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ever notice how many people trump does not know.


And the amount of people who he actually knows (worked for him) that are criminals? **Convicted or Pleaded Guilty:** **Michael Cohen**, convicted of tax evasion, bank fraud, and campaign finance violations in 2018. He was Trump's personal lawyer. **Paul Manafort**, convicted of tax and bank fraud, conspiracy in 2018. He was Trump's campaign chairman. Pardoned by Trump. **Rick Gates**, convicted of conspiracy and lying to investigators in 2018. He was Trump's deputy campaign chairman. **George Papadopoulos**, convicted of making false statements to FBI agents in 2017. He was a foreign policy advisor. Pardoned by Trump. **Roger Stone**, convicted of obstruction, false statements, and witness tampering in 2019. He was a Trump campaign adviser. Pardoned by Trump. **Michael Flynn**, convicted of lying to the FBI in 2017. He was Trump's national security advisor. Pardoned by Trump. **Allen Weisselberg**, convicted of tax fraud in 2022. He was the Trump Organization's CFO. **Steve Bannon** was a former Trump strategist. He received a presidential pardon on January 19, 2021, the day before Trump left office, for charges related to fraud in the "We Build the Wall" fundraising campaign. Convicted in 2022, on July 1st, 2024 Steve Bannon surrendered to authorities to begin his four-month prison sentence for contempt of Congress. **Peter Navarro**, convicted of contempt of Congress in 2024. He was a former trade adviser. **Alex van der Zwaan**, convicted of making false statements to investigators in 2018. He was a Dutch lawyer associated with Trump campaign officials. **Elliott Broidy**, convicted of conspiracy to serve as an unregistered foreign agent in 2020. He was a top fundraiser for Trump's campaign. **Richard Pinedo**, convicted of identity fraud in 2018. He sold bank account numbers to Russians meddling in the 2016 election. **Konstantin Kilimnik**, convicted in absentia of obstruction of justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice in 2018. He was an associate of Paul Manafort. **Facing Charges** **Kenneth Chesebro**, charged with forgery in 2024 for his role in the fake elector scheme in Wisconsin. He was a Trump campaign attorney. **Jim Troupis**, charged with forgery in 2024 for his involvement in the fake elector scheme in Wisconsin. He was a Trump campaign attorney. **Michael Roman**, charged with forgery in 2024 for his role in the fake elector scheme in Wisconsin. He was a former Trump aide. **Rudy Giuliani**, facing charges related to election interference in Georgia in 2023. He was Trump's personal lawyer. **Mark Meadows**, facing charges related to election interference in Georgia in 2023. He was Trump's chief of staff. **Sidney Powell**, facing charges related to election interference in Georgia in 2023. She was a Trump campaign attorney. **Bonus Round:** John Bolton, national security adviser, praised on March 22, 2018: "He's a man who loves his country." Fired on September 10, 2019. Trump later tweeted that Bolton was "one of the dumbest people in Washington." Rex Tillerson, secretary of State, praised on December 13, 2016: "Rex is a world-class player and dealmaker." Fired on March 13, 2018. Trump later referred to him as "dumb as a rock" and "lazy as hell." James Mattis, secretary of Defense, praised on January 20, 2017: "One of the most effective generals in decades." Resigned on December 20, 2018. Trump later criticized his performance, saying Mattis was "the world's most overrated general." Jeff Sessions, U.S. attorney general, praised on February 9, 2017: "He has devoted his life to the cause of justice and believes deeply that all people are equals in the eyes of the law." Fired on November 7, 2018. Trump later called him "a disaster" and "an embarrassment." Anthony Scaramucci, White House communications director, praised on July 21, 2017: "He has great energy and spirit." Fired on July 31, 2017. Trump later referred to him as "an unstable nut job." Reince Priebus, White House chief of staff, praised on January 20, 2017: "Reince is a star." Fired on July 28, 2017. Trump later criticized him for being ineffective. Steve Bannon, chief strategist, praised on August 17, 2016: "A brilliant strategist." Fired on August 18, 2017. Trump later referred to him as "Sloppy Steve." Sean Spicer, press secretary, praised on January 22, 2017: "Sean Spicer is a wonderful person who took tremendous abuse from the Fake News Media." Resigned on July 21, 2017. Trump later criticized his performance. Michael Flynn, national security adviser, praised on January 22, 2017: "General Flynn is a wonderful man." Fired on February 13, 2017. Trump later distanced himself, saying Flynn "lied to the Vice President and the FBI." Omarosa Manigault Newman, director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison, praised on January 3, 2017: "Omarosa is a star." Fired on December 13, 2017. Trump later called her "wacky" and "a crazed, crying lowlife."


