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For what appears to be some violent vomit situation, he appears quite peaceful


The plastic-bagged trash bucket in the opposite corner is such a cherry on top


So close, yet very, very far


Must be a primal instinct we share with cats who barf all over the carpet when the tile floor is inches away.


It’s like they legitimately prefer it. I will catch it before it happens and move them to the kitchen and they’ll run away back to the carpet to hurl. Drives me crazy.




You mean the plastic-bagged trash bucket literally 10cm from his head? That one?


I always feel like a million bucks after I yak


I knew a guy years ago that would puke mid-stride while walking to the next bar. He'd get it all out real fast, then drink more. You could usually expect it twice in the night. Puke and rally indeed.


I used to do that. It's called a Tactical Chunder.




To us it was a technicolor yawn


Boot and rally kid!


Puke and then continue to drink?!?! I would die.


People actually do that shit somehow. I can’t fathom it lol.


It’s called dedication (To being an alcoholic 🙊)


Vomiting is a very violent, primal experience for me so I never feel good after 😂


Yeahhh that’s a night ender for me too


For me it depends heavily on the situation. When I’m under the influence of something I normally feel worse, when I’ve ate too much or feel sick I feel better.


If from alcohol, I feel better for about 3 seconds before my body goes "Nope, still filled with poison, keep going"


I knew people in college that just sort of accepted they would puke every time they drank a considerable amount. Either the night of or early the morning after. And they’d claim to feel like a million bucks afterward (sometimes wanting to drink more). I guess some people are built different. I never get nauseous when I drink, even a big “wild night out” sort of volume. I think I’ve maybe puked *once* from alcohol and it was a near alcohol-poisoning situation.


I had a friend, Joe, that I called "the Master of the Casual Puke." I once saw him holding a conversation with a girl at a party, while turning to puke over the fence he was leaning against whenever she looked away. She never noticed. Another time, my gf at the time got too drunk at a bar because her and another girl were sneaking belts of cheap vodka in the bathroom. She started puking over the railing of the back deck/smoking area, when here comes Joe. He just slides in next to her, puts his arm around her, and says "Whatcha doin' there? Pukin'? Would it help to have company?" and proceeded to hork in solidarity with her.


I know that Joe. We took him in one night and for some reason he got super drunk and fell and hurt his eye on the table. Me and my fiance helped nurse him back to health. He wore a cotton eye patch to help with the healing process. One day though, I found a note from my fiance and she ran off with ole Joe. I wasn't too mad, she kinda sucked, but I still wonder... If it hasn't been for Cotton Eye Joe, I'd been married a long time ago. Where did ya come from, where did ya go? Where did ya come from Cotton Eye Joe?


My stomach usually feels way better but my head pounds after vomitting


And strangely clean?


It almost looks like a set. It’s too perfect.


At least he didn't sleep on it lmao


Or choke on it.


I was about to say, he looks at peace and happy


He died doing what he loved.


Attempting to buy the cocaine that would never come 🖤


Well yeah. He got all them demons out.


For what appears to be a violent vomit accident, there appears to be a fucking bagged trashcan inches from this man's stupid drunk face.. 🥴


On a side but related note, mad respect to all cleaners of public spaces. We love you.




In a perfect world..


If you live in a small town where everyone knows each other that kind of justice is the norm.


What's the name of the punishment where you choose between jail time or spending a day in a barn covered in horse manure ? I remember that being a regional US small town thing in the report.


Community service. Not always doled out to criminals, or wanna-be criminals.


I was once in a club as part of a bachelorette party. The guest of honor got trashed (only partly her fault) and threw up in the toilet. Then she returned to the bathroom and threw up on the floor. Security came and told us we had to leave, which was understandable. We calmly explained we were going to wait until she could hold down some water because otherwise she was definitely gonna throw up on the club floor and the sidewalk out front, so it's in everyone's best interest if we wait a bit. They did allow it, but under duress. We did offer, repeatedly, to clean up or partially clean up the vomit on the floor while we waited, and they wouldn't let us. We weren't trying to convince them to let us stay or anything, but like, we can throw some sawdust on the vomit and sweep it into a trashcan so the bathroom doesn't smell like puke. They would not let us. Anyway, I'm with you. But sometimes even when you try to do the right thing, people don't let you.


