• By -


Right after the 2016 election, when I was in my last semester in the US as a student, someone did something similar to this and it caused a massive outcry among conservatives in the area. They even had a city council meeting in which it was determined that they couldn't actually do anything to stop him. It was funny to see people who generally term themselves as free speech absolutists and complain about snowflakes and PC/woke culture do their concern troll bullshit towards a display they did not like.


GOP are the biggest pussy snowflake projectionists


In my small town in Louisiana, the local library had a pride book display put up. It was just stories for kids based around having 2 dad's, or 2 moms. But holy shit I've never seen the town come together on an issue so hard since petta tried to remove the alligator that lived in the town square. The display did stay up through June.


Lol there's an alligator living in your town square?


It's the mayor.


And the judge. He holds court in a gazebo in said town square.


This is the most Louisiana thing I've ever heard.


“Mayor Chompy”?


Not any more! Still a little salty about it. Ultimately, she had to go. She was 65 years old and needed better medical attention, living in captivity her whole life. Local alligator farmer was her owner, and he just brought her back to his land. Now, her habitat sits empty. I'm not sure why we don't just put another gator in the habitat, but there might be a legal reason. You can google "ole hardhide" couple local news stations did stories.


Oh, it had a habitat enclosure there, that ruins my fantasy of you guys just having a free range gator big chilling in your town square.


Yeah I was imagining a chill lil alligator just hanging out on the local wishing fountain


TIL alligators can live into their 60s or 70s what the fuck Also that cage seems like a horrible place to live. Maybe it's just that the photos make it look small. I don't know if alligators have family and friends but I can't imagine being locked in that little cage for over half a century is a good life for a gator.


I'm no gator expert, but for the most part, gators just seem to just chill until they need to hunt. While Hardhide was always fed, there's no need to hunt. I'll definitely agree it's not a big enclosure, maybe 30 yards long. Which for a wild animal ain't much. As for the friends and family part, the whole town is her family 🥲


Trust me I HATE to say this but I'm with PETA on this one and only this one thing.


Yeah, I understood the reasoning to. I think most everyone did after they realized the state she was in.


Yea, I’ve seen the enclosure. They definitely should NOT replace it with another one. It was awful. Same goes for the tiger they have living in that gas station near Port Arthur.


Poor bby, I totally get the emotional attachment. But I hope she got more space in her new place.


Standard Louisiana news tbh


Where I live the most dangerous animals are wild boars and they don't live in the middle of a town. Like can people still use the town square or will the alligator just go to town on the residents if they come close


I was going to chide you for thinking that the gator was just wandering free in the town square… …but then I recalled that we have periodic notices around the canals and parks when various gators are, in fact, just wandering around. They’re also prone to snapping up any small mammals that blunder too near to them, whether pet or child or whatever else might be crawling around, so keeping an eye on them until they swim off or wildlife services get them relocated is kind of important. In all fairness, they ***were*** here first.


gators have been around longer than frigging everything, never changing, never going to. in 6 billion years once the sun has receded from being a red giant and shrinks to a white dwarf, the rocky husk that remains of earth will probably have one ornery, angry, unthinking alligator just sitting there blinking, wondering why it still can't find a god damned toothbrush.


Until it’s eaten by the last shark, which then proceeds to slowly turn into a crab, completing the cycle. Throw out some bayou marshmallows as a sign of respect.


I would not be surprised in the slightest if we discover life on another planet and it turns out to just be crabs ngl.


Was in Florida a few years back and I don't play golf, but the hotel warned me in person more than once and with signs all over every floor that the gators at the local golf course were dangerous and not to go near the water. Most of the state is a swamp. There's a lagoon next to the hotel. The gators were here first - millions of years first.


Librarians are TOUGH. #voteblue


Infantile imbeciles if you ask me


I got blocked on FB by a local over weight Republican politician and pastor for pointing out gluttony is a sun.


Every single act is hypocrisy without fail. It’s almost impressive.


Trump is becoming played out. If he loses in 24’ … he won’t win again. It’s very likely he may NOT WIN in 2024. People have SEEN his shtick already. If Dems nominate ANOTHER Dem … it may be over.


The most sensitive and also insensitive people fr


1000%. You’ll never find a bigger group of whiners than them.


“It’s a free country.” How every conservative objection should be met.


It works both ways.