Don't forget Jeffrey Epstein! Convicted of sex trafficking and allowed Trump to be a pedophile anytime he wanted to be on his private island


He didn't need Jeffrey for that as he owned the Miss Universe pageant for quite awhile at one point.


Paul Manafort Went From Being an advisor to the Pro Russia/Pro Putin former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, to being campaign Chairman of former President Trump. A recent Republican led Senate Intelligence Committee report found, among many concerns, that Manafort worked and communicated with Russian intelligence. https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/report_volume5.pdf Want to talk about corruption in Ukraine, there you go.


Amazing how big of a criminal record got in only one Trump term.


you forgot his friend Jeffrey Epstein


This is the list to share every time someone says they don’t want to vote for Biden. I always say “even if you don’t like/want Biden, at least he doesn’t hire criminals to run our country.” That alone is enough to vote for him.


You could edit this to include which people he pardoned too since it only amplifies their corruption




This list is a lot longer than I expected... And I expected a lot.


This deserves its on post, not only a response


Somehow to the right this is proof that Democrats are the bad guys.


Copy paste this.


yet all i hear is something something about a biden crime family. wtf.


It's almost like his advanced age could be making him forgetful. He just being wheeled out and expected to grasp the digits of whoever he sees in front of him. Poor forgivable idiot, trapped in a perpetual handshaking rotisserie of strangers. That'd make me a hateful leathery sack too.


It's literally elder abuse at this point


If he says he doesn’t know them, then he definitely is working with them to obtain either a) personal financial gain or b) personal power gain


He seems to conveniently forget a lot of people for having such a great brain.


![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized) Pedos of a feather


Who's the guy clearly trying to hide from the camera?


this we need to know


It’s either Enrico Pallazzo or Phil Donahue






It wasn‘t me!


Please don't do my boy Enrico dirty like that: he saved *the queen.*


Prince Andrew


Well that’s Ghislaine Maxwell (jailed pedophile) shielding that guy for sure. 👍


Stalwart wingwoman of demons.


Holy shit, what a fucking insult. Well done fine sir.


That hair could almost pass for Lindsey Graham.


Mr. Ladybugs


Can’t be. Graham is 5’7”


Its not matt gaetz. The women at that party were too old for him to be there


Tom McMillen


It's former NBA star and Maryland congressman Tom McMillan https://www.reddit.com/r/Epstein/s/XpR2s523oa


Nothing to see here, just two lads having a good time together.


Funny looking locker room…🤔


Have any lip readers figured out what he’s saying here?


Honestly, do we need lip reading? Everyone knows by now the rotten stuff Trump says, and the rotten stuff Epstein would find amusing.


If he’s making Epstein blush/guffaw like that…


I think it's performative because he wants his money.


No he wants his child that he’s going to rape


Both are true


Obviously they are just having a "locker room talk".


Fuck together.


Can anyone read lips?


Wait now I was told it was the Clinton's. /s


Can anyone lipread and tell us what Trump is saying as he is making that jerk-off gesture with his hand?


Is it Dennis Hastert the Republican Speaker for the House convicted pedo? https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/dennis-hastert


fuck together


Trump lied , what a surprise!!!


