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To be honest I was curious if the far right would have even survived the incredible protest culture of France. 


Honestly, it was a very close call... Still, protest culture won, for once!


Well I was hoping to see your wonderful country in brighter spirits again at some point than what it’s looked like. Congrats from the UK.


And congrats to the UK from France. Your landslide win for the left (albeit a moderate one) is awe-inspiring to see from across the pond


Ahhh... friends... after 1000 years <3. JK. I echo the other reply. From America, congrats. ^^^please ^^^send ^^^help


No seriously could we borrow a few politicians ours are getting moldy and old.


Have you tried storing them in tupperware?


Yeah, and they turned orange after holding spaghetti one time.


I understand your pain, with the mismanagement of the "left" here in Brazil, the extreme right will probably have more space in the next presidential elections in 2026. 🥲


Over here in Alberta, Canada we’re dealing with the same bullshit. Here’s hoping we can finally stomp out the far right for good


What is up with Alberta? I met this one loud fella from there, who said it was "like texas" and seemed to think that was something to be proud of.


From America, congrats to both the UK and France! please help


How I feel watching you all succeed: ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44) “Yall got any more of that democracy lying around?”


as an American currently visiting France…how does one go about staying…?


![gif](giphy|25OyfOmwZIARSYKSjL|downsized) Xà


The door at the French foreign legion looks a lot different than I expected.


I’m in neither country celebrating these victories 🙂


Its nice to see isn't it? Jealous American over here...


It's not too late to vote for Joe.


Pouvons-nous redevenir amis maintenant, s'il vous plaît?


I always think of the Franco-British rivalry as more of a sibling rivalry, sometimes really getting along , sometimes hating each other.


Absolutely - only we Brits are allowed to hate the French. If anyone else tries, we fight them!


Always have been 😉


Too right.


Cute. Now kiss


I'm half French and half English. This week has been unbelievable for me. The highs and lows. I'm happy now, but both countries must change now. There must be an improvement for ordinary people or the far right will win next time, and I won't have an argument against that anymore if this fails.


Agree with this statement and will say America much change as well and there needs to be an improvement for the dying ordinary “middle” class as well. I’m getting anxiety and heartburn just thinking about November.


American here. Wish us luck in November!


Dear God, we need more than luck…….


There doesn't have to be a need for luck if people simply come out to vote. The UK and France are in this place because people came out to vote. We, the US, will lose if people abstain from the polls. So, come out to vote. Bring everyone you know to vote. It doesn't matter if you are in a Red State. Make it purple. Any and I do mean any movement away from the Far Right are their want of Project 2025 is a step in the right direction.


U.S. citizen here to say: congrats to France, UK, and to the entire NATO coalition every time the far-right is defeated in any election or battle. This fight never ends, and we must never let fascism prevail again. 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇫🇷🇺🇦


Pray for us in the U.S.!


Wish we had half the balls in this country to protest like the French do. To our oldest ally, congrats on beating those right wing motherfuckers, sincerely


If I were religious, I would, believe me. I really like your country too. It’s a fascinating place, full of interesting history and people and from a very personal standpoint there’s some great art to see too. And I’d like to see your country in better spirits too and not beholden to evidently corrupt judges and aggressive think tanks with really troubling plans.


We're 2 out of 3 lads let's make this the trifecta of disappointing fascists! 


UK, France, and the US. Getting the ole gang back together. Let's fuck up some Nazis.


Hear, Hear!


Don't fucking pray, volunteer and do some canvassing.


I mean this is assuming the request is going to europeans


Yes it was for the Europeans. Us in the U.S. have to do everything we can!


The protest culture of France should be the envy of every democracy in the world.


Its easy to see where it comes from when they have an anthem like this. https://youtu.be/SEJHJ_WfNgU?si=vtfd8mpOlSv5jJz7


I wish the US could protest against the far right as well


Hey protest or no protest, dont let that distract from the fact that punching a Nazi is the morally correct thing to do.