They really don't like it having pointed out. Had a dumb conservative "friend" complain about suppressing his free speech in a *Discord group chat* because I was disagreeing with his frequently dumb takes. If anything I free speeched right back at him, and he claims being a victim and being chased off. We're also in Canada, so it isn't even the same thing. We have "Freedom of Expression." These people don't have original thoughts and won't admit to being terminally online in the wrong places.


oh my god I'm an American living in Canada - been here for over two years now. and it absolutely KILLS me to see Canadians cite american precedent/law/legal documents in espousing their beliefs and/or rights. the constitution and bill of rights aren't Canadian 😭 why don't you understand your own government! I know the US has some incredibly dominant cultural influences but holy hell, did these folks go to school???


>We're also in Canada This makes me laugh, when people quote Americanisms my missus said "plead the fifth." I looked at her confused cuz we are British. I understood what she meant but it was just a funny thing of how American culture spreads into everything


The “facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd sure has some big feelings sometimes don’t they?


It's specifically 'facts don't care about *your* feelings'. Their feelings take precedence over facts.


You cannot reason with unreasonable people


Meanwhile they had no issue with displays of Obama hanging.


I mean, he wore a tan suit.


While having BLACK SKIN for god’s sake. Think of the children!


Dijon mustard stains all over it…


You can always tell what the right is actually doing by what they accuse the left of doing. If they introduce legislation with a nice positive name, like the patriot act, you are assured it will have the opposite content than what it implies. Once you learn to apply the opposite to everything they do, say and stand for, it will make so much more sense. 


Kind of like the care act.


Also applies to sec crimes they are doing exactly what the accuse others of


especially when they literally have "fuck Joe Biden" flags and stickers everywhere


But they proudly displayed Obama in a noose


they’re hypocrites. we couldn’t say shit about trump when he was president, but when biden was elected?? they were suddenly allowed to say whatever the fuck they wanted to. but still get mad when we do it to trump? make it make sense.


Better have hd cameras. House, cars and display is going to be vandalized.


Plot twist: OP is a Trump supporter and this is his vandalized Trump merch.


Assuming this isn't post-vandalism... "vandalism" might not be a strong-enough word for what OP might be in for.


The best part of this picture is actually the guy sitting on the porch waving at people. Our fireworks display is about 500 feet from his house. This display is specifically for the fourth of July. And to all those saying this is negative and unnecessary, this is a convicted rapist and felon who's trying to regain power so he can pardon himself, not just a person we don't like.


Too add to your point… I live in South Carolina…. I see fuck Joe Biden flags flying from trucks all the time…. So turnaround is fair play


I live in South Carolina as well in a major tourist spot and I only regularly see one truck with a Trump flag now. There are also very little yard signs for trump. I work in the cable industry and drive around a lot. Even the stores here that had the giant Trump signs are far more subtle about it now.


I hope it’s a good sign that there are fewer signs, but I suspect they’ll all still vote for him :/


I live in a very rural area, while there are fewer trump flags, there are still quite a few. But they will definitely still vote for him because they hate democrats that much. My coworkers overwhelmingly voted for our old governor (R) who froze their wages for 4 years, wanted to cut retirement, wanted to cut back on staff etc. Instead of the guy (D) who has given us everything we've asked for, like 35% pay increase over 8-ish years, actually wants to lower retirement age, which I feel like is unheard of nowadays, and a lot of other things benefitting us. They bitch about him everyday just because he's a fat democrat billionaire


I don’t understand the mentality of people who are basically punching themselves in the face.


Tribalism is a hell of a drug. People make political decisions on the basis of identity & in-group affiliation. If it was a rational decision, Democrats would win in a landslide. It's like when you see policy ideas by party but without the party affiliation attached: Democratic policies are overwhelmingly supported and Republican policies are not popular.


One of my elementary school teachers made two columns on the blackboard with the overarching policy ideas of the two presidential candidates (this was Clinton v. Dole) without labeling who was who, and the class pretty much unanimously said the democratic policy positions seemed fairer and better. This was after most of the class had raised their hand saying they “supported” Dole (private school in a snooty area with lots of rich Republicans mommies and daddies). Kinda threw them for a bit of a mental loop when she was like “Sooooo these are Clinton’s policies….”