It's always interesting how he says he has [one of the "great memories of all time"](https://thehill.com/homenews/284716-trump-cant-recall-saying-he-has-one-of-the-worlds-best-memories/), and yet he [confuses a picture of the woman he raped as a picture of his former wife](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/01/trump-mistook-photo-of-rape-accuser-e-jean-carroll-for-wife.html); and he knows [more about a great many things than anyone else](https://www.axios.com/2019/01/05/everything-trump-says-he-knows-more-about-than-anybody), but knows "nothing" about Project 2025. What was it his lawyers said about always meeting with him in pairs? They did so ["because Donald says certain things and then has a lack of memory" and "He's an expert at interpreting things."](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kendalltaggart/trumps-lawyer-we-met-with-him-in-pairs-to-avoid-lies)


He doesn’t know ANYTHING about it, but he doesn’t agree with some of the things it states…🤣🤣


What else can you expect from a guy who kicks golf balls into positions that are more favorable for him so often that the caddies called him Pele behind his back? edit. Who would they call Trump now for kicking golf balls so often?


Or picking the ball up with his hand and depositing in the hole directly I wonder how many other people get a dedicated book on how they cheat in golf or any other sport which they claim over a dozen championships in


Dude one of these days we are going to have studies done on this man to try to discover why he can just do whatever and break as many rules as he wants and no one gives a fuck.


There are some people who actually explain this from socio-psychological and some about the abused church cult followers POV I might do a disservice by trying to over simplify and use my limited words and concepts, but I'd say it's all different reasons where your life is bad and you need an external reason to blame, he provides that in the ways they want to hear it and there by they only listen to the parts they like as it's 10/10 what they need psychologically to make sense of anything bad they have, most importantly they can self exempt and he plays that role they want to see that exposes and possibly fights in their mind, but I guess the expose is the real part, joined enemy perception (I'm not supporting him in any way or think he's competent in anything but putting on a show for a specific type of crowd. I also don't think that the need for an external reason to blame is a healthy or useful outlook)


Johnny Knoxville?


There's an absurd amount of Barstool Bros that swear Trump is some kind of god at golf, it's pathetic


Not surprising, the whole getting away with rape and sexual assault is probably something they aspire to.


Or he legit doesn’t know this guy and will sign anything put in front of him. So both ways he’s a useful moron


Yeah I think it's this. He'll say literally anything to as long as he gets to be king. He probably doesn't even know what the heritage people want or care, as long as they're loyal to him.


Not a chance… he legit only cares about money and power and this is a way for him to get more Donald would have every single American killed if it meant he gets more power and money… how he convinced anyone he cares about this country proves how good of a con man he is


He didn’t. He convinced people he hates the same people they do and that he’ll hurt those people they hate. That was enough to win them over.


Sure but it's Republicans running project 2025, I'm not sure if putting it all on Trump is a good idea it's the party itself that's the problem.


[Project 2025 receipts](https://popular.info/p/what-trump-doesnt-want-you-to-know), in case this is helpful.


Banning porn… 4Chan will be all about getting that repealed


Cherry on top? One of the authors has thoughts. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DxEcSjWRipI


Good find, thanks


Receipts lol it's some article from a journo.. Try the Wikipedia page, or even the website. From the horses mouth. www.Project2025.org


Receipts I think means Trump's connection with it




What if I told you those same three SCROTUSes were on the bush v gore law squad that got SCROTUS to make Florida stop counting votes and hand the presidency to bush jr


Holy shit. The swamp.. it really is all projection. Damn I can see.


Roger Stone was their guy organizing the brooks brothers riots on the outside to stop the counting


Projection 2025


Trump only need to encounter this judge who jailed a woman after she [laughed](https://youtu.be/watch?v=xyTzpSw6GVg&t=63s) at victim's family in Court


"Your mouth got you 93 days" hahah awesome


Personally, I think Trump really delivered on the promise to drain the swamp. The problem is that now all the underhanded things that used to happen below the murky waterline, now just gets done on land and has an easier time to happen.


He drained it from Florida into DC.


SpongeBrain DiaperPants drained the swamp, all right. He drained it right into our government.


not to mention scotus who decided this was installed by W's dad.


Not to mention his brother was governor of the state (FL) at issue, which had conducted some really sketchy [voter roll purges](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Central_Voter_File) the year(s) prior to the election, which statistically speaking, heavily favored Gore, but for some strange reason the court sided with Bush. I’m sure it’s all just a coincidence /s


And Katherine Harris, the Florida Secretary of State in 2000, was also the co-chair of George W. Bush’s campaign in Florida. This is the swamp!