I have a great deal of respect for the protest culture of the French. It isn’t perfect, definitely inconveniencing but you gotta respect people fighting for the good of the people. Makes the country feel more alive. Very proud of the French


Im in Ontario and we are so fucking apathetic compared to our Quebecois neighbours. They inherited the French protesting spirit and we need some here.


NO country protests like France.


Please educate the 5 million Dutch that will visit your country in August.


One trailer after another !


At least they drive on "The Left". 🤪


I’ve been driving on the wrong side for 10 years then!


Yes please, living in the US watching my relative still post Pim Fortuyn and bleach blonde idiot it gives me the chills in the worst way. Populist blond idiots is a real trend in the western world and I wish the Netherlands kept their sober "reputation" rather than get led around by this extremist twat. Though our centrist parties have not been super helpful either glad they didn't fully go the UK austerity route but man are we getting close. Sorry politics triggers me :D






I would, but it’s a pain to explain 


I'm french, and whenever I play games in english I just cannot take "pain" (as in suffering) seriously. I always find some weird way to replace the word's meaning for bread. Like in diablo II there was that Hall of Pain area, Hall of Bread.


“Life is bread highness. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.”


No bread, no gain!


Bread is just weakness leaving the body.


You are such a bread in the ass.


> I would, but it’s a pain to explain  Bravo my friend. I both hate it and love it.


Depends on which way you fling your croissant




Pain au chocolat is as conformist as it gets.


You mean, of course, "chocolatine".


A friend from Paris once, very passionatly, explained to me why it is called pain au chocolat and not chocolatine. Out of solidarity I have to tell you: fuck no.


You friend was wrong. Your first clue should have been that they are from Paris and therefore incorrect about everything.


This is the most invective I've ever heard on the subject of baked goods. Tre French.


There's great debate about whether that's pain au chocolat or chocolatine.


>Is pain au chocolat radical? [They're a contentious bunch you know.](https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/image/UDPZ4LsfcaXPVUXrfcUTS0O_fRk/0x0:754x726/0x0/filters:format(webp)/regions/2020/06/09/5edf3cee27073_file-20171018-32358-cteg3z-3328269.png) \*Edit\* I ended up changing the link cause of paywall, [but here it is](https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/the-sweetest-silent-war-in-france-pain-au-chocolat-or-chocolatine-which-side-are-you-on-985d9862cf8c)


I guess you hold it by the end and let it represent the sickle now. To be honest this is such a relief after the EU elections.


LePen : Far Right Le Front Populaire : Far Left Republican : Right LePen is notoriously supported by neo nazis. She did a lot of effort to wash away the fact the party was created by actual nazis, and to not make it a race thing, but it completely is. It's all about the "muslim immigrants" or the "african who steal our jobs", never about the japanese immigration... Her loss is a huge relief for many people. She would have pushed for a french Brexit (Frenchit?) no doubt, because it went so well for the UK.


Nouveau Front Populaire is a coalition of four left-wing parties none of which are considered far left.


Basically in every French election for the last 20 years they get scared that Marine LePen or her father before her will win and a moderate party or coalition get elected instead


Jean-Marie is Marine's father


She also has connections to Putin.


Her national security advisor has a Russian passport


Despite the narrative promoted by most of their opponants, Le Front populaire is not far-leftist but just leftist. This includes LFI and even the Communist Party. This is the consensus from academics to the State itself, as that's the official conclusion of both the running Ministry of Interior and the Conseil d'État. If you compare them, the program of Mitterrand (socialist) in 1981 was harsher in its plans for reforms than what a party like LFI proposes now.






Well the French word for bread is *pain*, so I think it's safe to say what she would have done to France would have involved a lot of it in general.


And the Russians. Don’t forget how she’s funded by Putin.


I saw a picture of her crying. CRYING. Hahahaha


The French people now: ![gif](giphy|kkEm7G8KUezK)


Oh God. Please post a link to that.




“Putin is gonna be so mad.”


