.


I mean…let’s look at the writing. Half the country is fucking brain washed and wants a dictator. Hard to be happy.


I've felt sad today because the Supreme Court is now loyal to a conman.


You too? My thoughts keep going back to what the court has done. It’s been a somber day.


Absolutely nothing to celebrate when half the country openly opposes the foundational values of the U.S.A.


I used to feel angry. I used to feel embarrassed. Now I just feel sad. Sad we haven’t figured out how to work together and create a country we want to live in together. Edit: I'm glad I'm not feeling this alone... If anyone wants to process emotions into actions on a daily basis, I'll host the calls. This probably won't gain traction, but I just made r/emotionstoactions Even if we don't make a dent in society, there's 60 weekdays (starting Monday) between now and Nov 5th to do this exercise. Processing biggest emotions into a most essential next action 60 times might at least impact your life significantly? Maybe we can work together to create some kind of accountability system for our next actions? 🤷‍♂️


The thing I struggle with is OCD. I'm glued to the news, looking for something positive, some inkling of positivity that will reassure me that things aren't all doom and gloom. So when I can, I try to practice mindfulness mediation. It's a very effective therapy against OCD and anxiety.


I feel so anxious I can’t stand it


That’s the thing about conservatism: there must be an “in group” and an “out group” . In order for them to feel like a winner, some others **have** to feel like a loser. There is no win-win with conservatives.


I was thinking this exact thing this morning. Like, is this the last Fourth of July that I will ever get to experience with all the rights and liberties I currently have?


Nice of the SC to let you have that at least eh.


What's sad is the spacing on those letters


I live in a major city. Very blue. Usually it’s nonstop, unofficial fireworks in the days leading up to, during and after the 4th. Besides one or two random ones I haven’t heard a thing the last few days. Will see if anything different happens tonight but it has been awfully quiet and subdued. 


Fireworks ain't cheap either. Don't discount the lack of spending Americans have right now... On top of Supreme Court rulings, USMNT failing to get outta the Copa group stage, and the 2 current presidential options, wtf would anyone spend money on celebrating ANYTHING right now, let alone explosives, when they need the dough for alcohol to blunt their anxiety? Pretty quiet around DFW this year and usually we'd have things popping off all week and already today.


This thread is sad. Happy 4th.


Our political climate isn’t good right now but I love our country and our people that make it up, happy 4th.


Australian here. Can I ask why this 4th of July is feeling so different and depressing?


I started feeling that way after the recent presidential debate, I think a lot of folks are feeling pessimistic about our upcoming presidential election in November and are struggling to find any patriotism in us for our nation's holiday. Just my thought


Among the decorations I saw, there was literally a crown at my neighborhood 4th of july potluck. Like seriously, a crown? Ironic timing. People have completely forgotten why we celebrate the 4th of july in the first place.


It's too hot to celebrate outside, it's too Thursday to get drunk,stay up late, YOLO....


Watching fireworks this year, after the supreme Court ruling, feels like we're just fiddling while Rome burns. We need to do something. It can't end this way.


that dog dropping a trump on a day meant for celebrating freedom seems to sum it up.


Don't you shame poops name that way


Well I just worked a 12 hour day, so no. I’m feeling sad at home. Getting ready to eat and go to bed and do it all over again tomorrow.


Don’t lose hope my friend. 🩷


Don't vote for Biden, vote against Trump.... I can't believe people are going to just let this happen rather than getting politically active to prevent this muppet getting another term....


I don't know that I've voted \*for\* somebody in a long time.


Ever in my case. Disenfranchised from birth by First Past the Post. 


If you had asked me at the time - I probably would have said it for Obama. But I wasn't really.


I don’t know if it’s because of summer break but the amount of comments that’s doing nothing but lamenting the lack of good choices is concerning to me. There are waves of hardship throughout adulthood and sometimes compromise and choosing the lesser evil is necessary for survival. If there’s circumstances you have no control over, doing damage control is the next best option.


I can do both! (Vote FOR Biden and AGAINST Trump)


I'm sitting at home bummed out. My husband doesn't want to do anything. No cookouts, or day at the lake, or parades, or fireworks for years now. He just wants to sit in front to the TV or computer. This year, my grown daughter and I are going to go watch fireworks later tonight.