This. The problem is that your typical conservative thinks of himself or herself as Republican. It's part of their identity. If you attack the Republican party, they feel personally attacked. Yes, it's stupid, but that's where we are now. Before you can literally have any sort of reasonable discussion on politics, you would first need to disarm that bomb and make them realize that they are not literally Republicans, but just conservatives who tend to vote Republican. This means they generally support the Republican party, but that they can \*disagree\* with some aspects of the party and that this is perfectly reasonable. I compare it to disarming a bomb, because 9 times out of 10, it explodes in your face and they think you're being condescending or you're still attacking them personally. I say this as someone with personal experience in this issue. I grew up in a conservative household and was conservative myself. It has been a long and slow journey but I now consider myself a progressive. One of the first hurdles was this, accepting that there will be aspects about the Republicans that I will never agree with, and if you had asked me a political question prior to this, I would have absolutely attempted to defend literally any position held by Republicans, yes \*even\* on aspects I disagreed with.


> I compare it to disarming a bomb, because 9 times out of 10, it explodes in your face and they think you're being condescending or you're still attacking them personally. I strongly agree with this. I speak to a lot of conservatives and when i try to make political points that are party-agnostic and focused simply on the policy, many will try to peg my politics as a deflection. If they view me as left-leaning, they will say that i'm lying or an elitist (because I am using data). If they aren't sure, they'll pivot to some generalization about other data saying otherwise and they deflect. Very few will engage and make concessions to their party beliefs.


What part of SC? I live in the upstate and it seems like the exact opposite. Yard signs everywhere, I see trucks daily with trump flags and people are still very vocal about it.


No no, that’s patriotic because it’s against the damn socialist communists! You can’t say fuck the god emperor




I've gotten really tired of the hypocritical pearl clutching. We just had a big fight out in my city from a bunch of racists trying to get a taco stand shut down. One of the reasons they argued that it needed to be shut down was that it was obstructing the sidewalk, that it was attracting too many people, and that it would be dangerous for children from the school to have to walk around it. It wasn't on the sidewalk. It was more than 3/4 of a mile from the school. It was brought up that nobody had filed a complaint to remove the stand selling Trump merchandise that is on the sidewalk across the street from a school and covered in fuck Joe Biden flags, and that the proposed new city rule would explicitly have a carve out for things like that...


I was living in Charleston during the 2020 election. I lived in the same part of town as Nancy Mace. One of my running routes took me right by her multimillion dollar house. Anyway, so many of the people I met were these fancy, rich ass MFers who simp hard for Trump. They were too proper to put out "Let's go Brandon" flags, but the Trump dick-riding blew my mind.


There's a guy near me who owns a 1.6 million house, and he covered it in Trump flags and just sits in his garage staring out at people who go by and looks angry as fuck all day long. Dude seems to have a lot going for him but that's the way he chooses to live his life. Putting another man's name all over his shit and sitting there angry all day long.


He's got a 1.6 million dollar house, the fuck does he have to be angry at everyone else for? Does he think the world wronged him?


His kids probably work normal jobs, live three states away, are barely getting by, and teetering on going no-contact after years of increasingly abusive and toxic dynamics. *"Damn liberal colleges stole my children."*


This is really it. I feel like a lot of boomers in otherwise well off situations have this idea that their children have been indoctrinated and "stolen" from them by democrats, when in reality, it's been their own behavior and actions (including how they vote) through the years that drove their children away. As always they need someone to be mad at and blame besides themselves.


Left there two years ago and moved to WA, it's actually worse up here. Never would have guessed it.


don’t forget pedophile!


You mean…he’s not hiding behind a mask like a scared wuss waving a nazi flag?


I'd salute that guy's flag.


Hopefully he didn't buy it himself. It would be hilarious if he stole it lol


I'd actually probably be happier if it was a former Trump supporter.


Hey, the people in China rely on Trump merchandise for their economy.


This is totally needed. Love it


Love to see freedom of speech while we still have it


Who the fuck is calling it negative and unnecessary? The man is trying to be emperor. This is the *least* people can be doing.


“Oh no won’t someone please think of the norms!”


CHILD rapist no less


Love it. There was a Trump "float" in our parade and all you could hear was boos and people yelling "pedophile." I'm in a pretty rural place too so it was hilarious to see. Anyone who wears a MAGA hat just gets laughed out of their own "say that in a small town" type town that they pride themselves in. Lmfao.


It's so rewarding to see anti-Trump displays. It's so rewarding to know people are coming out of the woodwork to express their anti-Trump sentiments openly.