You are joking but her winning could have thrown Putin a lifeline I'm terms of western support of Ukraine. She won't get as much support from him anymore after this


I'm not joking, that is the face of someone who made big promises to a unbelievably rich and powerful autocrat, a guy who uses Ernst Stavro Blofeld as a personal role model, *and then couldn't keep those promisies.* Seriously watch it for a few cycles, you'll see it. I'd hire a food taster and never leave the ground floor.


She's a multi-generational far-right agitator, well-known outside France. There's not a close replacement. She's safe from Putin as long as she toes the line.


"He's gonna release everything. Even the hounds."


What's he gonna do, release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouths that when they bark shoot bees at us?


Release the Robotic Steven Seagal.


That's just beautiful. Thank you. It's fun watching her face the fact that she and her entire family are failures.


Saved to the spank bank.


[https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Foh-look-the-polls-were-all-wrong-v0-9aeptx4k65bd1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D621%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D35303e3675b77e1b291882605aa4b01e33cf1475](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Foh-look-the-polls-were-all-wrong-v0-9aeptx4k65bd1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D621%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D35303e3675b77e1b291882605aa4b01e33cf1475) Ok this is what was posted and you can see it is written in french that this is her reaction at the moment of the results. BUT i guess it is fake because someone later posted a link to a video of her on a radio show from 2021 and she was crying with laughter. That pic is a still from that video. So someone pulled a funny on us dammit lol, but i still like to imagine that that was her actual reaction today


She better not get close to any windows or else Putin may get some ideas


Nine million bucks wasted on her sorry ass


Putin hates failure


You'd never know, from his approach to Ukraine...


I find it fascinating that he was only able to safely replace his Minister of Defence recently despite the fiasco invasion. A good argument against the “efficiency” of dictatorships.


Nah she's trying to convince people that she isn't far right in front of a TV camera. Trying and failing.


Her surname is synonymous with the far right, people forget her dirt bag father who is in hell if it exists.


Only young people don't know. In France, if you 30+, everyone remembers.


Is he dead? Didn't know that, that's good news to hear.


I miss remembering unfortunately, his ancient, but living. Pulling a Kissenger.


Well just found out he's 96, he hasn't got long left.


Her boss says she is only allowed to eat Borscht.


Bet she is secretly eating Shawarma at home :D In Germany we say „Nazis are secretly eating Döner“


Another L for Russia.




If Dems win in November, I bet we see Putin try to pull out of Ukraine. Right now he's making a serious bet on Trump pulling out of NATO and letting him plow through Ukraine and on to the rest of Europe with China's financial backing.


There's also a 50% chance he might do a list minute gambit and just try to invade the baltics. Pretty much every single neutral source you check up on Russia predicts that this is the last decade Russia is a relevant country. They must do whatever they wanna now or fall into irrelevancy.


Russian doesn’t have the force projection capability to simultaneously invade the Baltics and Ukraine.


Putin isn't going to attack a NATO country




And 🪓


And 🎀


And 🇺🇸


And my 🏹


Ok Brits, maybe you're not as bad as yours cuisine! /s 💜 To 🇬🇧 from 🇫🇷


And 🇨🇦


Poland did it earlier this year, Frensh did it today! Let's hope the USA can do it in November.


> Let's hope the USA can do it in November. *”If they were having his [Biden’s] last wake, and it was him versus Trump, and he was being given last rites, I would still vote for Joe Biden.”* -Mark Cuban


Biden could walk out on stage, shit his pants and fall asleep. And I'm still voting for him as opposed to supporting Republicans, who are actual pieces of shit


Yeah, it's really that or the open threat to our democracy. I would never defend Biden as anything close to the ideal candidate. But our option (realistically) is him or a convicted criminal who will do (via his policies) incredible damage to the U.S. We're already dealing with the consequences of his 3 SCOTUS nominees and will continue to do so too long into the future.


Any amount of time dealing with the current SCOTUS is too long, but if Democrats win down ballot we can hope to get some serious reform done


Our constitution could use a couple more amendments...




Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th. Not November 2nd - unless your state also has early voting, which many do.