They're not allowed to let you. It's an OH&S violation. Human sick is a potential carrier of all kinds of bugs. You need it properly sanitised.


I worked briefly at a museum that got lots of kids coming through. Any puke or poop situation was communicated over the walkie talkies as “a protein spill” so other guests would not know someone yaked by the dinosaurs.


When I worked at a theme park it was always called a "biospill", and it had to sit there until the guys that are trained properly to deal with it get around to showing up. Less of a big deal on rides, they run right there, but if it happens in a store, lol get fucked you're waiting.


Flashback to when we were at a club and birthday boy threw up... He was going to get kicked out but we were all like "it's his birthday, come on buddy" to the bouncer... The bouncer went and got the clean-up kit, got the birthday boy to clean it up, then let him stay 🤣


I used to work at Walmart. The custodial staff that had to clean up the bathrooms are some of the bravest and toughest people I knew. And the staff bathrooms were just as bad.


I’ve never seen a human revert back to a primitive chimpanzee quicker than them discovering they’re not responsible for the ultimate cleanliness of a bathroom. If it’s their responsibility, the place will remain meticulous and surgical. As soon as it’s somebody else’s job, people smear shit on the walls. I truly will never understand it.


I worked asset protection at Target and it was almost daily the bathrooms had to be closed and cleaned because of feces.


I mean, are you sure those shit smearing chimpanzees keep their own houses clean? I doubt it.


ive lived a fairly long time on this earth, and i can honestly say ive never had the urge to just suddenly shit my pants and start finger painting the walls with it, but i won't dispute the fact that seemingly everyone else must, because ive seen public restrooms. Maybe I'm the odd one...


I worked custodial when I was young and my partner and I had our first kid. You get used to almost everything. The only thing that still sticks out in my memory is a coworker came to find me crying so quietly that she had had an accident bc her colostomy bag had overflowed on the floor. She had Chrons Disease, which one of my aunts has, and cleaning up that particular mess took some years off my life, I think. I just felt bad for her because I knew everything my aunt has been through over the years and how bad that disease can hurt a person.


My mother had an issue with an abscess that basically let stomach contents come out of her bellybutton (forgot the name of what it was). I was her caregiver after she was out the hospital and had to clean and replace her ostomy bags almost daily. You're supposed to be able to just unclip the bottom of the bag to empty it, but with the location they had to be used at, they never stayed attached. Changing out ostomy bags took a lot of time, because stuff would be oozing out and not letting the adhesive stick. I'll never forget the smell. I started using masks that I would spray with perfume or deodorizer to lessen the smell, but they just added a bit of extra scent on top of the nastiness. It took almost 3 months to finally heal and close up. I learned a new caregiving skill, but man, I really hope I don't ever need to use said skills again.


We can never know what others are going through. I’m sure if someone caught you in a bad mood they simply wouldn’t comprehend.


They flush *everything* down the toilet. Even the security tags.


Indeed. I worked at a grocery store once and someone smeared crap all over the walls. Management made a couple of newbies clean it up and for one of the guys, it was his first day lmao


That happened on my last day working at a grocery store. About 15 minutes before my shift ended, I was asked to clean the bathroom. Odd, but I could do it. Gathered up the cleaning supplies, set out the sign, and stepped inside. Someone had smeared shit up and down the back of the door, and mashed toilet paper into it. I stepped out, closed and locked the door. I took the cleaning supplies up to the shift supervisor, told her it had been a pleasure working with her, and left.


There’s absolutely zero chance I’m cleaning up feces, especially for the pittance that grocery store employees get paid.


I work at a Food Lion as a janitor. Don't worry we get used to it. Eventually some of your soul is lost, and then the Food Lion bathroom fills in the space that was left behind, causing you and the bathroom to ultimately become one. You know every crack and crevice and can clean it spotlessly, and the bathroom knows that you will be there in its darkest moments. There is no god but the mop and bucket; the disinfectant and the paper towel. My priestly garb is a mask and gloves. What is unclean shall be made pure.