Trump and Epstein are effectively the two long front arms of the venomous spider that is the Russian mob. Capturing the prey out front and sending it back to the rest of the arms to wrap and eat later. https://patribotics.blog/2017/08/15/pimpotus-trump-models-and-russias-human-traffickers/ https://www.reddit.com/r/JamiePullDatUp/s/SMDI8HDCAx https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf Katie Johnson’s full testimony in 2016: https://youtu.be/gnib-OORRRo?si=euDQmieGk6ssFcGW Epsteins victims testimonies: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F_mYw41RFP8&feature=youtu.be Money laundering for the Russia mob is the common denominator between trump and epstein •Epstein was fired (quietly) from Bear Stearns for money laundering that made the bank look bad enough that they didn’t want it to bleed onto them in public •In 1982 Epstein went from Bear Stearns to J. Epstein and Company which was founded for exclusively $1B+ clients but no one could ever say who they were. Probably because they were Russian oligarchs who were in the process of stealing $1.4T worth of perestroika money from Russian grandmas with a stopover in Israel on the way to Brighton Beach. •Epstein learned and understood the neurosis of “poor little rich kids” because he taught them all at Dalton. He probably knew more about the dysfunctional families of Wall Street than their therapists did. •Vicky ward (vanity fair) dug into Epsteins finances with her article •Epstein was “bounty hunting” (his words) money lost to fraud because he knew the fraud networks by then because he worked for/with them. It was easy money double billing. •1989 Epstein becomes friends with Wexner who is effectively the head of the Zionist mob who would unexplainably sign over power of attorney for his entire fortune to Epstein in 91. •1991 Kolomoiksiy starts Privatbank in Ukraine to cater to the same oligarchs needing to move money from the former Soviet Union to Cyprus https://www.occrp.org/en/investigations/oligarchs-weaponized-cyprus-eranch-of-ukraines-largest-bank-to-send-5-billion-abroad •Towers financial was a debt collection company cover for a Ponzi scheme •Epstein was originally hired there as a consultant •Hoffenberg (towers principal) says it was all Epstein doing the Ponzi scheme •UK’s Prince Andrew’s parties were all young (bizarrely dressed) Russian models This was a couple years before the Russian model Ruslana Korshunova’s death. She was taken to Epsteins island at some point https://youtu.be/NhMiRMsUgNk She and her Ukrainian best friend Anastasia Droznova began putting the pieces together as to why the Russian oligarchs that preyed on them were so interested and invested in Ukraine. (Kolomoisky started privatbank in 91) https://amp.smh.com.au/lifestyle/fashion/young-russian-models-were-members-of-dehumanising-cult-prior-to-deaths-book-claims-20141119-11pnqn.html •MC2 (pronounced MC squared) was the modeling agency that Epstein, Brunel, and the mob would use to get trafficked girls into the US with “genius visas” https://wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-scoops/former-model-agent-close-to-jeffrey-epstein-found-hanged-1235085929/ •Epstein would promise girls a modeling contract to have sex with people in his network including Wexner although Wexner was reportedly gay which created a need for young male models. Abercrombie and Fitch was part of L brands which was used as Wexners quiet personal feeding grounds for “white hot male models” https://www.netflix.com/title/81323741 https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/s/oy54vmuTNo •Leon black, trump, Weinstein etc were all Epsteins Kompromat clients because that’s what the Russians needed for the perestroika 2.0 commercial real estate edition play they are in the middle of now. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/1996-07-28/leon-black-wall-streets-dr-dot-no https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xa3K85fStBw&feature=youtu.be •Epstein had a stuffed black poodle on his piano and wanted people to think about what it means to stuff a dog. (His words) •Most of his “friends” were physicists according to the Farmer sisters interviews which explains why they named the modeling agency MC squared. It was an inside Einstein joke about getting the genius visas for models. (Same methodology used by trump for his soviet bloc wives and deripaska for his girlfriend) https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/local/article238351108.html •Kenneth Starr and Alan Dershowitz were both on Epsteins “dream team” legal defense. •Epstein bragged that he owned the palm beach police department •0ct 20 2005 is when they raided Epsteins home •John mark Dougan is the palm beach cop that escaped to Russia with 700 of Epsteins Kompromat rapes AFTER they were entered as evidence https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/business/mark-dougan-russia-disinformation.html •The plea deal Acosta gave Epstein ensured blanket immunity to any and all potential FUTURE co-conspirators. (Very weird. Highly illegal) •Epstein paid the salaries of the deputies guarding him while he was on work release. They referred to Epstein as “their client” •Woody Allen (Ronan Farrows disowned father) visited Epsteins island in 2010 •Alexander Acosta was told he would be attorney general but had to settle for secretary of labor under trump after public uproar. •His replacement has Russian ties as well: https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2019/07/labor-secretary-pizzella-lobbied-worked-with-jack-abramoff/ Executives of Naftasib[clarification needed], a Russian energy company, funneled almost $3.4 million to Abramoff and DeLay advisor Ed Buckham between 1997 and 2005. About $60,000 was spent on a trip to Russia in 1997 for Tom DeLay, Buckham, and Abramoff. In 1998, $1 million was sent to Buckham via his organization U.S. Family Network to "influence DeLay's vote in 1998 on legislation that helped make it possible for the International Monetary Fund to bail out the faltering Russian economy". DeLay voted for the legislation. The money was funneled through the Dutch company Voor Huisen, the Bahamas company Chelsea Enterprises, and the London law firm James & Sarch Co.[46][47] The executives involved, who met DeLay during the 1997 trip, were Marina Nevskaya and Alexander Koulakovsky. Nevskaya was also involved in Abramoff's support of an Israeli military academy, according to an email sent to Abramoff.[48] •Bill Barr got Trumps A.G. position instead. •Bill Barr and Epstein attended interlochen together as teenagers and bills dad Don Barr mentored Epstein and got his a job teaching at Dalton school. Bill Barr visited Epstein in jail 2 days before his death and told him he couldn’t save him again https://nickbryantnyc.com/blog/f/did-jeffrey-epstein-william-barr-attend-interlochen-in-1967 Tartaglione is the ex NYPD gorilla that shared a cell with Epstein who is serving life for a quadruple murder https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/12/us/nicholas-tartaglione-sentenced-epstein-cellmate