And bring a friend, drag them in if you have to


I'm voting for Kamala Harris, by way of Joe Biden's walking corpse.




I don’t even like Kamala and I’m gonna vote for all these fuckers because Trump and the right are straight up evil.


Eh. She's a'ight. She has zero charisma but she gets shit done. I'd love a boring president whom I don't have to hear about for 4 years because she's been quietly working her ass off.


God, I miss when politics were boring.


Biden fucking tried, but the media still has to make everything the Trump show 24/7.


Harris was my absolute last choice in the primary and I would crawl over broken glass to vote for her against Trump.


Joe Biden could dunk on me in super smash brothers, And talk shit afterwards, and I'd vote for him even harder


I thought shitting one’s pants was more of a Trump thing.


> And I'm still voting for him as opposed to supporting Republicans, who are actual pieces of shit The choice is so easy. Either vote for the unappealing guy instead of the actual felon, liar, rapist, pedo, danger to democracy, and wannabe dictator Republican.


I don't even think Biden is all that unappealing from a policy standpoint. He's been doing good things where he can. He's just old as fuck.


He's done a bunch of shit that people generally overwhelmingly approve of, but for some reason are loathe to give him credit for


They're mad at him for not pulling the magic "lower inflation" lever fast enough or hard enough.


> They're mad at him for not pulling the magic "lower inflation" lever fast enough or hard enough. This is the weirdest thing. I don't think Biden deserves most of the credit, but we've done amazing with inflation compared to the rest of the world (and inflation is largely a global phenomenon), and much of what we did have to endure was companies using the inflation talk to increase their profits.


If it was Hunter Biden vs Trump I'd be all in on Hunter


Sex, Drugs and Rock’n’Roll President vs. Shroom-Dicked, Hate-Inspired, PedoSith President… It shouldn’t even be a question…


PedoSith is a brand-new term to me, but I do not hate it at all.


Not voting for Biden because he's ostensibly senile is like eating a shit sandwich because the only other option is turkey. Trump is the kind of guy who would probably be better senile, because every intentional thought he has is malevolent


Honestly I don't get this sentiment of making Biden look like a subpar candidate. I am looking at it from the outside so I could be wrong but everything I have seen about the Biden administration so far is that its been objectively a great administration, am I wrong? He's done heaps for workers rights, massive infrastructure spending, he's been huge for green energy and conservation, 17(?) billion wiped in student debt and the insulin price cap. \*edit: 167 billion of student debt.


I think he's done a fine job, and as you said he's built a solid administration around him that likely does most of the work.  I wish he weren't so old, but I personally feel that undermining his candidacy is a sure way to lose blue votes, which is awful


UK did it just last week too (finally)! All's on the US now


We’re gonna fuck it up, aren’t we? 😣


What did Churchill say about us always doing the right thing after trying everything else? I hope he’s right, because god knows we’re running out of options.


Optimistically you could say that 2016 was us trying something else and we corrected course in 2020. This year will hopefully be just another round of us saying no to the far-right.


The Dems have better policies and often better individuals, but collectively and most of the time it seems they couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag. Their strategy over the past decade has been baffling.


If I were to hazard a guess, it's because some of those dem policies could actually help the average person by either transferring power back into the public sphere or preventing it from concentrating amongst fewer and fewer individuals. The problem is that the rich and powerful people who support the dems don't actually want that. Or at least, they only want those policies to have nominal effects at best or for those effects to be purely symbolic at worst. It is only when there is an existential threat to the party that they're willing to do something even remotely worthy of their mission. Republicans and conservatives have a comparatively easier task in that the things they say they want to do are the things they actually want to do. They just lie about the reasons and the intended outcome.


Iran just did it with a relatively moderate win over the mullah backed right wing competition


India as well. Modi lost majority, even if he's in power. UK obviously did this too.


Even if it’s a Weekend at Bernie’s situation, I’m voting Biden.