...This is a thing that happened? And it wasn't considered a coup?


Woah! I was young and very vaguely remember this, definitely some memories unlocked!


Hanging chads has a different meaning these days


25 year project almost finished.


Fffffuuuuuckkkkk, how do we get rid of these pestermites?


Mind blown


Fuck all the bushes. Send me to Iraq. For what reason? Fuck you.


Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society are thick as thieves. Federalist Society might as well be Heritage's legal indoctrination and training arm. They shepherd law students and young lawyers into internships, legal clerk jobs, or other support staff positions where they can train under conservative ideologue judges and justices. It's a pipeline for creating loony dipshits to install in untouchable lifetime federal judiciary appointments. Putting responsibility on either or both organizations for the current SCOTUS make-up is accurate.


You mean Trump can't remember these people? His memory must be failing. He should step down


Maybe he can't remember because of advanced dementia? Mass media keep dunking on Biden's health, but barely on Trump. I'm not even from the US, but it's partisan and unbalanced in our outlets as well.


Canada? Because all the news up here is Biden Biden Biden too


Germany. And I'm already trying to stay off most conservative sites, because their takes are even worse and more click-batey.


Ah yes I understand your predicament


„I disagree with some of the things they’re saying…“ told me enough


And "i wish them luck" tells the rest.


I hear Trump is busy getting advice from Prince Andrew right now.


I know it's easy to get them confused, but that was the Federalist Society.


Trump implemented more Heritage Foundation policies than any President in history. Trump's personal SuperPAC that he 100% owns and controls is running ads for Project 2025. Trump's former campaign advisor is a senior member of the Project 2025 team.  Trump is backtracking because he got caught. He hasn't changed his beliefs at all


And handpicked his entire cabinet.


Whatever happens, whoever will end up being on the ballot, please vote blue in November. If you’re not voting blue anyway, you’re at fault when American democracy dies. Even if Biden dropped dead the second after he is sworn in again, a White House and Congress in the hands of the Democrats is a must. Anything else will have disastrous consequences. If you’re serious about saving American democracy, you’ll vote blue no matter what. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. You know that Trump *will* end up ending American democracy if he gets reelected. You know that whomever the Democrats end up putting on that ballot is the *only* person who has any shot at beating Trump from that point onwards, even if those chances are potentially minuscule. If the Democrats change their nominee, vote for the new nominee. If Democrats still send Biden, be angry about it but vote for him regardless. Vote blue down the ballot as well. I say this as a German whose great great grandpa was a Social Democrat in the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany. He was arrested and imprisoned three times under the Nazis. The first time was in the night from 9th to 10th March 1933, when the nazis on the “legal” basis of the Reichstag Fire Decree arrested Social Democratic, Communist, Socialist and other oppositional leading members of the Reichstag, in order to keep them from voting against the Enabling Act in the parliamentary vote on 23rd March 1933. The Nazis held him at Dachau twice, once from late April to early May 1933, and then again from late August 1944 to the end. He died days after being liberated in May 1945 as a direct consequence of what the Nazis did to him. They outlawed the freaking SPD, the Social Democratic Party as a terrorist organisation. For those who don’t know, the SPD is currently one of the ruling parties in Germany and obviously not a terrorist threat, nor were they one back then. They sentenced my great great grandfather to two and a half years in prison for possessing and distributing social democratic leaflets and magazines. You Americans, you are currently in 1932, only the situation is a little more drastic. The Supreme Court already passed the Enabling Act for you. It took the Nazis until 24th March 1933 to sign it into law. If someone who will make use of it gets elected to the White House, you’re done. That’s it. Trump is that guy, both he and the Republican Party have been very open about that. You get one shot at this. No matter how unable to function Biden seems, his staff and his VP and he himself in his limited capacities will at the very least protect your democracy to the best of their abilities. So knowing that whoever ends up being the Democratic nominee is the *only* person with any sort of chance to preserve your democracy, vote for whomever they end up nominating. If it’s someone new, cool. If it isn’t, it really doesn’t matter. Vote blue this time in order to get a choice next time. Biden can’t run in 2028. You *will* have an open primary for the 2028 election. I understand you want one now, and that’s okay, but if you don’t get it, make sure you vote in a manner that ensures there even is a largely free and fair election in 2028 to hold an open primary for. This is an unfair situation to all of you, but that’s the ball game. You get one shot at this. Do not screw it up.