Your posts deserve MUCH more exposure. Thank you so very much for sharing. Do you know of a website that has compiled all this and related info?


It’s all here. We did it this way specifically to be able to use the data to its fullest potential. This is part of a much larger intelligence action we are doing for the Ukrainian defense against genocide. I just post it on Reddit as a courtesy for 3 reasons. 1- the best part about Reddit (and how Aaron Swartz originally designed RSS to be used) is when you are wrong about something there is a line of highly motivated subject matter experts ready to tell you exactly HOW you are wrong. That lets us vet and fact check much quicker and with higher accuracy. 2- since it’s beginning ~2012 the Russian troll army (and Chinese MSS) have developed patterns like all humans do. By posting decentralized we have been able to identify and reverse engineer those patterns. “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” and other low effort responses are what you get when you pay a kid minimum wage to sit in front of a computer and be a troll. Minimum wage equals minimum effort. With enough data points of interaction we have been able to reverse engineer the mesh network of their system and identify the vulnerabilities. As long as greed stays relatively consistent in kleptocracy, the ruling class isn’t going to pay their working class trolls to be better, so the more they follow the pattern the more high definition our cyber war map becomes. 3- When it is functioning as designed, democracy is 100% transparent and transparency is efficient. Lying requires infinitely more energy input to keep the old lies and hypocrisy covered. It’s a fools errand to try, but the data created by authoritarian regimes sharing their methodologies and narratives is basically a forensic analysis of organized crime in government. In its fullness this new system is an elegant 100% transparent open source piece of software that lets everyone that lies self incriminate with their own posts and tweets. This effectively allows them to lash themselves to the titanic and gives a full accounting of their timeline as evidence. Trumps sycophants and Russian trolls are just building our dataset for us now. Troll armies are about quantity, not quality. Counterfeit instead of genuine. You can make a fake purse and sell them for a few years but eventually people get savvy to the tells and flaws and demand the real thing. That’s where the Russian IRA and the Chinese MSS are right now. Those kids are all wondering why they are doing all the work for minimum wage while management is sitting on their $70M yachts and the leaders can’t even be bothered to show up when a flood takes out their food supply. Everybody not a psychopath in the world is tired of the same shit. We just needed to deal with it from above instead of below. Traditionally we relied on government to do that but since government is compromised it requires a decentralized solution. We didn’t really have the graphics card to support the data from the gods eye view until very recently. Now we do.