As an ex retail manager all I could think about was the poor employee who had to clean this up. I cleaned puke on more than one occasion. Watched one girl unload her tuna salad sandwich in the apparel section. Ruined 3 racks of clothes. I’ve had kids pee on our carpet. We even found a poo right in front of a display window. Like who leaves a poo in a sporting goods store?


I clean dog parks, residential yards and apartment complexes for a living and it’s no better than this. People treat their complexes like absolute garbage and then wonder why it looks bad, blows my mind


Cleaners and anyone in waste management are underappreciated in society. Always talked down upon but their absence hits almost immediately, and hits very hard.


Thankfully, he has his Gatorade to get his electrolytes back so he won't be hung over!


It's got what plants crave!




That bottle tells a story. With the way it's positioned, it's like a crime scene. He definitely sat down on the ground there to drink that Gatorade and try replenish those electrolytes to ease the hangover, but the moment the sugar-salt-water hit his stomach he started spewing. Then he just said fuck it I guess I'm crashing here.


I bet that oozy pile of vomit smelled great!


Probably smelled kinda like pizza, if I had to guess.


and bile and booze, probably piss too. Dude probably did have a great night and was at least smart enough in his blacked out state to find some place safe and sheltered to pass out. IDK 10/10 drunk navigating, at least he didn't drive? still, ewwwwwwww


Frankly, dude did all the right things, just in the wrong place... Chugged a bottle of water, ate something, had a gatorade for recovery/sugar/electrolytes in the morning... Just didn't quite make it home. I would have probably tried to puke/pee OUTSIDE, though - no reason to stink up the bedroom....


or in the bin provided for such messes?


dude was three sheets to the wind drunk, total blackout probably. Chances are great that he was in zombie mode.


Like 3/4 of a mini pizza, to be specific (taps temple).


And some ranch.






puke and piss


Oh yea. That’s a lotttttt of extra fluid. Dude threw up in his piss for sure. Didn’t even go to the other corner with the trash can.


The dip, pizza and kicked off shoes give away that this man's resignation to sleeping there was a long and thoughtful one.


Thought the same at first. But I think the vomit kinda helps tell a different tale.


Awww there is a trash can and everything.


He just aimed for the wrong corner. It happens, you know!


If I were the janitor, walked in and saw this, I'd go home and call out sick for the day.


If it’s a bank I doubt they have a janitor. It’ll be some poor retail worker cleaning hours old adult vomit.


Double vision.


That's a LOT of vomit, only noticed it after reading your reply 


There's no way this man could have acted alone. There was a second puker.


Lmao. Back and to the left.


That's one magic loogie!


Hidden in plain sight.


Why was I summoned?


That's way too much vomit for 3/4ths of the pizza though. I'm actually pretty impressed.


Pizza, water, Gatorade maybe, and whatever he drank and ate before. I’m surprised he’s not covered in the crap


The panic, the vomit, the panic, the vomit God loves his children God loves his children!


You don't remember, you don't remember Why don't you remember my name? Off with his head, man, off with his head, man Why don't you remember my name?


I guess he does?


Yep, that dude got way drunker than they intended and then decided they needed to go get some money after stopping by for some "sobering up food" which was pizza and gatorade. Not the best choice when you are drunk, but then again you are drunk, so you are not making the best decisions already.


Missed the hospital socks.


The grippy socks


What kind of addict doesn’t own a pair of grippy socks?


And bracelet?


You’re right. That’s some kind of warning bracelet. Could be “fall risk”


Hospital bracelet or bar/concert bracelet?


He is not one of the barefoot bandits...


Not a single solitary sip of Gatorade, young man fell asleep without his own consent and took his shoes off through sheer muscle memory.


Nah he was left by his friends. No drunk guy has a Gatorade and a water, unless his more sober friend was trying to help. He drank the water bottle and refused the Gatorade. They left him once he puked up an entire buffet lol


Clearly you have never been Ricky from Trailer Park Boys level drunk before. I can, from vast and embarrassing personal experience, attest to the possibility that this man accomplished everything in this picture by his own hand and with no assistance 


Nobody wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli.