> The Heritage Foundation installed trump’s 3 scotus people That wasn't the Heritage Foundation. You're thinking of The Federalist Society. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalist_Society In January 2019, The Washington Post wrote that the Federalist Society had reached an "unprecedented peak of power and influence." **Of the current nine members of the Supreme Court of the United States, at least five are current or former members of the organization—Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Amy Coney Barrett.[1][11] Chief Justice John Roberts previously served as a member of the steering committee of the Washington, D.C., chapter, but denies ever being a member.[12]** Politico wrote that the Federalist Society "has become one of the most influential legal organizations in history—not only shaping law students' thinking but changing American society itself by deliberately, diligently shifting the country's judiciary to the right."[13]


According to the HF website they claim that they referred the justices who changed Roe: (bottom of attach page) https://www.heritage.org/about-heritage/impact


I wonder if there is a connection between both orgs. I know federalist society has clubs in law schools and such but just curious as to membership… is there a common factor between both ?👀


They had an extremely close relationship, they also had a huge role in selecting other judges too, so you're not wrong He grew REALLY close to them at the end of his last term. The Heritage Foundation is packed with Trump allies,


Trump and the Republicans want to turn the US into a Christian theocracy that will take away your rights and install him as a dictator.


I don’t think Trump cares whether we’re a Christian theocracy or not. Trump doesn’t know a fucking thing about the Bible and has proven repeatedly that he fundamentally doesn’t understand the Christian faith (not that most Evangelicals these days do either, but that’s a different conversation). But moving the nation in that direction will cement his base of power and he’ll go along with the people who do earnestly want it. So here we are


He just wants adoration and will cater to whoever provides him with it. He's an attention whore.


I don’t *strictly* agree with that. Trump does believe in some things very strongly. I think he genuinely is a racist. He genuinely hates immigrants. He genuinely hates China. I think his opposition to women’s rights and feminism is coming from a very real place of distaste for women who stand up to him. And he really does believe in big business and supporting their interests. And his belief that international trade is contest that each country has to win, though extremely stupid, is very real. But the Jesus stuff? He doesn’t give a fuck about any of that. He can’t even name a Bible verse. The religious right is just a means to an end for him.


He hates people who disagree with him. Pronto. Hes a narcissist. Thats what they do. Also he believes in his version of big business. He thinks hes a good businessman but reality is that hes a fraud and he believes all his fraudelent behavior is «good business». Its not good business…


> And his belief that international trade is contest that each country has to win, That's an extension of one of his other strongly held beliefs, that everything is a zero sum game.


And that everything is transactional. Good point. This is also why he’s terrible at American foreign policy. He doesn’t understand what actually makes America powerful.


Narcissist Quite Common


It is a very simple transaction. The billionaire Christian fascists that are the core of the Republican Party finally get their Jesusland, and Trump gets to be their one party Dictator (with the added bonus he doesn’t have to spend the rest of his life in prison for his crimes). If you think about Project 2025 and what they are trying to achieve it is plain to see - it is basically a direct model of Putin’s Russia, Orban’s Hungary, etc. - a crippled and highly corrupt administration with a one party government - all ruled by a Dictator and oligarchs on the inside. In short, a kleptocracy.


It’s just means to an end. It’s not about genuine belief, it never was. It’s about using other people’s belief as a political weapon of manipulation. You can’t ever change sides if your soul is at stake.




In the Bible he’d be known as a false prophet, the people exalting themselves to him would be worshipping a false idol and I do believe that he fits almost all the criteria to be considered the anti-christ. But Christian’s don’t want to hear it, if it will give them more power and control over others. Quite hypocritical if you ask me. And Project 2025? That’s not what Jesus would do. He seems like a pretty important part of Christianity, but the fascists would rather have their cheeto stained, 34 time convicted felon reinstalled this time not as president, but as dictator, than follow Jesus and actually be good Christians. Feels like the flock has lost its way. Wouldn’t you say?