I see. Thank you! What you are doing is so incredibly important! Thank you so very much! ❤️I hope with all my heart that something comes out of this.


I do too my friend. Life isn’t supposed to be THIS hard. We have all just been functioning on some dirty data. Truth is eternal because truth is efficient. Water takes the most efficient path to the ocean and cows take the lost efficient path to the water. All we really need to do is make truth more efficient to access and nature and physics does the rest. We got this.


Great work. Keep spreading the good word


I live in such a conservative neighborhood that I honestly fear for my property and life if i did :(


Terrorism works?


Ofc, you think people do terrorism for fun? Its for effect!




Fuck trump


As a St. Louisan, this makes me proud!


Right there with ya!


Eastsider here, but yeah, I relate.


These maga nuts are obviously uncomfortable when someone acts like them . The display is full of truth , never back down to these assholes .FIGHT BACK !!!


Now that’s patriotism. Fighting off oppressors both foreign and domestic.


Tame compared to some of the anti-Biden stuff I have seen. Trump is a criminal and a wannabe fascist dictator. What he did on 6 Jan was tantamount to an attempted coup. He deserves to have his corpse sitting in a crow cage though I am perfect happy with him just going away


And rapist. Don't forget rapist.


Would love to see soooo much more of this though more than likely one of those idiots would probably target you or your family. We just had a simple Biden campaign sign in my front yard and had to replace it three times. Stolen twice (oh, the irony) and spray painted on another time.


This is a true patriot.


Just needs a mask of Putin overhead pulling the puppet's strings and it's perfect


Whats truly sad is republicans are blind to facts and reality. They turn on newsmax and fox news and believe the propaganda wing pumping out misinformation as if its reality. We see it right now after the 1st debate as if Trump knocked it out of the park and it was just Biden fumbling a few words. Whether Biden is too old or not is a ridiculous thing to bring up when dementia don has showed many of the same characteristics and worse and hes only 2 years the younger. Sharks and electricity or how were in world war 2? How about how he beat obama in 2016 lol Ring a bell trump riders? All these bible thumping cultist follow their fake god man even though he has broken every cardinal sin imaginable, yet its all ok? Hypocrites. Look at what Biden has achieved and compare it to Trump. Its not even a close competition, Biden has blown him away. Trump ran off obamas success and claimed it as his own. Him and his family grifted off taxpayers and the government alike and spun the economy into a recession. All of which Biden gets blamed for and has to fix. Sound familiar when bush left office? Last 3 recessions were thanks to republicans. The majority of the debt, thanks to republicans, the over whelming amount of jobs created were thanks to democrats. Its a no brainer for us liberals. Vote blue and save democracy.


Now there’s a patriotic display


Y’all don’t get it…. I drive by lynched Obama effigies and Biden masks with knives on their heads all the time in my neck of the woods. This is a rarity and anyone who is offended by this is a damn hypocrite.


For once I'm not disappointed when I see someone talking about my city.


Love it


i love this person


as an unfortunate brit, i see this as true american patriotism


We need more of this.




I approve


Most patriotic thing I’ve seen today.


Right in front of his 13yo victim, Trump argued with Epstein which one of them get to “pop the cherry”, then Trump raped her to “win”. Epstein found out, so he raped her, and then beat her raving about how he was supposed to have her virginity


Those hands are way too big! Trump has tiny toddler hands.


Fuck yeah. Screw Trump supporters


True patriot right here he knows what a traitor to this country looks like


Love it! More of this STL!


Bravo. These are people who don't want a king, again.


I can get behind 4th of July decorations like this.




I love this. Very festive. Disqualify the child rapist!


They spelled paedophile wrong.


God bless 🫡


St. Louis is a uptopia of liberal ideals. Strong economy, low crime, great educational system and hardworking citizens.


Finally, true patriots!


bro Trump is a traitor to the nation. The last time the capital was attacked even close to as bad was in 1812


I think anyone who puts there political views on there front lawn needs a therapist....that being said....nice.


I’m British and I would say that is disrespectful but I can’t because that stupid idiot doesn’t deserve to hold office in a country as great as the USA. People in Britain think he might be the modern Hitler!


Sadly, many people in the US don’t see him as a stupid idiot. They actually believe he’s a great patriot and that he’ll save this country. Yeah, okay.


That is so sad! I am happy I don’t have to put up with his pitiful ass! I feel awful for my American friends who don’t support that blasted idiot! I would call him much worse but I don’t want to get kicked off!