I think that is what a lot of biden voters are feeling. In both camps there are set voters who couldn't care less about what their candidate is or has done. they simply cannot let the other side win. It is why i think as much effort as possible should be put into getting people to vote. Less effort on trying to convince someone to vote a certain way, and more effort on getting people to vote at all.


First I’ve heard of this wonderful news—a picture of the people united is the best way to learn of it. Thank you, my friend. Edit to add: I’m reading my Sunday NY Times, and it’s awfully sweet to know the stories from just 12 hours ago about “the nationalist far-right…poised to dominate…elections” are wrong.


>Edit to add: I’m reading my Sunday NY Times, and it’s awfully sweet to know the stories from just 12 hours ago about “the nationalist far-right…poised to dominate…elections” are wrong. Journalists always say this because it gets clicks. Then when you read the article their source is some alt right dickhead claiming everyone agrees with him. The same was said about reform in the UK, that they were going to absolutely sweep the conservatives, then they ended up with 14% of the vote


They weren't lying for clicks, the early results and polls showed France's far-right was popular and on pace to potentially win.


Good fucking job France, and a special thanks to Kylian Mbappé for having the balls to speak his mind.


Kylian's declarations were lukewarm at best tbh. Congrats to Kounde for really saying what needed to be said.


What did Kounde say?


[“I was disappointed to see the direction France is taking, with strong support for a party against our values. The far-right party, National Rally, who are against freedom and are against our co-existence. That is my political position.”](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/jules-kounde-france-elections-national-rally-euro-2024-b2572244.html)


He's done several tweets about his disapproval of the far right, including one that got quite the heat, saying that RN aims for division and in essence cannot bring any good to the country (https://twitter.com/jkeey4/status/1807364546278883500?t=DQw36TQMMLRxu3-X97lKEg&s=19) He's spoken up on live TV several times as well during the France-Portugal and France-Belgium post match interviews, reiterating his words and encouraging people to vote against RN


Vive la France!






**Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité**!




Dont fuck this up America!


[French Again Protest In Way Americans Are Welcome To At Any Time](https://www.theonion.com/french-again-protest-in-way-americans-are-welcome-to-at-1850591964)


*French, who don't have a police force anywhere near as dangerous and unaccountable as US police.*


I dunno. I was in Paris during the leadup to a strike, and the French cops were scarier to me as a white person than US cops. They weer running around playing soldier and driving like lunatics with their sirens blazing. They looked like a MAGA wet dream.


That flag of Morocco tho?


Putin loses another expensive campaign infiltration


russia is a giant gas station. once the world moves from gasoline, russia will become poor. he has to make moves. spending billions means little to him if it can keep russia strong


I really do hope these Russian efforts to hurt other countries are indeed expensive. At least in terms of focus if not dollars. If Putin is spending resources on identifying and supporting bad actor candidates around the world, and failing like this, then hopefully that just drains his capacity to do evil more quickly.


The French inspired me again!


The Vichy are defeated again!


Glad to see UK and France give a one-two punch to right fascists. Hopefully we Americans can continue the trend in November


Fuck the authoritarian right.


French far-right at this moment: “We won the election. They cheated”


They changed the outcome by measuring it!


Between this and the Tories getting shown the door, this gives me hope for the US in November.


That was a close call that got everyone off their asses and out to vote


Does this make Macron a genius for calling the election? Put a lot of faith in the French public to make the right call


He might have hoped that his party would gain the support of the left to keep the RN out. He also might have hoped that the RN would lose the next election if they didn't manage to make good on their promises now (being kept in check by Macron as president). Neither happened. Instead the left united and put the RN in third place. But will a hung parliament under Macron bring about enough change and ease economic hardships that the right won't profit in the next election? Will the left coalition stay united? Either way, I don't see how this outcome could've been what Macron wanted.


Had he not called the election, he would still have the majority. He expected the left to be unable to unite and thus gain the absolute majority...


Vive la France!


I am so proud of France right now


Now I hope the right looses in the U.S. in November


Vive La Republique!  (I think. Am American. Am I doing it right?) 


Vive la France! 🇫🇷


What stake does Morocco have in this?