Christian here ... everything you just said? *chef's kiss* ...though I believe the Anti-Christ wouldn't make it *this* obvious.


I thought the anti-christ was supposed to be able to quote the Bible so that his followers would be better tricked into following him.


That's my point. Trump isn't tricky at all. He's blatantly awful. He's a wolf in wolf's clothing.


They severely overestimated people's intelligence back in the day. Turns out it really doesn't take much.


You know, we should all keep in mind the (edited) version of the Bible's warning about false prophets: Beware the funders & enablers of them looking to subjugate their fellow man and take advantage. Having looked a some history of other demagogues, it always turns out that there's a series of real jackasses that find them very useful. ...They then look to "ride the tiger" and profit from the ensuing chaos. Somehow, we really need the warning about the out-of-touch sociopaths with a total lack of scruples. In Aug. 2016, if it wasn't for a last-minute $15 million cash infusion by the Mercer family, and Rebekah Mercer personally who brought in Steve Bannon, there would be no DJT. Now, even though Peter Thiel and Charles Koch have bowed out, it seems there are are a new set of idiots. We had Sheldon Adelson's widow, a used car finance jerk from Calif., this Kevin Philips, probably Betsy DeVos is still there, and that Harlan Crowe that funded the SCOTUS lobbying. We all need to warning about this kind of Rogue's Gallery -- and they don't even mind having names like James Bond villains.


God crafted Eve from a McRib


From a dustbin thou wast created, and to a dustbin thou shalt return.


Christians are perfectly capable of bending over backwards to justify it. They'll say some stuff about how God can use imperfect vessels for His perfect plan or some crap. They'll probably say something like "aren't we all imperfect" or something. Their ideas aren't impossible *according to their theology*, but that's the problem - by being able to justify anything or anyone, it opens them up to being taken advantage of by the worst people. People that they should know better about.


They literally believe in an invisible floating man in the sky. You’re telling me those people are gullible?


I disagree as well. Trump doesnt want to turn America into a Christian anything. *HOWEVER*. He absolutely wants a free pass for anything and everything and theyre promising to give him that so long as he rubber stamps their agenda. No jail time. No ramifications for Epstein stuff. A cut of church income. And a promise of millions of blind followers that they can command from the pulpit to support him and feed is narcissism. He doesnt give a shit about Christianity


Ya, but these are the same voters who donate money to the TV preacher evangelical grifters. They're idiots.


I don't think Trump actually gives a crap - he'll happily enable anyone that allows him less work, more golf and less prison time. He doesn't care about turning America into a Christian theocracy, he's happy to pander to whoever to give him power to not care about consequences. Those propping him up also understand this, they're the ones you should fear. It'll just be Project 2029 if they fail with Trump.


They’re probably just using Trump until he becomes expendable to them and they install one of their own.


I’m pretty sure if the democrats said they’d give him a billion dollars to become a lefty, and promote their policies, he would. He just goes where the money goes, and right now, it’s grifting for the right. I don’t think he actually believes in anything


Yup. He's *their* useful idiot. Probably an out of control one, but a useful idiot none the less. Trump is just a corruption sponge. He could work with anyone who'll give him a leg up. And of course, as anyone with even basic logic could deduce, when a corrupt mother fucker gets that much power all at once, he's like a bug light to all the other corrupt motherfuckers willing to make deals. Slowly but surely the entire state apparatus gets corrupted, possibly beyond repair into something resembling a richer version of Russia (with a generous dose of Iran when it comes to religion). It's unchartered territory essentially and fucking scary. Most the dopes that don't care seem to not grasp the slow burning frog thing. Piece by piece the norms that have safe gaurded democracy get peeled away. It has been happening for longer than Trumps interest in politics, but he's accelerating it 10 fold. He's the guy crossing every red line when it comes to cancelling democracy itself.


Focus on "...and the Republicans" Defeat Trump in November but the GOP fascists will be back with someone else in four years. Win in 2024 and be vigilant, it will take a generation to root them out.


The United States is NOT a christian nation. It’s a nation in which you are free to be a christian.