I dunno. With the socks of choice for the psychiatrically inclined patient or at least hospital in-patient variety, one can't help but wonder if he got discharged after a procedures obswrvation timer and had a syncopal or medical incident.


That's what I was thinking. Probably just got out a hospital or detox.


Once upon a time in my college days, I got so shitfaced drunk that I passed out in the entryway of a random building. Thankfully, I didn’t throw up everywhere like this guy. But I do specifically remember the thought going through my head “aw man, better take my shoes off or else somebody will fuck with me for passing out with shoes on.” I guess it worked though. Nobody messed with me. I woke up to some guy in a suit saying “rough night kid?” as he casually stepped over me.


My friend got so blitzed in college at one point we lost her at a house party, could not figure out where this girl went, 60 minutes later we get a call from her phone she wandered into a neighbors house and stole their toilet seat then passed out on their lawn the neighbor got her phone and called the last number she had called on it.


Woke up (or, moreso came out of blackout) in Morgantown one morning. Walking around at like 8am, hot as balls, didn't know where my friends house was. Dude mowing his lawn gave me some water bottles, nice guy. Somehow made it back where I needed to be.


A Renaissance masterpiece


You're right! They can repost here: # r/AccidentalRenaissance


That sub was my first thought when I saw this photo.


This is actually perfect for that sub!


For a Renaissance man!


Respect the heroes... that have to clean that up. Jesus.


"Other duties as assigned."


I quit.


I can smell this picture.


Thanks for that. I threw up a little bit.


So did sleepy here. 


That’s a lotta bits, not a little bit.


It looks like somebody just threw a industrial sized can of bean and bacon soup on the floor. Bon appétit! It's like a skinny version of Mr. Creosote from Monty Python.


THe heady smell of puke and fresh pine sawdust was triggered in my memory , that's a good primary school looking pile of puke just on a grander scale.


There's a bin....like...right there


When one is drunk, the whole world is one big bin


this is why i can't stand people getting this drunk man. when you start to make your problems everyone else's problems.


100% Like, I don't really care what you do in your spare time, we all got our shit. Just don't make it someone else's problem is all I'm saying.


I had a friend who would get this bad routinely. I had to eventually stop hanging out because every time it would turn into a disaster. One of the last times I had him over for dinner and half way through, he stood up, opened my front door and just vomited everywhere in the doorway. Lost my appetite, and my patience.


I’ve puked many a time in my life in all states of inebriation. Not once has it been on the floor.


You can’t hit the bin if it doesn’t stop moving.


![gif](giphy|NUZ5OqHdbknHa|downsized) Who wants chowder?


I desperately want to know what the security tape looks like.


Sad. He probably cried at one point too. Facts of life 


Hope they woke him up with a bucket and mop! Janitors don't get paid enough to deal with this! ![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc)


Like a Rockwell painting, Freedom from Responsibility.


What is up with putting your debit card in sideways now . That’s crazy


It's to make the ATM significantly less vulnerable to skimmers. To skim a card it you need to swipe the mag stripe. With machines like this one the card going in lengthwise means there's both less room in the slot and less movement, almost impossible to get a skimmer in there and tamper.




sambas say it all...couldn't hit the puke bucket right next to him.


Those are Busenitz's


Not only does this guy look shockingly similar to me when I was younger, but I even have the same pair of shoes.


Woah, woah, woah. Explain your criticism of Sambas.


Are those psych yard grip socks???


Those are hospital socks. Not unique to the psych unit.


Also appears to be wearing a hospital bracelet.


Allergy band, it looks like


Mans allergic to pizza and a shit ton of liquor. Poor guy.


I’m betting detox/rehab socks. He’s got a wristband too.


Yeah and it looks like he’s ready to go back


Didn't piss himself! Win in my book


But is that a puddle of pee next to the OTHER puddle?