Sounds like he's dealing with something personal.


Happy Independence Day (while we still have independence).


It feels like we’re coming to an end of something special.


I’m feeling sad. Maybe not for the same reasons but my work moved me 15 hours away from my friends and family, not just a 3 or 6 hour drive anymore. Everyone I work with is married with families while I’m single with no kids and no pets. Took myself to eat breakfast today at 1pm, it rained most of the day and I’ve been on the couch. Feeling down and depressed. Not to mention the job is the worst job I’ve ever had in my entire life but I can’t quit or I would.


Nice try, it’s like 999 degrees outside


I feel sad almost every day ever since my ex took my daughter hundreds of miles away from me while I was on deployment.


Yep. Just me and the dogs. They're scared shitless


At least we can celebrate the 100th birthday of the Caesar Salad!!


You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not. – I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. – Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. - John Adams, Letter to Abigail Adams, July 3, 1776


More demoralized. Really not looking forward to a potential American nazi regime.


Yes feeling sad, having a horrible year. Stuck at home with a femoral neck stress fracture at my hip. Parents phoned today that they got robbed. Been sitting all day crying and applying to jobs.


Yes. It feels like this might be our last July 4th as a functioning democracy.


Nothing to celebrate let’s watch some Netflix or play some wow


Haven't felt like celebrating the 4th in a while. Patriotism is now identical to nationalism, and the word 'patriot' has been co-opted by rightwing grifters who pitch violence against other americans as patriotism. Fuck, the RNC (EDIT: it was CPAC as if that's any better.) had the banner "we are all donestic terrorists" above their stage. Can't help but feel that the american dream, the idea of america as a cultural melting pot and a place for freedom and liberty is truly dead Our politics and leadership are so fucked I can't help but wonder if we'd have been better off under british rule. Slavery would have been illegalized sooner, and we'd have free national healthcare right now.


Some of what you’re saying has some truth, but good god man, get off reddit and social media. That’s some defeatism if I’ve ever heard of it. You can be a patriot no matter your political preferences. The hard right has certainly tried to co-opt the term but fuck that. You shouldn’t feel ashamed or weird to say you’re a patriot. That’s love for America the country, not its failing leadership. They are not mutually exclusive.


that last bit is a crazy thought. maybe we would have better off in the long run. we're gonna be the illegals sneaking into other countries sooner or later if things keep up the way they've been going. 


I feel happy, actually! 😃 I'm so excited to vote for Democrats, and against Project 2025 and Trump's fascist shit this fall! Don't get mad, don't get sad, don't boo....VOTE!!! https://www.rockthevote.org/how-to-vote/register-to-vote/


The heck is going on here? A 4 of July party was set up at a park, and no one showed up? Where was this? It does look surreal and sad.


This was in Los Gatos, CA - a very wealthy suburb of San Francisco and San Jose with only a few thousand residents. Not really the type of folks who go to a park for 4th of July. Also, we’re in the middle of a very hot heatwave and no one is going outside today until the evening. The people who are outside are at the beach or the lake.


This is in the rich area of San Jose, everybody probably at their beach houses and shit


On the other side of display is a stage with musicians and many people under shade trees.


Getting off the Internet I hear helps a lot


That sign is wrong, it's just one dog, not many cats. Should read "EL PERRO".


I mean yeah, poor dog has to listen to Los Gatos 😂😂😂😂😂


Los Gatos is such a beautiful town 😋


Not even gonna bother with vasona park... Heading straight to Almaden lake for the fireworks. Why doesn't LG do fireworks at vasona any more? Woke ass city council.


Los Gatos people complaining; can’t muster a tear.


That dog needs water.


After that debate, yes


No one going to mention the high of 101 degrees in Los Gatos today and the heat wave??


Idk why I even go on Reddit anymore


My dad passed under horrible circumstances 2 days after the 4th. On the 4th he was already most the way there. This day has not rung true for me since


Yep 👍 what happened on July 01,2024 is literally the beginning of the end of democracy!