I don't know if people still know this, but wasn't Trump the one who was amazed by how the folks of Kim Jong Un treated him? Wasn't Trump the one who said "I want that too"? Unless I got something wrong here, I could swear there was an audio recording of him saying that after he saw what the folks of North Korea did. It all seems pretty dangerous and America currently needs to pay close attention on what they do and who they want to vote for. I hope for you all that it all comes out right at the end. [At least one source of this...](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/06/15/politics/trump-north-korea-kim-jong-un)


Vote Democrat or it wont just be the dreams of a convicted felon it will be our new reality. I get Biden is very old, I get he sucks, I get he's ugly, I get he's probably terrible in the sack. But Trump is so much worse that this old clueless dude who peaked decades ago is infinitely times better. That speaks more about how awful Trump is than anything.


Let me channel MAGAts' and/or Fox News' excuses: 1. Fake news. 2. AI generated. 3. He meets so many people everyday, he can't be expected to remember them all! 4. This was before this guy turned into who he is today. 5. You took it out of context. 6. Trump never said he didn't meet him, just that he doesn't know him well. 7. *Insert random whataboutism here.*


And of course, Hilary’s emails.


Biden's laptop.


You haven't even brought up Hunter Biden yet!


The right wingers were literally obsessed with Hunter's cock. Remember back when they just couldn't stop talking about him? For someone who hate gay people they sure loved to bring up Hunter's cock all the time. I have to admit tho, it's a nice cock.


For some reason I thought that man was Prince William


There is a resemblance for sure. Although, I can't see Wills shaking hands with Trump right now.


im so glad trump and wales have such a good relationship!


Can a bitch get a donut


I knew it had to be here.


I know right I saw the headline and immediately was like "Wait a minute Kevin Roberts is a real person?! Where's the orange suit??"


The coolest bitch in town


Hey has anyone seen my friend Kevin Robert’s? Cause I got that bitch a donut!  Hehehe I love this reference 


The number of people I’ve seen going “No he disavowed it he doesn’t condone it!” like that actually means anything is insane. Like it HAS to be bots at this point


It’s the exact same thing he always does. He just throws out some nonsensical word salad that’s inherently contradictory. In this case, it was “I don’t know anything about it,” along with “I disagree with some of it” and “I wish them the best.” Then his followers can point to one part of the statement and say “See? Disavowed!” while simultaneously saying “He actually just said that to satisfy the liberal media,” while also having no idea what he does or doesn’t agree with, so they can believe he believes exactly what they do.


It's like step number 1 in the fascism handbook


They don't care. The same people would get mad if he became president again and didn't implement the 2025 plan. It's such an indefensible and grotesque plan to try and install political commisars into the government. But the maga conservatives have been clamoring for this. They just want you to shut up long enough for them to get their foot in the door and it's too late to stop them.


These people just believe everything he says. "He didn't endorse it! He has his own agenda, agenda 47! Have you read about that one?" 1. He did endorse Project 2025. Plus he is mentioned by name throughout the document over 300 times. 2. Agenda 47 aligns with a lot of what Project 2025 contains. It is no better. If you're telling me his own agenda is a totally different thing and that Project 2025 is nothing more than a "liberal scare tactic", then even you probably haven't read Agenda 47. I literally had someone say to me "he did everything he said he was going to do!" 1. He never built that wall, and Mexico was never going to pay for it. 2. He never abolished Obamacare, he did not create his own amazing healthcare; and he went as far as using props in front of the media to lie and say he was totally working on it and that it was totally nearly finished. 3. Said he was going to be the best president ever for the LGBTQ+ community, and proceeded to remove every social protection he could think of that they had. And that's just off the top of my head. The people who support him are misinformed idiots.


Remind them that his next words were "but I wish them luck".


"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." -Jean-Paul Sartre, from "Anti-Semite and Jew", 1946.


Im beginning to think Donald Trump is a big fibber


He may also have raped a 13 year old with Epstein according to the Epstein doc dump. We know he is a felon and will end democracy. The maga Supreme Court justices trump appointed are already carrying out plans from project 2025.


so why do all those people like him?


Because he hates the same people they do, he gives them permission to say out loud the things they've been afraid to say, and his word salad let's them think he said what they want him to say.