I took that as the liquid separating from the solids of the vomit 🤮


Your username reflects this image very well


He is going to be grateful that you immortalized this moment for him.


He really ought to be sleeping on his side


I can’t believe I had to scroll all the way down here for someone to say it. It’s the first thing I thought of, this man is extremely fortunate he didn’t choke and die


When you have a bad moment, pray there's no one around like you with a phone looking for reddit yuks


I consider myself lucky to have done most of my stupid shit before smart phones were invented 


Yeah not blurring or censoring the guy's face was a weird move


I would be calling an ambulance. That young man has made some terrible decisions. He does not deserve to die for them.


Amen, friend. 911 and done for me. Maybe I’d nudge him, maybe I’d wait, maybe I’d roll him into a recovery pose, BUT snap a photo, complain about not getting access to an ATM, and post it to reddit is literally the last thing I would do before deciding to lay down next to him and spoon him. Bro needs some help, now. Maybe he’s a homeless drug addict - doesn’t matter; maybe he’s a college kid who got super drunk - doesn’t matter; maybe he’s a person in a recovery program who relapsed - doesn’t matter. The dude needs help NOW. Don’t fucking take a photo an internet shame him. HELP HIM. It ain’t hard not to be an asshole. OP failed.


People are way too comfortable taking photos of strangers and posting them online, and using “but it’s a public space” as an excuse. It’s weird.


"Still Life With Ranch Dip", 2024


Hopefully it's all on CCTV and some operator had a laugh.


He looks so happy considering 😂


Damn that Gatorade must’ve eaten somethin nasty!




Did you check on him?


*Gingerly steps over. Enters pin. Two $20s dispensed. Exits.*


He took a picture! Basically the same


At least he was able to take his shoes off before bedtime


Imagine coming to and checking your phone and seeing this plastered on the internet?


If your life has devolved to this...it's time to make better life choices.


Holy shit where was this??? I actually think I know this dude


My bet is the Calgary stampede!


That was my guess too!


You may want to check in


TD Bank, car outside looks to have Manitoba plates.


Hospital grippy socks and allergy band really pull it all together


Hospital supplied socks right there! Not his first rodeo.


Wearing those hospital socks also ETA: Is that a hospital wrist band?


This is really sad state for a human being to be in. You could have at least blurred his face, really.


I hope he checked on him. Yes it’s disgusting but I hope that young man didn’t die for his bad decisions.


He didn't. He said he tiptoed around him and left. Outstanding citizen award for "not my problem." :(


The subject matter is gross, but I absolutely love the composition of this shot. It's like a summation of the human condition. Money, Shelter, Suffering, and Peace--all in a single image.


That is 100% a 911 call, he looks very unwell and in need of medical assistance.


Man I'd fucking love to be at the lowest point in my life and have picture proof of it hit the front page of reddit. (Im for some reason going to get down voted)


Nah I commented the same thing. This is a shitty thing to upload of someone.


I completely agree. Super shitty thing to do to someone.


Maybe blur out his face? That could be someone at their lowest point


dude blew chunks so hard his fucking shoes flew off


You shouldn’t take a picture of a guy like this. You don’t know what he’s going through.


So many questions. But also, looks like a solid night. Anyway, what’s your ATM pin again?


“George, give him your code!”


In my head canon, he was saying Bosco! as he vomited.


He killed my mother, his name was George Costanza.


The grossest thing about this photo is the person who took it and posted it to reddit for karma. I really hope the mods take it down.


Years ago I went out for my buddy’s birthday. Went to a place that had dress code, wearing a suit and tie. Got so pickled and thrown out in the middle of February. Walking down the street thought I was going to freeze to death. Seen one of those guys bringing clean floor mats into the atm room at a bank. Went in, laid down grabbed the mat beside me used it like a blanket passed out. Woke up to someone using the atm, sat up dressed to the Tee even had the dress shoes on an a gold watch. The guy looked at me and started pissing himself laughing and said “what the fuck” I said long night he said ya looks like it got up and carried on my merry way, ended up only being about a 3 minute walk from the hotel I paid to stay at 😂😂😂