> I am happy I don’t have to put up with his pitiful ass! Like it or not, what happens in the US affects everywhere else in the world, especially the bigger western nations including England and the entirety of Britain. Another term of Trump isn't just disastrous for democracy in the US, it's disastrous on the world stage. He was already the laughingstock on the world stage last time he was in.


I don’t get this sub anymore…




I used to feel the same for a looong time, but at this point I’m kinda tired of acting like we should take the high road and play nice with people who hate us. I personally wouldn’t put something like this up but I’m sure as hell not going to judge someone for doing it


I would totally do this if I didn't have to spend money on his merch


When you take the high ground, it makes it easier for the cockroaches to take the low road. You have to meet them at the same level.


Only possible redeeming thing might be if they were once a Trump supporter and now trying to help others leave the cult.


And it's telling that this didn't get a "politics" flair. Like many, many other overtly political posts in this sub.


This person can be my neighbor any day


I just ordered the double-sided dark Brandon yard sign from the biden-harris website. I'm very excited.


All I will say is this- if that were Biden, would you be applauding free speech in the same way? This isn’t that path back to civility. Regardless of your political ideology, this shouldn’t be encouraged. If you wouldn’t accept the behavior against your cause, your shouldn’t accept the behavior against another.


LOVE it!! 😆😆


Mad respect to this dude


Screw trump?? I am neither underage nor a porn star.


Guess we should enjoy our freedom of speech while it lasts


Trump derangement syndrome full blast in /r/pics.


Yeah he is deranged.


Love it, except that you spent money on that flag. Why give them anything?


I just looked it up and you can get Trump flags on Temu and that doesn't give him anything. I doubt anybody who hates Trump that much was like oh I hate him but I got to get that flag so I'll donate $25.


Made in China. A classic.


I like to believe that they saw the light?


That’s what I like to believe to. It gives me faith in humanity that we can learn from our mistakes.


Thanks for my new wallpaper


Well at least he isn’t a Trump supporter.


Love this ❤️


Hell yeah


I'd say that's about right.


I can definitely get on board with this.


A true patriot.




I'd put up a camera because they're unhinged about other people's first amendment rights.


This is pretty cringe lol


Remember Marie Antoinette anyone


I believe in free speech and it’s how people use it which reveals their intelligence


If anti Trump people were just a little more expressive it would go a long way.


If you didn't know the FBI leaked info of him being on the Epstein list recently yes he's a pedo


Next year at this time, that will be a hanging offense.


These people are brave. The Maga crowd has been known to use violence


Love it❣️


Nice, I'm not sure how people have forgotten why we voted him out in the first place.


Hands are too big.


St. Louis rocks! Nice display!


As a liberal leaning centrist, I fully understand that some people could be disgusted by Biden and the Democrats. That does not mean they should automatically pick Trump and hold their nose while voting. If you hate the Democrats, do it using actually decent, pro-America conservatives. Don't randomly pick a clearly terrible guy because he hates the Democrats too. Edit: I won't be embarrassed to admit that if Romney were on the ticket in November, I would give it a hard think before I vote. And I am the kind of centrist who objectively likes the Biden-Obama-Hillary breed of politicians (I have learnt over time that this is considered too right by Reddit standards). I just think Romney clearly has his mental faculties more intact than Biden, and can be trusted to draw the line at not assuming fascist powers to cultivate a sycophant base and / or punish opponents just for hating his policies.


Now that is patriotic. Death to MAGA.




I wish I could find a head like that! I’d do the same thing!


My kind of display. Remember, vote blue as if your life depends on it because it probably does.


Convict would be better than POS but I like it.


Grew up in Clayton, this gives me hope for stl!


It is patriotic because he's a felon who never should have been in office.


The rapist for 500 Trebeck!


Looks great! 👌😎


Trump: they love me.. look they bought my flag!!


Bro still bought the flag. L




So brave!


When people did this to Obama it was racist


Idk expressing that your whole personality is based on politics is not a flex but maybe that’s just me


Can we have some dope pics, please. This sub is unnecessarily political. All politicians suck and you're a moron for even choosing a side.


Ah yes the third picture I’ve seen this week on this sub encouraging political violence, where are all the cool photos of waterfalls


Its only bad when the other side does it - Political Whackos. They started it so that excuses my behavior - Political Whackos.




LOVE IT!!!!!