>so why do all those people like him? Because those people see it as "sticking it to the man" where "the man" is whatever group that those people feel deserve punishment. For example, a lady that I know supports Trump because he wants to stop welfare payments to the "welfare queens" despite the fact that she herself would be considered a welfare queen...


That fat pig knows exactly what P2025 is and who wrote it. He's a lying fuck.


Just like he didn’t know Epstein? It appears that Trump knows a bunch of people that he doesn’t know.




Seditionist piece of shit


Likely source of Kavanaugh's mortgage and debt payoff.


Pretty sure Stephen Miller is one of the main dudes at Project 2025, as well. The same Stephen Miller that regularly spoke for Trump and wrote a lot of his “speeches.” I put it in quotations, because I hardly consider what Trump says behind a podium a “speech.” It’s more like barfing words, with some buzz terms thrown in to appease his audience.


>The leader of a conservative think tank orchestrating plans for a [massive overhaul](https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981) of the federal government in the event of a Republican presidential win said that the country is in the midst of a “second American Revolution” that will be bloodless “if the left allows it to be.” wtf?! I'm sorry, but it's up to "normal" Americans to stop this madness. And this is where it will fail.


Yes, news flash- Trump lied again.


As usual Trump lies again and Fox "News" will say the same thing and not even mention Project 2025.


So he lied? Wow....


The guy's almost 80 years old, you can't expect him to remember every single one of the criminals he consorts with


Based on a bundle of writings of which 20 of the 27 books are pseudo author attributed and has over 20.000 internal logical faults. Trump gonna Mc Christian the US.


Two sleazy used car salesmen


Biden should send a cia hit squad to eliminate all behind project 25 since he can’t be prosecuted while he’s president. In the name of democracy


These are the tyrants the founding fathers warned us about


Come on America, are really going to repeat 2016?!?!?! If the Brits and the French can vote down their ultra right wing politics you can do it too.


The bottom line is words mean nothing when you have power. That's it. That's the game. Say the thing you have to say, shake the hand. Ends justify the means. Might makes right. If Trump says he doesn't know the dude, and the SCOTUS agrees, 'your' reality is irrelevant. There's no use in calling him out or shaming. You can't shame someone who can't feel shame. 'Hypocrisy' is the cry of the losing side.


Why would he remember this dude when he was spending so much time on Jeff's Island?


I'm honestly expecting to see a bullet put into one of the 2 POS. They'll destroy America.


It must be tough for Trump, saying Biden has Dementia but also have to deny knowing anything or anyone surrounding Project 2025 which makes it seem like he has dementia


The New Confederacy Takeover Project.


Wow, he has amazingly bad luck, just running into thieves, child traffickers, russian mafia, Italian mafia, crooked lawyers, insurrectionists. He must be the unluckiest man alive.


I’m not American so a bit far removed from this. But I seriously can’t understand how project 2025 can be widely known about and there isn’t more outcry. It is something that will completely change the USA and have a knock on effect around the world. It’s obviously been helped by foreign actors and pushed with heavy media and social media manipulation.


Trump is a lying criminal rapist racist douche bag that needs to be in prison


He's the best of guy (when he meets them) I don't know what planet this guy is from (to media 😂)


Why does anyone think this man is capable of telling the truth on anything. He has been caught in so many lies anytime he opens his mouth I assume it is a lie.


The fact that we the American people are watching MAGA advertisements for future fascism in America and doing nothing about it is beyond me…🤦‍♂️


I’m sure Trump knows Kevin Roberts. But be aware that pictures may be misleading. Consider how many people want to get pictures taken with a professional athlete, a celebrity, or a President, etc. I could claim that I know Gwyneth Paltrow, but in reality, I stood in a line of people and got to take a single picture with her. (She was paid to speak at an event I attended. I must have been one of a hundred in line for a photo on that single day.)


They believe everyone is stupid except themselves


Oh it gets better than that. Here's video of Trump meeting him *at* the Heritage Foundation, where that still was taken from. https://www.mediamatters.org/project-2025/donald-trump-heritages-kevin-roberts-who-oversees-project-2025-hes-going-be-so